Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-SlowBrittle_2.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Slow Brittle Crunch, Very Crunchy
2.0 0:06


Ice Dry Ice

2 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_37.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
3 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_30.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:12Foley Ice Dry Ice
4 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_62.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Short Burst, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:05Foley Ice Dry Ice
5 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MC_16.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
6 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_25.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:05Foley Ice Dry Ice
7 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_57.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Long, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:34Foley Ice Dry Ice
8 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MC_11.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:11Foley Ice Dry Ice
9 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-FewSmallLoo_1.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Few Small Loose Pieces Grind, Various
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
10 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_32.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
11 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-In_8.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice, High Pitched Screeches, Crackling, Hard Grinding
2.0 0:11Foley Ice Dry Ice
12 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-CowbellOnDr_1.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Cowbell On Dry Ice, Movement, Scraped Across
1.0 0:21Foley Ice Dry Ice
13 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_27.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
14 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-In_3.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU - Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice, Light Rustling And Scraping
2.0 0:37Foley Ice Dry Ice
15 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_20.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:05Foley Ice Dry Ice
16 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_52.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Long, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:15Foley Ice Dry Ice
17 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU-Ha.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding, High End
2.0 0:08Foley Ice Dry Ice
18 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CreaksSqueaks-In.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks Squeaks - Int - CU - Long, Grating, Metallic, High Pitched
2.0 0:15Foley Ice Dry Ice
19 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_22.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
20 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-I_12.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice, Small High Pitched Screeches, Crackling
2.0 0:17Foley Ice Dry Ice
21 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_15.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Sounding, High End
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
22 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_47.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Big, Long, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:35Foley Ice Dry Ice
23 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU-_7.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding, High End
2.0 0:07Foley Ice Dry Ice
24 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CreaksSqueaks-_4.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks Squeaks - Int - CU - Long, Rising Pitch
2.0 0:12Foley Ice Dry Ice
25 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-BrittleCrunch.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Brittle Crunch
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
26 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MCU-C.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:10Foley Ice Dry Ice
27 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-BrittleCrun_5.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Brittle Crunch
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
28 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_17.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
29 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-CU_8.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
30 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_10.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding, High End
2.0 0:11Foley Ice Dry Ice
31 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_42.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Long, Thin, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:06Foley Ice Dry Ice
32 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU-_2.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding, High End
2.0 0:13Foley Ice Dry Ice
33 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_12.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
34 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-CU_3.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
35 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_37.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:08Foley Ice Dry Ice
36 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_69.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:08Foley Ice Dry Ice
37 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MCU_5.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:10Foley Ice Dry Ice
38 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_32.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:07Foley Ice Dry Ice
39 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_64.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Short Burst, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
40 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MC_18.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:17Foley Ice Dry Ice
41 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-SlowCrispGr_1.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Slow Crisp Grinding Break
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
42 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_39.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
43 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-GlassOnDryIce.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Glass On Dry Ice, Droping And Moving, No Breaking
1.0 0:13Foley Ice Dry Ice
44 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_34.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
45 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-Int-.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU - Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice, Slow Screeches
2.0 0:40Foley Ice Dry Ice
46 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_27.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:09Foley Ice Dry Ice
47 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_59.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Short Burst, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
48 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MC_13.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:09Foley Ice Dry Ice
49 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_29.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
50 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-In_5.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU - Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice, Slow Sharp Screeches, Light Rustling
2.0 0:38Foley Ice Dry Ice
51 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_22.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:07Foley Ice Dry Ice
52 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_54.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Long, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:10Foley Ice Dry Ice
53 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU-Me.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Sounding, Mid Range
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
54 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-BrittleCru_11.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Brittle Crunch
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
55 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-CrispGrindi_1.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Crisp Grinding Break, Light Movement @ End
2.0 0:06Foley Ice Dry Ice
56 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CreaksSqueaks-_6.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks Squeaks - Int - CU - Long, Rising Pitch
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
57 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-CoinsOnDryI_1.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Coins On Dry Ice, Being Dropped And Scrapped
1.0 0:17Foley Ice Dry Ice
58 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_24.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
59 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-I_14.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU - Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice
2.0 0:51Foley Ice Dry Ice
60 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_17.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:12Foley Ice Dry Ice
61 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_49.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Big, Long, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:10Foley Ice Dry Ice
62 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU-_9.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding, High End
2.0 0:10Foley Ice Dry Ice
63 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-BrittleCrun_7.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Brittle Crunch
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
64 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_19.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
65 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-CU-P.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
66 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_12.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Sounding, Mid Range
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
67 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_44.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Long, Thin, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:07Foley Ice Dry Ice
68 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU-_4.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding, High End
2.0 0:09Foley Ice Dry Ice
69 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CreaksSqueaks-_1.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks Squeaks - Int - CU - Long, Grating, Metallic, High Pitched
2.0 0:29Foley Ice Dry Ice
70 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_39.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:14Foley Ice Dry Ice
71 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_71.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
72 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MCU_7.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:08Foley Ice Dry Ice
73 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-BrittleCrun_2.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Brittle Crunch
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
74 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_14.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
75 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-CU_5.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
76 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Ice Various 04.wav Ice: Ice, Exterior, Water Flowing, Ice Sheet Breakthrough, Dry
2.0 0:10Foley Ice Dry Ice
77 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-SlowCrispGrin.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Slow Crisp Grinding Break
2.0 0:06Foley Ice Dry Ice
78 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_41.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
79 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_34.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:06Foley Ice Dry Ice
80 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_66.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:15Foley Ice Dry Ice
81 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MCU_2.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:05Foley Ice Dry Ice
82 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_29.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:09Foley Ice Dry Ice
83 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_61.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Short Burst, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
84 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MC_15.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:03Foley Ice Dry Ice
85 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-SlowBrittle_1.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Slow Brittle Crunch, Very Crunchy
2.0 0:09Foley Ice Dry Ice
86 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_36.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:01Foley Ice Dry Ice
87 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-CrispGrinding.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Crisp Grinding Break, Light Movement @ End
2.0 0:07Foley Ice Dry Ice
88 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_31.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
89 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-In_7.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice, High Pitched Screeches, Crackling
2.0 0:11Foley Ice Dry Ice
90 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_24.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:07Foley Ice Dry Ice
91 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_56.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Long, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:15Foley Ice Dry Ice
92 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-MC_10.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - MCU - Harsh, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:10Foley Ice Dry Ice
93 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CU-CoinsOnDryIce.wav Ice - Dry Ice - C U - Coins On Dry Ice Being Scraped Across
1.0 0:08Foley Ice Dry Ice
94 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Screech-Int-C_26.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Screech - Int - CU - Piercing Metallic Shrill
2.0 0:02Foley Ice Dry Ice
95 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIceAgainstMetal-In_2.wav Ice - Dry Ice Against Metal - Int - CU - Copper Sheet Scratched By Ice, Light Rustling And Scraping
2.0 0:16Foley Ice Dry Ice
96 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_19.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Metallic Creaks And Squeaks
2.0 0:08Foley Ice Dry Ice
97 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_51.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Big, Long, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:30Foley Ice Dry Ice
98 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU-Cr.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Creaks And Squeaks, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:21Foley Ice Dry Ice
99 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-CreaksSqueaks-_8.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks Squeaks - Int - CU - Long, Rising Pitch
2.0 0:04Foley Ice Dry Ice
100 SoundStorm Library Ice-DryIce-Creaks-Int-CU_46.wav Ice - Dry Ice - Creaks - Int - CU - Long, Thin, Metallic Sounding
2.0 0:09Foley Ice Dry Ice