Library | Waveform | Filename | add | Description | info | Channels | Duration | ShortID | Category | Subcategory | |
1 | CornBuntingAdul69028.wav | Corn Bunting. Adult Anxiety Call CU, Adult Flies In To Nest. Hoopoe In B/g. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:29 | Bird |
Emberizidae |
Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
2 | RufousCollaredSp84135.wav | Rufous-Collared Sparrow. Song With Natural Intervals Estancia Anita, Lago Argentino, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina | i |
2.0 | 3:10 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Collared Sparrow Zonotrichia Capensis | |||
3 | SongSparrowSong88122.wav | Song Sparrow. Song South West Oregon, USA | i |
2.0 | 1:05 | Bird | Emberizidae | Song Sparrow Melospiza Melodia | |||
4 | BrownTowheeMCU62046.wav | Brown Towhee. MCU Calls, Distant White-winged Dove In B/g. Catalina State Park, Arizona, USA | i |
2.0 | 1:05 | Bird | Emberizidae | Brown Towhee Pipilo Fuscus | |||
5 | ReedBuntingSong80087.wav | Reed Bunting. Song Gloucestershire, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:59 | Bird | Emberizidae | Reed Bunting Emeriza Schoeniclus | |||
6 | SongSparrowAND58114.wav | Song Sparrow. AND WHITE-THROATED SPARROW (ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS) CU Calls And Wing-beats From Several, Occasional Calls From American Crows And Blue Jays, Carolina Chickadees And Eastern Phoebe Call In B/g. Rustling Sounds From Sparrows On Ground. Foothills, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, USA | i |
2.0 | 2:55 | Bird | Emberizidae | Song Sparrow Melospiza Melodia | |||
7 | LaplandBuntingH19075.wav | Lapland Bunting. High Pitched Warning Calls Of Male Bunting. Red Necked Phalarope And Occasionally Other Birds B/g. Recorded At Night. Slight Hiss. Taymyr Peninsula, Russia | i |
2.0 | 2:27 | Bird | Emberizidae | Lapland Bunting Calcarius Lapponicus | |||
8 | SnowBuntingCall82205.wav | Snow Bunting. Calls Of Flock Norfolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:16 | Bird | Emberizidae | Snow Bunting Plectrophenax Nivalis | |||
9 | AmericanTreeSpar69085.wav | American Tree Sparrow. MC Song, Windy B/g With Boreal Wood Frogs And Another Sparrow In Distance, Eiders And Snow Goose In B/g, Wind In Mic. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 0:54 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
10 | AmericanTreeSpar60154.wav | American Tree Sparrow. CU Song, Frogs In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 0:45 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
11 | LaplandBuntingC19090.wav | Lapland Bunting. Cu Song Large Bird Wingbeats In B/g Other Lapland Buntings And Long-tailed Duck In Distance. Location:Lake Taimyr, North Russia | i |
2.0 | 1:45 | Bird | Emberizidae | Lapland Bunting Calcarius Lapponicus | |||
12 | RufousSidedTowhe66013.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Calls, Slight Wind In Pines. Everglades N.P., Florida, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 1:02 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythropthalmus | |||
13 | CornBuntingHung69031.wav | Corn Bunting. Hunger Calls Of Fledglings, Plus Adult Calls And Wingbeats CU. Hoopoe In B/g At The Beginning. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:19 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
14 | RufousSidedTowhe65109.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Calls, Great Crested Flycatcher Calls In B/g, Other Birds In Distance. Konza Prairie, Kansas, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 4:29 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
15 | YellowhammerMcu39070.wav | Yellowhammer. Mcu Full Song With "cheese" In Middle Of Recording And Towards End. Tree Sparrow, Insects And Tractor In Distance. Occasional Calls From Other Birds. This Could Also Be Used As Farmland Atmosphere. Cotswolds, Gloucestershire, UK | i |
2.0 | 10:21 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
16 | CornBuntingFema55248.wav | Corn Bunting. Female Approaches Nest, Settles On Eggs, Male Sings In Tree Alone. Female Flies From Nest At End At Approach Of Intruder, With Nightingales In B/g, And Blackcap. Candeleda, New Castile, Central Spain | i |
2.0 | 3:10 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
17 | RufousSidedTowhe59175.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Alarm Calls. Blue Jay, Yellow-rumped Warblers And Crickets In B/g. Location:Chincoteague, Virginia, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:32 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
18 | YellowhammerCuc39068.wav | Yellowhammer. Cu Calls From A Male. Blackbird And Cattle In Background. Clean Start Then Distant Traffic And Aircraft. (might Also Be Used As Farmland) Inglestone Common, Gloucestershire, UK | i |
2.0 | 1:34 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
19 | CornBuntingAnxi69020.wav | Corn Bunting. Anxiety Calls. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:57 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
20 | RufousSideTowhee67061.wav | Rufous-Side Towhee. CU Song, Other Birds In Distance, Wind In Trees Gusting. Bent Creek, Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 3:02 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Side Towhee Pipilo Erthropthalmus | |||
21 | WhiteThroatedSpa60100.wav | White-Throated Sparrow. CU Song. Black-capped Chickadees And Other Birds In B/g. Stream Rippling And Wind In Trees. Location:Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada | i |
2.0 | 3:27 | Bird | Emberizidae | White Throated Sparrow Zonotrichia Albicollis | |||
22 | RufousCollaredSp49241.wav | Rufous-Collared Sparrow. Song, With Other Birds In B/g Stream Nearby NB:Date Of Recording Unknown Navarin Island, S.America | i |
2.0 | 1:15 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Collared Sparrow Zonotrichia Capensis | |||
23 | SongSparrowMCU62134.wav | Song Sparrow. MCU Song, Wind In Trees. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Bird | Emberizidae | Song Sparrow Melospiza Melodia | |||
24 | CornBuntingAdul69022.wav | Corn Bunting. Adult Flies To And From Nest, With Call Of Fledgling And Anxiety Calls Of Remaining Adult At Nest CU. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:00 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
25 | AmericanTreeSpar69092.wav | American Tree Sparrow. CU Song, Running Water, Arctic Redpolls And Another Singing In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 0:38 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
26 | ReedBuntingMcu63118.wav | Reed Bunting. Mcu Calls Gadwall And Tractor In B/g Blagdon Lake, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:44 | Bird | Emberizidae | Reed Bunting Emberiza Schoeniclus | |||
27 | SnowBuntingCus17161.wav | Snow Bunting. Cu Song. Another In B/g. Location:Wrangel Island, E. Siberia | i |
2.0 | 0:56 | Bird | Emberizidae | Snow Bunting Plectrophenax Nivalis | |||
28 | AmericanTreeSpar60162.wav | American Tree Sparrow. CU Song, Redpoll, Arctic Redpoll, Snipe, Canada Goose, Willow Grouse And Other Sparrows In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 0:51 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
29 | LaplandBuntingC19093.wav | Lapland Bunting. Cu Calls From Adults Flying To Nest Calls From Chicks Whilst Feeding Insects In B/g Some Noise In B/g At Times Location:Lake Taimyr, North Russia | i |
2.0 | 1:41 | Bird | Emberizidae | Lapland Bunting Calcarius Lapponicus | |||
30 | SavannahSparrow64332.wav | Savannah Sparrow. MCU Song From A Bird Moving Inside Bush, Another In B/g. Canada Goose And Arctic Terns In Distance. Churchill, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 1:41 | Bird | Emberizidae | Savannah Sparrow Passerculus Sandwichensis | |||
31 | CornBuntingSong57184.wav | Corn Bunting. Song Of Male. Nr. Candaleda, New Castile, Central Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
32 | RufousSidedTowhe68058.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Song With CU "churring" From A Carolina Wren. Cow, Caralina Chickadees And Common Flicker In B/g. Foothills, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 0:26 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
33 | YellowhammerSong66118.wav | Yellowhammer. Song Mcu. NB: Date Of Recording Not Known. New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 1:21 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
34 | CornBuntingFled69024.wav | Corn Bunting. Fledglings Give Begging Calls CU. Hoopoe In B/g. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:37 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
35 | RufousSidedTowhe63008.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Song. Leaves Falling In B/g. Chincoteague, Virginia, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:25 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
36 | YellowhammerCUs92059.wav | Yellowhammer. CU Song. Crows, Willow Warbler, Tree Pipit, Turtle Dove, Woodpigeon, Song Thrush And Other Yellowhammers In Distance. Hum From Insects. Great Haldon Hill, Devon | i |
2.0 | 2:46 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
37 | RufousSidedTowhe69055.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Calls. Yellow-rumped Warblers Calling. Wind In Bushes. Location:Pea Island, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:15 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erthrophalmus | |||
38 | WhiteThroatedSpa64202.wav | White-Throated Sparrow. MCU Song, Another, Frogs And Other Birds In B/g. Wind In Trees. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada | i |
2.0 | 1:47 | Bird | Emberizidae | White Throated Sparrow Zonotrichia Albicollis | |||
39 | CornBuntingCall69032.wav | Corn Bunting. Calls Of Adults And Fledglings CU. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:55 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
40 | CornBuntingAdul69027.wav | Corn Bunting. Adults Feed Fledglings And Utter Anxiety Calls CU. Hoopoe In B/g. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:50 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
41 | RufousCollaredSp84134.wav | Rufous-Collared Sparrow. Song With Natural Intervals Estancia Anita, Lago Argentino, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina | i |
2.0 | 1:21 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Collared Sparrow Zonotrichia Capensis | |||
42 | SongSparrowMCU62137.wav | Song Sparrow. MCU Song, Other Birds In Distance, Faint Wind In Trees. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 0:37 | Bird | Emberizidae | Song Sparrow Melospiza Melodia | |||
43 | BrownTowheeMCU60145.wav | Brown Towhee. MCU Song And Squeal Duet - Other Birds In B/g. Patagonia, Arizona, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:55 | Bird | Emberizidae | Brown Towhee Pipilo Fuscus | |||
44 | ReedBuntingSong90042.wav | Reed Bunting. Song With Redshanks In B/g Blyth Estuary, Suffolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:36 | Bird | Emberizidae | Reed Bunting Emberiza Schoeniclus | |||
45 | SnowBuntingMdc8069.wav | Snow Bunting. Md-cu Song. Heavy River In B/g. Snow Geese At End. Wrangel Island, Russia | i |
2.0 | 1:42 | Bird | Emberizidae | Snow Bunting Plectrophenax Nivalis | |||
46 | AmericanTreeSpar60164.wav | American Tree Sparrow. CU Song, Geese And Snipe In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 0:32 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
47 | LaplandBuntingC19095.wav | Lapland Bunting. Cu Wingbeats And Calls From Adults Arriving At Nest To Feed Chicks Calls From Chicks Location:Lake Taimyr, North Russia | i |
2.0 | 0:45 | Bird | Emberizidae | Lapland Bunting Calcarius Lapponicus | |||
48 | SnowBuntingCall82204.wav | Snow Bunting. Calls Of Flock Norfolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:29 | Bird | Emberizidae | Snow Bunting Plectrophenax Nivalis | |||
49 | CornBuntingSong62235.wav | Corn Bunting. Song MCU. Rio Tozo, Nr. Trujillo, Extramadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:32 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
50 | RufousSidedTowhe62297.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Song, Other Birds In Distance. Bent Creek, Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:35 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythropthalmus | |||
51 | RufousSidedTowhe63013.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Calls From Two Birds. Flight Call From Cardinal. Crickets And Yellow-rumped Warblers In B/g. Chincoteague, Virginia, USA | i |
2.0 | 1:06 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
52 | YellowhammerMcu39069.wav | Yellowhammer. Mcu Song. Swallows Calling In Flight. Rooks And Other Birds In Distance. Badminton, Gloucestershire, UK | i |
2.0 | 1:53 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
53 | CornBuntingHung69030.wav | Corn Bunting. Hunger Calls Of Fledglings CU. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:07 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
54 | CornBuntingCUc54031.wav | Corn Bunting. CU Calls, Skylark In B/g (Tractor And Voices In Distance Near End) Location:North Shore, Lake Ichkeul Tunisia | i |
2.0 | 0:59 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
55 | RufousSidedTowhe57051.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Song, Other Birds In B/g. Bent Creek, Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 2:39 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
56 | YellowHammerSon79161.wav | Yellow Hammer. Song Essex, UK | i |
2.0 | 1:05 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellow Hammer Emberiza Citrinella Nebulosa | |||
57 | CornBuntingAdul69029.wav | Corn Bunting. Adult Feeds Begging Fledglings CU, With Wingbeats. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:00 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
58 | RufousCollaredSp84136.wav | Rufous-Collared Sparrow. Alarm Note - "chip" Punta Bandera, Lago Argentino, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina | i |
2.0 | 0:52 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Collared Sparrow Zonotrichia Capensis | |||
59 | WhiteThroatedSpa60098.wav | White-Throated Sparrow. MCU Song. Wind In Trees And Insects. Another Sparrow In B/g. Location:Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada | i |
2.0 | 1:20 | Bird | Emberizidae | White Throated Sparrow Zonotrichia Albicollis | |||
60 | CornBuntingAdul69021.wav | Corn Bunting. Adult Flies In To Feed Fledgling, Then Flies Off Again. Anxiety Calls Of Other Adult On Nest CU. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:21 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
61 | RufousCollaredSp48250.wav | Rufous-Collared Sparrow. Single Song Phrase CU. Navarin Island, Chile | i |
2.0 | 0:17 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Collared Sparrow Zonotrichia Capensis | |||
62 | SongSparrowMCU58118.wav | Song Sparrow. MCU Contact Calls From Several. American Crows In B/g. Foothills, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:34 | Bird | Emberizidae | Song Sparrow Melospiza Melodia | |||
63 | AmericanTreeSpar69091.wav | American Tree Sparrow. CU Song, Windy B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 0:14 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
64 | LaplandBuntingM19091.wav | Lapland Bunting. Mco Song Then Flight Call Distant Long-tailed Duck Some Wind Near The End. Location:Lake Taimyr, North Russia | i |
2.0 | 0:37 | Bird | Emberizidae | Lapland Bunting Calcarius Lapponicus | |||
65 | SnowBuntingCUc41031.wav | Snow Bunting. CU Calls And Song, Bird Flies Off At End. Meadow Pipits In B/g. Mountain Stream In B/g. Cairn Gorm, Highland, Scotland | i |
2.0 | 1:33 | Bird | Emberizidae | Snow Bunting Plectrophenax Nivalis | |||
66 | AmericanTreeSpar60160.wav | American Tree Sparrow. Cu Song, Frogs, Geese And Other Sparrow In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 1:17 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
67 | LaplandBuntingC19092.wav | Lapland Bunting. Cu Calls From Adult At Nest Calls From Chick Location:Lake Taimyr, North Russia | i |
2.0 | 0:36 | Bird | Emberizidae | Lapland Bunting Calcarius Lapponicus | |||
68 | SavannahSparrow60153.wav | Savannah Sparrow. MCU-CU Song, Insects, American Tree Sparrow, Frogs And Distant Geese In B/g, Rather Hissy, Redpolls, Eider And Willow Grouse Also In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 5:34 | Bird | Emberizidae | Savannah Sparrow Passerculus Sandwichensis | |||
69 | CornBuntingSong55253.wav | Corn Bunting. Song MCU, With Golden Oriole In B/g. Nr Candeleda, New Castile, Central Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:03 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
70 | RufousSidedTowhe67058.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. MCU Calls With Different Calls At End, Black-and-White Warbler, Insects And Other Birds In B/g. Slight Wind In Trees. North Mills River, Blue Ridge Mts. N.Carolina, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 2:12 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
71 | YellowhammerSong52231.wav | Yellowhammer. Song, With Rain. Modbury, Devon, UK | i |
2.0 | 2:27 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
72 | CornBuntingFema55265.wav | Corn Bunting. Female Approaches And Sits On Nest With Eggs, Calls Quietly, Male Sings In B/g; Then Female Is Flushed By A Dog Which Barks At It. Nr Candeleda, New Castile, Central Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:56 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
73 | RufousSidedTowhe63007.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Song, Others In B/g. Calls From Other Birds And Cricket Chorus. Chincoteague, Virginia, USA | i |
2.0 | 1:05 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
74 | YellowhammerCUM92060.wav | Yellowhammer. CU-MCU Song, With Garden Warbler Singing From Various Perches CU-MCU, Song From Linnets MCU. Willow Warblers In Distance. Blackbird Calls Towards End. Great Haldon Hill, Devon | i |
2.0 | 6:45 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
75 | CornBuntingCall69023.wav | Corn Bunting. Calls Of Fledgling, Plus Adult Flying To And From Nest. One Adult Remains At Nest Giving Anxiety Calls. Hoopoe In B/g. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
76 | RufousSidedTowhe69054.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Annoyance Calls. MCU Calls From Yellow-rumped Warblers. Distant American Robin And Traffic. (Hissy) Location:Pea Island, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 2:05 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erthrophalmus | |||
77 | WhiteThroatedSpa64200.wav | White-Throated Sparrow. MC Song, Another In B/g, Bullfrog Calling, Eastern Chipmunk Calls, Wind In Trees. Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada | i |
2.0 | 1:55 | Bird | Emberizidae | White Throated Sparrow Zonotrichia Albicollis | |||
78 | CornBuntingAdul69025.wav | Corn Bunting. Adult Flies In And Feeds Fledglings CU. Hoopoe In B/g. Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 0:40 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
79 | RufousCollaredSp84133.wav | Rufous-Collared Sparrow. Song With Natural Intervals Estancia Anita, Lago Argentino, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina | i |
2.0 | 2:01 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Collared Sparrow Zonotrichia Capensis | |||
80 | SongSparrowMCU62136.wav | Song Sparrow. MCU Song, Other Birds In B/g And Faint Leaf Noise And Traffic. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 1:32 | Bird | Emberizidae | Song Sparrow Melospiza Melodia | |||
81 | BrownTowheeMCs59203.wav | Brown Towhee. MC Song, Flight Calls From A Pair Of Costa"s Hummingbirds And Insects. Catalina State Park, Arizona, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:31 | Bird | Emberizidae | Brown Towhee Pipilo Fuscus | |||
82 | ReedBuntingSong78315.wav | Reed Bunting. Song County Mayo | i |
2.0 | 2:00 | Bird | Emberizidae | Reed Bunting Emberiza Schoeniclus | |||
83 | SnowBuntingMDc41030.wav | Snow Bunting. MD Calls And Short Song From Bird On The Ground, With Flight Calls From Others Flying Over. Mountain Stream In B/g. Cairn Gorm, Highland, Scotland | i |
2.0 | 0:39 | Bird | Emberizidae | Snow Bunting Plectrophenax Nivalis | |||
84 | AmericanTreeSpar60163.wav | American Tree Sparrow. CU Song, Redpoll, Geese, Snipe, Raven, Eider And Other Sparrows In B/g. Water In Distance, Hissy B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 2:09 | Bird | Emberizidae | American Tree Sparrow Spizella Arborea | |||
85 | LaplandBuntingC19094.wav | Lapland Bunting. Cu Calls From Chicks As Adults Fly In To Feed Calls From Adults Some Noise In B/g And Windy At Times. Location:Lake Taimyr, North Russia | i |
2.0 | 2:00 | Bird | Emberizidae | Lapland Bunting Calcarius Lapponicus | |||
86 | SavannahSparrow64336.wav | Savannah Sparrow. CU Alarm Calls, Geese In Distance. Churchill, Manitoba, Canada | i |
2.0 | 0:24 | Bird | Emberizidae | Savannah Sparrow Passerculus Sandwichensis | |||
87 | CornBuntingSong59049.wav | Corn Bunting. Song MCU, With A Woodland Edge Atmos. Nr Candeleda, New Castile, Central Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:10 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
88 | RufousSidedTowhe58125.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Alarm And Call, Becoming More Distant. Cardinal Calling In B/g. Chincoteague, Virginia, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:22 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythropthalmus | |||
89 | CornBuntingFled69034.wav | Corn Bunting. Fledglings Begging As Adult Flies In. Distant Hoopoe At The End. Rio Almonte, Nr Trujillo, Extramadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:23 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
90 | RufousSidedTowhe63012.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. CU Flight Alarm Call And MC Song From Two Birds. Alarm From Carolina Wren. Yellow-rumped Warblers And Crickets In B/g. Chincoteague, Virginia, USA | i |
2.0 | 1:11 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
91 | YellowhammerCUs92061.wav | Yellowhammer. CU Song. Willow Warblers, Linnets, Song Thrush In Distance. Great Haldon Hill, Devon | i |
2.0 | 5:28 | Bird | Emberizidae | Yellowhammer Emberiza Citrinella | |||
92 | CornBuntingCall69033.wav | Corn Bunting. Calls Of Adults As Fledglings Leave Nest; With Wingbeats (slight Rain) Rio Almonte, Nr. Trujillo, Extremadura, Spain | i |
2.0 | 1:10 | Bird | Emberizidae | Corn Bunting Emberiza Calandra | |||
93 | RufousSidedTowhe57024.wav | Rufous-Sided Towhee. MCU Contact Calls And Foraging In Dry Leaves, A Second Bird Approaches And Sings. Bent Creek, Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 2:41 | Bird | Emberizidae | Rufous Sided Towhee Pipilo Erythrophthalmus | |||
94 | WhiteThroatedSpa68060.wav | White-Throated Sparrow. CU Calls. Cattle, American Crow And Chickadees In B/g. Foothills, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 0:19 | Bird | Emberizidae | White Throated Sparrow Zonotrichia Albicollis | |||
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