Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCufe35024.wav Arctic Tern. Cu Female On Nest Scolding. Male Flying In To Attack Intruder. Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 1:26



Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCalls3261.wav Common Tern. Calls Cu And Mcu From Several. Avocet Mp. Distant Lapwing. Veluwezoom, Netherlands
2.0 1:02Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernAlarm80124.wav Little Tern. Alarm And Anger Calls Oost Flevoland, Holland
2.0 0:15Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SandwichTernDis80131.wav Sandwich Tern. Distant Flight Calls Isle Of Man
2.0 0:32Bird Tern Sandwich Tern Sterna Sandvicensis
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTernCalls54018.wav White Tern. Calls At Breeding Site (Surf In B/g). Cousin Is, Seychelles
2.0 0:48Bird Tern White Tern Gygis Alba Monte
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCuan23161.wav Arctic Tern. Cu And Mcu Anxiety Calls In Colony. Wind Gusting Strongly At Times. Vik, Southern Iceland
2.0 1:19Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCalls23146.wav Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Distant Avocet. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands
2.0 0:53Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LeastTernMdmcu62035.wav Least Tern. Md-mcu Calls In Flight, Lesser Yellowlegs In B/g. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, USA
2.0 0:14Bird Tern Least Tern Sterna Antillarum
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RoyalTernmcuca59077.wav Royal Tern. Mcu Calls From A Bird Being Submissive To Another The Two Terns Sat With A Group Of Laughing Gulls And Two Ring-billed Gulls Water Laping In Foreground, Wind In Dune Grasses These Calls Are Only Given On The Ground Ocracoke Island, North Carolina, USA
2.0 5:01Bird Tern Royal Tern Sterna Maxima
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiskeredTernCu23129.wav Whiskered Tern. Cu - Md Flight Calls From Several. White-winged Black Terns In Background Becoming Closer 5.07 In. Insect Sounds And Slight Rippling From Water. Other Birds In Distance. Astrakhan, Russia
2.0 6:28Bird Tern Whiskered Tern Chlidonias Hybrida
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernFairly7156.wav Sooty Tern. Fairly Close To Colony. Cu/mcu Calls From Terns. B/g Breaking Waves And Some Boat Engine Noise. Culebra Island, Off Puerto Rico, Greater Antilles
2.0 0:37Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern66105.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls Of Alarmed Birds In Colony (distant Sea In B/g.) NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. New Zealand
2.0 2:04Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCalls90112.wav Arctic Tern. Calls Cu From Several Birds. Wind Mp. Hascosay, Shetland Islands, UK
2.0 1:02Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CaspianTernCuf59180.wav Caspian Tern. Cu Flight Calls From Several Birds Flying Overhead. Western Sandpiper Calls At Start In B/g. Location:Chincoteague, Virginia, USA
2.0 0:14Bird Tern Caspian Tern Sterna Caspia
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LeastTernCucal62029.wav Least Tern. Cu Calls In Flight. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, USA
2.0 0:10Bird Tern Least Tern Sterna Antillarum
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCalls23158.wav Arctic Tern. Calls Cu From Several Birds. Wind Mp. Hascosay, Shetland Islands, UK
2.0 0:58Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownNoddyCroak46159.wav Brown Noddy. Croaking Calls And Display MCU Of Nesting Birds In Bushes. (With Noisier Sooty Terns - Shrill Calls). Location:Tortagn Island, Lesser Antilles, West Indies
2.0 4:34Bird Tern Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FairyTernMcuto21067.wav Fairy Tern. Mcu To B/g Croaking Calls From Tern. Also Shrill Trilling Calls From Madagascan Red Fody. B/g Sounds Of Sea And Other Seabird Species. Bird Island, Seychelles, Indian Ocean
2.0 0:43Bird Tern Fairy Tern Sterna Nereis
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RoseateTernCall28223.wav Roseate Tern. Calls Cu From A Single Bird In Flight. Arctic Tern Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:37Bird Tern Roseate Tern Sterna Dougallii
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCucal47065.wav Sooty Tern. Cu Calls From Bird On Nest. Colony Calls In B/g. Distant Surf. Tern Island, Hawaiian Islands
2.0 2:05Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern42018.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Adult As It Comes In To Feed Fledged Juvenile. Cu Begging Calls From Juvenile. Gulls And Terns In Distance. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 1:43Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ElegantTernAND47027.wav Elegant Tern. AND ROYAL TERN (STERNA MAXIMA). Calls Of Mixed Breeding Colony. Medium Perspective. Raza Island, Sea Of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico
2.0 2:10Bird Tern Elegant Tern Sterna Elegans
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernFligh23134.wav Little Tern. Flight Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Wind And Surf Mp. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
2.0 0:18Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCalls48057.wav Sooty Tern. Calls Mp In Colony. White Terns Mp. Seychelles
2.0 1:28Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern42013.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu - Md Calls From Adults And Juveniles Flying Over Sea Near Breeding Cliffs. Loud Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 2:42Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernAlarm23159.wav Arctic Tern. Alarm Calls Cu And Mcu From Several Birds. Distant Sheep. Mcu Wind Over Moorland. Ronas Voe, Shetland Islands, UK
2.0 2:47Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BridledTernCall56175.wav Bridled Tern. Calls Of A Single Bird. Joined Briefly By Another. Heavy Surf In B/g. NB: Date Of Recording Unknown Seychelles
2.0 1:22Bird Tern Bridled Tern Sterna Anaethetus
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernAttac79152.wav Arctic Tern. Attack And Threat Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:21Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackTernCalls69004.wav Black Tern. Calls Cu In Flight. Insects Mcu. Crested Larks Mp. Greater Flamingoes And Kentish Plover In Distance. Lake Kelbia, Tunisia
2.0 0:53Bird Tern Black Tern Chlidonias Nigra
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCuan79251.wav Common Tern. Cu And Mcu Calls From Birds In Flight. Distant Oystercatcher. Hissy Background. Norfolk, UK
2.0 2:58Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernCufl23135.wav Little Tern. Cu Flight Calls From Two Birds. Mcu Surf On Beach. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
2.0 0:29Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCalls28221.wav Sooty Tern. Calls Mp In Colony. White Terns Mp. Seychelles
2.0 1:29Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTernMCUCU60070.wav White Tern. MCU-CU Calls From Adults And Chick. Laysan Albatrosses And Sooty Terns In B/g. Surf In Distance. Adults Become Noisier At End. Tern Island, Hawaii
2.0 4:46Bird Tern White Tern Gygis Alba
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticTernRe10152.wav Antarctic Tern. Recorded By Glacier. MCU Sound Of Flying. Sound Of Brash Ice. South Georgia
2.0 1:33Bird Tern Antarctic Tern Sterna Vittata
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernThrea35019.wav Arctic Tern. Threat Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:50Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCalls80126.wav Common Tern. Calls Mcu From A Single Bird Flying Past. Distant Avocet. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands
2.0 0:19Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernCu55062.wav Little Tern. Cu - Mp Flight Calls From Several Birds. Mcu Heavy Surf On Beach. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
2.0 1:19Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernAggres46160.wav Sooty Tern. Aggressive Interplay Between Neighbouring Nesting Pairs Plus Alarm Of Disturbed Birds Cu. Location:Tortagn Island, Lesser Antilles, West Indies
2.0 2:56Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTernCUcal60065.wav White Tern. CU Calls From Adults And Chicks. Terns And Surf In B/g. Tern Island, Hawaii
2.0 2:08Bird Tern White Tern Gygis Alba
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiskeredTernCu23131.wav Whiskered Tern. Cu Calls In Colony. Other Birds And Frogs In Distance. Astrakhan, Russia
2.0 3:34Bird Tern Whiskered Tern Chlidonias Hybrida
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCuan50148.wav Arctic Tern. Cu And Mcu Anxiety Calls In Colony. Wind Gusting Strongly At Times. Vik, Southern Iceland
2.0 1:21Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCalls23149.wav Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Two Birds. Distant Avocet. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands
2.0 0:59Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernAlarm58195.wav Little Tern. Alarm Calls Near Nest Site. Wind Blowing On Beach. Location:Oued Melah, Tunisia.
2.0 1:38Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SandwichTernCal79252.wav Sandwich Tern. Calls In Colony Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:55Bird Tern Sandwich Tern Sterna Sandvicensis
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCual19021.wav Arctic Tern. Cu Alarm Calls In Flight From A Single Bird Defending Its Nest. Chicks Calling Faintly In B/g. Spitsbergen
2.0 1:53Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CaspianTernMcu59179.wav Caspian Tern. Mcu Flight Calls. Greater Yellowlegs Calls. Canada Geese In B/g At End. Location:Chincoteague, Virginia, USA
2.0 0:14Bird Tern Caspian Tern Sterna Caspia
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LeastTernCucal67063.wav Least Tern. Cu Calls And Splash From A Pair Fishing, Laughing Gulls And Other Birds In B/g. Chincoteague, Virginia, U.S.A
2.0 0:25Bird Tern Least Tern Sterna Antillarum
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernMcuca15196.wav Sooty Tern. Mcu Calls From Individuals With Good Lateral Effects, Sometimes Agitated. B/g To Distant Continuous Sounds Of Large Colony. Bird Island, Seychelles
2.0 1:21Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyBackedTern60067.wav Grey-Backed Tern. MD-MCU Flight And Flight Alarm Calls From Several Birds. Surf In Distance. Tern Island, Hawaii
2.0 1:46Bird Tern Grey Backed Tern Sterna Lunata
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCucal56120.wav Sooty Tern. Cu Calls From Birds In Colony On Ground And In Flight. Ascension Island
2.0 3:34Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern51246.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Red-billed Gulls At Start As They Land Near Terns Ledge. Cu Loud Alarm Calls From Juvenile White-fronted Tern. Adult Flies In Calling Cu And Feeds Juvenile. Gull Calls At End. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 2:38Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCalls35020.wav Arctic Tern. Calls Mcu - Mp In Breeding Colony. Sandwich Terns Mp. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 6:45Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownNoddyCUco47100.wav Brown Noddy. CU Courtship Calls. Sooty Terns Calling And Laysan Albatross Bill-clapping And Calling B/g. Laysan Island, Hawaii
2.0 3:45Bird Tern Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernAnxie35025.wav Arctic Tern. Anxiety And Attack Calls Cu At Intruder. Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 4:48Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownNoddyCalls2191.wav Brown Noddy. Calls And Wingbeats Of Birds Flying Among Trees Yucatan, Mexico
2.0 1:03Bird Tern Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ElegantTernAND47029.wav Elegant Tern. AND ROYAL TERN (STERNA MAXIMA). Disturbed Mixed Breeding Colony. Close Perspective. Raza Island, Sea Of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico
2.0 0:50Bird Tern Elegant Tern Sterna Elegans
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernMcuf23138.wav Little Tern. Mcu Flight Calls From Several Birds. Insects Mcu. Wind And Surf Mp. Oued Melah, Tunisia
2.0 0:45Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernContin15195.wav Sooty Tern. Continuous, Busy Sounds Of A Large Colony(approx. 1 Million Individuals). B/g To Distant Calls, Occasionally Mcu. Bird Island, Seychelles
2.0 1:26Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern42015.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Adult Flying To And From Ledges. Calls From Juvenile Later. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 2:08Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
60 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCalls79151.wav Arctic Tern. Calls In Colony And Attacking Individual Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 1:22Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackNapedTern9080.wav Black-Naped Tern. MD-MCU Calls At Colony. Surf In B/g. Bumpy And Windy On The Mic At Times. Brook Island, Australia
2.0 2:04Bird Tern Black Naped Tern Sterna Sumatrana
62 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernMcuc23147.wav Common Tern. Mcu Conversational Calls. Oystercatcher And Lapwing In Distance. Distant Surf. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands
2.0 0:16Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernCuwi23140.wav Little Tern. Cu Wingbeats From Bird Taking Off. Wind And Surf Mp. Oued Melah, Tunisia
2.0 0:14Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
64 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCalls47122.wav Sooty Tern. Calls Cu In Breeding Colony. Eastern Island, Midway Islands (Hawaiian Islands)
2.0 2:44Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern42010.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Adults Coming To Nesting Ledges To Feed Fledged Juveniles; Calls From Both. Prominent Waves On Rocks In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 4:07Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTernMcuca47090.wav White Tern. Mcu Calls In Flight From Several Birds. Surf In B/g. Tern Island, Hawaii
2.0 0:13Bird Tern White Tern Gygis Alba
67 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticTernSi184.wav Antarctic Tern. Singles And Several Calling MCU, Sea Lapping Shore, Drips From Glacier, Distant Glacier Fall. South Georgia
2.0 4:06Bird Tern Antarctic Tern Sterna Vittata
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackTernAlarm78253.wav Black Tern. Alarm Calls And Great Reed Warbler Song Bergen, Holland
2.0 0:56Bird Tern Black Tern Chlidonias Niger
69 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCuan23142.wav Common Tern. Cu And Mcu Calls From Birds In Flight. Distant Oystercatcher. Hissy Background. Norfolk, UK
2.0 2:58Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernCuan55060.wav Little Tern. Cu And Mcu Flight Calls. Heavy Surf Breaking On Shore Mcu. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
2.0 0:53Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernBreedi56194.wav Sooty Tern. Breeding Colony Calls Mcu Lapping Water Dry Tortugas, Florida, USA (presumed To Be This Location)
2.0 1:33Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCuat93125.wav Arctic Tern. Cu Attack Calls. Alarm Calls From Others In Colony In Background. Distant Gulls. Isle Of May, Scotland
2.0 0:51Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
73 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCalls3259.wav Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Several. Veluwezoom, Netherlands
2.0 0:15Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernAlarm58199.wav Little Tern. Alarm Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Wind And Surf Mp. Oued Melah, Tunisia
2.0 0:43Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SandwichTernCol79155.wav Sandwich Tern. Colony. Inner Farne, Northumberland.
2.0 1:50Bird Tern Sandwich Tern Sterna Sandvicensis
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTernCalls48056.wav White Tern. Calls Of Flying Birds. Seychelles
2.0 0:41Bird Tern White Tern Gygis Alba Monte
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LeastTernMdcu62033.wav Least Tern. Md-cu Calls While Flying Along Channel By Marsh, Other Birds In Distance. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, USA
2.0 1:20Bird Tern Least Tern Sterna Antillarum
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RoseateTernCall79255.wav Roseate Tern. Calls Cu From A Single Bird In Flight. Arctic Tern Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:39Bird Tern Roseate Tern Sterna Dougallii
79 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernMcuca48055.wav Sooty Tern. Mcu Calls Of Young And Occasional Adults In Colony. Seawash Mp. Some Wind Noise On Microphone. Seychelles
2.0 2:00Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
80 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCual93124.wav Arctic Tern. Cu Alarm And Attack Calls At Edge Of Colony. Sounds Of A Few Common Terns. Gulls In Distance. Isle Of May, Scotland
2.0 3:39Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
81 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernCalls23145.wav Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Several. Veluwezoom, Netherlands
2.0 0:14Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernCalls79253.wav Arctic Tern. Calls In Colony Mp. Surf In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK
2.0 2:18Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CaspianTernCall49136.wav Caspian Tern. Calls MCU, From Chicks As Adults Fly In To Feed Them. Adults Call MP. NB: Date Of Recording Not Known. Laguna Atascosa, Texas, U.S.A
2.0 2:08Bird Tern Caspian Tern Sterna Caspia
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LargeBilledTern49121.wav Large-Billed Tern. Flight Calls Cu. Other Birds And Insects In Distance. Pacaya, Peru
2.0 1:08Bird Tern Large Billed Tern Phaetusa Simplex
85 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCufli47107.wav Sooty Tern. Cu Flight Calls From Several Birds. Others In B/g. Laysan Island, Hawaiian Islands
2.0 0:54Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
86 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern51248.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Adult And Juvenile As Adult Flies In To Feed. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 0:37Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernAttac23157.wav Arctic Tern. Attack And Alarm Calls Cu From A Small Breeding Colony. Inner Farne, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 3:34Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea
88 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownNoddyCalls90237.wav Brown Noddy. Calls Of Juvenile Raza Island, Baja California, Mexico
2.0 0:58Bird Tern Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus
89 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FairyTernCalls56178.wav Fairy Tern. Calls C/u Of Several Birds. NB: Date Of Recording Unknown Seychelles
2.0 0:08Bird Tern Fairy Tern Sterna Nereis
90 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernWingb58197.wav Little Tern. Wingbeats CU And Distant Calls As Bird Flies Away From And Back To Nest. Sea In B/g. Location:Oued Melah, Tunisia.
2.0 2:13Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
91 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCucal47064.wav Sooty Tern. Cu Calls From Several Birds. Alarm Calls In Defence Of Nests. Tern Island, Hawaiian Islands
2.0 1:12Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
92 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern42017.wav White-Fronted Tern. Cu Begging Calls From A Fledged Juvenile. High Pitched Loud Call From Adult Near End Of Recording. Another In Background. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 2:15Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
93 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteFrontedTern42012.wav White-Fronted Tern. Mcu - Md Calls From Adults And Juveniles Flying Over Sea Near Breeding Cliffs. Loud Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand
2.0 1:24Bird Tern White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata
94 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernFemal77170.wav Arctic Tern. Female With Young At Nest. Iceland
2.0 0:40Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura
95 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackNapedTern9082.wav Black-Naped Tern. CU Calls From Several, Others In Distance. Good Wing Beats. Distant Surf. Brook Island, Australia
2.0 2:49Bird Tern Black Naped Tern Sterna Sumatrana
96 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonTernWith3260.wav Common Tern. With Little Terns And Avocet, Combined Anxiety Calls Oost Flevoland, Holland
2.0 0:57Bird Tern Common Tern Sterna Hirundo
97 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LittleTernExtre80128.wav Little Tern. Extreme Alarm Oost Flevoland, Holland
2.0 0:26Bird Tern Little Tern Sterna Albifrons
98 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SootyTernCalls48054.wav Sooty Tern. Calls Of Distant Colony, With Young. Seychelles
2.0 0:57Bird Tern Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata
99 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArcticTernAttac77169.wav Arctic Tern. Attack. Iceland
2.0 0:50Bird Tern Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura
100 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackTernCalls24076.wav Black Tern. Calls Cu In Flight. Insects Mcu. Crested Larks Mp. Greater Flamingoes And Kentish Plover In Distance. Lake Kelbia, Tunisia
2.0 1:17Bird Tern Black Tern Chlidonias Nigra