Experience boundless creativity with the innovative tools from Soundminer. Apart from offering standard features like searching, finding, and transferring files, Soundminer also gives you all the necessary tools you need as a sound designer.
Focus on what's important
Focus on the creative aspects of your work. You are the creative force behind the creation and editing of new sounds. With Soundminer you will focus solely on the work and create new sounds, noises, and tracks with great efficiency and maximum concentration. Leave the routine tasks to the machines!
Soundminer for Network-based Teams
Soundminer Server is your solution for network-based teams. From simple group networks to media conglomerates with hundreds of employees, Soundminer Server offers individual solutions to set up users, organise them in user groups, and assign the necessary database access rights to them.
Soundminer - The International Studio Standard
Soundminer is the word's leading administration software for sounds and music archives. Become part of the community now!
MusicMiner Web Interface
The MusicMiner web interface allows you to give access to your sound archives and sound/music databases via a conventional web browser. No matter whether it's the intranet or the internet, the MusicMiner web interface features comprehensive features to browse your archives and assign individual user rights.
Be King or Queen of your Archive
Don't let your archive rule over you -- rule over your archive! Soundminer is your Swiss Guard of archive admin, no matter whether your work involves production music, sounds, atmospheres, or sound effects. Soundminer will make even the most unwieldy archive look neat.
Soundminer Programs, Overview
Introduction: What is Soundminer?
Contemporary media production demands efficient and intuitive workflows. Soundminer offers powerful programs that interface with archiving and production software.
The Soundminer programs offer comprehensive tools and features for the administration of audio material (both music and sound files). Even large archives are easily and efficiently administered and browsed thanks to the unified metadata structure of many sound effects and music labels.
Modern workflows not only demand a dependable search engine for the archive, they also need the complete and guaranteed integration of Soundminer programs with industry-standard production systems. You can search for sound files with Soundminer and transfer them directly to your editing system. It's simple and uncomplicated.
Administration of archives: optimized for sound and music
Optimized data fields for music and sound effects
The Soundminer versions offer a multitude of features to administrate sound and music archives. Thanks to the almost universally accepted Soundminer metadata standard, most current production-, mood music- and sound-archives can be ingested quickly and easily with Soundminer.
Optimized data fields for music and production music:
Soundminer databases for music files contain special data fields, e.g. composer, mood, publishing year, publisher—as well as other music-related fields.
Data fields for sounds and sound effects:
The Soundminer table template for sound databases contains only the relevant fields for sounds, e.g. category, main and sub-categories, recording location as well as other pre-existing fields.
Multi-language fields:
For the administration of multi-language databases, Soundminer offers country-specific data fields in addition to the original language. The following fields are multi-language: description, category, sub-category
Databases, Playlist, Folder, Browser...
How you wish to organize your archive and which tools you ultimately find most helpful in the process, is entirely up to you.
You can create various databases for various archives.
You can create playlists to have instant access to the best sounds in certain categories, without having to search the entire archive. You can fill folders and transfer them directly later on; or you can use the meta-browser to scroll through the archive.
Administrating Metadata with Soundminer
Soundminer is not only a tool to read and search metadata, it also contains comprehensive tools and features to change and administrate metadata.
Soundminer comes with pre-designed metadata table-layouts optimized for music and sound files. Soundminer V6 PRO now also offers new, country-specific metadata fields to help use the data in a multi-language environment, but without losing the original data fields.
Now you can ingest metadata via text import, write directly into the data fields, use the many options of the new multi-metatag editor and administrate keywords in individual categories with a click of the mouse. The Search and Find function also allows you to make corrections to selected data, or even throughout the entire archive. The powerful metadata admin tool allows you to optimize metadata, change it or routinely generate it.
Sound Design with Soundminer
Apart from conventional search and transfer functions, the Soundminer programs also offer a set of sound design tools.
Soundminer V6 PLUS and Soundminer V6 PRO come with a high-quality pitch-shifter, to change the pitch of notes or sounds in real time. All changes can then be transferred immediately into your editing system for immediate access. Alternatively, the data stream can be recorded with all modifications included (only Soundminer V6 PRO or Soundminer V6 PLUS with the Pro Pack Addon).
Soundminer Server Administration
Soundminer can be used in a network with a centralized server. Modern workflows can be easily streamlined like this, including the distribution of administrator rights.
You decide who gets access to which archives. Soundminer Server administrates your clients on every level - from a small project-based studio to a gigantic media conglomerate with a plethora of users.
Simple and Fast Archive Administration with Soundminer Server
The Soundminer Server solutions guarantee a streamlined, cutting-edge workflow.
With the comprehensive and far-reaching features of Soundminer V6 PRO even the biggest archives remain easy to maintain. The maintenance of archives is fast and uncomplicated - as well as accessible immediately to all users thanks to the network compatibility.
Archive Access through the Intranet - with the Soundminer Webinterface
For media producers with a high number of users, Soundminer offers a web-based solution with access to the archive. The MusicMiner Webinterface allows users to access the archive without having to purchase the set of tools offered by Soundminer V6 PLUS or Soundminer V6 PRO.
MusicMiner can be used for research purposes or to collect audio material for productions via its folders and playlists function. These lists can then be shared and exchanged with other members of the group. Audio material can be downloaded locally (depending on administration rights).
Many Users, Few Licenses
The MusicMiner Webinterface can be used with any internet browser and allows access to all archives that you make available.
You decide who gets to access or change what - down to a single user, if need be.
With MusicMiner, an unlimited number of people gain access to your archive. By setting up user circles, you can grant download rights to a number of selected people. This way, a great number of people gain access to the archives, but the overall number of licenses required for sound files and music stays low.
Keeping Track of Licenses
With Soundminer Server, you not only maintain an orderly structure in your archive, you also keep track of the access rights for the archives. You decide who is granted the right to access a particular archive. This way you can easily administrate the user licenses of sound archives.