Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlusteryFallW_3.wav Sound Design - Blustery Fall Wind Background - Interior Perspective, Distant Os Rain Or Leaves
2.0 2:59


Processed Wind

2 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlendedWindBack.wav Sound Design - Blended Wind Background - Reflective Room Tone Mixed With Interior Perspective Wind Bed, Lots Of High Frequencies With The Room Tone
2.0 3:31Wind Processed Wind
3 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Booms-CU-Reverb.wav Sound Design - Booms - C U - Reverberation Thunderous Deep Booms With A Slight Pneumatic Quality, Airy Rumble, Created For Dramatic Tension (3x)
2.0 0:46Wind Processed Wind
4 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlendedWindText.wav Sound Design - Blended Wind Textures - Two To Three Sources, Panning, Could Be Used As Cave Or Igloo Interior Ambiance,
2.0 2:34Wind Processed Wind
5 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BreathyTransiti.wav Sound Design - Breathy Transition Element - Heavily Processed Whooshes, Flanging And Pan
2.0 0:55Wind Processed Wind
6 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlusteryFallW_2.wav Sound Design - Blustery Fall Wind Background - Ext - Howling Wind, Some Minor Tape Flutter @ Moments, Two Different Wind Sounds Blended Together, Os Leaves Or Tree Movement
2.0 2:25Wind Processed Wind
7 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlendedWindBa_1.wav Sound Design - Blended Wind Background - Three Different Source Sounds, A Reflective Room Tone, A Wind Tunnel Type Sound, And A Winter Or Desert Style Howling Wind
2.0 1:55Wind Processed Wind
8 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlusteryFallWin.wav Sound Design - Blustery Fall Wind Background - Interior Perspective, Distant Os Rain Or Leaves
2.0 2:57Wind Processed Wind
9 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlendedWindRoo.wav Sound Design - Blended Wind And Room Tone - Interior Perspective, Hollow Room Tone Mixed With Winter Or Desert Type Wind, Room Tone Changes Over Course Of File
2.0 3:14Wind Processed Wind
10 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Booms-LowSurrea.wav Sound Design - Booms - Low Surreal Booms - C U - 4 Low Airy Booming Thuds
2.0 1:17Wind Processed Wind
11 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-BlusteryFallW_1.wav Sound Design - Blustery Fall Wind Background - Ext - Howling Wind, Some Minor Tape Flutter @ Moments, Two Different Wind Sounds Blended Together, Os Leaves Or Tree Movement
2.0 2:25Wind Processed Wind