Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralPigeonWing53148.wav Feral Pigeon. Wingbeats Cu. Filton, Bristol, UK
2.0 0:22



Feral Pigeon Columba Livia
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77197.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Juvenile Soliciting Food (with Adult Wing Flaps) Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:26Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77192.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Song Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:09Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WoodPigeonMcus16118.wav Wood Pigeon. Mcu Song From Wood Pigeon. B/g Woodland Atmosphere. Distant Traffic And Sheep In Second Part Of Recording. Wye Valley, UK
2.0 1:17Bird Pigeon Wood Pigeon Columba Palumbus
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveSon87003.wav Collared Dove. Song, Wing-beats And Alighting Call Easton In Gordano North Somerset, UK
2.0 0:58Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PlumbeousPigeon52118.wav Plumbeous Pigeon. Calls Cu And Distant, With Other Species And Cicadas In B/g. Dripping Water Audible. Pacaya River, Peru
2.0 0:50Bird Pigeon Plumbeous Pigeon Columba Plumbea
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveCu46158.wav Collared Dove. Cu Wingbeats From A Pair Taking Off. Slightly Windy Background. Bristol, UK
2.0 0:08Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockPigeon63143.wav Feral Rock Pigeon. Coos And Wingbeats CU Of Several, With Spotted Sandgrouse Calls In B/g. Slightly Windy. Nazana Pool, Israel
2.0 1:45Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Pigeon Columba Livia
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveM43094.wav Feral Rock Dove. Mcu Coos And Calls From Several "white Doves` In Old Barn. Some Wingflaps. Chaffinch, Wren And Other Birds In Distance. Jackdaws Call Towards End Of Recording. Badminton, Avon, UK
2.0 2:15Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlueSpottedWood64074.wav Blue-Spotted Wood Dove. Song MCU. With Insects And A Breeze. Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
2.0 1:07Bird Pigeon Blue Spotted Wood Dove Turtur Afer
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AustralianPiedIm9083.wav Australian Pied Imperial Pigeon. MD Colony Calls. Loud Calls From Scrubfowl. Other Birds Call In The Canopy. N.B. The Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. North Brook Island, Australia
2.0 6:48Bird Pigeon Australian Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula Spilorrhoa
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveC43104.wav Feral Rock Dove. Cu Wing-flaps From A Single Bird, Used In Aggression. Could Be Used For Wing-clap Display Of Other Pigeons. Long Ashton, Bristol, UK
2.0 0:33Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralPigeonCoos55058.wav Feral Pigeon. Coos And Wingbeats Of White Birds In Captivity (outside Aviary) Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
2.0 1:30Bird Pigeon Feral Pigeon Columba Livia
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77194.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Song, Alighting Call, Wing Flaps And Habitat Atmosphere Norfolk, UK
2.0 2:45Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo45090.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Alighting Calls And Wingbeats Clevedon, UK
2.0 0:25Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteThroatedPig92048.wav White Throated Pigeon. MD Call. Continuation Of Track 16. Time Duration Covers Tracks 16 And 17. Savasi Island, Vanua Levu, Fiji
2.0 0:47Bird Pigeon White Throated Pigeon Columba Vitiensis
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenFruitPigeon72116.wav Green Fruit-Pigeon. Wing-beats Of Several Coming To Drink At Waterhole At Dusk. Insect Chorus In B/g. Seleti Waterhole, Senegal
2.0 0:51Bird Pigeon Green Fruit Pigeon Treron Calva
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveDis55077.wav Collared Dove. Display Flight And Alighting Call. Location:Clevedon, Avon, UK
2.0 0:21Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlueSpottedWood73029.wav Blue-Spotted Wood Dove. MCU, With Common Bulbul. Nr. Sukuta, The Gambia
2.0 1:03Bird Pigeon Blue Spotted Wood Dove Turtur Afer
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveP19083.wav Feral Rock Dove. Pigeons In Pigeon Loft Cooing. Wingflaps From Pigeon Arriving And Taking Off, Increasing Towards End. Egypt
2.0 0:29Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BarkingPigeonMC78299.wav Barking Pigeon. MCU Wing Beat Sounds From Two Birds Flapping Around In A Small Tree. Cicadas And Crickets. Distant Birds. Near Suva, Viti Levu, Fiji
2.0 0:41Bird Pigeon Barking Pigeon Ducula Latrans
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveM19086.wav Feral Rock Dove. Many Pigeons Taking Off. Some Cooing Sounds Also. Other Bird Spp B/g. Egypt
2.0 0:11Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralPigeonWing53147.wav Feral Pigeon. Wingbeats Md. Filton, Bristol, UK
2.0 0:31Bird Pigeon Feral Pigeon Columba Livia
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77196.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Song, Alighting Call And Wing Flaps Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:42Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WoodPigeonCooin90001.wav Wood Pigeon. Cooing, With Wren, Willow Warbler, Chaffinch And Carrion Crow Nr Aberdeen, Scotland
2.0 1:15Bird Pigeon Wood Pigeon Columba Palumbus
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77191.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Song Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:11Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveMcu94053.wav Collared Dove. Mcu Flight Calls And Wingbeats From Two Birds Taking Off. Bristol, UK
2.0 0:16Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PigeonGuillemot64016.wav Pigeon Guillemot. CU Wing-beats As Bird Flies In, MCU Calls. Black Oystercatchers Call In B/g. Surf MC. St Lazaria, Alaska
2.0 1:37Bird Pigeon Pigeon Guillemot Cepphus Columba
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveand90133.wav Collared Dove. And COMMON STARLING (STURNUS VULGARIS) Calls On Rooftop In Early Morning With Swifts And Cooing Of Feral Pigeons Clevedon, UK
2.0 2:06Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockPigeon63142.wav Feral Rock Pigeon. Wingbeats Of Several, With Distant Crested Lark Occasionally. Slightly Windy. Nazana Pool, Israel
2.0 1:22Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Pigeon Columba Livia
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BarkingPigeonMC93040.wav Barking Pigeon. MCU Wing Beat Sounds From Two Birds Flapping Around In A Small Tree. Sound Of One Bird Flying Away. Cicadas And Crickets. Distant Birds. Near Suva, Viti Levu, Fiji
2.0 0:21Bird Pigeon Barking Pigeon Ducula Latrans
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveM43093.wav Feral Rock Dove. Mcu Coos And Calls From Several "white Doves` In Old Barn. Some Wingflaps. Wren, Crow And Other Birds In Distance. Badminton, Avon, UK
2.0 2:08Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
33 BBC Sound Effects Library Pigeons.BBC.ECD47.wav Bird, Pigeon: House Sparrow, Several Birds Calling With Feral Pigeon.
2.0 2:48Bird Pigeon Pigeons (Columbidae)
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveC43096.wav Feral Rock Dove. Cu Coos From Bird On Nest In Barn. Cu Wingbeats. Movement In Nest. Other Doves In Background. Flies Buzzing. Call From Jackdaw. Distant Birds. Some Traffic Noise. Badminton, Avon, UK
2.0 5:29Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DullCappedAttila64219.wav Dull Capped Attila. Mcu Calls Screaming Pihas In B/g Manu National Park, Peru
2.0 0:19Bird Pigeon Dull Capped Attila Attila Bolivianus
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77193.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Song (with Poultry) Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:30Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WoodPigeonMCUs40045.wav Wood Pigeon. MCU Soft Calls. Blackbird And Other Birds In B/g. Slight Wind In Trees. Woodchester Park, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 1:37Bird Pigeon Wood Pigeon Columba Palumbus
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveSon87004.wav Collared Dove. Songs (rather Distant) With Goldfinches, Wren And Nuthatch Easton In Gordano, North Somerset, UK
2.0 0:45Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SpeckledPigeonM77009.wav Speckled Pigeon. Md Song, With Pied Crow And Crickets In B/g. The Gambia
2.0 0:28Bird Pigeon Speckled Pigeon Columba Guinea
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveCu94054.wav Collared Dove. Cu Wingbeats From A Pair Taking Off. Slightly Windy Background. Bristol, UK
2.0 0:08Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockPigeon63144.wav Feral Rock Pigeon. Wingbeats CU Of Several Flying To And From Drinking Pool. Dripping Water In B/g. Nazana Pool, Israel
2.0 0:43Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Pigeon Columba Livia
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlueSpottedWood64075.wav Blue-Spotted Wood Dove. Song MD. With Insects And A Breeze. Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
2.0 1:20Bird Pigeon Blue Spotted Wood Dove Turtur Afer
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveM43095.wav Feral Rock Dove. Mcu Coos And Calls From Several "white Doves` In Old Barn. Some Wingflaps. Chaffinch, Wren And Jackdaw In Background. Other Birds In Distance. Flies Buzzing. Very Distant Traffic Noise. Badminton, Avon, UK
2.0 2:43Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AutralianPiedImp16124.wav Autralian Pied Imperial Pigeon. Recorded In Breeding Colony. Mcu To B/g Cooing From Pigeons. Also Sounds Of Movement From Pigeons. B/g Sounds Of Other Bird Species And Insects. Low Islands, Off Mossman, Queensland, Australia
2.0 3:34Bird Pigeon Autralian Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula Spilorrhoa
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveH19085.wav Feral Rock Dove. Hand Clap And Shout, Then Many Pigeons Taking Off. Followed By Cooing Birds. Other Bird Spp B/g. Egypt
2.0 0:36Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralPigeonSeve53146.wav Feral Pigeon. Several Arriving In Pigeon Loft Cu. Filton, Bristol, UK
2.0 0:52Bird Pigeon Feral Pigeon Columba Livia
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77195.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Song, Alighting Call And Wing Flaps Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:35Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredTurtleDo77190.wav Collared Turtle Dove. Song Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:37Bird Pigeon Collared Turtle Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WoodPigeonAberr56035.wav Wood Pigeon. Aberrant Song, With Turtle Dove And Greenfinch. Wicken Fen, Cambs, UK
2.0 0:54Bird Pigeon Wood Pigeon Columba Palumbus
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveMcu46157.wav Collared Dove. Mcu Flight Calls And Wingbeats From Two Birds Taking Off. Bristol, UK
2.0 0:16Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NewZealandPigeon42119.wav New Zealand Pigeon. Mcu Wingbeat Sounds From A Group Of Six Taking Off. Silvereyes, Redpolls, Bees Etc In Background. McClennan Range, Catlins State Forest Park, Otago, New Zealand
2.0 0:26Bird Pigeon New Zealand Pigeon Hemiphaga Novaeseelandiae
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CollaredDoveAli56088.wav Collared Dove. Alighting Call And Coo, With House Sparrows. Moreton Valence, Glos, UK
2.0 0:24Bird Pigeon Collared Dove Streptopelia Decaocto
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveP19084.wav Feral Rock Dove. Pigeons In Pigeon Loft Cooing. Wingflaps From Pigeons Arriving And Taking Off. Egypt
2.0 1:02Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BarkingPigeonMC78300.wav Barking Pigeon. MCU Wing Beat Sounds Of Bird Flying From Tree. Cicadas And Crickets. Distant Birds. Near Suva, Viti Levu, Fiji
2.0 0:14Bird Pigeon Barking Pigeon Ducula Latrans
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FeralRockDoveM43092.wav Feral Rock Dove. Mcu Coos From Several "white Doves` In Old Barn. Jackdaws Call Midway In. Blackbird, Wren And Other Birds In Distance. Badminton, Avon, UK
2.0 3:17Bird Pigeon Feral Rock Dove Columba Livia