Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MarinaDockAmbia.wav Backgrounds - Marina Dock Ambience - Quiet, Multiple Halyards Ringing, Water Laps, Slight Wind, Occasional Dock Creaks, Very Distant Highway Wash
2.0 3:31



2 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NatureAmbianc_7.wav Backgrounds - Nature Ambience - Ext - Birds, Gentle Breeze, Distant Os Walla (Some Men Laughing And Talking)
2.0 2:30Ambience Ambience
3 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PoliceDepartm_3.wav Backgrounds - Police Department Ambience - Int - Near Locker Room, Medium C U Dialogue And Scattered Os Walla, Medium Activity, Fluorescent Light Hum, Os Footsteps, Dot Matrix @ 2 06, Manual Typewriter
2.0 2:48Ambience Ambience
4 BBC Sound Effects Library LondCityAirport.BBC.ECD83b.wav Airport, London City Airport, Ambience: Buffet At London Airport, Quiet With Distinct PA Announcements From 1"13"" - 1973 (1R3, Reprocessed)
2.0 5:04Ambience Ambience Airport Ambience
5 Sounddogs Sound Library Gurney,Ambulance,Folding,Ha.wav Ambience: Gurney Ambulance Folding Hard
1.0 0:10Ambience Ambience
6 Sounddogs Sound Library Salon,Hair,Atmos,Snips,Water.wav Ambience: Salon Hair Atmos Snips Water
1.0 0:37Ambience Ambience
7 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CollegeFoodCo_2.wav Backgrounds - College Food Court Walla - Exterior - Mic'd Closer To Cashier Window, Bicycle By, Pedestrian Walla And Footsteps, O S Cash Register Beeps W Change Given, Ordering Food, Crow Caws
2.0 2:42Ambience Ambience
8 Sonopedia CarInterior_S08AM.8.wav Ambience, Car, Interior, Drive, Light, Rain, Window, Open, Vehicle
2.0 2:00Ambience Ambience
9 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-DepartmentOfWat.wav Backgrounds - Department Of Water And Power Power Plant Ambience - Int - Tunneling Airy Sound Through Pipes, Low Electric Hum
2.0 2:10Ambience Ambience
10 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-WarehouseAmbian.wav Backgrounds - Warehouse Ambience - Int - Off-Stage Trainyard Ambience, Busy, Diesel Engines, Squeaks And Clanks
2.0 3:16Ambience Ambience
11 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_8.wav Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambience - Ext - Water Laps Against Boat, Seagulls, Distant Boat
2.0 0:53Ambience Ambience
12 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-EllisIslandPi_1.wav Backgrounds - Ellis Island Pier Ambience - Exterior - MCU - Walla, Seagull Squawks, Water Slaps Against Pier, Pier Squeaks As It Moves W Waves, Helicopter Flyover @ Tail
2.0 1:42Ambience Ambience
13 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-ApartmentBuil_4.wav Backgrounds - Apartment Building Basement Hallway Ambience - Int - Down Corridor From Large Boiler Room, Os Fan Noise, Light Reverb, Airy, Tiled Floor
2.0 1:57Ambience Ambience
14 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-BoatsAtDock-Ext.wav Backgrounds - Boats At Dock - Ext - Active, Lines Clang Against Aluminum Masts, Hulls Hit Docks, Medium Light O S Walla, Occasional Feet On Wood Dock, Slight Wind
1.0 0:59Ambience Ambience
15 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CityAmbience-_4.wav Backgrounds - City Ambience - Ext - Low Rooftop POV, Pretty Quiet, Some Specific Car Bys, Distant Phone Ring, Some Paper Movement Pretty Close To Mic
1.0 2:16Ambience Ambience
16 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-Sawmill-Ext-200.wav Backgrounds - Sawmill - Ext - 200 Yards From The Mill, Various Sounds, Saw In Bg In Spots
1.0 1:27Ambience Ambience
17 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SmallWoodWork_2.wav Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Int - O S Shop Walla W BG Machinery
2.0 3:20Ambience Ambience
18 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-TheaterOperaH_1.wav Backgrounds - Theater Opera House @ Night - Ext - Some O S Walla, Light City Ambience, Light Pedestrian Movement, People Leaving Opera House, Busier Than Previous Takes, C U Car By @ 1 04
2.0 2:17Ambience Ambience
19 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-IndustrialAre_1.wav Backgrounds - Industrial Area - Ext - Natural Gas Refinery, Medium Distant, Vehicle Bys @ 0 12 And 1 01, Heavy Fans, Gas Pressure Valves, Possible Generator, Os Railroad Crossing Bell @ Tail
2.0 1:11Ambience Ambience
20 Sounddogs Sound Library Village,India,Silent,Dog,Bird.wav Ambience: Village India Silent Dog Bird
2.0 2:57Ambience Ambience
21 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CzechDiscoAmbia.wav Backgrounds - Czech Disco Ambience - Ext - From Nearby Street, Sister Sledge We Are Family"" Plays Inside Street Walla And Footsteps Some C U Dialogue And Movement Lots Of People Inside DJ"
2.0 3:28Ambience Ambience
22 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-VallecitoMorn_4.wav Backgrounds - Vallecito Morning Ambience - Ext - W Birds, Dist Quail, Nice Variety
2.0 1:29Ambience Ambience
23 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-AlamitosBayA_11.wav Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambience - Ext - Light, Airy, MCU Voice, Some Distant Voices, Distant Boat Rumble, Small Light Metal Tap, Light Movement, Distant Birds; (On Top Side Of Boat)
2.0 2:15Ambience Ambience
24 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-EllisIslandFe_7.wav Backgrounds - Ellis Island Ferry Ambience - Exterior - MCU - Very Loud Engine Rumble, Walla, Waves Slap Against Hull, Lockers Slam Shut, Engine Cycles Down And Then Accelerates To Highest Pitch @ 01 50
2.0 3:17Ambience Ambience
25 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-ApartmentBui_16.wav Backgrounds - Apartment Building Stairwell Or Hallway - Int - C U Footsteps And Door Unlock @ Head, Woman Speaking, Some Close Movement, Woman Shuts Door, Very Quiet Period Begins @ 0 17
2.0 0:58Ambience Ambience
26 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-Birds-Ext-Mediu.wav Backgrounds - Birds - Ext - Medium - Light Songbirds, Occasional Wind Gusts W Moving Leaves, Quiet Bg Day Insects, Occasional Distant Dog
2.0 3:08Ambience Ambience
27 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-ChildrenPlayi_2.wav Backgrounds - Children Playing - Ext - Medium To MCU - Spanish Kids (8-10) Talking And Laughing, Occasional Bird, Distant Gas Generator Comes And Goes In Bg, Occasional Quiet Adult Walk
2.0 2:33Ambience Ambience
28 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-RailTunnelStair.wav Backgrounds - Rail Tunnel Stairwell Ambience - Int - Small Space, Os Fan Steady
2.0 2:10Ambience Ambience
29 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SideStreetInDis.wav Backgrounds - Side Street In District Of Spandau - Exterior - Quiet, Morning, Light Rain, Bg Jet @ 00 40, Wet Car By @ 1 33, Bg Birds, Some Footsteps @ End
2.0 3:30Ambience Ambience
30 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-Surf-Ext-MCU-Cr.wav Backgrounds - Surf - Ext - MCU - Crashing, Powerful
1.0 1:14Ambience Ambience
31 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-HighVoltageArea.wav Backgrounds - High Voltage Area - Int - Various Low To Medium Low Hums, Electrical Sparks In BG
2.0 3:16Ambience Ambience
32 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MarinaAmbience-.wav Backgrounds - Marina Ambience - Ext - BG Seagulls, Light Breeze, Medium Distant Boats Rocking, Distant Boat Engines, Medium Splashy Water Laps, Distant Deep Metal Hits
2.0 2:49Ambience Ambience
33 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MunichNewYear_6.wav Backgrounds - Munich New Years Celebration Ambience Fireworks Explosions - Ext - Medium C U And Distant Fireworks Explode, Zip, Buzz And Pop, Voices Cheering, Activity
2.0 3:17Ambience Ambience
34 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PlainDesertAmbi.wav Backgrounds - Plain Desert Ambience - Ext - Very Sparse, Light Wind Becoming Still, Constant Flys, Some C U By Mic, Distant Cricket, Quiet Overall
2.0 2:17Ambience Ambience
35 BBC Sound Effects Library AirlinerBanderant.BBC.ECD25.wav Airliner, Ambience: Embraer Bandeirante, Exterior, Approach Runway, Take-off. (Small Airliner, 2 Turboprop Engines.)
2.0 1:34Ambience Ambience
36 Sounddogs Sound Library France,Brasserie,Lively,Roomy.wav Ambience: France Brasserie Lively Roomy
2.0 4:35Ambience Ambience
37 Sounddogs Sound Library Pedestrians,India,Calm,Clos.wav Ambience: Pedestrians India Calm Close
2.0 4:13Ambience Ambience
38 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CollegeClassroo.wav Backgrounds - College Classroom Exam - Interior - Very Quiet, Paper Shuffle And Movement, No Walla
2.0 0:30Ambience Ambience
39 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SchoolyardAmbia.wav Backgrounds - Schoolyard Ambience - Exterior - Medium - Children Play Football, Good Walla, NY Accents, Kids Are About 10 Yrs Old, Movement, Other Distant Children Playing
1.0 0:50Ambience Ambience
40 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SuburbanNatureA.wav Backgrounds - Suburban Nature Ambience - Ext - Birds, Light Breeze, Some O S Banging For A Moment, Very Distant Urban Wash, Nice And Peaceful, Very Short File
2.0 0:25Ambience Ambience
41 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-LargeRoomInCast.wav Backgrounds - Large Room In Castle - Int - Chandelier Attached To Ceiling And Large Rugs On Floor, Very Quiet (Nearly Silent)
2.0 0:49Ambience Ambience
42 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MunichBeerGarde.wav Backgrounds - Munich Beer Garden - Int - Large Crowd, Dishes And Glasses Clanking, Vocal Hum And Single Voices
2.0 3:52Ambience Ambience
43 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PetShop-Inter_3.wav Backgrounds - Pet Shop - Interior - MCU - Puppy Barks, Yappy Barks W Cage Movement
2.0 3:27Ambience Ambience
44 Sounddogs Sound Library Control Room,TV,Feed Problem.wav Ambience: Control Room TV Feed Problem
2.0 4:03Ambience Ambience
45 Sounddogs Sound Library Locker Room,Showers,Voices.wav Ambience: Locker Room Showers Voices
2.0 1:09Ambience Ambience
46 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CollegeCampus-E.wav Backgrounds - College Campus - Exterior - Skateboard By, Car By And Pedestrian Walla By
2.0 0:36Ambience Ambience
47 Sounddogs Sound Library Vendor,MLB,Peanuts,Close.wav Ambience: Vendor MLB Peanuts Close
2.0 0:03Ambience Ambience
48 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CountryCrossR_1.wav Backgrounds - Country Cross Roads - Ext - Light Wind In Trees, Occasional Vehicle
2.0 2:50Ambience Ambience
49 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-3rdStPromenadeP.wav Backgrounds - 3rd St Promenade Pedestrian Walla And Activity - Ext - Light General Walla BG, Plane Overhead, Some Children Bys
2.0 2:38Ambience Ambience
50 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-EllisIslandFe_2.wav Backgrounds - Ellis Island Ferry Ambience - Exterior - MCU - Engine Steady Underway, Light Walla, Waves Slap Against Sides
2.0 2:06Ambience Ambience
51 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-YoungPeoplePl_1.wav Backgrounds - Young People Playing Baseball - Ext - Between Tall Buildings, Slapback Reverb, Various Ages, Aluminium Bat, All Are Having A Good Time, Os Seagulls, Walla And Some C U Dialogue
2.0 2:19Ambience Ambience
52 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-ApartmentBui_11.wav Backgrounds - Apartment Building Basement Hallway Ambience And Wind Drone - Int - Down Corridor From Large Boiler Room, Howling Wind Rushing Down Corridor, Spooky Ambience, Os Fan Noise, Door Closed
2.0 2:31Ambience Ambience
53 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-GrannysDonutSh.wav Backgrounds - Granny's Donut Shop - Int - Medium Busy With Customers Ordering, Movement, A Door Bell Ringing, Phone, Cash Register Sounds And Making Change, BG TV Or Radio, Several Customers
2.0 2:51Ambience Ambience
54 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-BellBuoy-Ext-CU.wav Backgrounds - Bell Buoy - Ext - C U - Classic, Good Metal Clang And Ring Out
2.0 1:07Ambience Ambience
55 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CaveAmbience-_2.wav Backgrounds - Cave Ambience - Cavernous Hell - Int - Slow, Spacey Low End Movement W Creaks
1.0 1:41Ambience Ambience
56 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-RailTunnelAmb_1.wav Backgrounds - Rail Tunnel Ambience - Int - 100 Yards Inside Tunnel, Os Air Conditioner Fan Steady
2.0 2:37Ambience Ambience
57 Sounddogs Sound Library Casino,Broadway Derby Intro.wav Ambience: Casino Broadway Derby Intro
2.0 0:24Ambience Ambience
58 Sounddogs Sound Library Lava,Spurting,Explosive,Hug.wav Ambience: Lava Spurting Explosive Huge
2.0 0:28Ambience Ambience
59 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CoffinFactory_3.wav Backgrounds - Coffin Factory Ambience - Ext - Off Stage Activity, Various Noises, Scrapes, Slams, Metallic Bangs, Reverb
2.0 0:51Ambience Ambience
60 Sounddogs Sound Library Vendor,MLB,Cotton Candy3.wav Ambience: Vendor MLB Cotton Candy3
2.0 0:02Ambience Ambience
61 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CompressorMotor.wav Backgrounds - Compressor Motor Ambience - Int - Constant Humming And Buzzing Through Out, 10 Compressor Motors Start Running @ 01 54 With A Grinding Deep Chugging
2.0 2:20Ambience Ambience
62 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-1979GrandBank_1.wav Backgrounds - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler Ambience - Int - With Hatch Open, Some Squeaks And Clicks, Distant Airy Roar, Few Water Splashes And Trickles; (Alamitos Bay)
2.0 2:07Ambience Ambience
63 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-DWPStairwellA_3.wav Backgrounds - DWP Stairwell Ambience - Int - 'All Clear' Alarm Tone
2.0 0:34Ambience Ambience
64 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-WoodWorkingSh_7.wav Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - General Shop Ambience W Wood Shaper Activity, Occa Light BG Walla
2.0 2:55Ambience Ambience
65 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-ApartmentAmbi_2.wav Backgrounds - Apartment Ambience - Interior - MCU - Distant TV, Footsteps, Coughing And Hawking Up Something Awful, Mixed Walla, Metal Pot Clanks
2.0 2:57Ambience Ambience
66 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-GermanAutobah_2.wav Backgrounds - German Autobahn Freeway Ambience - Ext - Series Of Medium C U And Distant Cars Race By One After The Other
2.0 0:43Ambience Ambience
67 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-BavarianMount_1.wav Backgrounds - Bavarian Mountain Village Ambience - Dog Barking, Almost Completely Quiet After 42, Very Distant Plane By, Very Soft Single Bird, Light Breeze
2.0 1:20Ambience Ambience
68 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CarnivalRide-MC.wav Backgrounds - Carnival Ride - MCU - Merry-Go-Round W Calliope Music, Background Crowd Walla And Movement
1.0 1:26Ambience Ambience
69 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-QuietOutdoorW_1.wav Backgrounds - Quiet Outdoor Winter Soundscape - Ext - Almost No Sound, Very Calm, Almost Silent, Small Snow-Covered Village
2.0 1:48Ambience Ambience
70 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SchoolUnivers_2.wav Backgrounds - School University Building Hallway - Int - Nice Airy Reverb, Much Busier Than Previous Takes, Os Metal Doors, Reverberant Taps, Thick Distant Walla, C U Footsteps And Movement
2.0 2:13Ambience Ambience
71 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SubmarineContro.wav Backgrounds - Submarine Control Room - Int - Generic Whoosh Roar, Some Distant Metal Sounds
2.0 3:59Ambience Ambience
72 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-VallecitoMorn_1.wav Backgrounds - Vallecito Morning Birds - Ext - Very Pretty, Nice Variety, Low Level
2.0 1:05Ambience Ambience
73 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-L.A.RedLineMetr.wav Backgrounds - L.A. Red Line Metro Rail Train - Int - MCU - Train Idles, PA Announcement, Adjacent Train By, Off-Stage Movement, Brakes Squeal, Runs Steady, Stop And Starts
2.0 3:57Ambience Ambience
74 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MississippiPlan.wav Backgrounds - Mississippi Plantation - Ext - Light Wind In Trees, Distant Birds, Some Dogs, Sparce Crows
2.0 2:15Ambience Ambience
75 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-ObservatoryPl_2.wav Backgrounds - Observatory Planetarium - Int - Os Walla And Footsteps, Adults And Children, Distant Os Lecture About Earth, Lecture Ends @ 0 59, Leaving Only Os Walla And Footsteps
2.0 2:31Ambience Ambience
76 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-AutumnMorningAm.wav Backgrounds - Autumn Morning Ambience - Ext - 6 00 AM, Distant Highway Wash, Leaves Falling O S, Some Movement In Woods, C U and O S Birds
2.0 4:01Ambience Ambience
77 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-BusyUrbanPlaygr.wav Backgrounds - Busy Urban Playground - Ext - Lots Of Children C U And Distant, The Kids Immitate The Sirens That Pass By, Kids Playing On Slides And Swings, Plane Overhead, Some Adults
2.0 1:45Ambience Ambience
78 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PublicRestroo_1.wav Backgrounds - Public Restroom Ambience - Int - Occasional Toilet Flushes From Behind Wall, Distant Male Vocal
2.0 2:07Ambience Ambience
79 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SceneOfFire-Ext.wav Backgrounds - Scene Of Fire - Ext - Fire And Police Radios, Trucks Idle, Firemen's Voices, No Fire Heard, Closer Radio And Voices At Times, Distant Chainsaw, Bells From Firemen's Breathing Apparatus
2.0 3:14Ambience Ambience
80 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-SportingEvent_1.wav Backgrounds - Sporting Events Racetracks - Horse Racetrack Ambience - Ext - Horses By W Jockey Yells, Crop Hits, Whistle, Loud Speaker And Distant Crowd
1.0 0:41Ambience Ambience
81 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-TwilightBirdCr.wav Backgrounds - Twilight Bird And Cricket Ambience - Ext - Various Close-Up To Medium Distant Bird Calls, Steady Low Bed Of Crickets
2.0 2:59Ambience Ambience
82 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-IndustrialMilit.wav Backgrounds - Industrial Military Distant Ambience - Ext - Medium Distant Drone Of Floating Naval Base In Holy Loch, Scotland, Rumbling Engines And Constant High Ringing Whine
2.0 1:24Ambience Ambience
83 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MilitaryBaseC_3.wav Backgrounds - Military Base Cadence Drills - Ext - Medium POV, Mic'd In The Middle Of 5 Squads, V Busy, Take Starts W PA Announcement (2x), [Boot Camp]
2.0 2:48Ambience Ambience
84 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NightAmbiance_7.wav Backgrounds - Night Ambience - Ext - Mostly Dead Silence, So Quiet @ Times That You Hear Only Tape Hiss, No Birds Or Insects, Not Very Interesting
1.0 2:16Ambience Ambience
85 Sounddogs Sound Library Announcer,MLB,Contest,Union76.wav Ambience: Announcer MLB Contest Union76
1.0 0:11Ambience Ambience
86 Sounddogs Sound Library Lava,Large Pit,Gurgles,Rumb.wav Ambience: Lava Large Pit Gurgles Rumble
2.0 1:19Ambience Ambience
87 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CityStreetAmb_7.wav Backgrounds - City Street Ambience With Cart Dolly By - Ext - Cobblestone Roadway, Metal Rattles And Light Bangs From Street Sweeper's Cart Wheels Rolling On Cobblestone, Some C U Walla And Movement, Ca
2.0 0:47Ambience Ambience
88 Sounddogs Sound Library Soccer,Ivory,Game,Amb,Walla.wav Ambience: Soccer Ivory Game Amb Walla
2.0 2:42Ambience Ambience
89 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-ColoradoWildern.wav Backgrounds - Colorado Wilderness - Ext - Gentle Breeze, Some Background Noise, Distant Os Birds, Very Light Presence, Minor Insect Bys
2.0 2:52Ambience Ambience
90 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-DrawbridgeRaise.wav Backgrounds - Drawbridge Raise - Ext - Steady Crossing Warning Bell, Crowd Walla, Some C U Discernable Dialogue Throughout, Raise Begins @ 2 24 With Bridge Motor
2.0 3:40Ambience Ambience
91 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-WoodWorkingSh_4.wav Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - Overall Shop Ambience, Occasional Main Band Saw Or Planer In BG, BG Steady Vacuum System, Occasional Distant Air Hiss, Distant Voices, @ 1 14 Distant Machine Winds Down, Mic'd Off-Axis
2.0 2:12Ambience Ambience
92 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-AlcatrazIslandW.wav Backgrounds - Alcatraz Island Work Building Ambience - Ext - MCU - Seagulls And Birds Squawk, Boat Motor Hums In BG, Buoy Bell Rings, Plane Flyover
2.0 2:42Ambience Ambience
93 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-FireSceneAmbien.wav Backgrounds - Fire Scene Ambience W Fire Fighter Walla - Fire Figters Run To Fire Engine, Ladder Lowered, Voices, Distant Idle Fire Engine In BG, Plane By @ 16, Metal Squeaks, Metal Pieces Sliding Across Cement
2.0 1:12Ambience Ambience
94 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-MexicoEvening_1.wav Backgrounds - Mexico Evening Ambience - Ext - Medium, Crickets, Mosquitos, Occasional Leaf Movement, Distant Dog
2.0 2:28Ambience Ambience
95 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NewMelonesReser.wav Backgrounds - New Melones Reservoir Birds - Ext - Lots Of Peepy And Chirpy, Nice Active Variety Of Birds, Car At Tail
2.0 0:50Ambience Ambience
96 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-PostMarathonA_1.wav Backgrounds - Post Marathon Ambience - Ext - Polo Grounds, Mixed Walla, Excitement, Movement, Vehicles, Toy Horns, Plane In Bg
2.0 0:29Ambience Ambience
97 BBC Sound Effects Library Boatyards.BBC.ECD88.wav Boatyard, Ambience: Atmosphere In A Club Boatyard With General Movement And Some Distinct Speech - 1967 (136A, Reprocessed)
2.0 4:03Ambience Ambience Harbour Ambience
98 Sounddogs Sound Library Hallway,Voices,2,Male,Rever.wav Ambience: Hallway Voices 2 Male Reverb
2.0 2:27Ambience Ambience
99 Sounddogs Sound Library Soccer,Ivory,Game,Amb,MedDis2.wav Ambience: Soccer Ivory Game Amb MedDis2
2.0 4:33Ambience Ambience
100 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-CollegeHallwayA.wav Backgrounds - College Hallway Ambience - Interior - Medium Active, O S Walla @ Beginning Then Quiets Down, O S Doors Open And Close, Footsteps Down Stairs
2.0 1:49Ambience Ambience