Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_17.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Medium Soft Clicking Impacts, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03

Electric Relay Switch

Switch Lever

2 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_12.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Soft Clicking Impacts, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
3 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrottl.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Clicking Impact, Very Quiet; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
4 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_5.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Light Thudding Impact; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:02Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
5 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_19.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Very Soft Clicking Impacts, A Fair Amount Of Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:04Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
6 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_14.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Soft Clicking Impacts, Minute Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:04Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
7 SoundStorm Library Switches-MetalHandleLever_1.wav Switches - Metal Handle Lever - Int - C U - Up And Down Movement, Big Metallic Thud, Clang And Ring, Hollow, (From Degausser Screen On Old Arc Projector Housing)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
8 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_7.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Medium Soft Clicking Impact; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
9 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_2.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Light Thudding Impact; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:02Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
10 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_16.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Soft Clicking Impacts, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:04Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
11 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_11.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Soft Clicking Impacts, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:05Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
12 SoundStorm Library Switches-MetalHandleLever-I.wav Switches - Metal Handle Lever - Int - C U - Up And Down Movement, Big Metallic Thud, Clang And Ring, Hollow, (From Degausser Screen On Old Arc Projector Housing)
2.0 0:04Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
13 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_9.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Soft Clicking Impacts, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
14 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_4.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Light Thudding Impact; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:02Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
15 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_18.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Medium Soft Clicking Impacts, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
16 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_13.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Soft Clicking Impacts; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
17 SoundStorm Library Switches-ElevatorButton-MCU.wav Switches - Elevator Button - MCU - Lever Type, Various Actions, Some Distant Traffic BG, Occasional O S Voices
2.0 0:45Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
18 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_6.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Light Thudding Impact; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
19 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_1.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Clicking Impact, Very Quiet; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:02Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
20 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_15.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Some Squeaking, With Slight Medium Soft Thump; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:04Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
21 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThro_10.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Very Soft Clicking Impacts, Some Squeaking; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:05Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
22 SoundStorm Library Switches-MetalHandleLever_2.wav Switches - Metal Handle Lever - Int - C U - Up And Down Movement, Big Metallic Thud, Clang And Ring, Hollow, (From Degausser Screen On Old Arc Projector Housing)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
23 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_8.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Soft Clicking Impact; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:04Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever
24 SoundStorm Library Switches-BoatControlThrot_3.wav Switches - Boat Control Throttle Levers - Int - Close-Up - Sliding Large Levers Up And Down, Light Thudding Impact; (Boat Is A 42' 1979 Grand Banks Yacht Trawler)
2.0 0:03Electric Relay Switch Switch Lever