Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library WindInT_BBC-Historical_C b1.wav Wind In Trees.
2.0 5:56


Wind Tree

2 SoundStorm Library Winds-LightMountainTreeWi_4.wav Winds - Light Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light Wind In Tall Pine Tree
2.0 1:59Wind Wind Tree
3 SoundStorm Library Winds-WindInTrees-MountainT.wav Winds - Wind In Trees - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Heavy, Short Heavy Gust Bursts, Heavy Whipping Wind, Wind Blows On Rock
2.0 2:27Wind Wind Tree
4 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Wind field trees 03.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Wind, Large Field, Crickets And Field Birds, Very Calm With A Few Gusts In Trees
2.0 4:06Wind Wind Tree
5 SoundStorm Library Winds-HeavyWind-Ext-Basic_1.wav Winds - Heavy Wind - Ext - Basic, Steady W Swells, Thru Trees, Some Blowing Leaves
2.0 2:31Wind Wind Tree
6 SoundStorm Library Winds-TreeTopWind-Ext-VeryG.wav Winds - Tree Top Wind - Ext - Very Gentle Wind Through Tree Tops, Lots Of Leaf Movement, Lazy Ambiance, Occasional Very Distant Bird And Fly Buzz By, Wind Intensity Increases At Times
2.0 3:00Wind Wind Tree
7 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest Wind trees 06.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind In Medium High Trees, Good Gusts
2.0 2:34Wind Wind Tree
8 SoundStorm Library Winds-BarnWind-Ext-GustyWin.wav Winds - Barn Wind - Ext - Gusty Wind Through Barn, Subtle Wood Creaks, BG Metal Creaks And Clanks, Wind Through Trees, Insects, Occasional Fly Buzz By And Distant Bird Chirp
2.0 3:00Wind Wind Tree
9 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_9.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light To Medium W Whipping Gusts Through A Single Pine Tree
2.0 2:44Wind Wind Tree
10 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest light wind 01.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind In Trees High Up, Light Rustle With Some Gusts
2.0 3:10Wind Wind Tree
11 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Tree Creak,Pickering.wav Wind: Wind Tree Creak Pickering
2.0 2:32Wind Wind Tree
12 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_4.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light to Medium Gusts
2.0 2:05Wind Wind Tree
13 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Strong,Diminish.wav Wind: Wind Trees Strong Diminish
2.0 3:31Wind Wind Tree
14 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Big,Tree,Creaks,Knocks.wav Wind: Wind Big Tree Creaks Knocks
2.0 3:13Wind Wind Tree
15 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_17.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light To Heavy, Short Heavy Gust Bursts, Heavy Whipping Wind, Wind Blows On Rock
2.0 2:25Wind Wind Tree
16 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Gust,Branches,Crow.wav Wind: Wind Trees Gust Branches Crow
2.0 0:40Wind Wind Tree
17 Rob Nokes Sound Library Wind,Trees,Poplars,Soft - l.wav Wind Trees Poplars Soft - Light Wind Ebbs And Dips
1.0 1:20Wind Wind Tree
18 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_12.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Heavy, Fast Gusty Tree Wind, Short Hard Gusts W Whipping Wind
2.0 1:34Wind Wind Tree
19 Civilisation Soundscapes WindStormBigTrees2.L.wav Wind: Strong Gusts Of Wind In Trees, Recorded Under Trees, Exterior
5.1 4:00Wind Wind Tree
20 BBC Sound Effects Library WeatherWind.BBC.ECD114g.wav Wind On Dunes By Palm Tree - Thin Wind With Some Sand, Sea And Some Buffering
2.0 4:03Wind Wind Tree
21 SoundStorm Library Winds-LightMountainTreeWi_6.wav Winds - Light Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Quiet Wind In Tall Pine Trees
2.0 1:16Wind Wind Tree
22 SoundStorm Library Winds-LightMountainTreeWi_1.wav Winds - Light Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Active Wind In Tall Aspen Tree
2.0 1:58Wind Wind Tree
23 SoundStorm Library Winds-WindInTrees-Ext-AirW.wav Winds - Wind In Trees - Ext - Air And Whir Thru Pine Tree Forest, W Light Birds, Very Soothing Tall Tree Top Wind
2.0 2:55Wind Wind Tree
24 BBC Sound Effects Library WeatherWind.BBC.ECD20b.wav Strong Wind In Trees.
2.0 5:33Wind Wind Tree
25 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest Windy 01.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind, Steady Light Leaf Rustle In High Trees
2.0 0:44Wind Wind Tree
26 SoundStorm Library Winds-GentleWindThruTrees_2.wav Winds - Gentle Wind Thru Trees - Exterior - Fairly Constant, Soft Leaf Movement, Wide Stereo W Depth, Occasional Distant Traffic
2.0 3:25Wind Wind Tree
27 SoundStorm Library Winds-PineTreeForestWind-Ex.wav Winds - Pine Tree Forest Wind - Ext - Light, Warm Sounding
2.0 2:41Wind Wind Tree
28 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest Wind trees 02.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind In Low Trees, Good Gusts And Leaf Rustle, Debris Falling
2.0 3:18Wind Wind Tree
29 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Trees,Creaks,Small,Knock.wav Wind: Wind Trees Creaks Small Knock
2.0 1:25Wind Wind Tree
30 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_6.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Medium To Heavy Gusts, Short
2.0 0:38Wind Wind Tree
31 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Big Wind field trees 01.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Wind, Large Field, Leaved Trees, Gusty, Some Field Crickets
2.0 3:39Wind Wind Tree
32 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Heavy,Tree,Big,Creaks.wav Wind: Wind Heavy Tree Big Creaks
2.0 4:09Wind Wind Tree
33 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_1.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light, Low Blow, Medium Gusts @ End
2.0 1:45Wind Wind Tree
34 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Gusts,Birds,Calm.wav Wind: Wind Trees Gusts Birds Calm
2.0 5:22Wind Wind Tree
35 Rob Nokes Sound Library Forest,Wind in Trees,Light Distant Birds,Faint Distant Ocean,Punta Ballena,Uruguay.wav Forest Wind In Trees Light Distant Birds Faint Distant Ocean Punta Ballena Uruguay
2.0 4:21Wind Wind Tree
36 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_14.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Fast And Gusty at First, Quiets Down @ End
2.0 0:58Wind Wind Tree
37 SoundStorm Library Winds-MediumMountainTreeWin.wav Winds - Medium Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Medium To Light Wind In Tall Aspen Tree
2.0 1:14Wind Wind Tree
38 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Blustery,Birds.wav Wind: Wind Trees Blustery Birds
2.0 4:52Wind Wind Tree
39 Rob Nokes Sound Library Wind,Jungle,Trees,Cricket.wav Wind Jungle Trees Cricket - Wind In Trees And Thick Leaves. Background Crickets
2.0 0:28Wind Wind Tree
40 BBC Sound Effects Library WeatherWind.BBC.EC2W1a.wav Weather: Wind In Trees.
2.0 6:20Wind Wind Tree
41 SoundStorm Library Winds-LightMountainTreeWi_3.wav Winds - Light Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Wind In Tall Pine Tree
2.0 0:43Wind Wind Tree
42 SoundStorm Library Winds-WindInTrees-Exterior-.wav Winds - Wind In Trees - Exterior - Medium Wind, Occasional Fluctuation, Single Distant Bird Chirps, Occasional Insects And Forest Movements (Twigs Or Leaves Fall), Distant Mechanical Hum @ Tail
2.0 1:58Wind Wind Tree
43 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Wind field trees 02.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Wind, Large Field, Close Trees, Fall Leaves, Gusty, 2 Fast Car Bys On Country Road, Light Distant Jet Prop Plane
2.0 2:37Wind Wind Tree
44 SoundStorm Library Winds-GrassTreeWind-Ext-Fai.wav Winds - Grass Tree Wind - Ext - Fairly Active Wind Through Grass Or Trees, Lots Of Leaf Grass Movement Detail, Single Bird In Background
2.0 3:00Wind Wind Tree
45 SoundStorm Library Winds-ScottishForestAmbienc.wav Winds - Scottish Forest Ambience - Ext - Wind Blowing Through Trees, Some O S Birds, Turbulant Day
2.0 3:56Wind Wind Tree
46 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest Wind Trees 05.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind In High Trees, Light Wind With Some Gusts, Cricket
2.0 2:05Wind Wind Tree
47 Sonopedia WindBlizzard_S08WT.100.wav Weather, Wind, Blizzard, Forest, Woods, Trees, Winter, Storm, Snow, Loop
2.0 1:36Wind Wind Tree
48 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_8.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Medium Gusts Through A Single Pine Tree
2.0 1:54Wind Wind Tree
49 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Big Wind field trees 03.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Wind, Large Field, Leaved Trees Blow Close, High Pitch Rustle, Big Gusts
2.0 3:44Wind Wind Tree
50 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Thick,Heavy,Trees,Leaves.wav Wind: Wind Thick Heavy Trees Leaves
2.0 2:53Wind Wind Tree
51 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_3.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light Gusts, Occasional Fly Buzz
2.0 0:39Wind Wind Tree
52 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_16.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Heavy Whipping Gusts
2.0 1:08Wind Wind Tree
53 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Med,Birds,Branches.wav Wind: Wind Trees Med Birds Branches
2.0 2:19Wind Wind Tree
54 Rob Nokes Sound Library Wind in Trees,Thick,Bird,Chirp,Med,Frogs,Distant,Punta Ballena,Uruguay.wav Wind In Trees Thick Bird Chirp Med Frogs Distant Punta Ballena Uruguay
2.0 1:20Wind Wind Tree
55 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Cold,Blustery,Thin.wav Wind: Wind Trees Cold Blustery Thin
2.0 4:39Wind Wind Tree
56 Rob Nokes Sound Library Wind,Trees,Poplars,Leaves,D.wav Wind Trees Poplars Leaves Delicate
1.0 0:49Wind Wind Tree
57 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_11.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Medium To Heavy Gusts
2.0 1:40Wind Wind Tree
58 Civilisation Soundscapes WindStormBigTrees1.L.wav Wind: Strong Gusts Of Wind In Trees, Recorded Under Trees, Exterior
5.1 4:00Wind Wind Tree
59 BBC Sound Effects Library WeatherWind.BBC.ECD117.wav Wind In Wattle Trees - Wattle Track, Tiritiri Matangi Island (NZ)
2.0 3:36Wind Wind Tree
60 SoundStorm Library Winds-LightMountainTreeWi_5.wav Winds - Light Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light Wind in Tall Pine Tree
2.0 0:46Wind Wind Tree
61 SoundStorm Library Winds-WindInTrees-PineTreeF.wav Winds - Wind In Trees - Pine Tree Forest Wind - Ext - Light, Warm Sounding
2.0 3:14Wind Wind Tree
62 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Wind road trees 01.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Wind, Field Near Road, Mostly Calm, Some Gusts, Medium High Trees
2.0 3:36Wind Wind Tree
63 SoundStorm Library Winds-HeavyWind-Ext-Basic,S.wav Winds - Heavy Wind - Ext - Basic, Steady W Swells, Thru Trees, Some Blowing Leaves
2.0 2:31Wind Wind Tree
64 SoundStorm Library Winds-WindInPineTrees-Ext-M.wav Winds - Wind In Pine Trees - Ext - Medium Strong, Off-Stage Wind In Trees, Occasional CU Wind Pick Up And Whistle, Single Periodic Bird Call, Wing Flaps @ 1 07
2.0 4:09Wind Wind Tree
65 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest Wind trees 07.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind In Medium High Trees, Gusty, Leaves Fall
2.0 1:36Wind Wind Tree
66 SoundStorm Library Winds-GentleWindThruTrees_1.wav Winds - Gentle Wind Thru Trees - Exterior - Fairly Constant, Soft Leaf Movement., Wide Stereo W Depth, Occasional Distant Traffic, Bird Chirp @ 2 14
2.0 3:25Wind Wind Tree
67 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ext-.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Medium To Light, Loud, Steady Medium Blow @ Beginning To Low Blow
2.0 1:53Wind Wind Tree
68 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_5.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Medium To Heavy Gusts, Quiets Down In The Middle, Few Birds @ End
2.0 3:35Wind Wind Tree
69 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest Wind trees 01.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind In High Trees, Big Gusts, Good Leaf Rustle,
2.0 1:43Wind Wind Tree
70 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Tree,Creaks,Big,Knocks.wav Wind: Wind Tree Creaks Big Knocks
2.0 2:44Wind Wind Tree
71 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Windy Lake Day 04.wav Wind: Cold Wind, Exterior, Wave Lapping By Lake Day, Very Gusty With Pine Trees
2.0 2:51Wind Wind Tree
72 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Blustery,Heavy,Trees,Big.wav Wind: Wind Blustery Heavy Trees Big
2.0 1:03Wind Wind Tree
73 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_18.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light to Medium Gusts, Heavier @ End
2.0 2:11Wind Wind Tree
74 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Gust,Swell,Die.wav Wind: Wind Trees Gust Swell Die
2.0 1:24Wind Wind Tree
75 Rob Nokes Sound Library Winds-Trees Leaves Grass-Heavy Wind,Loud Hiss,Leaves Movement,Bird Chirps,Some Cicadas Insects Trill Medium Distant Reverby,Exterior,Mountain Top,Sa Pa,Vietnam,A12 POV A34 Different POV A5 Hissy A6 Hissy.wav Winds: Trees Leaves Grass: Heavy Wind, Loud Hiss, Leaves Movement, Bird Chirps, Some Cicadas Insects Trill Medium Distant Reverby, Exterior, Mountain Top, Sa Pa, Vietnam, A12 POV A34 Different POV A5 Hissy A6 Hissy
6.0 4:52Wind Wind Tree
76 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_13.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Soft To Really Hard Whipping Tree Wind
2.0 1:12Wind Wind Tree
77 Civilisation Soundscapes WindStormSqualls.L.wav Wind: Strong Gusts Of Wind In Trees, Deciduous Trees, Low Rumbling, No LoCut! Exterior
5.1 4:00Wind Wind Tree
78 Rob Nokes Sound Library Wind,Trees,Constant,Soft,Medium Distant,Bird,Sparse.wav Wind Trees Constant Soft Medium Distant Bird Sparse
2.0 2:09Wind Wind Tree
79 SoundStorm Library Winds-LightMountainTreeWind.wav Winds - Light Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Wind In Tall Aspen Tree, Soft Level
2.0 1:59Wind Wind Tree
80 BBC Sound Effects Library WeatherWind.BBC.ECD20e.wav Tree Creaking In Strong Wind.
2.0 3:47Wind Wind Tree
81 SoundStorm Library Winds-LightMountainTreeWi_2.wav Winds - Light Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Wind In Tall Aspen Tree, Gusts @ Middle Goes To Light Wind @ End
2.0 3:10Wind Wind Tree
82 SoundStorm Library Winds-WindInTrees-Ext-Subtl.wav Winds - Wind In Trees - Ext - Subtle, Some Leaf And Branch Rustlings, Hint Of Distant Single Cricket At Times, Occasional Fly Buzz By
2.0 3:00Wind Wind Tree
83 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Wind field trees 01.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Wind, Large Field, Fall Trees Leaves Up High, Calm With Light Gusts, Crickets
2.0 3:16Wind Wind Tree
84 SoundStorm Library Winds-GentleWindThruTrees-E.wav Winds - Gentle Wind Thru Trees - Exterior - Fairly Constant, Soft Leaf Movement., Wide Stereo W Depth, Distant Plane Overhead at 1 40, Occasional Distant Traffic
2.0 3:23Wind Wind Tree
85 SoundStorm Library Winds-ScottishForestAmbianc.wav Winds - Scottish Forest Ambiance - Ext - Wind Blowing Through Trees, Some O S Birds, Turbulant Day
2.0 2:59Wind Wind Tree
86 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Forest Wind trees 03.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Forest Wind In High Trees, Lighter With Some Good Gusts
2.0 2:36Wind Wind Tree
87 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Trees,Gusts,Strong.wav Wind: Wind Trees Gusts Strong
2.0 2:19Wind Wind Tree
88 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_7.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Heavy Gusts Through A Single Pine Tree
2.0 0:18Wind Wind Tree
89 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB EXT Big Wind field trees 02.wav Wind: Wind, Exterior, Wind, Large Field, Leaved Trees Blow Close, Gusty, Some Field Crickets
2.0 2:48Wind Wind Tree
90 Sounddogs Sound Library Wind,Med,Tree,Small,Creaks.wav Wind: Wind Med Tree Small Creaks
2.0 2:28Wind Wind Tree
91 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-Ex_2.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light To Medium Gusts, Fly Buzz @ End
2.0 1:19Wind Wind Tree
92 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Heavy,Tree Creaks.wav Wind: Wind Trees Heavy Tree Creaks
2.0 2:10Wind Wind Tree
93 Rob Nokes Sound Library Wind in Trees,Thick,Bird,Chirp,Med Distant,Punta Ballena,Uruguay.wav Wind In Trees Thick Bird Chirp Med Distant Punta Ballena Uruguay
2.0 1:17Wind Wind Tree
94 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_15.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Medium Gusty Tree Wind W Some Quick Whipping Bursts, Varying Intensities
2.0 2:13Wind Wind Tree
95 Masters Workshop Wind,Trees,Cold,Blustery,Gust.wav Wind: Wind Trees Cold Blustery Gust
2.0 1:55Wind Wind Tree
96 Rob Nokes Sound Library Wind,Trees,Poplars,Full,Soo.wav Wind Trees Poplars Full Soothing - Light Wind Ebbs And Dips
1.0 1:43Wind Wind Tree
97 SoundStorm Library Winds-MountainTreeWind-E_10.wav Winds - Mountain Tree Wind - Ext - Light, From Silent To Quick Gusts
2.0 1:54Wind Wind Tree