Bell Sound Effects

In the Avosound Online Sound Archive you will find a great selection of bell sounds and ringing bells and bell sound effects. The choices include bicycle bells, door bells, cow bell sound effects and sleigh bells, tubular bells, bell plates, and, of course, church bells.

Bell sounds are an everyday sound around the world -- and we often don't even notice them anymore because they are so commonplace (unless you live next door to a church, that is).

But bells are not only found in churches, they traditionally have also been serving other purposes (e.g. signalling and alarms). Maybe bells have been popular throughout the centuries because they are incredibly practical and yet so simple to use.

Bell Sounds - A History

According to archeological discoveries in China, bells date back roughly 3,000 BCE. These ancient bells were made from ceramics and pre-date the cast bells and the ones made of brass. It is said that even the Egyptians used to make metal bells and hang them from ropes in the towers. The sound of these bell plates could be heard many miles away, which made them ideal as alarm signals.

Bells Sounds - Made In China

The high quality of the metal bells hints at considerable metallurgical know-how in the 15th century BCE during the Chinese bronze age. Even back then, bells were cast with a very specific pitch in mind. In China they were used for ceremonial purposes, rituals and ceremonies of state. These bells also found use in temples and shrines outside of China, where they can still be found in great abundance.

Bells in the Temple

Bell sounds find frequent use in buddhist temples. Buddhist temples and monasteries often feature quite a number of standing or hanging brass and metal bells of considerable size that are struck with a wooden bar. Depending on the size of the location, you can find lots of smaller bells or sleigh bells ringing in the wind in stupas or at the top of temples.

Even today these bell sounds and noises can be heard in Myanmar's monasteries.

Bell Sounds - Metal Bells

In the western world, bell sound have traditionally had a strong symbolic connection to the church. To make their sound heard across many miles, the bells were hung in high towers. The mightier the building, the bigger the size of the bells. And the bigger the bell, the deeper its sound. These bells - several feet high and weighing tons - would then be hung in gigantic cathedral spires where they remain to this day, making their unique sound heard across the lands.

Bells were also mounted to public buildings to announce the time. Bells will either ring the time every quarter of an hour or every hour.

Bell Sounds - Church Bells

The sound of church bells differs depending on the size and architecture of the church. Monasteries, for example, tend to use smaller bells, while churches are a little more ostentatious about their oversized bells. Bells can sound individually, in groups, or all together.

In this context, bells have a ceremonial character as well. For festivities, all bells will usually ring at the same time. Sombre occasions might just require the sound of the deepest bell.

Bell Sounds in the Middle Ages

Apart from their religious connotations, bells were used in the middle ages to alert the people and the authorities. The striking of the bell(s) is used to announce the time to this day (much to the annoyance of many neighbours). Some of the more impressive bell towers even featured a glockenspiel––which made them known around the country. Alarm bells would ring whenever there was an attack or a fire. Those banished from the city or village could count themselves lucky if the only thing chasing them was the sound of the shame bell. Because the blood bells would announce an unkindly verdict from the worldly court in town.

Alarm Bells

As bells became easier to manufacture, cities were equipped with bells announcing alarms and storms. Before the constant cacophony of the industrial age, you could still the night porter's bell throughout the city. Bells announcing alarms and storms were equally prominent and their sound would carry from one end of the city to the other. The great benefit of bells was the amount of people you could reach in a short time and without much effort.

Bicycle Bells

To this day, bells play a significant role in our society: bells and sleigh bells can be found on ships; they were used on trains and streetcars before the invention of electrical or pressurised air horns; and, of course, they can be found on almost every bicycle.

Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Bicycle,Ring,Doppler,By7.wav Bell, Bicycle: Bell Bicycle Ring Doppler By7
2.0 0:07


Bell Bicycle

2 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Boxing,Hits,3,Ring,Hard.wav Bell, Boxing: Bell Boxing Hits 3 Ring Hard
1.0 0:06Bell Bell Boxing
3 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36De.wav Bell, Clock: Queens College Clock Striking Two O"clock.
2.0 0:26Bell Bell Clock
4 BBC Sound Effects Library ChurchEvercreech.BBC.EC91Gd.wav Bell, Church: Church Bells, Ringing Down In Peals, Ringing Ends. (Evercreech Church, Somerset.)
2.0 2:31Bell Bell Church
5 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Fairy,Short Tinkle,Light.wav Bell: Bell Fairy Short Tinkle Light
2.0 0:01Bell Bell
6 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Ti.wav Bell, Clock: Trinity And St John"s College Clock Striking Nine O"clock. (Trinity Clock Strikes A Second Time For St. John"s College.)
2.0 0:53Bell Bell Clock
7 Sounddogs Sound Library Bells,Fairy,Gliss,Appear.wav Bell: Bells Fairy Gliss Appear
2.0 0:03Bell Bell
8 BBC Sound Effects Library CathedralsBells.BBC.EC2B1.wav Bell, Church: Church Bells: St Pauls, Bells Pealing Finishes.
2.0 0:45Bell Bell Church
9 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Ki.wav Bell, Clock: University College, Oxford Clock Striking Six O"clock.
2.0 0:20Bell Bell Clock
10 Sounddogs Sound Library Bells,Small,Door,Jingle,High.wav Bell: Bells Small Door Jingle High
1.0 0:01Bell Bell Jingle
11 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Bell High School 01.wav Bell: Bell, Exterior, High School Dismissal Bell
2.0 0:08Bell Bell School
12 BBC Sound Effects Library CathedralsLondon.BBC.EC10_2.wav Bell, Church: Great Tom Clock Striking Three-quarters
2.0 0:28Bell Bell Church
13 BBC Sound Effects Library ShipsBells.BBC.ECD5.wav Bell, Ship: Car Ferry, Watertight Door Open And Close, Bell Warns Of Closing. (Car Ferry ""St. Nicholas"", 17, 400 Tons, Built 1980.)
2.0 0:22Bell Bell Ship
14 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC48Ul.wav Bell, Clock: Cuckoo Clock Striking Twelve O"clock. (Cuckoo Only.)
2.0 0:11Bell Bell Clock
15 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Ng.wav Bell, Clock: Lincoln College Clock Striking Four O"clock.
2.0 0:16Bell Bell Clock
16 Sonopedia BellDeskHand_S08FO.121.wav Foley, Bell, Desk, Hand, Small
2.0 0:05Bell Bell
17 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Old Bike Bell 05ft 02.wav Bell: Bell, Exterior, Old Bike Bell Rings From 5 Feet
2.0 0:24Bell Bell Bicycle
18 Rob Nokes Sound Library Bell,Hand,Brass,Languid.wav Bell, Hand: Bell Hand Brass Languid
1.0 0:03Bell Bell Hand
19 BBC Sound Effects Library ChildrenPlaying.BBC.EC76Dd.wav Crowd, Children: Crowd, Children: Junior School Playground, Bell Rings And Children Leave Playground. (8-9 Year-old Children.)
2.0 1:12Bell Bell School
20 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC48Rj.wav Bell, Clock: Grandfather Clock Striking Four O"clock. (Bell Type Grandfather Clock With Whittington Chimes, Manufactured In London 1845.)
2.0 0:31Bell Bell Clock
21 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Bb.wav Bell, Clock: Magdalen College Clock Striking Ten O"clock.
2.0 0:55Bell Bell Clock
22 SoundStorm Library Tones-Bells-Doorbell-Int_20.wav Tones - Bells - Doorbell - Int - O S - Multiple Rings
2.0 0:03Bell Bell Door
23 SoundStorm Library Tones-Bells-BrassBell-Int_7.wav Tones - Bells - Brass Bell - Int - CU - Small, Short Ring
2.0 0:03Bell Bell Brass
24 Rob Nokes Sound Library Bell,Antique,1800s,Hit,Many,Clatter,Weak.wav Bell, Antique: Bell, Antique, 1800s, Hit, Many, Clatter, Weak
2.0 0:28Bell Bell Antique
25 Rob Nokes Sound Library Bell,Hand,Metal,Clear,Stern.wav Bell, Hand: Bell Hand Metal Clear Stern
1.0 0:02Bell Bell Hand
26 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Bicycle,Jingle,Dist,4.wav Bell, Bicycle: Bell Bicycle Jingle Dist 4
2.0 0:05Bell Bell Bicycle
27 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Mh.wav Bell, Clock: Jesus College Clock Striking Five O"clock.
2.0 0:16Bell Bell Clock
28 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Va.wav Bell, Clock: New College Clock Striking Quarter Past The Hour.
2.0 0:16Bell Bell Clock
29 SoundStorm Library Tones-BerlinChurchBells-Ext.wav Tones - Berlin Church Bells - Exterior - MCU - Church Bells Ring 6x W Light Rain In Bg, Take Ends W Rain
2.0 0:32Bell Bell Church
30 BBC Sound Effects Library BellsCathedrals.BBC.ECD90a.wav Bell, Cathedral: St. Paul"s Cathedral Bells, Pealing, With Distant Traffic - 1972 (2B1, Reprocessed)
2.0 5:00Bell Bell Cathedral
31 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC48Yf.wav Bell, Clock: Lantern Clock Striking Six O"clock. (Domestic Lantern Clock, Manufactured 1615.)
2.0 0:24Bell Bell Clock
32 BBC Sound Effects Library NorthMarston.BBC.EC105Pb.wav Bell, Clock: Outdoor Clock Striking, 2 O"clock St. Mary"s Church
2.0 0:19Bell Bell Clock
33 SoundStorm Library Tones-ChurchBells-Ext-MCU_2.wav Tones - Church Bells - Ext - MCU - 3 Different Size Bells For Small Rural Church, Variety Of Hits, Occasional Wind And Leaf Rustle, Occasional Light Bg Birds
2.0 1:11Bell Bell Church
34 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockCaius.BBC.EC36Ra.wav Bell, Clock: Caius College Clock Striking Quarter Past The Hour.
2.0 0:15Bell Bell Clock
35 SoundStorm Library Tones-DrawbridgeHandBell-CU.wav Tones - Drawbridge Hand Bell - C U - Ten Hits Of The Bell, Some Os Traffic And Pedestrian Walla
2.0 0:19Bell Bell
36 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Wi.wav Bell, Clock: Christchurch College Clock Striking Six O"clock.
2.0 0:42Bell Bell Clock
37 BBC Sound Effects Library ChurchesBells.BBC.ECD151a.wav Bell, Church: Rounds - Firing, Ends With Rounds, English Village Church.
2.0 2:40Bell Bell Church
38 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Fa.wav Bell, Clock: Clock Of The University Church Of St Mary The Virgin, Oxford Striking Four O"clock.
2.0 0:37Bell Bell Clock
39 BBC Sound Effects Library BellsChurches.BBC.ECD104.wav Bell, Church: St.Michael"s Church, St.Albans - Bell Strikes 9
2.0 0:37Bell Bell Church
40 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockHampton.BBC.EC105Rc.wav Bell, Clock: Anne Boyleyn"s Clock Striking Three-quarters
2.0 0:18Bell Bell Clock
41 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockBigBen.BBC.EC105Ba.wav Bell, Clock: Big Ben Recorded Prior To Repair In 1956. 9 O"clock
2.0 1:09Bell Bell Clock
42 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Ad.wav Bell, Clock: Magdalen College Clock Striking One O"clock.
2.0 0:30Bell Bell Clock
43 SoundStorm Library Tones-Bells-Doorbell-Int_15.wav Tones - Bells - Doorbell - Int - O S - Single Ring
2.0 0:03Bell Bell Door
44 SoundStorm Library Tones-Bells-BrassBell-Int_2.wav Tones - Bells - Brass Bell - Int - CU - Small, Short Ring
2.0 0:03Bell Bell Brass
45 Rob Nokes Sound Library Bell,Antique,1800s,Hit,Excited,Light,Some faint BG birds.wav Bell, Antique: Bell, Antique, 1800s, Hit, Excited, Light, Some Faint BG Birds
2.0 0:24Bell Bell Antique
46 Rob Nokes Sound Library Bell,Hand,Metal,Clear,Light.wav Bell, Hand: Bell Hand Metal Clear Light
1.0 0:02Bell Bell Hand
47 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Bicycle,Jingle,2.wav Bell, Bicycle: Bell Bicycle Jingle 2
2.0 0:04Bell Bell Bicycle
48 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC209Di.wav Bell, Clock: Grandfather Clock With St Michael"s Chimes, Striking Twelve O"clock.
2.0 1:04Bell Bell Clock
49 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Vh.wav Bell, Clock: New College Clock Striking Five O"clock.
2.0 0:44Bell Bell Clock
50 SoundStorm Library Tones-Bells-GasStationBell-.wav Tones - Bells - Gas Station Bell - Ext - CU - Multiple Rings
2.0 0:05Bell Bell Gas Station
51 BBC Sound Effects Library BellsCathedrals.BBC.ECD68b.wav Bell, Cathedral: Odense Cathedral Bells Carillon
2.0 0:23Bell Bell Cathedral
52 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC48Ye.wav Bell, Clock: Lantern Clock Striking Five O"clock. (Domestic Lantern Clock, Manufactured 1615.)
2.0 0:22Bell Bell Clock
53 BBC Sound Effects Library NorthMarston.BBC.EC105Pk.wav Bell, Clock: Outdoor Clock Striking, 11 O"clock St. Mary"s Church
2.0 0:41Bell Bell Clock
54 SoundStorm Library Tones-ChurchBells-CU-St.Ant.wav Tones - Church Bells - C U - St. Anthony's Cathedral, Nine Big Rings
1.0 0:35Bell Bell Church
55 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockCaius.BBC.EC36Sb.wav Bell, Clock: Caius College Clock Striking Five O"clock.
2.0 0:33Bell Bell Clock
56 SoundStorm Library Tones-DistantChurchBells-_1.wav Tones - Distant Church Bells - Ext - Magdelen College Oxford Bells, Complex Orchestration Played On Church Bells, Recorded From A Distance, Part 2
2.0 2:52Bell Bell Church
57 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Wh.wav Bell, Clock: Christchurch College Clock Striking Five O"clock.
2.0 0:38Bell Bell Clock
58 BBC Sound Effects Library ChurchesBells.BBC.ECD151c.wav Bell, Church: Peal Of 6 Bells, English Village Church.
2.0 6:47Bell Bell Church
59 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockChurchOvin.BBC.EC105Wi.wav Bell, Clock: Church Clock Striking, 9 O"clock. (All Saints Church)
2.0 0:24Bell Bell Clock
60 BBC Sound Effects Library BellsChurches.BBC.ECD91f.wav Bell, Church: St. Sepulchre"s Church, High Holborn, Known As "bells Of Old Bailey", Exterior, Aborted Cambridge Surprise Maximus, Ends - 1985 (2B9, Reprocessed )
2.0 1:15Bell Bell Church
61 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockHampton.BBC.EC105Rd.wav Bell, Clock: Anne Boyleyn"s Clock Chimes And 1 O"clock
2.0 0:20Bell Bell Clock
62 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockBigBen.BBC.EC105Ag.wav Bell, Clock: Big Ben Recorded Prior To Repair In 1956. 4 O"clock
2.0 0:49Bell Bell Clock
63 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Bicycle,Ring,Doppler,By2.wav Bell, Bicycle: Bell Bicycle Ring Doppler By2
2.0 0:06Bell Bell Bicycle
64 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Bicycle,Rings,Random2.wav Bell, Bicycle: Bell Bicycle Rings Random2
2.0 0:10Bell Bell Bicycle
65 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Dj.wav Bell, Clock: Queens College Clock Striking Seven O"clock.
2.0 0:38Bell Bell Clock
66 BBC Sound Effects Library Godmanchester.BBC.EC91Nb.wav Bell, Church: Church Bells, Half-muffled Bells Pealing And Stopping. (St. Mary The Virgin"s Church, Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire.)
2.0 3:02Bell Bell Church
67 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Door,Ring,Smooth,Decay.wav Bell, Door: Bell Door Ring Smooth Decay
2.0 0:06Bell Bell Door
68 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Th.wav Bell, Clock: Trinity And St John"s College Clock Striking Eight O"clock. (Trinity Clock Strikes A Second Time For St. John"s College.)
2.0 0:49Bell Bell Clock
69 Sounddogs Sound Library Bells,Carillon,Song,Sample.wav Bell: Bells Carillon Song Sample
2.0 1:33Bell Bell
70 BBC Sound Effects Library BellsMytholmroyd.BBC.EC2B6a.wav Bell, Church: Church Bells: One Bell Rung. St. Michael"s Parish Church, Mytholmroyd.
2.0 2:15Bell Bell Church
71 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Kh.wav Bell, Clock: University College, Oxford Clock Striking Five O"clock.
2.0 0:19Bell Bell Clock
72 Sounddogs Sound Library Bells,Sleigh,Light,Jingley.wav Bell: Bells Sleigh Light Jingley
1.0 0:18Bell Bell Jingle
73 Casablanca Sound Library Cowbell,Ring,Jerky.wav Bell, Cowbell: Cowbell Ring Lopsided
1.0 0:06Bell Bell Cowbell
74 BBC Sound Effects Library CathedralsLondon.BBC.EC10_9.wav Bell, Church: Great Tom Clock Striking 7 O"clock
2.0 0:59Bell Bell Church
75 BBC Sound Effects Library BellsHandBells.BBC.EC25Ab.wav Bell, Hand: Hand Bell Ringing. (Medium Note)
2.0 0:37Bell Bell Hand
76 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC48Tj.wav Bell, Clock: Cuckoo Clock Striking Ten O"clock. (Cuckoo And Chimes.)
2.0 0:12Bell Bell Clock
77 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC48Yb.wav Bell, Clock: Lantern Clock Striking Two O"clock. (Domestic Lantern Clock, Manufactured 1615.)
2.0 0:11Bell Bell Clock
78 Sounddogs Sound Library Sleigh,Bells,Clunky,Long.wav Bell: Sleigh Bells Clunky Long
2.0 0:12Bell Bell
79 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Farm Bell 02.wav Bell: Bell, Exterior, 1800"s Brass Bell Rings In Field With Insects Summer Day 60" Away
2.0 0:30Bell Bell
80 Rob Nokes Sound Library Bells,Noon,Prague,Crowd,2.wav Bell: Bells Noon Prague Crowd 2
2.0 0:25Bell Bell
81 BBC Sound Effects Library LeicesterSquare.BBC.ECD104.wav Swiss Centre, Leicester Square - Bell Strikes 6 Into Carrillion Of Traditional Tunes (some Voices In Background)
2.0 5:16Bell Bell
82 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockGrandfather.BBC.ECD1_1.wav Bell, Clock: Grandfather Clock (1750) - Strikes 12
2.0 0:43Bell Bell Clock
83 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockHampton.BBC.EC105Sb.wav Bell, Clock: Anne Boleyn"s Clock, Chimes And 5 O"clock
2.0 0:31Bell Bell Clock
84 BBC Sound Effects Library ClockBigBen.BBC.EC105Bb.wav Bell, Clock: Big Ben Recorded Prior To Repair In 1956. 10 O"clock
2.0 1:12Bell Bell Clock
85 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Bicycle,Ring,5,Fast1.wav Bell, Bicycle: Bell Bicycle Ring 5 Fast1
2.0 0:07Bell Bell Bicycle
86 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Bicycle,Rings,Loose,Slo3.wav Bell, Bicycle: Bell Bicycle Rings Loose Slo3
2.0 0:26Bell Bell Bicycle
87 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Db.wav Bell, Clock: Queens College Clock Striking Half Past The Hour.
2.0 0:10Bell Bell Clock
88 BBC Sound Effects Library ChurchesBells.BBC.EC46C.wav Bell, Church: Church Bells Ringing. (Unidentified Foreign Location.)
2.0 5:19Bell Bell Church
89 Sounddogs Sound Library Bell,Door,Buzz,Ding,Dong,Fast.wav Bell, Door: Bell Door Buzz Ding Dong Fast
2.0 0:01Bell Bell Door
90 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC1004Bf.wav Bell, Clock: Tompion And Banger Household Clock Striking Six O"clock.
2.0 0:28Bell Bell Clock
91 BBC Sound Effects Library ChurchesLondon.BBC.EC2B4d.wav Bell, Church: Church Bells: Bristol Maximus, From Interior, St. Mary-Le-Bow.
2.0 3:01Bell Bell Church
92 SoundStorm Library Tones-SleighBells-RhythmicM.wav Tones - Sleigh Bells - Rhythmic Movement
1.0 0:14Bell Bell Sleigh Bells
93 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC36Gf.wav Bell, Clock: Trinity College Clock Striking Three O"clock.
2.0 0:21Bell Bell Clock
94 Sounddogs Sound Library Bells,Sleigh,Jingle,Constant2.wav Bell: Bells Sleigh Jingle Constant2
1.0 2:22Bell Bell Jingle
95 Casablanca Sound Library Cowbell,Ring,Gentle,Casual.wav Bell, Cowbell: Cowbell Ring Gentle Irregular
1.0 0:05Bell Bell Cowbell
96 BBC Sound Effects Library CathedralsLondon.BBC.EC10_4.wav Bell, Church: Great Tom Clock Striking 2 O"clock
2.0 0:42Bell Bell Church
97 BBC Sound Effects Library BellsDoor.BBC.EC25Ac.wav Bell, Door: Old-fashioned Door Bell Ringing. (High Note)
2.0 0:46Bell Bell Door
98 BBC Sound Effects Library ClocksChiming.BBC.EC48Ua.wav Bell, Clock: Cuckoo Clock Striking One O"clock. (Cuckoo Only.)
2.0 0:04Bell Bell Clock
99 Sounddogs Sound Library Dings,Bell,Tings,Bend Up,Fast.wav Bell: Dings Bell Tings Bend Up Fast
2.0 0:01Bell Bell
100 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Bell Toy 01.wav Bell: House, Interior, Bell Toy Rattle, Small Bells Jingle, Rattle And Roll Around
2.0 0:09Bell Bell Jingle