Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_5.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01

Sound Design

Sound Design Liquid

2 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_17.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
3 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_12.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
4 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Sl_8.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Slow Motion Mercury Flow - C U - Deep Gurgly Flow, Sharp And High On Peak, Reverberant, Good For Mercury Flowing
2.0 0:36Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
5 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterSputtering.wav Sound Design - Water Sputtering - Int - C U - Chugging Sputtering Water With Reverb @ Medium Speed, Intended To Simulate Boat Engine
2.0 0:50Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
6 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-S_13.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Slow Motion Mercury Flow - Thick Through Drain Pipe, Smooth Flow In A Metallic Space, Reverby, Metallic Ring
2.0 0:35Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
7 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-Dee.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Deep Bubbles - 75 %
1.0 1:29Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
8 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_7.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Pour Down Sink - C U - Bright Ambience, Crackly Sounding, Little Splashy
2.0 0:27Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
9 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterBubbling-I.wav Sound Design - Water Bubbling - Int - C U - Reverby Bubbling, Constant, Rapid
2.0 0:07Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
10 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_7.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
11 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_2.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Flow - C U - Wet Lapping Flow, Gurgle, Good To Add Wetness And Gurgle Definition To A Mercury Flow
2.0 0:28Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
12 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_2.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies W Low End Rumble
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
13 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_14.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
14 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-IndividualUnder.wav Sound Design - Individual Underwater Bubbles, Version 1
1.0 1:09Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
15 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-S_16.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Surreal Mercury Splashes And Splats - C U - Processed Marbles, Sharp Overlapping Multiple Taps
2.0 0:44Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
16 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-S_1.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Solo Bubbles - 30%
1.0 0:30Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
17 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_9.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Glurp Bys - C U - Quick Individual Splash Gurgles, Reverby
2.0 0:31Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
18 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-B_1.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Bubbles - 50%
2.0 0:35Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
19 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_4.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Flow- C U - Dry Lapping Flow, A More Realistic Element For C U Mercury Flow Shots
2.0 0:28Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
20 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_9.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
21 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_4.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
22 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_16.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
23 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_11.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
24 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Sl_7.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Slow Motion Mercury Flow - C U - Very Good, Reverbed And Slowed, Splattery, Sharp Sounding, Some Gurgle
2.0 0:34Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
25 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-Spl.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Splashes - 50%
1.0 2:37Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
26 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-S_12.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Surreal Slow Motion Mercury Flow - C U - Mercury Flowing Through Drain, Lapping Gurgle, Airy Reverb
2.0 0:44Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
27 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-D_1.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Deep Bubbles - 50%
2.0 1:46Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
28 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_6.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Pour Into Sink - C U - Mercury Pour With Sink Ambience And Gurgle, Thick, Splashy
2.0 0:28Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
29 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidThawsMel.wav Sound Design - Liquid Thaws And Melts
2.0 0:56Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
30 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_1.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Splats - C U - Deep Thud Good Wet Glugs Splash
2.0 0:28Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
31 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_6.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
32 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_1.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies W Low End Rumble
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
33 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_13.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
34 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Sl_9.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Slow Motion Mercury Flow - C U - Through Drain Pipe, A Bright Metal Splatty Mercury Flow With Good High End, Fast Flow, Metallic Ring
2.0 0:33Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
35 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-S_14.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Slow Motion Mercury Flow - C U - Through Drain Pipe, Thick And Deep, Reverby, Good Mid Range Bed For Mercury Flowing Through Pipe Or Elsewhere
2.0 0:29Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
36 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-Mov.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Movement - 50%
1.0 1:08Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
37 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_8.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Pour Down Sink - C U - Gurgle And Splat, Medium Fast Pour, Reverby
2.0 0:33Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
38 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterBubblingEl.wav Sound Design - Water Bubbling Element Object Thawing In Water - C U - Rumbly Airy Rush, Underwater Pov
2.0 0:18Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
39 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_3.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Flow - C U - Deep, Lapping Flow, Gurgle, Reverberant, Good For Adding Wetness And Gurgle To A Mercury Flow In A More Reverant Space
2.0 0:35Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
40 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_8.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
41 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidif_3.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies W Low End Rumble
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
42 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_15.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
43 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidi_10.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
44 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Sl_6.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Slow Motion Mercury Flow - C U - Reverbed And Slowed Way Down, Good Bed For Mercury Flows Over Roulette Wheel, Gurgly
2.0 0:17Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
45 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-Sol.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Solo Bubbles - 63%
1.0 0:32Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
46 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Merc.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Flow - C U - Very Good, Reverberant Bed, Good High End Bed For Mercury Flowing Through Drain Pipe, Quick Slapping Gurlge Sound
2.0 0:29Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
47 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-WaterLiquid-Bub.wav Sound Design - Water Liquid - Bubbles - 50%
1.0 1:15Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
48 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-Conceptual-Me_5.wav Sound Design - Conceptual - Mercury Flow - C U - Deep Gurgly Flow, Sharp And High On Peak, Some Reverb
2.0 0:46Sound Design Sound Design Liquid
49 SoundStorm Library SoundDesign-LiquidSolidifie.wav Sound Design - Liquid Solidifies
2.0 0:01Sound Design Sound Design Liquid