Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyMarching.BBC.EC2A1f.wav Army, Marching: Drill With Orders, Ragged Marching.
2.0 1:50


Army Marching

2 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT18l Voices,Marines,Yell,Singles,Random,Spacing - faint BG vehicle.wav WT18l Voices, Marines, Yell, Singles, Random, Spacing - Faint BG Vehicle
8.0 1:10Military Crowd Army
3 BBC Sound Effects Library Executions.BBC.EC199Ab.wav Execution Carried Out With A Block And Sword. (Specially Created Effect.)
2.0 0:10Military Execution
4 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyMovements.BBC.EC129Cb.wav Army, Movements: Constant Movement On A Soft Surface. (Created To Simulate Troop Movements Over Rough Ground)
2.0 6:59Military Army Movements
5 BBC Sound Effects Library BombWorldWarII.BBC.ECD100g.wav Rocket V2, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: V2 Rocket Explosion And Rumble - 1975 (500B)
2.0 0:25Military Rocket V2 World War 2
6 BBC Sound Effects Library BattlesPeriod.BBC.EC3B1a.wav Battle, Period: Seventeenth Century Battle, With Cannons, Muskets, Shouting And Hand-to-hand Fighting.
2.0 6:22Military Battle Period
7 SoundStorm Library Weapons-155HowitzersFirin_1.wav Weapons - 155 Howitzers Firing - C U - Double Bang, Big Blast Boom, Long Tail Out, Man's Voice Yells, Fire!"" Before Blast"
2.0 0:07Military Weapons
8 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIAirRaids.BBC.EC500Qa.wav Warfare, World War II: Air Raids On London At Night. Night Alert, Faint Droning Of Planes, Siren.
2.0 3:12Military World War II Air Raid
9 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIAirRaids.BBC.EC500Kb.wav Warfare, World War II: Massed Formations Of German Bombers Attacked By British Fighters.
2.0 2:43Military World War II Air Raid
10 SoundStorm Library Weapons-FlameThrower-Clos_5.wav Weapons - Flame Thrower - Close-Up - Flash Hit, Phased Whoosh With Some Crackling
2.0 0:05Military Weapons
11 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIFlyingBomb.BBC.EC500Ba.wav Warfare, World War II: V1 Flying Bomb, Doodle Bug, Passing Over And Anti-aircraft Fire.
2.0 1:07Military World War II Flying Bomb
12 SoundStorm Library Weapons-MediumMortarExplosi.wav Weapons - Medium Mortar Explosions W Debris - Medium Distant - Good Rumbling Explosions, Great Debris Fallout
2.0 0:38Military Weapons
13 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT32 Feet,Dirt,Boots,Marines,5,Jogging.wav WT32 Feet, Dirt, Boots, Marines, 5, Jogging
6.0 0:26Military Crowd Army
14 Rob Nokes Sound Library Army,Kazakh,March,MDist,Dirt2.wav Army Kazakh March MDist Dirt2
2.0 0:24Military Army Marching
15 SoundStorm Library Weapons-Mortars-MortarTube-.wav Weapons - Mortars - Mortar Tube - MCU - Launch Fire
2.0 0:01Military Weapons
16 Rob Nokes Sound Library WTIR21 Voice,Arabic,Female,Pray,Allah,Despair,Holding Child.wav WTIR21 Voice, Arabic, Female, Pray, Allah, Despair, Holding Child
6.0 0:40Military Crowd Army
17 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT00 Crowd,Marines,20,Yell,Kill,Strong.wav WT00 Crowd, Marines, 20, Yell, Kill, Strong
6.0 0:05Military Crowd Army
18 Sonopedia CanteenScrewOn_S08WA.104.wav Warfare, Canteen, Screw, On, Top, Military, Army, Military
2.0 0:03Military Military
19 SoundStorm Library Weapons--MortarExplosions-M.wav Weapons - - Mortar Explosions - Medium Distant - Rumbling, Reverberant, Some Dirt Debris
1.0 1:51Military Weapons
20 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT07c Voice,Marine,Yell,Many,Spread Out - some wind and BG bike.wav WT07c Voice, Marine, Yell, Many, Spread Out - Some Wind And BG Bike
6.0 0:13Military Crowd Army
21 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Archery shot close 01.wav Weapons: Archery, Interior, Load Arrow, Draw Back, Shoot, From Right Next To Shooter, Target Hit Across Room
2.0 0:15Military Weapons
22 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT13 Voices,Marines,5,Amen,Strong.wav WT13 Voices, Marines, 5, Amen, Strong
2.0 0:01Military Crowd Army
23 Rob Nokes Sound Library Army,Kazakh,March,CU,Dirt1.wav Army Kazakh March CU Dirt1
2.0 0:12Military Army Marching
24 SoundStorm Library Weapons-Mortars-MortarTub_5.wav Weapons - Mortars - Mortar Tube - MCU - Launch Fire
2.0 0:03Military Weapons
25 Rob Nokes Sound Library WTIR16 Voices,Arabic and Broken English,Male,Plead to Marines.wav WTIR16 Voices, Arabic And Broken English, Male, Plead To Marines
6.0 0:45Military Crowd Army
26 Rob Nokes Sound Library Crowd,Marines,10,Laugh,Pleased.wav Crowd, Marines, 10, Laugh, Pleased
6.0 0:04Military Crowd Army
27 Sonopedia BowThwapString_S08WA.17.wav Warfare, Bow, Snap, Thwap, String, Pluck
2.0 0:01Military Military
28 SoundStorm Library MilitaryVehicles-Military_1.wav Military Vehicles - Military Motor Pool - Ext - Military Trucks And Large Vehicles, Driving And Idling, Occasional Distant Backup Beeps
2.0 2:29Military Vehicle Military
29 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT07 Voice,Marine,Yell,Many,Mount Up,Forceful.wav WT07 Voice, Marine, Yell, Many, Mount Up, Forceful
6.0 0:41Military Crowd Army
30 Casablanca Sound Library Grenade Launcher,Set,Fire,3.wav Weapons: Grenade Launcher Set Fire 3
2.0 0:05Military Weapons
31 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT12a Voices,Marines,Shout,Random,Singles,Specific Orders,Names.wav WT12a Voices, Marines, Shout, Random, Singles, Specific Orders, Names
6.0 0:25Military Crowd Army
32 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyMarching.BBC.EC83Bb.wav Army, Marching: Army Drill, Marching In Broken Step.
2.0 4:02Military Army Marching
33 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT18e Crowd,Marines,3,Chat,Humvee,Truck Bed,Many Moves - faint BG plane.wav WT18e Crowd, Marines, 3, Chat, Humvee, Truck Bed, Many Moves - Faint BG Plane
8.0 1:23Military Crowd Army
34 BBC Sound Effects Library DrillArmy.BBC.ECD99a.wav Drill, Army: Warfare, World War I: Four Companies Approach And Halt (WW1 Drill With Orders Shouted) - 1967 (83D)
2.0 1:43Military Drill Army
35 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyMarching.BBC.EC83Da.wav Army, Marching: World War I Army Drill, Four Companies Approach And Halt, With Orders Shouted.
2.0 1:38Military Army Marching
36 BBC Sound Effects Library BombWorldWarII.BBC.ECD100d.wav Rocket V1, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: V1 Flying Bomb (Doodle Bug) Passing Over And Anti Aircraft Fire - 1975 (500B)
2.0 1:06Military Rocket V1 World War 2
37 BBC Sound Effects Library BattlesPeriod.BBC.EC3B2a.wav Battle, Period: Napoleonic Battle Re-enactment, Armies On Battlefield Led By Bands, With Cannon And Musket Fire. (18th Century Battle Re-enactment Recorded In East Sussex.)
2.0 5:09Military Battle Period
38 SoundStorm Library Weapons-105HowitzersFirin_4.wav Weapons - 105 Howitzers Firing - MCU - Mutli Fire, Distant Impacts, Austrailian Men's Voices Cry Out Before It Blasts
2.0 0:28Military Weapons
39 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIAirRaids.BBC.EC500Qc.wav Warfare, World War II: Air Raid Actuality. Intensive Air Raid, Anti-aircraft Fire, Bombs Falling And Bursting, Fire Engine, Bells.
2.0 3:00Military World War II Air Raid
40 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIINaziGerman.BBC.ECD100d.wav Warfare, World War II: Int. Starting, Running, Shutting Off - 1982 (500U)
2.0 1:40Military World War II Nazi Germany
41 SoundStorm Library Weapons-ConcussionShot-CU-L.wav Weapons - Concussion Shot - C U - Like Old Cannon Or Musket, Thuddy W Some Low-End, Good Sweetener
2.0 0:23Military Weapons
42 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIGroundWar.BBC.ECD100.wav Warfare, World War II: Street Fighting, Tanks, Priest Self Propelled Guns, Enemy Shells Landing - 1945 (500X)
2.0 1:49Military World War II Ground Warfare
43 SoundStorm Library Weapons-HowitzerBlast-Med_2.wav Weapons - Howitzer Blast - Medium - Reverberant Concussion W Decay, Blast, Then Closer Explosion, W Quick Metalic Jangle On Impact
2.0 0:21Military Weapons
44 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT30 Equipment,Gear,Pre Combat Inspection,Ammo,Velcro,Flak Jacket.wav WT30 Equipment, Gear, Pre Combat Inspection, Ammo, Velcro, Flak Jacket
2.0 1:28Military Crowd Army
45 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT05a Marines,2,Spar,Breaths - some distant bikes.wav WT05a Marines, 2, Spar, Breaths - Some Distant Bikes
6.0 0:29Military Crowd Army
46 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT11a Feet,Boots,Platoon,Dirt,Run,By,Many - some brush moves.wav WT11a Feet, Boots, Platoon, Dirt, Run, By, Many - Some Brush Moves
6.0 0:17Military Crowd Army
47 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyHorses.BBC.EC83Ed.wav Army, Horses: Horsedrawn Gun Carriage Starts, Runs And Stops, Turns, Stops. (Recorded On Board.)
2.0 3:32Military Army Horses
48 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT18 Crowd,Marines,3,Chat,Humvee Pool.wav WT18 Crowd, Marines, 3, Chat, Humvee Pool
6.0 1:15Military Crowd Army
49 BBC Sound Effects Library Battles.BBC.ECD100e.wav Warfare, World War II: Heavy Constant Barrage Rec. During The Rhine Crossing - 1945 (600W)
2.0 2:20Military Battles
50 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyMarching.BBC.EC83Fd.wav Army, Marching: Soldiers, Constant Marching On Soft Surface. (Troops Wearing Studded Boots.)
2.0 1:35Military Army Marching
51 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT25 Voices,Marines,Yell,Singles,Battle Shouts,Many,Hoarse.wav WT25 Voices, Marines, Yell, Singles, Battle Shouts, Many, Hoarse
8.0 0:27Military Crowd Army
52 BBC Sound Effects Library RafStations.BBC.ECD71f.wav Warfare, World War II: Landing At Night At RAF Station - Radio Telephone, Flare Path Lit, Directions To Aircraft, Chance Light, Aircraft Landing - Dec.1940 (reprocessed)
2.0 3:38Military Raf Stations
53 BBC Sound Effects Library BattlesPeriod.BBC.EC82Cb.wav Battle, Period: Eleventh Century Battle, General Battle Atmosphere.
2.0 4:30Military Battle Period
54 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIAirRaids.BBC.EC500J.wav Warfare, World War II: Actuality Of An Air Battle, Planes Diving And Zooming, Gunfire. (German Film)
2.0 2:45Military World War II Air Raid
55 SoundStorm Library Weapons-BlowGunDart-CU-A_9.wav Weapons - Blow Gun And Dart - CU - Air Blast Zip Sweetener
2.0 0:01Military Weapons
56 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIAirRaids.BBC.EC500La.wav Warfare, World War II: German Night Bombers In Constant Flight. Synchronised Engines.
2.0 6:11Military World War II Air Raid
57 BBC Sound Effects Library WorldWarIIGuns.BBC.ECD100a.wav Warfare, World War II: Rifle And Machine Gunfire- 1945 (500Y)
2.0 1:53Military World War II Gunfire
58 SoundStorm Library Weapons-GrenadePinPull-CU-P.wav Weapons - Grenade Pin Pull - C U - Pin Is Pulled From Grenade
2.0 0:03Military Weapons
59 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT27a Voices,Marines,Yell,Singles,Excited,Eager.wav WT27a Voices, Marines, Yell, Singles, Excited, Eager
8.0 0:48Military Crowd Army
60 BBC Sound Effects Library Warships.BBC.ECD71b.wav Warfare, World War II: Minesweeper - Sweep In - Donkey Engine, Hawser, Paravane Made Fast On Deck (reprocessed)
2.0 0:52Military Warship
61 SoundStorm Library Weapons-Mortars-MortarTu_28.wav Weapons - Mortars - Mortar Tube - MCU - Launch Fire
2.0 0:01Military Weapons
62 Rob Nokes Sound Library WTIR13 Voice,Arabic,Women,x2,Trill,x3.wav WTIR13 Voice, Arabic, Women, X2, Trill, X3
8.0 0:09Military Crowd Army
63 Rob Nokes Sound Library Warriors,Kazakh,Whistles,Voc2.wav Warriors Kazakh Whistles Vocals 2
2.0 0:12Military Army Warriors
64 Sonopedia BattleGunShots_S08WA.12.wav Warfare, Battle, Gun, Shots, Distant, Loop, Battlefield
2.0 1:39Military Military
65 SoundStorm Library MilitaryVehicles-LightArmor.wav Military Vehicles - Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) - MCU Start, Idle, Medium Slow Away
2.0 0:52Military Vehicle Military
66 SoundStorm Library Weapons-BlowGunDart-CU-A_4.wav Weapons - Blow Gun And Dart - CU - Air Blast Zip Sweetener
2.0 0:01Military Weapons
67 BBC Sound Effects Library WorldWarIIGuns.BBC.ECD100g.wav Warfare, World War II: Enemy Mortar Fire From 400 Yards - Nebelwerfer (6 Barrelled Mortar) From Enemy Lines - 1945 (500X)
2.0 1:02Military World War II Gunfire
68 BBC Sound Effects Library AirRaids.BBC.ECD101g.wav Warfare, World War II: Night Raid On London, Stick Of Bombs, Anti-aircraft Fire, Close, Warden"s Voices - 1940 (500N)
2.0 2:09Military World War II Air Raid
69 SoundStorm Library Weapons-GrenadeLeverOffDro.wav Weapons - Grenade Lever Off And Drop - C U - Grenade Lever Is Pulled Off And Dropped To Concrete Floor, Ringy Sound As It Bounces
2.0 0:05Military Weapons
70 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT25d Voices,Marines,Yell,Singles,Battle Shouts,x2.wav WT25d Voices, Marines, Yell, Singles, Battle Shouts, X2
8.0 0:11Military Crowd Army
71 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIAirRaids.BBC.EC162Af.wav Warfare, World War II: World War II Air Raid Siren, Italian, All Clear Sounded.
2.0 1:00Military World War II Air Raid
72 SoundStorm Library Weapons-Mortars-MortarTu_23.wav Weapons - Mortars - Mortar Tube - MCU - Launch Fire
2.0 0:02Military Weapons
73 Rob Nokes Sound Library WTIR11 Voices,Arabic and Broken English,Female,Shout,Bush Blair,Supportive,x2.wav WTIR11 Voices, Arabic And Broken English, Female, Shout, Bush Blair, Supportive, X2
8.0 0:26Military Crowd Army
74 Rob Nokes Sound Library Weapon,Group,Clatter,Rhythm3.wav Weapon Group Clatter Rhythm 3
2.0 0:30Military Army Weapons
75 Sonopedia BattleAxeStrike_S08WA.10.wav Warfare, Battle, Axe, Strike, Impact, Metal, Hit, Large, Heavy, Blade, Medieval
2.0 0:01Military Military
76 SoundStorm Library MilitaryVehicles-Chenowet_2.wav Military Vehicles - Chenoweth Military Dune Buggy - C U By - 25 Mph - On Dirt, Slight Doppler, Away In 3rd Gear; [Volkswagen Engine]
1.0 0:47Military Vehicle Military
77 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT03b Crowd,Marines,4,Chat,Sporadic,Story,Some Wind.wav WT03b Crowd, Marines, 4, Chat, Sporadic, Story, Some Wind
6.0 1:22Military Crowd Army
78 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT09c Voices,Marines,Squads,x2,Battle Shouts,Drill - approach surrounds and return to close mic.wav WT09c Voices, Marines, Squads, X2, Battle Shouts, Drill - Approach Surrounds And Return To Close Mic
6.0 1:49Military Crowd Army
79 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyHorses.BBC.EC83Ef.wav Army, Horses: Army Horses Trotting In Pairs Over Wooden Bridge.
2.0 1:09Military Army Horses
80 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT16 Voice,Marines,Gas Gas Gas,Singles,Far to Close.wav WT16 Voice, Marines, Gas Gas Gas, Singles, Far To Close
8.0 0:24Military Crowd Army
81 BBC Sound Effects Library AirBattles.BBC.ECD101b.wav Battles, Air Battles: Warfare, World War II: Dive Bomber Attack With Pom Pom Guns, Bombs And Machine Guns - 1975 (500K)
2.0 3:20Military Battles Air Battles
82 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyMarching.BBC.EC2A4f.wav Army, Marching: Platoon Sideways March, Three Paces, On Parade Ground, Without Spoken Command. (Recorded At Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.) (NB Platoon = 24 Men.)
2.0 0:06Military Army Marching
83 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT24a Crowd,Marines,4,Chat,Humvee,Bored,Ball Sweat.wav WT24a Crowd, Marines, 4, Chat, Humvee, Bored, Ball Sweat
2.0 2:40Military Crowd Army
84 BBC Sound Effects Library HorsesCarriages.BBC.ECD99d.wav Horses, Carriages: Warfare, World War I: Horsedrawn Gun Carriage Starts, Runs, Stops, Turns, Stops (recorded On Board) - 1970 (83E)
2.0 3:36Military Horses Carriages
85 BBC Sound Effects Library BattlesPeriod.BBC.EC82Gg.wav Battle, Period: Brown Bess Flintlock, Single Shot Fired. (Manufactured 1757.)
2.0 0:06Military Battle Period
86 BBC Sound Effects Library Vietnam.BBC.EC146Da.wav Warfare, Vietnam: GI"s On Patrol In Jungle.
2.0 2:16Military Warfare Vietnam
87 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT02 Crowd,Marines,20,Yell,Run Up.wav WT02 Crowd, Marines, 20, Yell, Run Up
6.0 0:12Military Crowd Army
88 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT08g Crowd,Soldiers,20,Milling,Chat,Busy,Wind.wav WT08g Crowd, Soldiers, 20, Milling, Chat, Busy, Wind
6.0 1:34Military Crowd Army
89 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftSEFiveA.BBC.ECD99c.wav Airplane, SE Five A: Warfare, World War I: Ext. Taxi Away, Take Off, Aerobatics - 1967 (104A)
2.0 1:20Military Airplane SE Five A
90 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT14c Crowd,Marines,6,Cheer,Yell,Encourage,Short,Strong.wav WT14c Crowd, Marines, 6, Cheer, Yell, Encourage, Short, Strong
6.0 0:03Military Crowd Army
91 BBC Sound Effects Library BattlesVietnam.BBC.EC146Cc.wav Battle, Vietnam: Sound Of Tanks On The Move. Cambodia Border.
2.0 2:05Military Battle Vietnam
92 BBC Sound Effects Library ArmyMarching.BBC.EC2A4e.wav Army, Marching: Platoon Grounds Arms On Parade Ground, Without Spoken Command. (Recorded At Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.) (NB Platoon = 24 Men.)
2.0 0:06Military Army Marching
93 Rob Nokes Sound Library WT23 Dirt,Shovel,Throw in Air,Land,2.wav WT23 Dirt, Shovel, Throw In Air, Land, 2
4.0 0:01Military Crowd Army
94 BBC Sound Effects Library GunsAntiAircraft.BBC.ECD71b.wav Gun, Anti Airplane: Warfare, World War II: Complete Range Finding And Firing Drill (close To Predictor) - Nov.1942 - ATS Plotting Positions - Nov.1942 (reprocessed)
2.0 1:03Military Gun Anti Airplane
95 BBC Sound Effects Library BattlesPeriod.BBC.EC82Dd.wav Battle, Period: Battle Crowd, Men Shouting Angrily. (Suggested Use, Period Battle)
2.0 7:04Military Battle Period
96 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library ParisRiots_BBC-Historical_4.wav Warfare, Humans: Paris Riots, P.A. Announcement, Smoke Grenades.
2.0 2:17Military Warfare Humans
97 SoundStorm Library Weapons-BlowGunDart-CU-_10.wav Weapons - Blow Gun And Dart - CU - Air Blast Zip Sweetener
2.0 0:01Military Weapons
98 BBC Sound Effects Library AirRaids.BBC.ECD101h.wav Warfare, World War II: Bombers Overhead, Anti-aircraft Fire, Bombs Fall 1975 (500N)
2.0 3:00Military World War II Air Raid
99 BBC Sound Effects Library WWIIAirRaids.BBC.EC500Mc.wav Warfare, World War II: Night Raid On London, Distant Anti-aircraft Fire, Bomb Falls, Drone Of Plane.
2.0 1:25Military World War II Air Raid
100 SoundStorm Library Weapons-Flamethrowers-Flame.wav Weapons - Flamethrowers - Flamethrower Blast - Int - MCU - Single Fire Blast
2.0 0:03Military Weapons