Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedJungleFowlT55084.wav Red Jungle Fowl. Territorial And Clucking Calls Cu. Another Calling Mp. Dove And Other Birds In Distance. Hawaii
2.0 4:31


Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes

Red Jungle Fowl Gallus Gallus
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MalleeFowlMcuc24077.wav Mallee Fowl. Mcu Calls While Digging At Nest Mound. Other Birds In Distance. Much Handling Noise. Southern Australia
2.0 1:29Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Mallee Fowl Leipoa Ocellata
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanSnowcock15203.wav Himalayan Snowcock. Md And B/g Calls From Snowcock. Includes Wailing Courtship Calls And Clucking. B/g Constant Sounds Of Wind. Recorded At Altitude Of 18300 Ft. Everest National Park, Nepal
2.0 3:01Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus Himalayensis
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HelmetedGuineafow27057.wav Helmeted Guineafowl. Mp Alarm Calls From A Small Group, Which Fly Calling At End. Md Alarm Calls From White-bellied Go-away Bird. Distant Birds And Voices. Lake Baringo, Kenya
2.0 1:21Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Helmeted Guineafowl Numida Meleagris
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU60158.wav Willow Grouse. CU Sound Of Bird Feeding On Willows And Calls, Insects, Frogs, Geese And American Tree Sparrow In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 1:04Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyJunglefowlM17057.wav Grey Junglefowl. Md Crows From Junglefowl. Also Some Reply Calls In B/g. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Anamalai Nature Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India
2.0 0:54Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Grey Junglefowl Gallus Sonneratii
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WesternCapercaill16209.wav Western Capercaillie. Vcu Display Calls From Male At Lek. Grunting, Guttural And Squealing Calls. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland
2.0 1:03Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Western Capercaillie Tetrao Urogallus
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackBilledCaper22052.wav Black-Billed Capercaillie. Md Display Calls. One Call From Willow Grouse. Slight Wind In Trees At 2m00s. Magadan Forest, Russia
2.0 3:40Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Billed Capercaillie Tetrao Parvirostris
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WesternCapercaill15030.wav Western Capercaillie. Cu Aggressive And Display Calls From Male Capercaillie. Various Sounds Including Gobbling, Popping And Squealing Noises. Occasional Distant Birdsong. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland
2.0 3:08Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Western Capercaillie Tetrao Urogallus
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackGrouseTake78203.wav Black Grouse. Take Off And Flight Perthshire, Scotland
2.0 0:14Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Grouse Tetrao Tetrix Britannicus
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VulturineGuineafo19216.wav Vulturine Guineafowl. Cu Calls From Several. Mp Calls From Yellow-necked Spurfowl. Other Birds And Insects In Background. Buffalo Springs, Kenya.
2.0 0:39Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium Vulturinum
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangeFootedScru92010.wav Orange Footed Scrub Fowl. MC Calls From A Pair At Night. Cricket Chorus. Bensbach, New Guinea
2.0 1:25Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Orange Footed Scrub Fowl Megapodius Freycinet
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanSnowcock37133.wav Himalayan Snowcock. Mcu - Md Contact Calls While Feeding. Mcu - Md Wingbeats. Sounds Of Birds Walking Over Frozen Rocky Ground. E Pamir Mts, Tadzhikistan, CIS
2.0 4:06Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus Himalayensis
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HelmetedGuneafowl27058.wav Helmeted Guneafowl. Mc Alarm Calls Echoing Off Cliff-face. Other Birds In Background. Lake Baringo, Kenya
2.0 0:09Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Helmeted Guineafowl Numida Meleagris
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU60161.wav Willow Grouse. CU Calls, Geese And Sparrow In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:39Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HelmetedGuineafow27054.wav Helmeted Guineafowl. Cu Alarm Calls. Isiolo, Kenya.
2.0 0:18Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Helmeted Guineafowl Numida Meleagris
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU60155.wav Willow Grouse. CU Sounds Of It Feeding On Willows And Calls, Snow Geese, American Tree Sparrow And Frogs In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 1:26Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackBilledCaper22054.wav Black-Billed Capercaillie. Mcu Display Calls. Cuckoo And A Few Other Birds In Distance At 5m20s. Another Bird Joins In At End Of Recording. Slight Wind In Trees. Magadan Forest, Russia
2.0 2:20Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Billed Capercaillie Tetrao Parvirostris
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WesternCapercaill16206.wav Western Capercaillie. Cu Flutter Jumps And Display Calls From Male At Lek. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland
2.0 0:53Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Western Capercaillie Tetrao Urogallus
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackGrouseMale78201.wav Black Grouse. Males Displaying Cu At Lek. (courtship) N.B. Interference And Whine Disappears At Low Level. Perthshire
2.0 4:10Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Grouse Tetrao Tetrix
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VulturineGuineafo19218.wav Vulturine Guineafowl. Cu Movement From Several Birds. Alarm Call From One. Other Birds And Insects In Background. Buffalo Springs, Kenya
2.0 0:59Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium Vulturinum
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedJungleFowlT16287.wav Red Jungle Fowl. Territorial And Clucking Calls Cu. Another Calling Mp. Dove And Other Birds In Distance. Hawaii
2.0 4:32Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Red Jungle Fowl Gallus Gallus
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanSnowcock8130.wav Himalayan Snowcock. Md Calls From Snowcock. Mcu Shrill Calls From Unidentified Species. Wind In B/g And Rumbles On Microphone. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Ladakh District, Kashmir, India
2.0 1:28Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus Himalayensis
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanSnowcock15202.wav Himalayan Snowcock. Approaching And Passing Flight Calls From Snowcock. Also Some Calls From Other Bird Species. Constant Sounds Of Wind. Recorded At Altitude Of 18300 Ft. Everest National Park, Nepal
2.0 0:34Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus Himalayensis
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU69075.wav Willow Grouse. CU Calls, Distant Snow Geese And American Tree Sparrow. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:08Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HelmetedGuineafow27056.wav Helmeted Guineafowl. Md Alarm Calls From A Large Flock Alarming At The Presence Of Two Bat-eared Foxes. White-browed Sparrow Weavers Call Loudly. Some Voices From Villagers. Lake Baringo, Kenya
2.0 0:57Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Helmeted Guineafowl Numida Meleagris
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU60157.wav Willow Grouse. CU Sound Of Bird Feeding On Willows And Calls, Insects, Frogs, Geese And American Tree Sparrow In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:59Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CaspianSnowcock15168.wav Caspian Snowcock. Distant But Fairly Clear Calls From Snowcock. Wailing Whistles With Some Quieter Clucking Calls. Occasional Calls From Other Bird Species. Some Wind And Bumps On Microphone. Alborz Mountains, Iran
2.0 0:40Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Caspian Snowcock Tetraogallus Caspius
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WesternCapercaill16208.wav Western Capercaillie. Cu Display From Male With Grunting, Guttural And Squealing Calls. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland
2.0 1:02Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Western Capercaillie Tetrao Urogallus
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackBilledCaper22051.wav Black-Billed Capercaillie. Md Display Calls. The Bird Comes Closer At Times. The Bird Flies Near End Of Recording. Slight Wind In Trees. Magadan Forest, Russia
2.0 2:45Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Billed Capercaillie Tetrao Parvirostris
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VulturineGuineafo19220.wav Vulturine Guineafowl. Cu Movement Sounds While Feeding, About 20 Birds In Several Families.Short Calls At Start And Through Band - High Pitched, Probably Alarm Calls, Maybe Young. Adult Vulturine Guineafowl Calls At 2"52""and 3"40"". Yellow-necked Spurfowl Calls At 2"40"". Other Birds And Insects In Background. Buffalo Springs, Kenya
2.0 4:29Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium Vulturinum
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackGrouseCoos78202.wav Black Grouse. Coos At Lek Perthshire, Scotland
2.0 1:25Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Grouse Tetrao Tetrix Britannicus
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VulturineGuineafo19215.wav Vulturine Guineafowl. Cu Flock Calls From About 20 Birds. Other Birds And Vehicles In Background. Buffalo Springs, Kenya
2.0 1:01Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium Vulturinum
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangeFootedScru86154.wav Orange Footed Scrub Fowl. MCU Calls From A Pair, With Another Pair In The Distance. Cricket And Cicada Chorus In B/g. Bensbach, New Guinea
2.0 1:23Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Orange Footed Scrub Fowl Megapodius Freycinet
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanSnowcock15204.wav Himalayan Snowcock. Md And B/g Echoing Clucking Calls From Snowcocks. Constant Sounds Of Wind. Recorded At Altitude Of 18300 Ft. Everest National Park, Nepal
2.0 1:50Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus Himalayensis
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HelmetedGuineafow51073.wav Helmeted Guineafowl. Cu Feeding Calls And Movement Sounds. Other Birds In Distance. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.
2.0 0:53Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Helmeted Guineafowl Numida Meleagris
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU60159.wav Willow Grouse. CU Calls, American Tree Sparrow, Snow Geese, Tree Swallow And Frogs In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 3:30Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyJunglefowlM6165.wav Grey Junglefowl. Md Crowing Calls From Junglefowl. B/g Tropical Seasonal Forest Atmosphere. Occasional Shrill Peeps From Malabar Parakeet. Distant Toks From A Great Indian Hornbill Towards End Of Recording. Anamalai Nature Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India
2.0 3:34Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Grey Junglefowl Gallus Sonneratii
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WesternCapercaill19163.wav Western Capercaillie. Vcu Display From Male. Processed To Accentuate Deep Bass Note During Display, This Appears To Be Audible Component Of Infrasound. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland
2.0 3:35Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Western Capercaillie Tetrao Urogallus
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackBilledCaper22053.wav Black-Billed Capercaillie. Mcu - Md Display Calls. One Bird Singing Md, A Few Others In Distance. Another Bird In Distance Towards End Of Recording. Slight Wind In Trees At 4m00s. Magadan Forest, Russia
2.0 7:15Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Billed Capercaillie Tetrao Parvirostris
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WesternCapercaill16205.wav Western Capercaillie. Md Calls From Males At Lek. Constant "kok-kok" Calls From Females. Also Some Calls From Other Bird Species. Distant Occasional Calls From Tawny Owl. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland
2.0 2:01Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Western Capercaillie Tetrao Urogallus
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackGrouseMale20206.wav Black Grouse. Males Displaying Cu At Lek. (courtship) N.B. Interference And Whine Disappears At Low Level. Perthshire
2.0 4:13Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Grouse Tetrao Tetrix
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VulturineGuineafo19217.wav Vulturine Guineafowl. Mp Alarm Calls At Two Pale Chanting Goshawks. Insects And Birds In Distance. Buffalo Springs, Kenya.
2.0 0:19Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium Vulturinum
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedJunglefowlJu16290.wav Red Junglefowl. Junglefowl Calling In Mid-distance. Other Bird Species Calling And Singing. Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India
2.0 0:33Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Red Jungle Fowl Gallus Gallus
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanSnowcock37134.wav Himalayan Snowcock. Cu Feeding Calls From Three Birds. Sounds Of Feet Walking On Frozen Ground. Slight Dolby Pumping. E Pamir Mts, Tadzhikistan, CIS
2.0 6:44Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus Himalayensis
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanSnowcock15201.wav Himalayan Snowcock. Approaching Flight Calls From Snowcock. Brief Sounds Of Wings, Then Calls Continue In Background. Also Some Calls From Other Bird Species. Constant Sounds Of Wind. Recorded At Altitude Of 18300 Ft. Everest National Park, Nepal
2.0 0:49Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Himalayan Snowcock Tetraogallus Himalayensis
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU69074.wav Willow Grouse. CU Calls, Wind B/g, Distant Snow Geese And American Tree Sparrow. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:10Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU60156.wav Willow Grouse. CU Sound Of Bird Feeding On Willows, Preening And Calling, Eider, American Tree Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Geese, Insects And Frogs In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 2:56Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HelmetedGuineafow27055.wav Helmeted Guineafowl. Cu Feeding Calls And Movement Sounds. Other Birds In Distance. Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.
2.0 0:51Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Helmeted Guineafowl Numida Meleagris
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BobwhiteMCcalls62280.wav Bobwhite. MC Calls, Red-winged Blackbirds, Eastern Meadowlark And Other Birds In B/g, Wind In Trees And Grasses. Chincoteague, Virginia, U.S.A
2.0 4:15Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Bobwhite Colinus Virginianus
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WesternCapercaill16207.wav Western Capercaillie. Vcu Display From Male With Guttural Grunting Calls. Also Some Wing Beats. Abernethy Forest, Highland, Scotland
2.0 0:37Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Western Capercaillie Tetrao Urogallus
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackGrouseMCd59141.wav Black Grouse. MC Display Calls From Five Males At "lek". Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Cattle And Sheep In B/g, Wind On Hillside. Near Bala, North Wales, UK
2.0 21:57Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Black Grouse Tetrao Tetrix
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VulturineGuineafo19219.wav Vulturine Guineafowl. Cu Calls From Single Birds, Then Mc Calls From Several. Yellow-necked Spurfowl And Other Birds In Background. Some Traffic Noise At Start And Faint Radio Interference. Buffalo Springs, Kenya
2.0 3:13Bird Grouse Chicken Pheasant Galliformes Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium Vulturinum