The perfectly shaped computer-sine-body has turned into a fully grown sine sweep, warts and all. Seriously, Sweep 1 is a very even and balanced sweep with beautiful reverberation, which you can clearly hear and see from the signal in the spectrum.
Good to see and hear are the resonances in the bass range, particularly the clanging at 180 Hz. As the dimensions of every room can become problematic for acoustics, we can safely say that our area produces a distinct resonance at 120 Hz. This does not mean anything negative for our impulse response - on the contrary, in fact. Our impulse response is a fingerprint of the room we want to copy (and in which these room modes are included). The rumbling frequencies are not very strongly developed, indicating that they belong to the natural peculiarity of this room. However, if they occur too strongly, a shifting of the microphones is recommend - or, alternatively, reducing the playback volume of the sweep or tweaking the sweep in post-production might also help.