Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo17167.wav Greater Flamingo. Cu-mcu Calls From Several. Splash As One Lands In Water. Yellow Warblers And Other Birds In B/g. Distant Bahama Pintail. Wind At Times. Surf In B/g. Location:Floreana Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 1:58



Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88158.wav Greater Flamingo. Thousands Of Flamingoes Feeding In Lake - Md Calls. Lake Manyara, Tanzania
2.0 4:45Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChileanFlamingo33133.wav Chilean Flamingo. Cu Calls From A Mixed Flock Of Chilean And Andean Flamingoes. Water Rippling. Clean Background. Andes, Peru
2.0 0:36Bird Flamingo Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus Chilensis
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88153.wav Greater Flamingo. Flock Cu Calling And Wading In Water, Taking-off And Landing. Coots, White Pelicans And Other Waterbirds Mcu. N.B Precise Date Of Recording Unknown. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 1:56Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88148.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Cu From A Feeding Flock Of 15 Birds Wading Through Water, Wingbeats. White-cheeked Pintail In Distance. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands.
2.0 6:08Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo86023.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Md From Breeding Colony On Islet. Camargue, France.
2.0 6:56Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoN54243.wav Lesser Flamingo. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Mcu Calls From Feeding Flock. Greater Flamingo"s Call Occasionally In B/g. Lake Bogoria, Kenya
2.0 2:57Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo50218.wav Greater Flamingo. Large Flock Taking-off, Flying Past And Landing, Then Calling Mcu. Coot And Other Waterbirds Mcu. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 2:33Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM30150.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mcu Calls From A Flock Of Several Thousand. Small Groups Of Flamingoes Run Through Water And Take-off. Calls From Spur-winged Plovers And Other Waders. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, East Africa.
2.0 6:10Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo26048.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Cu From A Feeding Flock Of 15 Birds, Sounds Of Water Filtering From Bill. Some Single Calls. Clean Background. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 1:48Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM20044.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mcu Calls From A Flock Of Several Thousand. A Group Of About 30 Birds Take Off With Single Birds Following. Others Are Preening And Wing-flapping. Various Sized Groups Take Off At Regular Intervals. A Variety Of Waders Call In The Background. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, E Africa
2.0 18:08Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo26037.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Cu From A Group. Distant Chain-saw. Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, UK.
2.0 0:32Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88185.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Cu From A Feeding Flock Of 15 Birds, Sounds Of Water Filtering From Bill. Some Single Calls. Clean Background. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 1:53Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChileanFlamingo49119.wav Chilean Flamingo. Mixed Flock Of Chilean And Andean Flamingoes Taking Off, Flying Past And Landing. Giant Coots In Foreground. Buzz From Flies. Andes, Peru
2.0 2:01Bird Flamingo Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus Chilensis
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88155.wav Greater Flamingo. Flock Cu Wading Through Water And Calling, Bathing And Preening, Busier Towards End. Other Waterbirds Md, Cicadas In Distance. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 2:40Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88150.wav Greater Flamingo. Large Flock Taking-off And Landing Mcu. Black-winged Stilt And Common Sandpipers Call. Distant Crickets. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya
2.0 0:44Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo86043.wav Greater Flamingo. Md Calls From A Colony On Islet. Sandwich Tern Calls At Start. Calls From Spanish Wagtail. Rippling Water In Foreground. Camargue, France
2.0 5:16Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo50220.wav Greater Flamingo. Flock Mcu Taking-off And Calling, Feeding Calls And Then Second Take-off Cu. Coots And Other Waterbirds Mcu. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 2:00Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM46180.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mcu Flock Calls From Several Thousand Birds. Excited Calls, Some Cu, As Groups Move Through Flock. Call From Warbler On Shore. Crickets In Grass. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, E Africa
2.0 2:19Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo43146.wav Greater Flamingo. Mcu Calls From Several Birds Feeding With Lesser Flamingos. Calls From Spur-winged Plovers, Fan-tailed Ravens And Weavers. Crickets In Grass. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, E Africa
2.0 4:40Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM30147.wav Lesser Flamingo. Md - Mcu Calls From A Feeding Flock Of Several Hundred. Hum And Buzz Of Flies Along Water"s Edge. Water Rippling. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, East Africa
2.0 10:08Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo26039.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Mcu From A Breeding Colony On Islet. Camargue, France.
2.0 3:36Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88187.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Cu From A Feeding Flock Of 15 Birds Wading Through Water, Wingbeats. White-cheeked Pintail In Distance. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands.
2.0 6:25Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo48052.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Cu. In Captivity. Jersey Zoo
2.0 0:17Bird Flamingo Greater Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber Chilens
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88157.wav Greater Flamingo. Thousands Of Flamingoes Feeding In Lake - Md Calls. Lake Manyara, Tanzania
2.0 3:09Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AndeanFlamingoC49118.wav Andean Flamingo. Cu Calls From A Mixed Flock Of Andean And Chilean Flamingos. Water Rippling. Clean Background. Andes, Peru
2.0 0:43Bird Flamingo Andean Flamingo Phoenicoparrus Andinus
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88152.wav Greater Flamingo. Large Flock Taking-off, Flying Past And Landing, Then Calling Mcu. Coot And Other Waterbirds Mcu. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 2:33Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88147.wav Greater Flamingo. Mcu Flock Of 15 Flamingoes Wading In Water. Clean Background, Though Slightly Heavy With Faint Hum. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 0:29Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo56032.wav Greater Flamingo. Single Calls Cu, Others In Background, Songbirds Md. Distant Traffic Hum. Lake Manyar, Turkey.
2.0 1:12Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM52245.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mcu Colony Calls. Lake Bogoria, Kenya
2.0 5:16Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo50217.wav Greater Flamingo. Large Flock Wading Through Water And Calling Mcu. Loud Calls From Black-winged Stilt. Little Grebe And Other Birds In Distance. Crickets In Grass. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date In 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
2.0 0:48Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM30149.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mp Calls From A Flock Of Several Thousand; Alarm And Awareness Calls. Flock Takes Off At Start And Lands Very Quickly. Calls From Wood Sandpipers And Other Waders And Francolins. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, East Africa.
2.0 4:06Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo26047.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Mcu From A Feeding Flock Of 15 Birds. Several Single Calls. Clean Background Except For Slight Hum. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 2:50Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoC46181.wav Lesser Flamingo. Cu Calls From A Flock Of Several Thousand Birds. Groups Within Flock Moving Around. Greeting Calls To Arriving Birds. Some Calls From Waders. Crickets In Grass At Edge Of Lake. Recording Becomes Busier Towards End. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, E Africa
2.0 19:27Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo26036.wav Greater Flamingo. Single Calls Cu, Others In Background, Songbirds Md. Distant Traffic Hum. Lake Manyar, Turkey.
2.0 0:49Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88184.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Mcu From A Feeding Flock Of 15 Birds. Several Single Calls. Clean Background Except For Slight Hum. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 2:50Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChileanFlamingo33134.wav Chilean Flamingo. Mixed Flock Of Chilean And Andean Flamingoes Taking Off, Flying Past And Landing. Giant Coots In Foreground. Buzz From Flies. Andes, Peru
2.0 1:59Bird Flamingo Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus Chilensis
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88154.wav Greater Flamingo. Flock Mcu Taking-off And Calling, Feeding Calls And Then Second Take-off Cu. Coots And Other Waterbirds Mcu. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 2:01Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88149.wav Greater Flamingo. Take-off And Flight Calls Cu From A Group Of 15 Birds, Landing And Feeding. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 2:46Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo86025.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Mcu From A Breeding Colony On Islet. Camargue, France.
2.0 3:33Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo50219.wav Greater Flamingo. Flock Cu Calling And Wading In Water, Taking-off And Landing. Coots, White Pelicans And Other Waterbirds Mcu. N.B Precise Date Of Recording Unknown. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 1:56Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM46179.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mcu Calls From Several Thousand Birds, Preening, Feeding And Standing In Lake. Crickets In Grass In Foreground. Occasional Calls From Waders. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, E Africa
2.0 3:52Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo43145.wav Greater Flamingo. Mcu Calls From Thousands Feeding In Lake. Lake Manyara, Tanzania, E Africa
2.0 2:51Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM20045.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mcu Calls From A Flock Of Several Thousand. Small Groups Running Through Water And Taking Off. Others Preening And Flapping Wings. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, E Africa
2.0 12:35Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo26038.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Md From Breeding Colony On Islet. Camargue, France.
2.0 7:00Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88186.wav Greater Flamingo. Mcu Flock Of 15 Flamingoes Wading In Water. Clean Background, Though Slightly Heavy With Faint Hum. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 0:29Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88156.wav Greater Flamingo. Thousands Of Flamingoes Feeding In Water - Md Calls. Few Lesser Flamingoes. Lake Manyara, Tanzania.
2.0 3:09Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FlamingosQuietc13105.wav Flamingos. Quiet Calls From Flamingos. A Few Cheeps From Other Birds. Some Wind Buffeting. N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Gujarat State, India
2.0 1:16Bird Flamingo Flamingos Phoenicopteridae Family
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AndeanFlamingoC27011.wav Andean Flamingo. Cu Calls From A Mixed Flock Of Andean And Chilean Flamingos. Water Rippling. Clean Background. Andes, Peru
2.0 0:38Bird Flamingo Andean Flamingo Phoenicoparrus Andinus
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo88151.wav Greater Flamingo. Large Flock Wading Through Water And Calling Mcu. Loud Calls From Black-winged Stilt. Little Grebe And Other Birds In Distance. Crickets In Grass. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date In 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
2.0 0:49Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo87024.wav Greater Flamingo. Take-off And Flight Calls Cu From A Group Of 15 Birds, Landing And Feeding. Crater Lake, Bainbridge Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 2:47Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo50222.wav Greater Flamingo. Flock Cu Wading Through Water And Calling, Bathing And Preening, Busier Towards End. Other Waterbirds Md, Cicadas In Distance. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya, E. Africa.
2.0 2:38Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM52244.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mcu Colony Calls. Lake Bogoria, Kenya
2.0 5:21Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo50216.wav Greater Flamingo. Large Flock Taking-off And Landing Mcu. Black-winged Stilt And Common Sandpipers Call. Distant Crickets. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1982. Lake Naivasha, Kenya
2.0 0:43Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LesserFlamingoM30148.wav Lesser Flamingo. Mp Flock Calls From Several Thousand. Cu Alarm Calls From Spur-winged Plover. Flamingoes Washing And Preening. Wood Sandpipers Call In Distance. Lake Bogoria, Kenya, East Africa.
2.0 8:32Bird Flamingo Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias Minor
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo26040.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls From Breeding Colony On Islet, Distant Becoming Closer. Skylark Md Fairly Continuous, Except Near End, Spanish Wagtail Md. Black-headed Gull And Sandwich Tern In Distance. Rippling Water In Background. Camargue, France.
2.0 5:18Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreaterFlamingo91250.wav Greater Flamingo. Calls Cu From A Group. Distant Chain-saw. Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, UK.
2.0 0:31Bird Flamingo Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus Ruber