Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver75046.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere. Water:Fast-flowing. Stream With Water Partly Flowing Over Submerged Rock. Distant Birds. Location:Patagonia, Arizona
2.0 0:46


River Ambience

Water River And Stream Ambience
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver66083.wav Slow Flowing River. Late Spring: Mid-day River Marsh; With Hoopoe, Grey Wagtail, Marsh Frogs, Serin, Bee-eaters, Goldfinch And Chaffinch. Rio Tozo, Nr. Trujillo, Spain.
2.0 7:17Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
3 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-OutdoorAmbiance.wav Backgrounds - Outdoor Ambience - Ext - Very Light, Occasional Bird, Light Breeze, Very Distant Colorado River, Not Much Definition Of Anything, Some High Frequency Noise
2.0 3:32Ambience River Ambience
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver66038.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere. Waterfall. Medium Close Perspective. Location:Hawaii
2.0 1:59Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland75049.wav Riverine Woodland. Wind In Silk Wood Trees, Several Birds Calling, Faint Trickle From Stream. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 0:58Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
6 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MildWinterAmb_3.wav Backgrounds - Mild Winter Ambience - Ext - Rushing River Interspersed W Distant Glacier Cracks And Snaps
2.0 3:44Ambience River Ambience
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland72084.wav Riverine Woodland. Spring: 0830hrs. Quite Busy With Common Flicker, Mourning Dove, Bewicks Wren, Cardinal, House Finches, Wind In Silk Wood Trees And Leaf Noise, Brown-crested Flycatcher. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 3:32Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
8 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CityTrafficA_1.wav Backgrounds - City And Traffic Ambience Shot From Under Bridge - Ext - MCU Water Dripping, O S Medium Busy Traffic, Near River (Light Water Rush), Light City Rumble, Mic'd Directly Under Bridge
2.0 3:04Ambience River Ambience
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineEvening38089.wav Riverine. Evening. River Gorge, Distant River. Several Birds Calling And Singing. Crickets. Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains NP, New South Wales, Australia.
2.0 5:43Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StreamsideAtmosph91039.wav Streamside Atmosphere. Dawn Chorus With Willow Warbler, Rooks, Turtle Dove, Etc And Distant Church Bell Oakhanger Stream, The Short Lythe, Selborne, Hants, UK
2.0 4:05Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MudAndSandFlats68098.wav Mud And Sand Flats - Autumn: Early Morning. With Curlews, Snipe, Oystercatchers, Black-headed, Herring And Lesser Black Backed Gulls And Skylark Flight Calls Dovey Estuary, Ynyslas Point, Dyfed, West Wales
2.0 6:03Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver86097.wav Slow-Flowing River. LATE SPRING: MIDDAY. With Nightingales, Cuckoo, Cettis Warbler, Lesser Grey Shrikes, Swifts, Goldfinches, Young Great Tits And Woodland Grasshoppers (Omocestus Rufipes). St Gilles, The Camargue, France
2.0 5:08Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver90051.wav Fast Flowing River. Salmon Splashing In River. With Distant Herring Gulls. Cordova, S.E. Alaska
2.0 2:10Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver71022.wav Slow Flowing River Or Stream. Slow Flowing River: Spring; Evening Little Owl, Nightingale, Cettis Warbler, Reed Warbler, Common Bulbul, Quail And Distant Village Sounds. N.W Corner Of Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 3:46Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
15 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-UrbanRiverfro_2.wav Backgrounds - Urban Riverfront And City Ambience - Ext - Very Close To The River, Water Heard Rushing O S, MCU Water Birds, City Traffic More C U Than FX 002 And 003, Lots Of Footsteps And Light Walla
2.0 3:26Ambience River Ambience
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver75048.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere. Streamside:Fast-flowing. Water Rippling. White-winged Dove, Common Flicker, Song Sparrow, Bewicks Wren And Other Birds In B/g. Wind In Trees, Increasing Towards End. Location:Patagonia, Arizona
2.0 4:38Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver68089.wav Slow Flowing River Or Stream. Riverside: Spring At Lake Ichkeul, With Common Bulbul, Robin, Olivaceous Warbler, Goldfinches, Turtle Doves And Cows. Very Busy. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 5:35Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
18 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PragueRiverfr_2.wav Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambience - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic, River Flowing Nearby, MCU Water Dripping, Distant City Wash And Distant Off-Stage Traffic
2.0 3:45Ambience River Ambience
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver68120.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere: Summer; Day. CU Rapids From Boat Going Through Rapids. High Water Sounds With A Few Birds In B/g. Location:Salmon River, Rockies, USA.
2.0 1:17Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SevernBoreHeavy13016.wav Severn Bore. Heavy Water Lapping Sounds At Shoreline Of River Severn During The Severn Bore. Severn Bore, Severn Estuary Near Bristol, England
2.0 1:05Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
21 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NatureAmbian_10.wav Backgrounds - Nature Ambience - Ext - Near Castle, In Valley Next To River, Water Flowing Gently, Ducks And Other Birds, Some Os Walla, Birds Waddle Ashore, Distant Os Hammering Sounds
2.0 2:18Ambience River Ambience
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland72090.wav Riverine Woodland. Spring: Mid-Morning Wind In Silk Wood Trees, Grey Hawk Calls In Distance, Song Sparrow, Vermilion Flycatcher, Other Birds. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 4:20Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
23 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MediumDistantBr.wav Backgrounds - Medium Distant Bridge Traffic - Overlooking A River, Somewhat Distant Traffic, Quite Busy, Os Birds, Good Hilltop Ambience
2.0 3:00Ambience River Ambience
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineForestAt16104.wav Riverine Forest Atmosphere. Busy Atmosphere With Calls From Many Different Bird Species. Includes Calls From Doves/pigeons. Karkheh Wildlife Refuge, Khuzestan Province, Iran
2.0 2:30Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StreamsideWithr94024.wav Streamside. With Red Rumped And Common Swallows, Great Grey Shrike Fledglings, Cuckoo And Iberian Marsh Frogs Nr. Oropesa, New Castile, Spain
2.0 7:02Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MudOrSandFlats65065.wav Mud Or Sand Flats. AUTUMN: Early Morning With Curlew, Oystercatchers, Greenshank, Redshank, White-fronted Geese, Mallard And Black-headed Gulls. Dovey Estuary, Nr Ynys Hir, Dyfed, West Wales
2.0 5:44Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowMovingRiver61091.wav Slow-Moving River - Late Spring: Day. With Nightingale, Crag Martin, Azure-winged Magpie, Blackcap, Cettis Warbler And Grazing Goats River Tietar, Nr Candeleda, New Castile, Spain
2.0 4:53Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LowlandRiverside72030.wav Lowland Riverside. EARLY MORNING With Distant Flamingoes, Crickets, Frogs, Etc Not Known
2.0 5:16Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver71063.wav Slow Flowing River. SPRING: DAY With Southern Lapwing Nr Carmen De Patagones, Argentina
2.0 2:02Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
30 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-UrbanRiverfro_4.wav Backgrounds - Urban Riverfront City Traffic Ambience - Ext - Night, Traffic Is Flowing Above The Recordist's Position, Light Water Rush From River, Not Too Busy, Light City Rumble And Very Distant Walla
2.0 2:21Ambience River Ambience
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver80261.wav Fast Flowing River. LATE SPRING/SUMMER With Waterfall, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Great Tit, Wren And Pied Flycatcher In Wooded Surroundings Exmoor, Somerset, UK
2.0 6:41Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver68145.wav Slow Flowing River Or Stream. Riverside: Spring; Mid-day Slow Moving River Draining Into Lake Ichkeul. Reed Warbler, Fan-tailed Warbler, Quail, Nightingale, Corn Bunting, Bee-eater And Insects. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 5:36Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
33 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PragueRiverfron.wav Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambience - Ext - Near The Charles Bridge, Off-Stage Water Seagulls And Swans, Light Rumble Of Water Flowing, Distant Off-Stage Music Playing From Club Or Disco
2.0 3:52Ambience River Ambience
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver66080.wav Slow Flowing River. Late Spring: Early Morning With Blackbird, Great Reed Warbler And Corn Bunting. Rio Tozo, Nr. Trujillo, Spain.
2.0 3:03Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
35 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-OutdoorAmbian_1.wav Backgrounds - Outdoor Ambience - Ext - Distant Colorado River Below, Recorded From Ridge Above, Occasional Bird Squawk, Fly Buzz, Not Much Definition Of Anything, Some High Frequency Noise
2.0 2:48Ambience River Ambience
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver72089.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere. Stream:Fast Flowing. Starts MC With Birds Singing In B/g And Gradually Moves CU To Water And Pulls Back To MCU. Location:Patagonia, Arizona
2.0 2:06Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver66035.wav Fast Flowing River - Late Spring: Day. Close Perspective Waterfall Vik, Southern Iceland
2.0 2:27Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland75045.wav Riverine Woodland. Wind Through Silk Wood Trees. Mourning Dove Calls At End. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 1:37Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
39 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MildWinterAmb_2.wav Backgrounds - Mild Winter Ambience - Ext - Rushing River Interspersed W Thunderous Glacier Slides, Crunches, Snow Spray
2.0 3:03Ambience River Ambience
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland72083.wav Riverine Woodland. Spring: 0800hrs. Quite Busy With Bewicks Wrens, Common Flicker, Windy With High Leaf Noise, Mourning Dove And Other Birds. Wind Through Silk Wood Trees. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 5:04Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaterAtmosphere61152.wav Water Atmosphere. MD Stream, Fast Flowing. Location:Chilkoot River, Alaska.
2.0 1:33Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineEarlyaf38086.wav Riverine. Early Afternoon. MCU Rippling As Small Stream Flows Through Scrubland. Crickets, Flies And A Variety Of Bird Calls. Albury, New South Wales, Australia
2.0 4:03Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StreamletTrickli67092.wav Streamlet. Trickling Stream Flowing From One Small Pool To Another In Willow Marsh Which Borders A Fast Flowing River Which Is Heard In The B/g. Snipe In Distance. Rocky Mts Nat. Park, Colorado, U.S.A
2.0 2:16Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MudAndSandFlats68097.wav Mud And Sand Flats - Autumn: Night. Neutral With Distant Lapwing, Oystercatchers And Redwing Flight Calls Dovey Estuary, Ynyslas Point, Dyfed, West Wales
2.0 4:47Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver74046.wav Slow Flowing River. Canal: Winter; Mid-day Neutral, With Distant Black-headed And Herring Gulls, And Wren Alarm. The Refuge, Slimbridge, Glos. UK
2.0 4:09Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
46 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-UrbanRiverfront.wav Backgrounds - Urban Riverfront Ambience - Ext - Night - Close-Up River With Water Rushing Off-Stage, MCU Water Birds, Distant City Traffic Wash
2.0 3:54Ambience River Ambience
47 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-UrbanRiverfro_1.wav Backgrounds - Urban Riverfront And City Ambience - Ext - Very Close To The River, Water Heard Rushing O S, MCU Water Birds, City Traffic More C U Than FX 002 And 003, More Footsteps And Walla
2.0 2:53Ambience River Ambience
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver80263.wav Fast Flowing River. LATE SPRING/SUMMER With Waterfall And Woodland Birds, Including Chaffinch, Wren And Wood Warbler Anxiety Call Exmoor, Somerset, UK
2.0 5:31Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver71021.wav Slow Flowing River. Spring: Nightingale, Greenfinch, Turtle Doves, Dogs, Some Village Noise In Distance With Cows And Little Owl. NW Corner Of Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 2:15Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver75047.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere. Streamside:Fast-flowing. Water Rippling. White-winged Dove, Bewicks Wren. Wind In Trees And Other Distant Birds. Location:Patagonia, Arizona
2.0 2:06Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver68088.wav Slow Flowing River Or Stream. Lakeside: Spring; Early Morning Lake Ichkeul Atmos. With Bee-eaters, Turtle Doves, Greenfinch, Chaffinch And Insects. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 5:39Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
52 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PragueRiverfr_1.wav Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambience - Ext - Mic'd From Under The Charles Bridge, Off-Stage Water Seagulls And Swans, Light Rumble Of Water Flowing Nearby
2.0 3:45Ambience River Ambience
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver68119.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere: Summer; Day. Birds And Insects. Close Lapping Water With Distant Rapids. Location:Salmon River, Rockies, USA.
2.0 1:08Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland75074.wav Riverine Woodland. Spring: 0700HRS Mourning Doves, White-winged Doves, Common Flickers, House Wren, Yellow Warbler. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 3:05Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
55 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MildWinterAmbia.wav Backgrounds - Mild Winter Ambience - Ext - Flowing River Interspersed W Glacier Cracks And Tumble
2.0 3:47Ambience River Ambience
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland72085.wav Riverine Woodland. Spring: Mid-Morning Quite Busy With Several Birds Singing And Wind In Trees - Some Distant Traffic, Mourning Dove, House Finch, Common Flicker, Cardinal, Cassins Kingbird. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 4:14Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
57 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CityTrafficAmb.wav Backgrounds - City And Traffic Ambience Shot From Under Bridge - Ext - MCU Water Dripping, O S Medium Busy Traffic, Near River (Light Water Rush), Light City Rumble
2.0 3:11Ambience River Ambience
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineForestAt16103.wav Riverine Forest Atmosphere. Busy Atmosphere With Calls From Many Different Bird Species. Includes Calls And Wingbeats From Doves/pigeons. Karkheh Wildlife Refuge, Khuzestan Province, Iran
2.0 1:46Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StreamsideWithb87149.wav Streamside. With Blackbird, Blackcap And Jackdaw River Barle, Tarr Steps, Exmoor, UK
2.0 2:09Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
60 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MudAndSandFlats68159.wav Mud And Sand Flats - Autumn: Early Morning. With Mallard, Curlew, Redshank And Black-headed Gulls And Sound Of Tidal Race Yythan Estuary, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
2.0 4:24Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingStrea61088.wav Slow-Flowing Stream - Late Spring: Day. With Moorhen And Chicks And Bee-eater Corchuela, Nr Oropesa, New Castile, Spain
2.0 3:00Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
62 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LowlandRiverside72029.wav Lowland Riverside. EARLY MORNING With Distant Flamingoes, Crickets, Frogs, Etc NB: Hum And Bumps Not Known
2.0 2:46Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver71062.wav Slow Flowing River. SPRING: DAY With Southern Lapwing, Etc And Wind Nr Carmen De Patagones, Argentina
2.0 1:45Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
64 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-UrbanRiverfro_3.wav Backgrounds - Urban Riverfront And City Ambience - Ext - Very Close To The River, MCU Water Rushing, City Traffic, Medium Footsteps And Light Walla, Distant Water Birds
2.0 2:54Ambience River Ambience
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver75075.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere. CU Water Sounds. Birds In B/g, Prominent Bewicks Wren. Location:Patagonia, Arizona
2.0 2:02Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver68090.wav Slow Flowing River Or Stream. Riverside: Spring With Nightingale, Reed Warbler, Bee-eaters, Goldfinches, Turtle Doves, Corn Bunting. Busy. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 2:22Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
67 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PragueRiverfr_3.wav Backgrounds - Prague Riverfront Ambience - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic, Roadways Are Wet With Snow And Slush, MCU Dog And Female Owner By @ 2 04, Dog Approaches Mic And Makes Cute Growls @ 2 51
2.0 3:47Ambience River Ambience
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver72088.wav Fast Flowing River Atmosphere. Stream:Fast Flowing. CU Running, Rippling Water. Birds Singing In Distance. Location:Patagonia, Arizona
2.0 1:23Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
69 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver61086.wav Slow Flowing River Or Stream. Riverside: Late Spring; Mid-day Slow Moving River Draining Into Lake Ichkeul. Fan-tailed Warbler, Bee-eater, Reed Warbler, Corn Bunting, Little Owl, Quail, Nightingale, Olivaceous Warbler. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 6:55Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
70 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NatureAmbianc_3.wav Backgrounds - Nature Ambience With Nearby River - Os Dogs Barking, Some Distant Water Sounds, Distant Os Traffic Noise, No Birds Or Insects
2.0 3:19Ambience River Ambience
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver66034.wav Fast Flowing River - Late Spring: Day. Medium Perspective Waterfall Vik, Southern Iceland
2.0 1:20Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineWoodland72091.wav Riverine Woodland. Spring: 0645HRS Common Flickers, Mourning Dove, White-winged Dove, Bewicks Wren And Other Birds, Distant Grey Hawk. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A
2.0 1:56Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
73 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MildWinterAmb_1.wav Backgrounds - Mild Winter Ambience - Ext - Continuous River Flow Interspersed W Glacier Snaps And Cracks
2.0 2:27Ambience River Ambience
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineMCUstre38085.wav Riverine. MCU Stream Falling Over Rocks, In Gum Tree Wood. Frog Croaking. Occasional Bird Calls. Some Distant Traffic. Somersby Falls, New South Wales, Australia
2.0 4:02Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaterAtmosphere61151.wav Water Atmosphere. MCU River, Fast Flowing. Location:Chilkoot River, Alaska.
2.0 1:59Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverineAfternoo38087.wav Riverine. Afternoon. Small Forest Stream, Running Water In F/g. Several Birds In B/g. Slight Wind In Trees. Crickets, Flies. Megalong Valley, Blue Mountains NP, New South Wales, Australia.
2.0 4:51Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StreamletFastfl67120.wav Streamlet. Fast Flowing Mini Stream Which Flows Into Main River, Wind In Willows And Song Flight From Broad-tailed Hummingbird In B/g. Rocky Mts Nat. Park, Colorado, U.S.A
2.0 2:31Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MudAndSandFlats65057.wav Mud And Sand Flats. AUTUMN: Night With Lapwings, Mallard, Distant Oystercatchers And Curlew. Dovey Estuary At Ynys Hir, Dyfed, West Wales, UK
2.0 4:44Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
79 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver71064.wav Slow Flowing River. SPRING: DAY With Disturbed Southern Lapwing Nr Carmen De Patagones, Argentina
2.0 2:20Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
80 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-UrbanRiverfront.wav Backgrounds - Urban Riverfront Ambience - Ext - Very Close To The River, Water Heard Rushing O S, MCU Water Birds, Distant City Traffic Wash, Distant Metallic Bang @ 0 19, O S Pedestrian Movement
2.0 0:47Ambience River Ambience
81 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FastFlowingRiver80262.wav Fast Flowing River. LATE SPRING/SUMMER With Waterfall, Robin, Wren, Chaffinch, Pied Flycatcher, Wood Warbler And Great Tit In Wooded Surroundings Exmoor, Somerset, UK
2.0 7:07Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SlowFlowingRiver68171.wav Slow Flowing River Or Stream. Slow Flowing River: Late Spring; Mid-day With Approaching Herd Of Goats And Calls And/or Songs Of Nightingale, Blackcap, Cettis Warbler, Red-rumped Swallow, Crag Martin And Azure-winged Magpie. River Tietar, Nr Candeleda, New Castile, Spain.
2.0 4:47Ambience River Ambience Water River And Stream Ambience
83 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-RiverWaterMovem.wav Backgrounds - River Water Movement And Traffic Ambience - Water Lapping C U, Traffic Wash In Distance, Fire Cracker, Quick Off Stage Train By
2.0 3:11Ambience River Ambience