Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanaryCumusical13178.wav Canary. Cu Musical Whistling Song From Canary 0m20s. N.B. B/g Movement And Occasional Noise. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
2.0 0:45



Canary Serinus Canaria
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchSongP56230.wav Chaffinch. Song. Peterchurch, Herefordshire, UK
2.0 1:50Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchCalls62179.wav Greenfinch. Calls Including "ease" Call, With Song Of Goldfinch And Calls Of House Sparrows. Wind In Trees. Nazana Pool, Israel
2.0 2:21Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernBullfinch3216.wav Northern Bullfinch. Call And Song Germany
2.0 2:10Bird Finch Northern Bullfinch Pyrrhula Pyrrhula Coccinea
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BullfinchSongan83200.wav Bullfinch. Song And Piping Call With Robin Singing Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 1:31Bird Finch Bullfinch Pyrrhula Pyrrhula
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchSong(h69007.wav Chaffinch. Song (high Wind In Trees) Tunisia
2.0 1:35Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchSongCU60011.wav Goldfinch. Song CU And Insects. Short-toed Eagle Calls Near End. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 1:36Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MaskedHawfinchC35058.wav Masked Hawfinch. CU Song. Other Birds In B/g. Others Singing And Calling Nearby. Slight Breeze In Trees. Khingansky Reserve, Far East, Russia
2.0 2:06Bird Finch Masked Hawfinch Coccothraustes Personatus
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill76247.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Single Flight Call. Other Scottish Crossbills In Distance. Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:09Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchSongan60010.wav Goldfinch. Song And Insects, With Wren In B/g. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 1:31Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseFinchMCUs59205.wav House Finch. MCU Song, Soft Calls From Gila Woodpecker In B/g. Catalina State Park, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 0:19Bird Finch House Finch Carpodacus Mexicanus
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51011.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Sounds Of Male Bird Feeding On Pine Cones. Soft Contact Calls. Another Male Joins The First And Both Give Much Louder High Pitched Calls. Prominent Willow Warbler And Chaffinch In Background. Wind Gusting In Trees. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland, UK
2.0 2:28Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchCusong88067.wav Chaffinch. Cu Song. Other Birds In Distance. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 0:55Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchChipc53125.wav Chaffinch. "Chip-chip" Flight Call. The Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Glos, UK
2.0 0:12Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchCallsC62180.wav Goldfinch. Calls CU, With House Sparrows And Greenfinch In B/g. Windy. Nazana Pool, Israel
2.0 0:51Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseFinchCUca62151.wav House Finch. CU Calls, Flight Calls At End, Black-chinned Hummingbird Wing-beats At End. Sonoita, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 0:25Bird Finch House Finch Carpodacus Mexicanus
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51006.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Song. Other Birds In Distance. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:34Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchAnxiety94001.wav Chaffinch. Anxiety Call CU Nr. Jaraicejo, Extremadura, Spain
2.0 0:59Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrossbillCallso63108.wav Crossbill. Calls Of Several Wind In Trees Tunisia
2.0 0:29Bird Finch Crossbill Loxia Curvirostra
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HawfinchCucalls43139.wav Hawfinch. Cu Calls From Male On Arrival At Nest. Calls As He Feeds Female. Two Different Calls. Wren, Jackdaws, Rooks And Chickens In Background. Wind Gusting Slightly In Trees. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 1:34Bird Finch Hawfinch Coccothraustes Coccothraustes
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanaryCallnote3217.wav Canary. Call Note Dorset, UK
2.0 0:32Bird Finch Canary Serinus Canarius
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ContinentalGoldfi3213.wav Continental Goldfinch. Song Germany
2.0 1:48Bird Finch Continental Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis Carduelis
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchCuson37121.wav Greenfinch. Cu Song. Calls From Other Greenfinches At End Of Recording. Jackdaws In Background. Slight Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:45Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51003.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Flight Calls From Two Birds. Chaffinch And Other Birds In Distance. Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:19Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanaryMcucheeps13175.wav Canary. Mcu Cheeps And Churrs. Also Some Wingbeats. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
2.0 0:22Bird Finch Canary Serinus Canaria
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchSongwi64146.wav Chaffinch. Song With Distant Traffic Nr Sturminster Marshall, Dorset, UK
2.0 1:00Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchContac62177.wav Greenfinch. Contact And "ease" Calls, With House Sparrows In B/g. Wind In Trees. Nazana Pool, Israel
2.0 0:39Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedpollCuflight38098.wav Redpoll. Cu Flight Calls From Several. Chaffinch Calls At End. Slight Wind In Trees. Fiordland, South Island, New Zealand
2.0 0:12Bird Finch Redpoll Acanthis Flammea
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchSongof63095.wav Goldfinch. Song Of Several, With Insects, Corn Bunting And Bee-eaters In B/g. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 2:06Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MourningSierraFi84137.wav Mourning Sierra-Finch. Song With Rufous-collared Sparrow And Plain-mantled Tit-spinetail Nr Punta Norte, Peninsula Valdes, Prov. Chubut, Argentina
2.0 1:56Bird Finch Mourning Sierra Finch Phrygilus Fruticeti
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VegetarianTreeFi6042.wav Vegetarian Tree Finch. Display Calls From Male Finch At Nest. Wings Extended And Fluttered During Calls. Other Bird Species Calling In Background. Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands
2.0 0:19Bird Finch Vegetarian Tree Finch Camarhynchus Crassirostris
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CactusFinchCall50159.wav Cactus Finch. Calls Of Single Bird. Hood Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 0:58Bird Finch Cactus Finch Geospiza Sp
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchSongcu49062.wav Chaffinch. Song Cu. Nr. Wimborne, Dorset, UK
2.0 0:49Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library Chaffinchmcuson63135.wav Chaffinch. Mcu Song Willow Warbler And Wren In B/g Stockhill, Somerset, UK
2.0 1:54Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchSongan62183.wav Goldfinch. Song And Insects, With Alarm Calls And Song Of Graceful Warbler In B/g. Israel
2.0 1:01Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LargeGroundFinch51063.wav Large Ground Finch. Calls Cu. Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands
2.0 0:27Bird Finch Large Ground Finch Geospiza Magnirostris
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51013.wav Scottish Crossbill. Mcu Sounds Of Male Feeding On Cones. Some Soft Calls. Prominent Willow Warbler In Background. Distant Chaffinches And Jackdaws. Flight Calls From Siskins. Wind Gusting In Trees. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland, UK
2.0 3:19Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library Chaffinchcusong63136.wav Chaffinch. Cu Song Willow Warbler And Wren In B/g Stockhill, Somerset, UK
2.0 1:48Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchCallso58027.wav Goldfinch. Calls Of Single Bird, With Sheep And Snipe Chippering In The Background. Ynys Hir, Dyfed, Wales, UK
2.0 2:18Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseFinchMCUc62159.wav House Finch. MCU Calls And Wing-beats From A Group Feeding, "buzz" From Black-chinned Hummingbirds, Wing-beats Of Mourning Dove. Sonoita, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 1:09Bird Finch House Finch Carpodacus Mexicanus
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51008.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Calls And Feeding Contact Calls. Sounds Of Wingbeats. High Pitched Calls From Immatures. Very High Pitched Call Could Be An Awareness Call. Sounds Of Cones Falling After Crossbills Have Fed. Chaffinch In Background. Wind Gusting In Trees. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland, UK
2.0 3:35Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchCallIn76249.wav Chaffinch. Call Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:21Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrossbillFledged93014.wav Crossbill. Fledged Young Food Begging. Casas Vegas, Formentor, Majorca, Spain
2.0 0:55Bird Finch Crossbill Loxia Curvirostra
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HawfinchCuconta43136.wav Hawfinch. Cu Contact Calls And Some Brief Song From 2 Or 3 Birds. Chaffinches, Greenfinches And Blue Tit In Background. Slight Wind In Trees. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 2:10Bird Finch Hawfinch Coccothraustes Coccothraustes
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchAdult91243.wav Chaffinch. Adult "pink-pink" Call The Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:37Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ContinentalGoldfi76190.wav Continental Goldfinch. Calls And Song Valladolid, Spain
2.0 0:44Bird Finch Continental Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchSongC63098.wav Greenfinch. Song CU, With Another In B/g; Also Corn Bunting And Nightingale. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 1:20Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51005.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Sub-song From A Single Bird. Cu Flight Calls At 1m16s. Others In Background With Wren, Chaffinches, Curlew And Willow Warbler. Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 1:48Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchCucal37119.wav Greenfinch. Cu Call At Start. A Few Mcu Calls From Two Birds. Flight Calls At End Of Recording. Other Birds In Background. Portland Bill, Dorset, UK
2.0 0:39Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedpollFeedingc89139.wav Redpoll. Feeding Calls Of Flock Of Twelve Exmoor, Somerset
2.0 0:53Bird Finch Redpoll Acanthis Flammea
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanaryMcusongf13179.wav Canary. Mcu Song From Canary 0m10s. Musical Whistles And Staccato Notes. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
2.0 0:40Bird Finch Canary Serinus Canaria
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonRosefinch42027.wav Common Rosefinch. CU Song. Calls And Flight Calls From Others In Small Flock In B/g. Insects And Distant Cuckoo. Wind In Trees. Tien Shan Mountains, Kazakhstan
2.0 1:11Bird Finch Common Rosefinch Carpodacus Erythrinus
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanaryCuloudca13169.wav Canary. Cu Loud Calls Including Trills. Also Some Wingbeats. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
2.0 0:23Bird Finch Canary Serinus Canaria
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchSongM52230.wav Chaffinch. Song. Modbury, Devon, UK
2.0 1:18Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchCallm56033.wav Greenfinch. Call Mcu. Wicken Fen, Cambs, UK
2.0 0:36Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MourningSierraFi84139.wav Mourning Sierra-Finch. Song With Rufous-collared Sparrow And Common Diuca-finch Nr Punta Norte, Peninsula Valdes, Prov. Chubut, Argentina
2.0 2:18Bird Finch Mourning Sierra Finch Phrygilus Fruticeti
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BullfinchPiping83201.wav Bullfinch. Piping Call Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:50Bird Finch Bullfinch Pyrrhula Pyrrhula
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchPinkp62217.wav Chaffinch. "Pink-pink" Alarm CU Of Two Adults And Some Anxiety Calls In B/g. Of Azure-winged Magpie And Songs Of Woodlark And Cuckoo. Nr. Jaraicejo, Central Spain
2.0 2:20Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchSongCU59052.wav Goldfinch. Song CU, With Hoopoe In B/g. Corchuela, Nr Oropesa, New Castile, Central Spain
2.0 3:34Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
60 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LaysanFinchMcu47098.wav Laysan Finch. Mcu Song. Sooty Tern Colony In Distance. Laysan Island, Hawaii
2.0 0:07Bird Finch Laysan Finch Psittirostra Cantans
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill76246.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Flight Calls From Two Birds. Chaffinch And Other Birds In Distance. Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:19Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
62 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchCusong88066.wav Chaffinch. Cu Song. Other Birds In Distance. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 2:56Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchFlight60014.wav Goldfinch. Flight Calls CU And Wingbeats As Bird Flies Off, With Insects In B/g. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 0:07Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
64 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseFinchMCUm62158.wav House Finch. MCU Mass Take-off Of A Flock Of About 20 Birds. Sonoita, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 0:14Bird Finch House Finch Carpodacus Mexicanus
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51010.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Calls From A Feeding Party Of About 8 Birds. Birds Fly Off At End Of Recording. Chaffinches And Willow Warbler In Background. Slight Wind In Trees. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland, UK
2.0 1:21Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchCallsC58194.wav Chaffinch. Calls CU, With House Sparrows, Olivaceous Warbler, White Wagtail And Insects. Location:Beni Zelten, Tunisia.
2.0 2:04Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
67 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DarkBackedGoldfi62146.wav Dark Backed Goldfinch. MCU Song, Other Birds In Distance Including Gray Hawk, Some Traffic Noise. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 2:05Bird Finch Dark Backed Goldfinch Carduelis Psaltria
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HawfinchMcucall43138.wav Hawfinch. Mcu Calls From Male. Cu Movement In Nest From Female. Calls From Male Whilst Flying In And Out Of Nest Several Times. Male Comes In To Feed Female At End Of Recording, Then Soft Calls. Goldfinches, Jackdaws, Rooks, Wrens And Other Birds In Background. Some Changes In The Background Of The Recording. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 2:31Bird Finch Hawfinch Coccothraustes Coccothraustes
69 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HawfinchCucalls43137.wav Hawfinch. Cu Calls From A Pair As Male Bird Brings Food And Feeds The Female On The Nest. Goldfinches And Other Birds In Background. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 0:23Bird Finch Hawfinch Coccothraustes Coccothraustes
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchAnxiety56036.wav Chaffinch. Anxiety Call. Chewton Wood, Litton, Somerset, UK
2.0 1:35Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrossbillCallsC58150.wav Crossbill. Calls CU, Then Flies Off. Chaffinch And Distant Traffic In B/g. Tunisia
2.0 0:22Bird Finch Crossbill Loxia Curvirostra
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanarySongDorse3218.wav Canary. Song Dorset, UK
2.0 1:05Bird Finch Canary Serinus Canarius Canarius
73 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ContinentalGoldfi3212.wav Continental Goldfinch. Call Note Germany
2.0 0:22Bird Finch Continental Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis Carduelis
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchCupre37122.wav Greenfinch. Cu Predator Alarm Calls. Others In Background. Distant Jackdaws. Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:32Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedpollSongflig55231.wav Redpoll. Song Flight Of Male. Location:Wicken Fen, Cambs, UK
2.0 0:15Bird Finch Redpoll Acanthis Flammea
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanaryCusongC13177.wav Canary. Cu Song. Chirrups And Staccato Notes. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
2.0 0:33Bird Finch Canary Serinus Canaria
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchSongw91194.wav Chaffinch. Song. With Redpolls, Cuckoo, Sheep In B/g. Exmoor, Somerset, UK
2.0 2:07Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchCalls62181.wav Greenfinch. Calls Including "ease" Call CU, With Goldfinch And House Sparrows In B/g. Some Traffic Noise And Wind In Trees. Nazana Pool, Israel
2.0 2:34Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
79 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrientalGreenfinc34005.wav Oriental Greenfinch. CU Calls From Several Birds While Feeding. Pheasant, Cuckoo, Japanese Grosbeak And Other Birds In B/g. Khingansky Reserve, Far East, Russia
2.0 1:43Bird Finch Oriental Greenfinch Carduelis Sinica
80 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CactusFinchCall91213.wav Cactus Finch. Calls And Songs Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands
2.0 1:20Bird Finch Cactus Finch Geospiza Scandens
81 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchSongcu49061.wav Chaffinch. Song Cu, With Linnet And Swallows In B/g. Nr. Wimborne, Dorset, UK
2.0 1:16Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchSongin60001.wav Goldfinch. Song In Hotel Garden. Distant Dog. Tabarka, Tunisia
2.0 1:16Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MediumGroundFinc51067.wav Medium Ground Finch. Calls. Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands
2.0 1:09Bird Finch Medium Ground Finch Sp
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill76248.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Sub-song From A Single Bird. Cu Flight Calls At 1m16s. Others In Background With Wren, Chaffinches, Curlew And Willow Warbler. Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 2:35Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
85 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library Chaffinchmcuson63134.wav Chaffinch. Mcu Song Willow Warbler And Wren In B/g Stockhill, Somerset, UK
2.0 0:57Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
86 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchSongan60015.wav Goldfinch. Song And Calls MCU-CU, With Insects. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 1:47Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseFinchMCUs62132.wav House Finch. MCU Song, Stream And Wind In Trees In B/g, Rain Dripping From Leaves. House Wren And Cassin"s Kingbird At End. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 1:32Bird Finch House Finch Carpodacus Mexicanus
88 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51012.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Flight Calls From A Single Male. Prominent Willow Warbler And Chaffinch In Background. Wind In Trees. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:14Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
89 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseFinchMCca62126.wav House Finch. MC Calls, White-winged Dove In B/g, Slightly High Atmos. Catalina State Park, Arizona, USA
2.0 1:14Bird Finch House Finch Carpodacus Mexicanus
90 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51007.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Calls From Several. Calls From An Immature Being Fed. Flight Calls At End Of Recording. Cu Song From Chaffinch. Wind Gusting In Trees. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:45Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
91 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library Chaffinchcusong63133.wav Chaffinch. Cu Song Stockhill, Somerset, UK
2.0 0:54Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
92 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldfinchCallsd60008.wav Goldfinch. Calls Distant-MCU, With Insects And Coot In B/g. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 1:52Bird Finch Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
93 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChaffinchCallan54277.wav Chaffinch. Call And Wingbeats. Eyeworth Pond, New Forest, Hants, UK
2.0 0:11Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
94 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrossbillCallso69009.wav Crossbill. Calls Of Several (high Wind) Tunisia
2.0 0:23Bird Finch Crossbill Loxia Curvirostra
95 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HawfinchCucalls43140.wav Hawfinch. Cu Calls And Wingbeats As Male Approaches Nest And Then Feeds Female. Some Calls From Female. Female Clicks Bill As She Feeds. Male Flies Off At End Of Recording. Blackbird And Mistle Thrushes Alarming In Background. Wren And Jackdaws In Distance. Slight Wind In Trees. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 0:48Bird Finch Hawfinch Coccothraustes Coccothraustes
96 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library Chaffinch07000953160.wav Chaffinch. 0700-0900hrs. Song And "pink Pink" Call CU Of A Pair, Also Flight Call. Dunnock Song In B/g. The Refuge, Slimbridge, Glos, UK
2.0 2:38Bird Finch Chaffinch Fringilla Coelebs
97 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ContinentalGoldfi76189.wav Continental Goldfinch. Song Valladolid, Spain
2.0 0:34Bird Finch Continental Goldfinch Carduelis Carduelis
98 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenfinchCuson54037.wav Greenfinch. Cu Song/calls, Goldfinches, Garden Warbler And Sardinian Warbler In B/g. (Wind Over Lake) Location:North Shore, Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 1:34Bird Finch Greenfinch Carduelis Chloris
99 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ScottishCrossbill51004.wav Scottish Crossbill. Cu Single Flight Call. Other Scottish Crossbills In Distance. Wind In Trees. Inverness, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:09Bird Finch Scottish Crossbill Loxia Scotica
100 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CanaryMcusong13176.wav Canary. Mcu Song. Whistles And Musical Sounds. N.B. Some Microphone Overload Due To High Freqencies. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
2.0 0:32Bird Finch Canary Serinus Canaria