Alarm Sounds

The necessity for a signal sound to inform or warn members of a society is not a recent invention. Even in the Stone Age, drums and animal horns were used to spread messages far and wide. After the discovery of various metals, people began to manufacture signal horns for military use. Instruments like trumpets and trombones are derived from these early horns. As we can see, alarm systems and siren sounds have been part of our society since the dawn of mankind.
The use of alarm bells goes back all the way to the Egyptians and the time of the Pharaos. These so-called plate bells were hung from shelves so that their distinctive sound could be heard from far away. This technique is still being used today, except that plate bells and forged bells have been replaced with cast bells. For many centuries, storm bells and alarm bells were used to warn village and city dwellers from fires and attacking barbarians.
After the Industrialisation, the ambient noise of a mechanised society necessitated a new kind of alarm system. The first sirens were steam-powered pipes used on steamships, because traditional bells were no longer loud enough to overpower the noise of the engines.

Air Raid Alarm Sounds

Thanks to electricity and the invention of the motorised siren, this type of siren was widely adopted before and during the Second World War. The undulating, howling sound of the siren was highly characteristic, which made it an efficient warning signal ahead of air raids. It also became synonymous with the terror of falling bombs -- death dealt from the skies. An entire generation was scarred forever by the sound of the motorised siren.

Nuclear Alarm

During the Cold War, sirens were no longer used to warn of air raids. Instead, they became alarm systems for possible nuclear attacks. In Germany, the term 'alert' replaced the previous 'air raid warning'. A shortened, one-minute siren alarm was devised to alert citizens of a possible attack.
In post-WWII England, alarm sirens were assigned a new meaning: alerting people to the threat of a nuclear attack. They were also used to warn people of floods and freak weather, as well as escaped prisoners or highly dangerous mental-health patients.

Electric Alarm Sirens

Electric alarm sirens are not only used in household alarm systems or fire alarms, they are also quite common in civil defence structures (although in larger versions). Electric alarm sirens create the siren signal with the help of a loudspeaker and an amplifier. A horn directs the siren sound into whatever direction is desired. Electric sirens come with the benefit of having few mechanical parts that need maintenance (except for the loudspeaker). These sirens are therefore much lighter than their mechanical counterparts. Thanks to the electric transmission of the siren signal, undulating sounds can be created. It is also possible to use the siren as a public-address system.

Flood Alarm Sounds

In Switzerland, the flood alarm consists of twelve constant low-frequency sounds that last 20 seconds each (with 10 seconds intervals between them). If you hear the flood alarm, you should get out of the affected area immediately. Flood alarm sirens are only installed in high-risk areas such as dams. If a dam breaks and a flood wave is released, a general (undulating) siren alarm will go off in the areas at risk.

Tsunami Alarm

The term 'tsunami' became a household word after 2004 when a massive sea-quake in the Indian ocean triggered a series of devastating flood waves. Indonesia was hit particularly hard, along with other countries on the Indian ocean: Thailand, India and Sri Lanka all suffered massive devastation from the tsunamis.
To prevent future disasters of a similar kind and warn coastal populations about sea-quakes and tsunamis, many countries installed early warning systems. Sirens and info displays were set up along beaches to alert people of approaching tsunamis by sounding an alarm or displaying a text message. Tsunamis are the result of sea-quakes or underwater rock-falls. Depending on the location of the quake, the shock wave of the tsunami might take quite a bit of time until it hits the shore. Early warning systems use satellites and buoys to identify shockwaves and trigger alarms.
In Thailand, tsunami sirens alert the population and the tourists of the approaching danger in more densely populated areas. Sirens are also used to warn of tsunamis in other countries. The type of siren and alarm used depends on the region and the country. The goal is always the same, though: to warn of the approaching danger.

Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Dig. Alarm Clock 03.wav Alarm: House, Interior, Digital Alarm Clock Beep Beep Beep Tone, Very Close And More Distant
2.0 0:33



2 Sonopedia AlarmBurglar_S08ER.1.wav Emergency, Alarm, Burglar, Security, System, Beeps, Loop
2.0 1:00Alarm Alarm
3 SoundStorm Library Alarms-HammerGong-Int-CURep.wav Alarm - Hammer Gong - Int - CU Repetitive Metallic Impacts
1.0 1:02Alarm Alarm
4 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzzer,NBA,Time Clock,Long.wav Alarm: Buzzer NBA Time Clock Long
2.0 0:08Alarm Alarm
5 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CollisionAlarm-Int-C.wav Alarm - Collision Alarm - Int - CU Mid-Ranged Pulses In Groups Of 3 - Fast
2.0 0:16Alarm Alarm
6 Casablanca Sound Library Alarm,Jet,HUD,Lock,Med.wav Alarm: Alarm Jet HUD Lock Med
1.0 0:10Alarm Alarm
7 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Ragged,Zapping,Swell,Short.wav Alarm: Buzz Ragged Zapping Swell Short
1.0 0:03Alarm Alarm
8 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CodeEntryBeeps-Int_2.wav Alarm - Code Entry Beeps - Int - CU - High Pitched Single Tone Beeps
2.0 0:04Alarm Alarm
9 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Pulse,Jagged,Resonant.wav Alarm: Buzz Pulse Jagged Resonant
1.0 0:08Alarm Alarm
10 SoundStorm Library Alarms-AnchorAlarm-Int-CUHi.wav Alarm - Anchor Alarm - Int - CU High-Pitched Rattling - Fast
1.0 0:17Alarm Alarm
11 SoundStorm Library Alarms-WristWatchTravelAlar.wav Alarm - Wrist Watch Travel Alarm - C U - Rapid, Plusing Beeps, Has A Slight Sense Of Urgency
2.0 0:25Alarm Alarm
12 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Door,Bank,Machine,ATM.wav Alarm: Buzz Door Bank Machine ATM
2.0 0:02Alarm Alarm
13 Sonopedia AlarmSystemKeypad_S08OF.2.wav Office, Alarm, System, Keypad, Entry, Enter, Code, Building, Security
2.0 0:03Alarm Alarm
14 SoundStorm Library Alarms-WarehouseBuzzer-Int-.wav Alarm - Warehouse Buzzer - Int - CU - Series Of Mid-Ranged Buzzes
2.0 1:13Alarm Alarm
15 BBC Sound Effects Library Alarms.BBC.EC3S20.wav Submarine: 1960 "P" Class, Night Alarm In Submarine.
2.0 0:09Alarm Alarm
16 Sonopedia AlarmSilent_S08ER.5.wav Emergency, Alarm, Silent, Burglar, Security, System, Beeps, High, Pitch, Loop
2.0 0:30Alarm Alarm
17 SoundStorm Library Alarms-KitchenAlarm-Int-MCU.wav Alarm - Kitchen Alarm - Int - Medium Close Up - Kitchen Room Tone With Alarm Buzz And Clock Ticking
2.0 2:16Alarm Alarm
18 SoundStorm Library Alarms-HospitalHeartMonit_1.wav Alarm - Hospital Heart Monitor Alarm - Int - C U - Constant Tone, (Lower Level Alarm, Not For Life Threatening Situations)
2.0 0:34Alarm Alarm
19 BBC Sound Effects Library Alarms.BBC.EC203Ja.wav Power Station, Audible Alarm From A Recorder. (Conventional Power Station.)
2.0 0:15Alarm Alarm
20 Sonopedia AlarmClockHit_S08HS.10.wav Household, Alarm, Clock, Hit
2.0 0:01Alarm Alarm
21 Casablanca Sound Library Alarm,Tone,Buzz,Waver,Annoy.wav Alarm: Alarm Tone Buzz Waver Annoy
1.0 0:14Alarm Alarm
22 Sounddogs Sound Library Foghorn,Blast,2,Long,Deep,Close.wav Alarm: Foghorn Blast 2 Long Deep Close
1.0 0:19Alarm Alarm
23 SoundStorm Library Alarms-FireAlarmHighPitch_1.wav Alarm - Fire Alarm High Pitch Beeps - C U - On, Off And Long Steady, Slowed Down
2.0 1:27Alarm Alarm
24 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzzer,Film,Elevator,Low,Long.wav Alarm: Buzzer Film Elevator Low Long
2.0 0:03Alarm Alarm
25 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CodeEntryBeeps-Int_4.wav Alarm - Code Entry Beeps - Int - CU - High Pitched Single Tone Beeps
2.0 0:02Alarm Alarm
26 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Ragged,Loop,Bulge,Med Fast.wav Alarm: Buzz Ragged Loop Bulge Medium Fast
1.0 0:13Alarm Alarm
27 SoundStorm Library Alarms-ChemicalAlarm-Int-CU.wav Alarm - Chemical Alarm - Int - CU High-Mid-Ranged Pulse
1.0 0:07Alarm Alarm
28 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Low,Hum,Strong,Oscillate.wav Alarm: Buzz Low Hum Strong Oscillate
2.0 0:16Alarm Alarm
29 Sonopedia FireAlarm_S08ER.100.wav Emergency, Fire, Alarm, Hand, Held, Crank, Vintage
2.0 0:35Alarm Alarm
30 SoundStorm Library Alarms-WarningWhistle-Int-C.wav Alarm - Warning Whistle - Int - CU Nasally, Mid-Range Signals
1.0 1:00Alarm Alarm
31 SoundStorm Library Alarms-U.S.S.ForrestalAla_1.wav Alarm - U.S.S. Forrestal Alarm - Ext - CU Reverberant By
1.0 0:05Alarm Alarm
32 Sounddogs Sound Library Alarm,Horn Buzz,Rotate,Slow.wav Alarm: Alarm Horn Buzz Rotate Slow
2.0 0:34Alarm Alarm
33 Sonopedia AlarmSmokeDetect_S08HS.15.wav Household, Alarm, Smoke, Detector, Fire, Loop
2.0 0:30Alarm Alarm
34 BBC Sound Effects Library Alarms.BBC.EC203Jc.wav Power Station, Loading Signal Alarm. (Conventional Power Station.)
2.0 0:10Alarm Alarm
35 Sonopedia AlarmClockShake_S08HS.12.wav Household, Alarm, Clock, Shake
2.0 0:01Alarm Alarm
36 SoundStorm Library Alarms-HospitalI.V.PumpAlar.wav Alarm - Hospital I.V. Pump Alarm - Int - C U - Medium Long Beeps With 8 Seconds Inbetween Each Beep - (Alerts If Fluid Stops Flowing Through Tube)
2.0 0:37Alarm Alarm
37 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Dig. Alarm Clock 02.wav Alarm: House, Interior, Digital Alarm Clock Beep Beep Beep Tone, Close And More Distant And Muffled
2.0 0:27Alarm Alarm
38 Sounddogs Sound Library Steamer,Whistles,MedDist,Many.wav Alarm: Steamer Whistles MedDist Many
2.0 1:13Alarm Alarm
39 SoundStorm Library Alarms-GyroAlarm-Int-CUVLou.wav Alarm - Gyro Alarm - Int - CU V Loud, High-Pitched Whine
1.0 0:05Alarm Alarm
40 Casablanca Sound Library Alarm,Jet,HUD,Lock,Fast,2.wav Alarm: Alarm Jet HUD Lock Fast 2
1.0 0:06Alarm Alarm
41 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzzer,NBA,Point,Long,High.wav Alarm: Buzzer NBA Point Long High
2.0 0:06Alarm Alarm
42 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CollisionAlarm-Ext-C.wav Alarm - Collision Alarm - Ext - CU Reverberant By
1.0 0:16Alarm Alarm
43 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Ragged,Zap,Bulge Out,Slow.wav Alarm: Buzz Ragged Zap Bulge Out Slow
1.0 0:04Alarm Alarm
44 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CodeEntryBeeps-Int_1.wav Alarm - Code Entry Beeps - Int - CU - High Pitched Single Tone Beeps
2.0 0:07Alarm Alarm
45 SoundStorm Library Alarms-Whoop-WhoopAlarm-Int.wav Alarm - Whoop-Whoop Alarm - Int - CU Nasally Signals
1.0 1:00Alarm Alarm
46 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Metallic,Resonant,Dynamic.wav Alarm: Buzz Metallic Resonant Dynamic
1.0 0:09Alarm Alarm
47 SoundStorm Library Alarms-AlarmBeep-Int-CUOsci.wav Alarm - Alarm Beep - Int - CU Oscillation Between 2 High-Pitched Tones
2.0 1:02Alarm Alarm
48 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Door,Bank,Machine,ATM,Lo.wav Alarm: Buzz Door Bank Machine ATM Lo
2.0 0:01Alarm Alarm
49 Sonopedia AlarmSystemKeypad_S08OF.1.wav Office, Alarm, System, Keypad, Entry, Enter, Code, Accept, Building, Security
2.0 0:01Alarm Alarm
50 SoundStorm Library Alarms-VentilatorWAirInI.V..wav Alarm - Ventilator W Air In I.V. Pump Alarm - Int - C U - Regular I.V. Pump Alarm With Erratic Ventilator, Off Stage Voices In Background
2.0 0:37Alarm Alarm
51 BBC Sound Effects Library Alarms.BBC.EC203Jd.wav Power Station, Tap Change Alarm. (Conventional Power Station.)
2.0 0:06Alarm Alarm
52 Sonopedia AlarmHotelFire_S08ER.4.wav Emergency, Alarm, Hotel, Fire, Beeps, High, Pitch, Loop
2.0 0:30Alarm Alarm
53 SoundStorm Library Alarms-IntercomTypeAlarmBuz.wav Alarm - Intercom Type Alarm Buzzer - C U - On, Off And Long Steady
2.0 1:22Alarm Alarm
54 BBC Sound Effects Library Alarms.BBC.EC5S3.wav Oil Rigs: Fortes Oilfield Offshore Rig. Dangerous Gas Alarm
2.0 0:14Alarm Alarm
55 Sonopedia AlarmClockBeep_S08HS.8.wav Household, Alarm, Clock, Beep, Loop
2.0 0:30Alarm Alarm
56 SoundStorm Library Alarms-HighPitchedAlarmWith.wav Alarm - High Pitched Alarm With C U Motor Sounds - Int - C U Rattle From Escalators, Some Medium Close Up Walla @ Times, Sounds Like Flappy Fan Belt And Electrical Motor Steady, Loud Alarm Goes Off @ 1 14
2.0 1:32Alarm Alarm
57 Casablanca Sound Library Alarm,Jet,HUD,Lock,Slow.wav Alarm: Alarm Jet HUD Lock Slow
1.0 0:17Alarm Alarm
58 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzzer,NBA,Time Clock,Short.wav Alarm: Buzzer NBA Time Clock Short
2.0 0:04Alarm Alarm
59 SoundStorm Library Alarms-ElevatorBuzzer-Int-M.wav Alarm - Elevator Buzzer - Int - Medium Close Up Single Long Signal
2.0 0:06Alarm Alarm
60 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Zappy,Oscillating,Fast.wav Alarm: Buzz Zappy Oscillating Fast
2.0 0:09Alarm Alarm
61 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CodeEntryBeeps-Int_3.wav Alarm - Code Entry Beeps - Int - CU - High Pitched Single Tone Beeps
2.0 0:04Alarm Alarm
62 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Pulse,Rough,Rasp,Oscillate.wav Alarm: Buzz Pulse Rough Rasp Oscillate
1.0 0:14Alarm Alarm
63 SoundStorm Library Alarms-ChemicalAlarm-Ext-CU.wav Alarm - Chemical Alarm - Ext - CU Reverberant By
1.0 0:08Alarm Alarm
64 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Edgy,Oscillate,Med Fast.wav Alarm: Buzz Edgy Oscillate Medium Fast
2.0 0:21Alarm Alarm
65 Sonopedia AlarmSystemTrip_S08HS.16.wav Household, Alarm, System, Trip, Beeps, Security, Loop
2.0 0:59Alarm Alarm
66 SoundStorm Library Alarms-WarningBuzzer-Int-CU.wav Alarm - Warning Buzzer - Int - CU Short To Medium Long Signals
2.0 0:17Alarm Alarm
67 Sounddogs Sound Library Alarm,Fire,School,Long,Off,Near.wav Alarm: Alarm Fire School Long Off Near
1.0 1:07Alarm Alarm
68 Sonopedia AlarmSmokeDetect_S08HS.14.wav Household, Alarm, Smoke, Detector, Fire, Loop
2.0 0:30Alarm Alarm
69 SoundStorm Library Alarms-NavyAlarmHornBlasts-.wav Alarm - Navy Alarm Horn Blasts - Interior - C U - Alarm Horn Blast Eight Times
2.0 0:14Alarm Alarm
70 BBC Sound Effects Library Alarms.BBC.EC203Je.wav Power Station, Hydrogen Alarm. (Conventional Power Station.)
2.0 0:21Alarm Alarm
71 Sonopedia AlarmClockSet_S08HS.11.wav Household, Alarm, Clock, Set, Down, Wood, Desk
2.0 0:01Alarm Alarm
72 SoundStorm Library Alarms-HospitalHeartMonitor.wav Alarm - Hospital Heart Monitor Alarm - Int - C U - On And Off, Two Tone, (Goes Off If Alarm Goes Above Or Below A Pre Determined Rate)
2.0 0:35Alarm Alarm
73 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Dig. Alarm Clock 01.wav Alarm: House, Interior, Digital Alarm Clock Beep Beep Beep Tone
2.0 0:16Alarm Alarm
74 Sounddogs Sound Library Foghorn,Blasts,3,Grain,Crackle.wav Alarm: Foghorn Blasts 3 Grain Crackle
1.0 0:10Alarm Alarm
75 SoundStorm Library Alarms-FireAlarmHighPitchBe.wav Alarm - Fire Alarm High Pitch Beeps - C U - On, Off And Long Steady
2.0 1:13Alarm Alarm
76 Casablanca Sound Library Alarm,Jet,HUD,Lock,Fast,1.wav Alarm: Alarm Jet HUD Lock Fast 1
1.0 0:07Alarm Alarm
77 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzzer,Film,Elevator,Low.wav Alarm: Buzzer Film Elevator Low
2.0 0:02Alarm Alarm
78 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CodeEntryBeeps-Int-C.wav Alarm - Code Entry Beeps - Int - CU - High Pitched Single Tone Beeps
2.0 0:06Alarm Alarm
79 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Ragged,Oscillate,Loop,Fast.wav Alarm: Buzz Ragged Oscillate Loop Fast
1.0 0:10Alarm Alarm
80 SoundStorm Library Alarms-CodeEntryBeep-Int-CU.wav Alarm - Code Entry Beep - Int - CU - Robotic Voice Followed By High Pitched Single Tone Beep
2.0 0:05Alarm Alarm
81 Sounddogs Sound Library Buzz,Metallic,Resonant,Choppy.wav Alarm: Buzz Metallic Resonant Choppy
1.0 0:07Alarm Alarm
82 SoundStorm Library Alarms-AirlinerWarningAlarm.wav Alarm - Airliner Warning Alarm - Ext - Medium Close Up - Nagging Mid-Range Signals
1.0 0:06Alarm Alarm
83 SoundStorm Library Alarms-WhistleAlarm-Int-CUN.wav Alarm - Whistle Alarm - Int - CU Nasally, Mid-Range Signals
1.0 1:06Alarm Alarm
84 Sounddogs Sound Library Alarm,Warning,Two Tone,Dist,Amb.wav Alarm: Alarm Warning Two Tone Dist Amb
1.0 0:08Alarm Alarm
85 Sonopedia AlarmSystem_S08OF.3.wav Office, Alarm, System, Keypad, Timer, Countdown, Building, Security
2.0 0:30Alarm Alarm
86 SoundStorm Library Alarms-U.S.S.ForrestalAlarm.wav Alarm - U.S.S. Forrestal Alarm - Int - CU Short Series Of Mid-Range Pulses
1.0 0:11Alarm Alarm
87 BBC Sound Effects Library Alarms.BBC.EC203Jb.wav Power Station, Smoke Density Alarm. (Conventional Power Station.)
2.0 0:10Alarm Alarm
88 Sonopedia AlarmClockTick_S08HS.13.wav Household, Alarm, Clock, Tick, Tock, Loop
2.0 1:01Alarm Alarm
89 SoundStorm Library Alarms-HospitalVentilatorAl.wav Alarm - Hospital Ventilator Alarm - Int - C U - Fast Rate High-Pitched Beep - (Alert If Patient Is Not Getting Air Properly)
2.0 0:50Alarm Alarm