Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Fas_1.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Fast In, C U Stop @ 0 08, Idle And Fast Away @ 0 13, Metal Bangs @ Tail
1.0 0:20


Skid Tire Cobblestone

2 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_2.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium Slow In, C U By To Slight Os Stop, Short Idle, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
2.0 0:10Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
3 SoundStorm Library Tires-CobblestoneRoad(WEn_1.wav Tires - Cobblestone Road (W Engine) - Ext - In, C U By, Long Away, W Rattly Sounds
2.0 0:37Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
4 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_9.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 2:06Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
5 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@30.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 30-35mph, C U By And Away, Tires Over Metal Grate @ 0 11, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
2.0 0:14Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
6 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Onb_2.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Onboard Swerves And Maneuvers @ Slow Speed, Slow To Stop, Idle For A Moment, Accelerate Through Puddle @ 1 01
1.0 1:03Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
7 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_4.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Driving Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 0:46Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
8 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_9.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10mph, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
2.0 0:24Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
9 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Idl_1.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Idle And Slow Away, Onboard Steady, Slow Speed, Recordist Level Change @ 0 07, Stop @ 20 58 And Idle, Off @ 0 20
1.0 0:23Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
10 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_18.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Driving Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 0:33Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
11 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_4.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10mph, Medium C U By And Away, 2 00AM, Some Background Noise, GM Sedan
2.0 0:22Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
12 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Tires.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Tires Over Metal Grate Cover @ Head, Medium In To Os Stop @ 0 05, Engine Off, Then Os Start @ 0 11, Medium In, By And Away, Os Birds, Early Morning
2.0 0:32Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
13 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_13.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:45Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
14 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_17.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10-15mph, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan, Level Change @ 0 05, Slow to Stop, Os Traffic Wash @ Tail
1.0 0:19Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
15 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Slo_5.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In And C U Stop @ 0 19, Idle, Light Os Crickets
1.0 0:27Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
16 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_12.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 30-35mph, C U By And Away, Tires Over Metal Grate @ 0 11, 2 00AM, GM Sedan, Take 2
2.0 0:14Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
17 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Mediu.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium Slow In, C U By Around Corner With Acceleration And Small Tire Chirp @ 4 29, To Slight Os Stop, Away, Os Dist. Horn @ 0 04, 2 00AM
2.0 0:31Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
18 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Fas_3.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Fast In @ 35mph, C U By And Away, Os Metal Bang @ 0 11, Watch Voices @ Tail
1.0 0:21Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
19 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_4.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium In, Cu By To Slight O s Slow Down And Turn Corner, Lots Of Engine, Listen For O s Dist. Horn @ Hd Of Tk, (2 00am)
1.0 0:30Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
20 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestones(WEngine).wav Tires - Cobblestones (W Engine) - Ext - Onboard - Medium Speed, Steaddy Tires Over Small Cobbles Sweetener
2.0 1:45Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
21 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-10-15.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - 10-15 MPH In, Medium C U By, Away With Slight Turn, 2 00AM, Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:28Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
22 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@5m.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 5mph, C U By And Away, 2 00 AM, Os Crickets, GM Sedan, Some Background Noise
2.0 0:23Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
23 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Someo.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Someone Urinating Outside, Slow Onboard Swerves And Maneuvers, Speed Bump @ 0 47, Manhole Bang @ 0 56, Stop And Idle, GM Sedan
1.0 1:18Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
24 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_6.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Driving Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:06Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
25 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@15.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 15mph, C U By, Stop And Idle, Metal Rattles From Car, GM Sedan, 2 00AM, Good
2.0 0:15Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
26 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Idl_3.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Idle And Away, Onboard Medium Slow Steady, Speed Bump @ 0 17, Level Change @ 0 21, Accelerate On Concrete Into Puddle @ 0 43
1.0 0:46Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
27 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_1.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Accel Bursts Over The Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:13Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
28 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_6.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 20-25mph, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, Light Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:27Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
29 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext.,Medi.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext., Medium In, C U By And Water Splash @ 0 18, Os Stop, Level Change @ 0 27, Turn Around, Slow In To C U Stop And Off, Light Cooling Pings, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:49Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
30 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_15.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:49Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
31 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_1.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10mph, C U By, In And Around Really Tight, Steering Wheel Whine @ 0 20, Stop And Short Idle, 2 00AM, Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:26Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
32 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Slo_7.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In, Medium C U By And Away, 2 00AM, Some Background Noise, Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:21Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
33 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_14.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 15-20mph, C U By And Away, Os Crickets, GM Sedan, 2 AM
1.0 0:16Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
34 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Slo_2.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In, C U By, Splash Through Puddle @ 0 23, To Slight Os Stop And Off. Fade Out, Fade In Again @ 0 33, Short Idle, By, And Off
2.0 0:48Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
35 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_10.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 2:10Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
36 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Idle,.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Idle, Turn Around, Accelerate to 25mph, By @ Medium Speed, Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:32Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
37 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_6.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium Slow In, C U By To Slight Os Stop, Level Change @ 0 08, Slow Turn Around, Then Medium Slow In And By To Slight C U Stop @ 00 28, Away, GM Sedan, Good
1.0 0:46Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
38 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-15mph.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - 15mph In, C U By And Away, Os Metal Bang @ 0 19, Turn Around, In Again Through Puddles, Light Splashes, C U By And Away, Signigicant Background Noise, 2 00AM
1.0 0:58Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
39 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_1.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium Slow In, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:16Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
40 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone(WEngine)-.wav Tires - Cobblestone (W Engine) - Ext - Med Speed - In, C U By, Away, W Rattly Sounds
2.0 0:22Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
41 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_8.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 2:05Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
42 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@25.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 25mph, C U By And Away, Metal Bang @ 0 24, Watch Voices @ Tail, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:28Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
43 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Onb_1.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Onboard Steady @ 10mph, Speed Bump @ 00 15, Slow To Stop, Idle And Off @ Tail, GM Sedan
1.0 0:39Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
44 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_3.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Driving Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 0:43Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
45 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_8.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 20mph, Over 2 Bumps @ 0 02, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:19Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
46 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-AwayS.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Away Slowly, Accelerate to Medium Speed On Concrete, Puddle Splash @ 0 14, Onboard Steady, Hit Metal Grate @ 0 38, Slow to Stop @ 0 58, Revs And Idle, GM Sedan
1.0 1:11Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
47 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_3.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10-15mph, C U By And Away, Drive Over Metal Grate Or Manhole @ 0 17, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
2.0 0:19Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
48 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Swerv.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Swerving, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan, Recorded @ Hot Level
2.0 0:33Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
49 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_17.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard - Medium Speed Over Lane Dividers, V Short
2.0 0:38Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
50 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_12.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 2:14Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
51 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_16.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 5mph, C U By And Slow Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan, Recordist Changes Level Just After Head, Some Background Noise @ Tail
1.0 0:26Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
52 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Slo_4.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In @ 5mph, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
2.0 0:15Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
53 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_11.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10mph To Cu Stop @ Camera, Idle, GM Sedan
2.0 0:13Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
54 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_8.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium In, C U By To Slight Os Stop, Turn Around, Then Medium Slow In To C U Stop And Engine Off, Light Cooling Pings, Watch Voices @ Tail, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:43Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
55 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Fas_2.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Fast In And By @ 30mph, Fast Away, GM Sedan, Good Finish
1.0 0:24Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
56 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_3.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium Speed In, C U By To Slightly Os Stop, Short Idle, 2 00AM
1.0 0:23Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
57 SoundStorm Library Tires-CobblestoneRoad(WEngi.wav Tires - Cobblestone Road (W Engine) - Ext - Long In, C U By, Away, W Rattly Sounds
2.0 0:50Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
58 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrating.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Steady - Medium Speed Driving Over Lane Dividers
2.0 0:52Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
59 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@35.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 35-40mph, C U By, Os Slow to Stop, GM Sedan
2.0 0:17Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
60 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Onboa.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Onboard Steady @ 10mph, Onto Concrete @ 0 22, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:26Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
61 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@10.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10-15mph, C U By And Away With Slight Turn, 2 00AM, Os Crickets, Some Os Traffic Noise @ Tail, GM Sedan
2.0 0:20Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
62 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Idl_2.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Idle And Away, Onboard Steady @ 8mph, Speed Bump @ 0 12, Onto Concrete @ Tail, GM Sedan
1.0 0:32Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
63 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_5.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Driving Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:12Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
64 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_19.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Driving Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 0:09Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
65 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_5.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 5mph, C U By And Away, Os Crickets, GM Sedan, 2 00AM, Slight Mic Noise
2.0 0:28Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
66 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-VeryS.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Very Slow In, Weaving Back And Forth, C U By And Away, Light Os Crickets, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
2.0 0:30Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
67 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_14.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:38Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
68 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_18.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 25mph, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:26Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
69 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Slo_6.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In To Slight Os Stop, Lots Of Engine, Short Idle @ Tail, 2 00AM
1.0 0:25Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
70 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_13.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 15mph, C U By And Away, 2 00AM
2.0 0:17Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
71 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Slo_1.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In, C U By And Away, 2 00AM, GM Sedan, Good
2.0 0:18Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
72 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-FastI.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Fast In, C U Stop @ 0 10, Recordist Level Change @ 0 13, Idle, GM Sedan
1.0 0:17Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
73 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_5.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium Slow In, C U By To Slight Os Turn Corner, Slows Down, Lots Of Engine, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:26Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
74 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-InBy.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In And By @ 20mph, Medium C U Away, GM Sedan
1.0 0:20Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
75 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int.Onboa.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int. Onboard Steady, Medium Slow Driving, Leave Cobblestones @ 0 27 Onto Concrete, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:30Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
76 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-15-20.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - 15-20 MPH In, C U R- L By With Panned Mic, Away, 2 00AM, Os Crickets, Slow Down @ Tail, GM Sedan
2.0 0:15Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
77 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_7.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 3:56Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
78 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@20.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext -In @ 20mph, C U By And Away, Os Birds @ Tail
2.0 0:22Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
79 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Idle.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Idle And Away, Onboard Steady @ 5mph, Metal Bangs @ 0 43 From Manhole Cover Or Grate, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:55Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
80 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrati_2.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - Fast Driving Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 0:58Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
81 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_7.wav Tires - Cobblestone- Ext - In @ 20-25mph, C U By And Away To Os Stop, Some Bg Noise, Recordist Level Change @ 0 02, 2 00AM, Os Crickets
2.0 0:17Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
82 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Int-Away.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Int - Away And Onboard Steady @ 5-10mph, Through Puddle @ 0 16, Metal Bang Over Manhole @ 0 42, Followed By More Puddle, Stop, GM Sedan
1.0 0:58Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
83 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_16.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:58Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
84 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In@_2.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 5mph, C U By Around Corner, Small Tire Chirp @ 0 11, Steering Wheel Whine, Stop, Short Idle, Then Roll Away, 2 00AM, Ends Somewhat Abruptly
2.0 0:22Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
85 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-SlowI.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In And C U By, To Slight Os Turn, Stop @ 3 54 And Short C U Idle, 2 00AM, Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:21Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
86 SoundStorm Library SkidsTires-BumpsDotsGrat_11.wav Skids Tires - Bumps Dots Grating Cobblestone - Divider Bumps - Asphalt Pavement (W Engine) - Int Onboard Variable - High Speed Driving On the Freeway Over Lane Dividers, Various
2.0 1:53Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
87 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_15.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 10mph, C U By And Away, Small Road Bump @ 0 27 And Light Suspension Movement, Os Crickets, 2 00AM
1.0 0:36Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
88 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Slo_3.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Slow In, C U By And Away, Listen For Rooster @ Tail, 2 00AM, Light Os Crickets, GM Sedan
2.0 0:21Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
89 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-In_10.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - In @ 15-20mph, C U By And Away, Slightly Os Stop And Off, Light Os Crickets, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
2.0 0:19Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone
90 SoundStorm Library Tires-Cobblestone-Ext-Med_7.wav Tires - Cobblestone - Ext - Medium In And C U By To Slight Os Stop, Turn Around, Then Medium In And By To Slight Os Stop And Off, 2 00AM, GM Sedan
1.0 0:38Tire Skid Tire Cobblestone