Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Birds-MorningDove-Ext-Close.wav Birds - Morning Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Solemn Calls, High-Pitched Bird Call In BG
1.0 0:09



2 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-S_8.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Single Squawk
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
3 SoundStorm Library Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up_3.wav Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy, Guttural Squawks, Almost Buzzing, With Wing Flaps And Away
1.0 0:05Bird Bird
4 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Domino Shuffle 01.wav Bird: Games, Exterior, Dominos Playing Outside With Lots Of Spring Birds
2.0 0:05Bird Bird Birds
5 SoundStorm Library Birds-Jay-Ext-Close-Up-Pier.wav Birds - Jay - Ext - Close-Up - Piercing And Nagging Mid-Range Calls, Forest Rustling And Bird Chatter In BG, Ambiance Becomes Dominant As Bird Becomes Farther Away
1.0 0:24Bird Bird
6 Rob Nokes Sound Library Birds,Parakeets,Morning,Close,Active Squaks,Good,Very Animated,Punta Ballena,Uruguay.wav Bird: Birds Parakeets Morning Close Active Squaks Good Very Animated Punta Ballena Uruguay
2.0 0:19Bird Bird Birds
7 SoundStorm Library Birds-WingFlapsFlyAway-MCU.wav Birds - Wing Flaps And Fly Away - MCU - Quick Flutter Away With Chirps Screeches
2.0 0:07Bird Bird
8 Coll Anderson Sound Library FLY WINGS FLAP 02.wav Bird: Foley, Interior, Bird Flapping Wings, Mono
1.0 0:05Bird Bird Birds
9 SoundStorm Library Birds-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Mul.wav Birds - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Multiple Persistent Calls Of High-Mid Frequency, Fly Buzzes In And Out, BG Bird Calls @ Tail
1.0 0:09Bird Bird
10 Rob Nokes Sound Library Tree,Fall,Crack,Light,Topple,Drop,Faint BG birds.wav Bird: Tree, Fall, Crack, Light, Topple, Drop, Faint BG Birds
2.0 0:06Bird Bird Birds
11 SoundStorm Library Birds-Morning-SuburbanNei_9.wav Birds - Morning - Suburban Neighborhood Morning Birds - Ext - Distant - 6 30am, Various Pretty Birds Sing And Chirp
2.0 1:21Bird Bird
12 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-S_3.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Single Squawk
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
13 SoundStorm Library Birds-Pigeons-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Birds - Pigeons - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Rapid Wing Flaps And Away, BG Bird Chatter
1.0 0:05Bird Bird
14 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Geese Fly Bys 03.wav Bird: Animal, Exterior, Geese Flock Honking, Slowith Excited, Taking Off
2.0 4:28Bird Bird Birds
15 SoundStorm Library Birds-GrayOwl-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Birds - Gray Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Repeated Cluster Of Hoots That Crescendo And Quickly Taper Off
1.0 0:23Bird Bird
16 Coll Anderson Sound Library FLY FS Real Grass 01.wav Bird: Fly, Fs, Walking In Real Grass, Lots Of Birds In The BG
2.0 0:10Bird Bird Birds
17 SoundStorm Library Birds-Morning-SuburbanNei_4.wav Birds - Morning - Suburban Neighborhood Morning Birds - Ext - Medium Pov - 6 15am, Various Pretty Birds Sing And Chirp
2.0 1:40Bird Bird
18 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-G_5.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Gurgle Coo
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
19 SoundStorm Library Birds-ParrotSpeaks-CU-Parro.wav Birds - Parrot Speaks - C U - Parrot Does All, Laughs, Barks, Meows, Sings, Says Hello And Polly Want A Cracker """
1.0 1:44Bird Bird
20 SoundStorm Library Birds-CrowCawing-Exterior_2.wav Birds - Crow Cawing - Exterior - Distant - Forest Background
2.0 0:07Bird Bird
21 SoundStorm Library Birds-SingleSongbird-Ext-MC.wav Birds - Single Songbird - Ext - MCU - Light Bg Birds And Occasional Distant Rooster And Distant Dog
2.0 1:01Bird Bird
22 SoundStorm Library Birds-VariousWaterBirds-E_2.wav Birds - Various Water Birds - Ext - C U - Mic'd Closer Than FX 010, Ducks, Seagulls, Swans, Geese, And Other Water Birds, Small Stream Is Slightly O S, Birds Are Very Vocal And Active, Excellent, Walla In
2.0 1:03Bird Bird
23 SoundStorm Library Birds-TawnyOwl-MCU-Shrieks,.wav Birds - Tawny Owl - MCU - Shrieks, O S Forest Sounds, Other O S Birds
2.0 0:54Bird Bird
24 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Dock Birds Boats.wav Bird: Harbor, Exterior, Seagulls, Water On Dock, Boat Pass By With Wake
2.0 2:53Bird Bird Birds
25 SoundStorm Library Birds-FlamingosFeeding-Ext-.wav Birds - Flamingos Feeding - Ext - C U - Stream Nearby, Birds Are Very Vocal And Active, Ducks Are Heard O S
2.0 2:43Bird Bird
26 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Small Town 01.wav Bird: Rural, Exterior, Bird Ambience
2.0 2:40Bird Bird Birds
27 SoundStorm Library Birds-Morning-SuburbanNe_17.wav Birds - Morning - Suburban Neighborhood Morning Birds - Ext - Medium Pov - 6 15am, Various Pretty Birds Sing And Chirp
2.0 1:42Bird Bird
28 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-_19.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Single Squawk
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
29 SoundStorm Library Birds-Owl-Ext-Close-Up-Some.wav Birds - Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Somewhat Sparse Squawks, Hoots @ Tail, BG Bird Chatter
1.0 0:31Bird Bird
30 SoundStorm Library Birds-CoveyOfPheasants-Ext-.wav Birds - Covey Of Pheasants - Ext - C U To Distant - Active Pheasant Vocals Trail Off Into Distance
2.0 0:20Bird Bird
31 SoundStorm Library Birds-RingDove-Ext-Close-Up.wav Birds - Ring Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Nearly Identical, Guttural Calls, Forest Rustling In BG
1.0 0:08Bird Bird
32 Casablanca Sound Library Pigeons,Wing,Flaps,Away,Echo2.wav Bird: Pigeons Wing Flaps Away Echo2
2.0 0:09Bird Bird Birds
33 SoundStorm Library Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext_2.wav Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched, Steadily Rhythmic Calls With Accented Beats, Active BG Chirping
1.0 0:14Bird Bird
34 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT FS Swampy Mud 05.wav Bird: Foley, Exterior, Footsteps In Soft Mud With Lots Of Suction And Birds
2.0 0:28Bird Bird Birds
35 SoundStorm Library Birds-Morning-SuburbanNe_12.wav Birds - Morning - Suburban Neighborhood Morning Birds - Ext - Distant - 6 45am, Various Pretty Birds Sing And Chirp
2.0 1:33Bird Bird
36 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-_14.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Single Squawk
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
37 SoundStorm Library Birds-OddOwl-Ext-Close-Up_1.wav Birds - Odd Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Continuous Stream Of Persistently Mournful, Somewhat Muffled Hoots, Mid-Range Frequency, Teeming BG
1.0 0:17Bird Bird
38 SoundStorm Library Birds-CanadianGeese-Ext-Dis.wav Birds - Canadian Geese - Ext - Distant Squawks, Two Or Three Fly Overhead, Followed By A Group Of Crows
1.0 0:34Bird Bird
39 SoundStorm Library Birds-ReedWarbler-Ext-Clo_4.wav Birds - Reed Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - A Cluster Of Varied Calls, Shrill And Persistent, Very Active BG Chirping
1.0 0:10Bird Bird
40 SoundStorm Library Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext_3.wav Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Continuous Crescendos And Their Tapering, Of Rapid, Shrill Chirps, Teeming BG
1.0 0:08Bird Bird
41 SoundStorm Library Birds-BirdsWithInsects-Ex_3.wav Birds - Birds With Insects - Ext - Medium To Distant - Wide Variety Of Birds And Insects, Lazy Afternoon Ambiance, Slight Grass Movement
2.0 3:00Bird Bird
42 SoundStorm Library Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-S.wav Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Sharp Nagging Squawks That Become Incrementally Distant, BG Bird Chatter
1.0 0:06Bird Bird
43 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Forrest Yell 11.wav Bird: Foley, Exterior, Footsteps In Soft Mud With Lots Of Suction And Birds
2.0 0:46Bird Bird Birds
44 SoundStorm Library Birds-MeadowBirds-Ext-Dis_1.wav Birds - Meadow Birds - Ext - Distant - Variety Of Bird Calls In An Open Meadow, Peaceful, Lazy Feel
2.0 3:00Bird Bird
45 SoundStorm Library Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Sust.wav Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Sustained And Piercing Angry Cry With BG Bird Chatter
1.0 0:02Bird Bird
46 SoundStorm Library Birds-Nightingale-Ext-Close.wav Birds - Nightingale - Ext - Close-Up - 5 Episodes Of Shrill Calls In Very Rapid Succession, BG Forest Ambience
1.0 0:30Bird Bird
47 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Forest Yell 02.wav Human: Human, Exterior, Yelling Bird Call In Forest, Great Natural Reverb
2.0 0:21Bird Bird
48 SoundStorm Library Birds-JayBirds-Ext-Close-_2.wav Birds - Jay Birds - Ext - Close-Up - 4 Fragmented Pleading Cries, Shrill Yet Muffled
1.0 0:05Bird Bird
49 SoundStorm Library Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Pr_1.wav Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Prolonged And Shrill Cry Of Agony
1.0 0:02Bird Bird
50 SoundStorm Library Birds-NightForestBirds-Ext-.wav Birds - Night Forest Birds - Ext - Close-Up - Has A Mysterious Woodsy Feel, Some Single Calls With Distant Chorus, Somewhat Loud Room Tone, Reverb
1.0 0:40Bird Bird
51 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-Scr.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Screeches
2.0 0:05Bird Bird
52 SoundStorm Library Birds-Ravens-Ext-Close-Up-2.wav Birds - Ravens - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Sharp Nagging Squawks, Active BG Bird Chatter Especially @ Tail
1.0 0:05Bird Bird
53 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Forrest Bird 01.wav Bird: Bird, Exterior, Forest Bird, Distant Chirp, Double Squeaky Call, Light Rain
2.0 0:15Bird Bird Birds
54 SoundStorm Library Birds-HerringGull-Ext-MCUSq.wav Birds - Herring Gull - Ext - MCU Squawks
2.0 0:10Bird Bird
55 Rob Nokes Sound Library Birds-City-Chirps Squawks,Cars Trucks Pass Bys Low Rumble,Church Backyard,Road Rock Creaking @ Tail,Exterior,Nidaros Cathedral,Trondheim,Norway,BG Faint Voices Traffic Plane Horn.wav Bird: Birds:City:Chirps Squawks, Cars Trucks Pass Bys Low Rumble, Church Backyard, Road Rock Creaking @ Tail, Exterior, Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway, BG Faint Voices Traffic Plane Horn
2.0 2:14Bird Bird Birds
56 SoundStorm Library Birds-MorningBirds-Ext-Dist.wav Birds - Morning Birds - Ext - Distant - Big Variety Of Birds On Top Of Doves Cooing
2.0 3:00Bird Bird
57 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-S_5.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Single Squawk
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
58 SoundStorm Library Birds-PrairieWarbler-Ext-Cl.wav Birds - Prairie Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Calls
1.0 0:14Bird Bird
59 SoundStorm Library Birds-WingFlapsFlyAways-Ex.wav Birds - Wing Flaps And Fly Aways - Ext - Close-Up - Rapid With Shrill, Muffled Call
1.0 0:07Bird Bird
60 SoundStorm Library Birds-Vulture-Ext-Close-Up-.wav Birds - Vulture - Ext - Close-Up - Upset Various Squawks
1.0 0:12Bird Bird
61 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Geese Honk Fly 02.wav Bird: Animal, Exterior, Geese Flock Honking Steady
2.0 1:58Bird Bird Birds
62 SoundStorm Library Birds-GroupOfPigeons-Int-CU.wav Birds - Group Of Pigeons - Int - C U - Cooing W Movements, 4 to 5 Birds, Probably In A Coop
1.0 0:59Bird Bird
63 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Parakeet chirping 01.wav Bird: Bird, Interior, Parakeet Talking To Himself, Light Chirping And Babbling
2.0 1:53Bird Bird Birds
64 SoundStorm Library Birds-Morning-SuburbanNei_6.wav Birds - Morning - Suburban Neighborhood Morning Birds - Ext - Distant - 6 45am, Various Pretty Birds Sing And Chirp
2.0 1:39Bird Bird
65 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-Gur.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Gurgle Coo
2.0 0:02Bird Bird
66 SoundStorm Library Birds-Pigeons-Ext-Close-U_1.wav Birds - Pigeons - Ext - Close-Up - Rapid Wing Flaps And Away
1.0 0:05Bird Bird
67 SoundStorm Library Birds-CrowCaws-Ext-Medium-L.wav Birds - Crow Caws - Ext - Medium - Lots Of Crow Caws And Some Other Birds, But Also Constant Distant Traffic Hum
2.0 1:23Bird Bird
68 SoundStorm Library Birds-SledgeWren-Ext-Clos_1.wav Birds - Sledge Wren - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Sharp And Abrupt Calls Interspersed With Very Rapid Chirps, Teeming BG
1.0 0:11Bird Bird
69 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Gate CL OC 06.wav Bird: Animal, Exterior, Geese Flock Fly Over, Honking
2.0 0:49Bird Bird Birds
70 SoundStorm Library Birds-GrayOwl-Ext-Close-U_2.wav Birds - Gray Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Repeated Cluster Of Hoots That Crescendo And Somewhat Quickly Taper Off, Nasally, Reverb
1.0 0:29Bird Bird
71 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Cornstalks 02 A.wav Bird: Bird, Exterior, Crow On Cape Cod, Very Clean And Present
2.0 3:46Bird Bird Birds
72 SoundStorm Library Birds-Morning-SuburbanNei_1.wav Birds - Morning - Suburban Neighborhood Morning Birds - Ext - Medium Pov - 6 00am, Various Pretty Birds Sing And Chirp
2.0 2:04Bird Bird
73 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-G_2.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Gurgle Coo
2.0 0:02Bird Bird
74 SoundStorm Library Birds-Owl-Ext-Close-Up-Squa.wav Birds - Owl - Ext - Close-Up - Squawks Alternating With Hoots, Sparse Conversation, BG Bird Chatter
1.0 0:29Bird Bird
75 SoundStorm Library Birds-CoveyOfPheasantsWCr_2.wav Birds - Covey Of Pheasants W Crows - Ext - C U - Pheasant Vocals W Crow Caws, Very Busy
2.0 0:29Bird Bird
76 SoundStorm Library Birds-RoosterCrows-Ext-Medi.wav Birds - Rooster Crows- Ext - Medium - Various, Some Light Bg Noise, But The Calls Are Clean And Usable, Watch Bg Hammering @ Head
1.0 2:03Bird Bird
77 SoundStorm Library Birds-VariousBirdsAmbiance-.wav Birds - Various Birds Ambiance - Ext - Birds Are Loud And Active, Many Different Types, From Zoo Near Prague, Most Are MCU, Good Sound
2.0 1:46Bird Bird
78 SoundStorm Library Birds-CanadianGoose-Ext-M_2.wav Birds - Canadian Goose - Ext - MCU - Single Goose Squawks, Slight Reverb, Other Birds And Distant Car In BG
1.0 0:27Bird Bird
79 SoundStorm Library Birds-RingDove-Ext-Close-_1.wav Birds - Ring Dove - Ext - Close-Up - 3 Varied Guttural Calls
1.0 0:09Bird Bird
80 SoundStorm Library Birds-SwedishSongBird-Ext_5.wav Birds - Swedish Song Bird - Ext - Close-Up - Shrill And Playful Chirps Uttered In Varied Lengths, Medium Loud, Teeming BG
1.0 0:06Bird Bird
81 Casablanca Sound Library Seagulls,Close,Chatter,Active.wav Bird: Seagulls Close Chatter Active
1.0 0:53Bird Bird Birds
82 SoundStorm Library Birds-EuropeanWarbler-Ext_4.wav Birds - European Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - Cluster Of High-Pitched, Steadily Rhythmic Calls, Occasionally Piercing, Active BG Chirping
1.0 0:07Bird Bird
83 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Geese in Reeds 01.wav Bird: Geese, Exterior, Wind In Reeds, Leaves Rubbing, Distant Cars, Few Geese Honking In Distance
2.0 3:40Bird Bird Birds
84 SoundStorm Library Birds-Morning-SuburbanNe_14.wav Birds - Morning - Suburban Neighborhood Morning Birds - Ext - Distant - 7 00am, Various Pretty Birds Sing And Chirp
2.0 1:38Bird Bird
85 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-_16.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Single Squawk
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
86 SoundStorm Library Birds-Owl-Ext-2ShortOwlHoot.wav Birds - Owl - Ext - 2 Short Owl Hoots, Warbling And Reverberant
2.0 0:10Bird Bird
87 SoundStorm Library Birds-Starling-MCU-Starling.wav Birds - Starling - MCU - Starlings Chatter And Tweet
1.0 1:04Bird Bird
88 Casablanca Sound Library Birds,Squawk,Busy,MedDist.wav Bird: Birds Squawk Busy MedDist
2.0 0:40Bird Bird Birds
89 SoundStorm Library Birds-Crows-Ext-MCU-TwoCrow.wav Birds - Crows - Ext - MCU - Two Crows Caw W BG Birds
2.0 1:10Bird Bird
90 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT FS Swampy Mud 02.wav Bird: Foley, Exterior, Footsteps In Soft Mud With Lots Of Suction And Birds
2.0 0:24Bird Bird Birds
91 SoundStorm Library Birds-Meadowlark-Ext-Close-.wav Birds - Meadowlark - Ext - Close-Up - Rhythmic, Repeating Calls
1.0 1:07Bird Bird
92 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-_11.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Squawks
2.0 0:01Bird Bird
93 SoundStorm Library Birds-NorthCardinal-Ext-C_2.wav Birds - North Cardinal - Ext - Close-Up - Melodic Calls Of Varying Length, 2 Abrupt Very High-Pitched Calls @ Head, BG Bird Chatter
1.0 0:07Bird Bird
94 SoundStorm Library Birds-BlackWoodpecker-Ext_1.wav Birds - Black Woodpecker - Ext - Close-Up - A Series Of Pecks Increasing In Volume, Then Tapering Off, Dull Reverb, Hollow-Sounding
1.0 0:12Bird Bird
95 SoundStorm Library Birds-ReedWarbler-Ext-Clo_1.wav Birds - Reed Warbler - Ext - Close-Up - 2 Episodes Of Varied Calls, Hollow And Shrill, Very Active BG Chirping
1.0 0:22Bird Bird
96 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Forest Yell 04.wav Human: Human, Exterior, Yelling Bird Call In Forest, Great Natural Reverb
2.0 0:20Bird Bird
97 SoundStorm Library Birds-JayBirds-Ext-Close-Up.wav Birds - Jay Birds - Ext - Close-Up - Series Of Abrasive Cries With Wing Flutter @ Head, Incrementally Decrescendos
1.0 0:03Bird Bird
98 SoundStorm Library Bird-Hawk-Ext-Close-Up-Ra_1.wav Bird - Hawk - Ext - Close-Up - Raspy And Pleading Cry With Quick Attack
1.0 0:02Bird Bird
99 SoundStorm Library Birds-Nightingale-Ext-Clo_2.wav Birds - Nightingale - Ext - Close-Up - 6 Episodes Of Shrill Calls, Variable Length, Very Light Forest Ambience IN BG
1.0 0:27Bird Bird
100 SoundStorm Library Birds-Arctic-Penguin-CU-Squ.wav Birds - Arctic - Penguin - CU - Squawks
2.0 0:01Bird Bird