Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Metal-ScrapeRubbingScrew_20.wav Metal - Scrape Rubbing Screw - Latch Scrapes - Int - CU - Open And Close, Metal Screeches And Scrapes Against Metal
2.0 0:02


Metal Screech

2 SoundStorm Library Metal-SlidesScrapes-CU-Hig.wav Metal - Slides And Scrapes - C U - High Pitch, Circular Movement, Fast
1.0 0:04Metal Metal Slide
3 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal,Rim,Slide,Stirring.wav Metal Rim Slide Stirring
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Slide
4 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Drops-Chicken Wire,Drag Slide,Truck Flatbed 45 Degrees,Fall Metal Sheet,Hard Clunk Rattle,Medium Close,Interior Exterior,Junk Yard,A1 Above Truck Bright A23 Beneath Truck Dull.wav Metal: Drops: Chicken Wire, Drag Slide, Truck Flatbed 45 Degrees, Fall Metal Sheet, Hard Clunk Rattle, Medium Close, Interior Exterior, Junk Yard, A1 Above Truck Bright A23 Beneath Truck Dull
3.0 0:10Metal Metal Slide
5 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Impact,Scrapy,Low,Dro.wav Metal: Metal Impact Scrapy Low Drop
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Impact
6 SoundStorm Library Metal-StressGroans-Int-CU-.wav Metal - Stress And Groans - Int - C U - Large And Reverberating, Various Take W Various Intensities
1.0 0:31Metal Metal Groan
7 Rob Nokes Sound Library Rock,Hood,Rain Down,Fast.wav Rock Hood Rain Down Fast
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact Car
8 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Pierce,Rip,Zip,Debris.wav Metal: Metal Pierce Rip Zip Debris
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Debris
9 SoundStorm Library Metal-HitsImpacts-MetalF_25.wav Metal - Hits Impacts - Metal Folding Chair - Int - MCU - Drops Onto Wrestling Mat
2.0 0:05Metal Metal Impact
10 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Rattles,Moves,Slow,Sm.wav Metal: Metal Rattles Moves Slow Small
1.0 0:02Metal Metal Rattle
11 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Rip,Crush,Scrunched.wav Metal: Metal Rip Crush Scrunched
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Rip
12 SoundStorm Library Metal-HitsImpacts-SteelP_20.wav Metal - Hits Impacts - Steel Pipe - Int - CU - Hollow Pipe Drop Bounce On Cement Or Concrete, Muted
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact
13 SoundStorm Library Metal-ChainLinkFenceImpac_3.wav Metal - Chain Link Fence Impact - Ext - Close-Up - Huge Hard Hit, Rings Shakes And Rattles Metallically, Long Decay, Windy
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Chain Link Fence
14 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Scrape,Slides,Holes,A.wav Metal: Metal Scrape Slides Holes Air
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Slide
15 SoundStorm Library Metal-HollowMetalThumps-I_2.wav Metal - Hollow Metal Thumps - Int - Close-Up - Flat Hand Taps On Metal Surface, Hard Attack
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Hit Hollow
16 SoundStorm Library Metal-DragCarOnHoodRoofO_14.wav Metal - Drag Car On Hood Roof Over Crumbling Asphalt - Ext - Onboard - Slow - Creaky, Rumbling Movements
2.0 0:09Metal Metal Impact Car
17 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging-H_6.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Hollow Aluminum Pipe - Int - CU - Drops From High Height Onto Thin Carpet Over Hard Floor W Ring Off, [Round Pipe]
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact Car
18 SoundStorm Library Chains-ChainHits-Int-CU-M_2.wav Chains - Chain Hits - Int - CU - Medium-Hard Impacts Against Metal And Cinder Block, Some Rattle And Lighter Movement
1.0 0:06Metal Metal Chain
19 SoundStorm Library Metal-Hits-CU-HammeringOnMe.wav Metal - Hits - C U - Hammering On Metal Pipe, Deep Echo (3 Takes)
1.0 1:30Metal Metal Pipe
20 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Swing,Scrape,Fast,Squ.wav Metal: Metal Swing Scrape Fast Squeak
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Squeaks
21 SoundStorm Library Metal-DragScrapingCarCha_24.wav Metal - Drag Scraping Car Chassis On Asphalt - Ext - Onboard - Long With Medium Stop
2.0 0:40Metal Metal Impact Car
22 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging-S_6.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Solid Steel Barbell - Int - CU - Drops From High Height Onto Thin Carpet Over Hard Floor, [Standard Barbell W Out Weights]
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact Car
23 SoundStorm Library Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_22.wav Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Thrashes Against Cinder Block, Light Rustling; (Warehouse Door Chain)
1.0 0:05Metal Metal Chain
24 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangsRinging_67.wav Metal - Thuds Clangs Ringing - Firemen Larger Gear - CU - Light Metallic Movement
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Firemen Gear
25 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Drop,Small,OnWood,Low.wav Metal: Metal Drop Small OnWood Low
1.0 0:01Metal Metal
26 SoundStorm Library Metal-HitsImpacts-Alumin_23.wav Metal - Hits Impacts - Aluminum Ladder - Int - CU - Drops Onto Concrete Cement
2.0 0:05Metal Metal Impact
27 Sounddogs Sound Library Ring,Corner,Hit,Metal,Rat_2.wav Metal: Ring Corner Hit Metal Rattle3
1.0 0:02Metal Metal Hit
28 Sounddogs Sound Library Coins,Drop,Heavy,Low,Short,Fast.wav Metal: Coins Drop Heavy Low Short Fast
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Coin
29 SoundStorm Library Metal-ImpactToSecurityScr_6.wav Metal - Impact To Security Screen Door - MCU - Single Hit W Rattle
1.0 0:02Metal Metal Impact
30 SoundStorm Library Chains-Movement-ChainRattle.wav Chains - Movement - Chain Rattles - CU - Chain Shakes
1.0 0:05Metal Metal Chain
31 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangsRinging_34.wav Metal - Thuds Clangs Ringing - Firemen Larger Gear - CU - Various Movement, Lots Of Metallic Clanks And Rattle
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Clanks
32 SoundStorm Library Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_54.wav Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Tap Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain)
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Chain
33 SoundStorm Library Metal-MetalPing.44MagnumShe.wav Metal - Metal Ping .44 Magnum Shell Dropped On Cement - C U - Small, Bounce On Impact
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Impact
34 SoundStorm Library Metal-TrashCanImpacts-Int_2.wav Metal - Trash Can Impacts - Int - Close-Up - Single Rebound Movement
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Impact
35 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Rolling-Screw Driver,Cymbal,Rotate Spin,Variable Speeds,Intensity Soft,Plastic Rattle,Ringy,Clinks,Close Up,Interior.wav Metal: Rolling: Screw Driver, Cymbal, Rotate Spin, Variable Speeds, Intensity Soft, Plastic Rattle, Ringy, Clinks, Close Up, Interior
1.0 0:43Metal Metal Rattle
36 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging_116.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Steel Pipe - Int - CU - Drops From Medium Height Onto Thin Carpet Over Hard Floor, [Long And Narrow Pipe]
2.0 0:03Metal Metal Impact Car
37 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Heavy,Rip,Crush,18.wav Metal: Metal Heavy Rip Crush 18
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Rip
38 SoundStorm Library Metal-HitsImpacts-CarCra_10.wav Metal - Hits Impacts - Car Crash - CU - Hard W Bouncy Feel After Impacts
1.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact Car
39 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Beam,Ding,High,Long.wav Metal: Metal Beam Ding High Long
2.0 0:16Metal Metal
40 SoundStorm Library Metal-MetalClunks-CU-Stro_2.wav Metal - Metal Clunks - C U - Strong Medium Heavy Clunks
2.0 0:01Metal Metal
41 SoundStorm Library Metal-AluminumCanImpacts-_7.wav Metal - Aluminum Can Impacts - Int - C U - Hollow Hit Stab
2.0 0:30Metal Metal Impact
42 SoundStorm Library Metal-MetalSlideScrapeOn_5.wav Metal - Metal Slide And Scrape On Metal - Int - C U - Film Reel Flange Slides And Scrapes Against Metal Bar
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Slide
43 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-MetallicShotB_8.wav Sound Design - Metallic Shot Burst Sweetener
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Burst
44 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Slides-Series x 10,Steel Rod,Irregular Concrete Surface,Smooth Fast Slow Scrapes,High Pitched Ring,Medium Close POV,Interior Exterior,Junk Yard,San Carlos,Uruguay.wav Metal: Slides: Series X 10, Steel Rod, Irregular Concrete Surface, Smooth Fast Slow Scrapes, High Pitched Ring, Medium Close POV, Interior Exterior, Junk Yard, San Carlos, Uruguay
1.0 0:13Metal Metal Slide
45 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging-_21.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Steel Pipe - Int - CU - Drops From High Height Onto Thin Carpet Over Hard Floor, [Medium Size, Hollow Pipe]
2.0 0:05Metal Metal Impact Car
46 Industrial Soundscapes ScrapMetalCrashLoud5.L.wav Metal, Scrap Metal: Crashing To Ground, Very Loud And Lots Of Scrap Metal Crashing Down, Steelworks, Interior
5.1 0:16Metal Metal Scrap Metal
47 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Hit,Distant,Bell,Rev.wav Metal: Metal Hit Distant Bell Rev
2.0 0:14Metal Metal Hit
48 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Crash,Small,Solid,Rin.wav Metal: Metal Crash Small Solid Ring
1.0 0:02Metal Metal Crash
49 Rob Nokes Sound Library Car,Body,Screeches,Long,1.wav Car Body Screeches Long 1
2.0 0:11Metal Metal Screech
50 SoundStorm Library Metal-MetalHitsTapsMovement.wav Metal - Metal Hits Taps Movement - C U - Light, Various Small Taps And Hits, Random Movements, Caused By Scale Movements, Good But Not Well Defined Whats Happening
2.0 0:32Metal Metal Hit
51 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Metal Squeak Dbl 02.wav Metal: Interior, Metal Squeak, Back, Forth
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Squeaks
52 SoundStorm Library Metal-BeatingOnCar-Close-_2.wav Metal - Beating On Car - Close-Up - 2 Dull Thuds Equal In Volume
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Impact Car
53 SoundStorm Library Metal-Rattle-DumbbellWWe_13.wav Metal - Rattle - Dumbbell W Weights - Int - CU - Shakes, [Dumbbell W Small Weights]
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Rattle
54 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Various-Shaking,Very Slow Smooth,Metal Structure,Rattle Bounces Light,Low Dull Ring,Medium Close POV,Exterior,Abandoned Factory,San Carlos,Uruguay,BG Crickets Distant Sawing.wav Metal: Various: Shaking, Very Slow Smooth, Metal Structure, Rattle Bounces Light, Low Dull Ring, Medium Close POV, Exterior, Abandoned Factory, San Carlos, Uruguay, BG Crickets Distant Sawing
1.0 0:08Metal Metal Impact Car
55 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging-_53.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Hollow Aluminum Pipe - Int - CU - Deadened Drops From High Height Onto Thin Carpet Over Hard Floor, [Round Pipe]
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Impact Car
56 Industrial Soundscapes MetalSqueeze03.L.wav Metal, Rumbling: Metallic Crushing, Bulldozer Crushes Scrap Metal With Shovel, Exterior Recording
5.1 0:09Metal Metal Squeeze
57 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Hit,Ring,Low,Hollow,B.wav Metal: Metal Hit Ring Low Hollow Bell
1.0 0:02Metal Metal Hit Hollow
58 Rob Nokes Sound Library Debris,Roof,Scrapes,Int,2.wav Debris Roof Scrapes Int 2
2.0 0:08Metal Metal Debris
59 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Big Squeek B 02.wav Metal: Door, Interior, Big Metal Knob Turn And Big Squeak, Opposite Direction
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Squeaks
60 SoundStorm Library Metal-Rattle-ShoppingCart_3.wav Metal - Rattle - Shopping Cart - Int - CU - Bouncy And Rattling Movements
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact Car
61 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Drops-Various Screws Big Tools,Drop Throw Constant Groups,Truck Flatbed 45 Degrees,Loud Bangs,Heavy Rattles Bounces,Fall Metal Sheet,High Pitched Rings,Close POV,Interior Exterior,Junk Yard,A1 Above Truck Bright A23 Beneath Truck Dull.wav Metal: Drops: Various Screws Big Tools, Drop Throw Constant Groups, Truck Flatbed 45 Degrees, Loud Bangs, Heavy Rattles Bounces, Fall Metal Sheet, High Pitched Rings, Close POV, Interior Exterior, Junk Yard, A1 Above Truck Bright A23 Beneath Truck Dull
3.0 0:42Metal Metal Rattle
62 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging-_85.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Metal Folding Chair - Int - CU - Impacts To Ground From High Height
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Impact
63 Masters Workshop Metal,Car Body,Hit,Gritty,Thump,Dull.wav Metal, Hit: Metal, Car Body, Hit, Gritty, Thump, Dull
2.0 0:07Metal Metal Hit Dull
64 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Metal Cup Plate 01.wav Metal: Kitchen, Interior, Metal Cup Down, Up On Ceramic Plate
2.0 0:37Metal Metal
65 Rob Nokes Sound Library Gas Tank,Smash,Hood,Roll.wav Gas Tank Smash Hood Roll
2.0 0:17Metal Metal Impact Car
66 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Watch Down 03.wav Metal: Home, Interior, Metal Watch With Good Band Down Onto Wood Bedside Table
2.0 0:04Metal Metal
67 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Hits Metal-Robot Walking,Truck Flatbed,Slow Looping Hits,In Place,Footsteps,Loose Parts Rattle,Structure Dull Clang,Close POV,Interior Exterior,Abandoned Factory,San Carlos,Uruguay.wav Metal: Hits Metal: Robot Walking, Truck Flatbed, Slow Looping Hits, In Place, Footsteps, Loose Parts Rattle, Structure Dull Clang, Close POV, Interior Exterior, Abandoned Factory, San Carlos, Uruguay
1.0 0:26Metal Metal Hit Dull
68 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Blinds Peek Through.wav Metal: House, Interior, Metal Window Blinds, Peeking Through Blinds
2.0 0:04Metal Metal
69 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX SD Metal Rusty Squeek 01 .wav Metal: Metal, Rusty Metal Squeak And Grind
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Squeaks
70 Rob Nokes Sound Library Side Panel,Creaks,Rusty,2.wav Side Panel Creaks Rusty 2
2.0 0:13Metal Metal
71 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Gold Ding.wav Metal: Interior, Metal Slide On Metal, Ding
2.0 0:14Metal Metal Slide
72 SoundStorm Library Metal-RollingMovementSli_10.wav Metal - Rolling Movement Slide - Sliding Aluminum Ladder - CU - Slides
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Slide
73 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Latch-Handing Various Maneuvers,Smooth Clunks,High Pitched Ring,Squeaks,Reverby,Medium Close POV,Interior Exterior,Abandoned Factory,San Carlos,Uruguay.wav Metal: Latch: Handing Various Maneuvers, Smooth Clunks, High Pitched Ring, Squeaks, Reverby, Medium Close POV, Interior Exterior, Abandoned Factory, San Carlos, Uruguay
1.0 0:20Metal Metal Impact Car
74 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal Impact Washer Interior 09.wav Metal Impact Washer Interior 09
1.0 0:03Metal Metal Impact
75 Rob Nokes Sound Library Tail Gate,Rattles,Bounces.wav Tail Gate Rattles Bounces
2.0 0:16Metal Metal Gate
76 SoundStorm Library Metal-RollingMovementSli_42.wav Metal - Rolling Movement Slide - Sliding Aluminum Ladder - CU - Slides W Ratchety Catch Mechanism Movement
2.0 0:01Metal Metal Slide
77 SoundStorm Library Metal-SledgeHammerImpact_10.wav Metal - Sledge Hammer Impacts Car - Ext - C U - Hard Hit W Metal Impacts Ground O S After Hit
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Impact Car
78 Rob Nokes Sound Library Hood,Shakes,Feet,Rubber.wav Hood Shakes Feet Rubber
2.0 0:14Metal Metal Impact Car
79 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal Squeak on Panel 10.wav Metal Squeak On Panel 10
1.0 0:03Metal Metal Squeaks
80 Rob Nokes Sound Library Windshield,Smash,Derbis,3.wav Windshield Smash Debris 3
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Debris
81 SoundStorm Library Metal-DragScrapingCarCha_19.wav Metal - Drag Scraping Car Chassis On Asphalt - Ext - Onboard - Slow, Very Short, Sporadic
2.0 0:09Metal Metal Impact Car
82 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging-S_1.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Solid Steel Barbell - Int - CU - Drops From Medium Height Onto Thin Carpet Over Hard Floor, [Standard Barbell W Out Weights]
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact Car
83 SoundStorm Library Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_17.wav Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up - Light Metal Rustlings Against Cinder Block; (Warehouse Door Chain)
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Chain
84 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangsRinging_62.wav Metal - Thuds Clangs Ringing - Firemen Larger Gear - CU - Light Metallic Movement
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Firemen Gear
85 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Drop,Helmet,Hollow,Ri.wav Metal: Metal Drop Helmet Hollow Ring
1.0 0:03Metal Metal
86 SoundStorm Library Metal-HitsImpacts-Alumin_21.wav Metal - Hits Impacts - Aluminum Step Ladder - CU - Large Drop From High Height To Hard Ground
2.0 0:06Metal Metal Impact Hard
87 Sounddogs Sound Library Metallic Ensemble,Incubus.wav Metal: Metallic Ensemble Incubus
2.0 1:40Metal Metal
88 Sounddogs Sound Library Coin,Toss,Bounce,Twirl,Counter.wav Metal: Coin Toss Bounce Twirl Counter
1.0 0:02Metal Metal Coin
89 SoundStorm Library Metal-ImpactToSecurityScr_1.wav Metal - Impact To Security Screen Door - MCU - Single Hit W Rattle
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Impact
90 SoundStorm Library Chains-Movement-ChainRatt_5.wav Chains - Movement - Chain Rattles - CU - Chain Shakes
1.0 0:10Metal Metal Chain
91 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangsRinging_29.wav Metal - Thuds Clangs Ringing - Firemen Larger Gear - CU - Various Movement, Lots Of Metallic Clanks And Rattle
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Clanks
92 SoundStorm Library Chains-Hits-Int-Close-Up_49.wav Chains - Hits - Int - Close-Up To MCU - Light Metal Scrape Against Cinder Block, Rattling; (Warehouse Door Chain)
1.0 0:01Metal Metal Chain
93 SoundStorm Library Metal-MetalPanTaps-Int-Cl_8.wav Metal - Metal Pan Taps - Int - Close-Up - Hand Taps On Frying Pan, Slight Ring, Soft Attack
2.0 0:01Metal Metal
94 SoundStorm Library Metal-TossingAluminumCanT_2.wav Metal - Tossing Aluminum Can To Concrete - Close-Up - Series Of Loud Impacts, Subsequent Rolling, Flanged
1.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact
95 Rob Nokes Sound Library Metal-Rolling-Metallic Ball,Rolling,Huge Large Girder,Nice Low Ring,Fall Metallic Sheet,Hit Clunk Bounce,Variations,Big Ball @ Tail,ECU,Interior Exterior,Junk Yard,Uruguay.wav Metal: Rolling: Metallic Ball, Rolling, Huge Large Girder, Nice Low Ring, Fall Metallic Sheet, Hit Clunk Bounce, Variations, Big Ball @ Tail, ECU, Interior Exterior, Junk Yard, Uruguay
1.0 1:23Metal Metal Hit Big
96 SoundStorm Library Metal-ThudsClangRinging_111.wav Metal - Thuds Clang Ringing - Heavy Hollow Steel Pipe - Int - CU - Drops From High Height Onto Thin Carpet Over Hard Floor, [Square Pipe]
2.0 0:04Metal Metal Impact Car
97 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Heavy,Rip,Crush,13.wav Metal: Metal Heavy Rip Crush 13
2.0 0:05Metal Metal Rip
98 SoundStorm Library Metal-HitsImpacts-AluminumC.wav Metal - Hits Impacts - Aluminum Can - CU - Crushed Crinkled Can Hits Hard Surface
2.0 0:02Metal Metal Impact Hard
99 Sounddogs Sound Library Metal,Armors,Run,Squeaks,Cl.wav Metal: Metal Armors Run Squeaks Clangs
1.0 0:05Metal Metal Squeaks
100 SoundStorm Library Metal-MetalClankingVibrati.wav Metal - Metal Clanking And Vibrating - Int - C U - Array Of Metal Pieces Clanking And Clicking Sounding Like Hundreds Of Mouse Traps Snapping, Long High-Pitched Squeaking Humming Whistling Vibrations
2.0 0:44Metal Metal Squeaks