Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EurasianBadgerM34133.wav Eurasian Badger. Mcu Calls And Movement Sounds Of Adults At Play. Surrey, UK
2.0 0:36



Eurasian Badger Meles Meles
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerPlay(adul79105.wav Badger. Play (adults). Surrey, UK
2.0 0:15Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WeaselMaleinve34138.wav Weasel. Male In Vegetation Producing ""trilling"" Courtship Calls To Female. Unknown
2.0 0:56Animal Weasel Weasel Mustela Nivalis
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerCUsqueals77140.wav Badger. CU Squeals, Suckling Sounds, Snuffles And Breathing From Cubs In Holt. Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland
2.0 3:32Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaOtterMdcall44030.wav Sea Otter. Md Calls From A 15 Week Old Pup In Captivity. Dripping And Trickling Water In Background. Some Echo. Faint Traffic At Times. Monterey Bay, California, USA
2.0 5:24Animal Weasel Sea Otter Enhydra Lutris
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerBoarSurre85083.wav Badger. Boar Surrey, UK
2.0 0:39Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OtterMCUcallsf50101.wav Otter. MCU Calls From A Cub Separated From Its Mother. Waves Breaking On Beach In Background. Shetland, Scotland
2.0 1:47Animal Weasel Otter Lutra Lutra
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterMcuc80096.wav Giant Otter. Mcu Contact Whistles From Semi Tame Animal. Also Sounds Of Splashing Water. El Frio Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 1:16Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterCuca39031.wav Giant Otter. Cu Call While Fishing. Water Slapping Against Boat. Cicada Chorus In Background. Manu National Park, Peru
2.0 0:07Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EuropeanPolecat34135.wav European Polecat. Baby, 3-4 Days Old Suckling And Squeaking In Nest. NB: Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. North Wales
2.0 2:20Animal Weasel European Polecat Mustela Putorius
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerScratching79107.wav Badger. Scratching. Surrey, UK
2.0 0:14Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerGrowlingi90070.wav Badger. Growling Inside Sett Woodchester Park, Nympsfield, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:33Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WeaselAttempted34139.wav Weasel. Attempted Mating Of Male & Female. Male ""trilling"", Female Occasionally Sqeaks In Response. Unknown
2.0 2:26Animal Weasel Weasel Mustela Nivalis
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerCUsounds77141.wav Badger. CU Sounds Of Adult Moving Bedding (bracken) Around, Cub Suckling. Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland
2.0 2:47Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RiverOtterMCco76015.wav River Otter. MC Contact Calls And Snorts From A Group Of 4 Swimming In Water. Yellow-rumped Warblers, Canada Geese And Mallard In B/g. Some Noise From Traffic In Distance. Chincoteague, Virginia, U.S.A.
2.0 1:29Animal Weasel River Otter Lutra Canadensis
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterMcuh80099.wav Giant Otter. Mcu High Pitched Whines From Semi Tame Animal. Sounds Excited & Dog Like. Human Voice At End. El Frio Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 0:19Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterCugr80098.wav Giant Otter. Cu Groaning/growling Vocalisations From Semi Tame Animal Eating Piranha. Amusing, Sounds Like It"s Enjoying Food. Also Sounds Of Chewing. El Frio Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 0:32Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EuropeanPolecat41041.wav European Polecat. Cu "whickering" Calls From Female With Six Well Grown Kittens. Calls From Kitten At 0.59, 1.22, 5.56 And Female With Kittens At 2.02, 3.35, 4.55. Lots Of Movement Sounds And Playing With Pine Cones. Captive Family, Recorded Indoors. Tewin, Hertfordshire, UK
2.0 7:13Animal Weasel European Polecat Mustela Putorius
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerSowSurrey85082.wav Badger. Sow Surrey, UK
2.0 0:25Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerMCUsqueak82163.wav Badger. MCU Squeaks From A Very Young Cub In Holt. Softer Suckling Sounds. Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland
2.0 1:13Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WeaselInenclosu34137.wav Weasel. In Enclosure Squeaking In Defence. Unknown
2.0 0:58Animal Weasel Weasel Mustela Nivalis
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerCUsqueali82162.wav Badger. CU Squealing From A Very Young Cub. Oystercatcher Calls In B/g At Start. Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland
2.0 1:08Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaOtterMCcrie76158.wav Sea Otter. MC Cries From Pups, Sea Wash In Foreground. Calls From Distant Black Oystercatchers. Hissy NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Cordova, Alaska
2.0 1:19Animal Weasel Sea Otter Enhydra Lutris
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MustelidaeFamily34141.wav Mustelidae Family. Unidentified Species Of Weasel Eating Rabbit. Unknown
2.0 2:07Animal Weasel Mustelidae Family
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterMcuc39035.wav Giant Otter. Mcu Calls From Several Otters While Walking Along Side River In Leaf-litter And Water. Wind In Trees. Manu National Park, Peru
2.0 0:55Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterCubr39032.wav Giant Otter. Cu Breathing And Calls While Fishing. Chewing Sounds In Water From A Single Otter. Birds In Distance. Manu National Park, Peru
2.0 1:01Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EurasianBadgerM79104.wav Eurasian Badger. Mcu Calls And Movement Sounds Of Adults At Play. Surrey, UK
2.0 0:37Animal Weasel Eurasian Badger Meles Meles
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerPurrande79106.wav Badger. Purr And Eating Sounds. Surrey, UK
2.0 0:41Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaOtterTwocal44029.wav Sea Otter. Two Calls Mcu From A Pup As The Mother Leaves To Hunt. Sound Of Water Slapping Against Boat. Windy Background. Monterey Bay, California, USA
2.0 0:09Animal Weasel Sea Otter Enhydra Lutris
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerCUsucklin82164.wav Badger. CU Suckling Sounds From Very Young Cub In Holt. Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland
2.0 1:30Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerBoarSurre85084.wav Badger. Boar Surrey, UK
2.0 0:36Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OtterWhistling2205.wav Otter. Whistling. London Zoo.
2.0 0:51Animal Weasel Otter Lutra Vulgaris
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterMcug80097.wav Giant Otter. Mcu Groaning/growling Vocalisations From Semi Tame Animal. Also Sounds Of Chewing & Splashing Water. El Frio Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 0:25Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterCugr39033.wav Giant Otter. Cu Greeting Calls From Several. Cicadas And Birds In Distance. Water Lapping. Manu National Park, Peru
2.0 0:25Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EuropeanPolecat34136.wav European Polecat. Baby, 3-4 Days Old. Female Washing Kittens And Moving Them Around Nest. NB: Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. North Wales
2.0 2:48Animal Weasel European Polecat Mustela Putorius
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerSowSurrey85081.wav Badger. Sow Surrey, UK
2.0 0:11Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerHalfgrown90071.wav Badger. Half Grown Adults Growling And Snarling Inside Sett Close Perspective With Calls Of Blackbird And Song Thrush In B/g Woodchester Park, Nympsfield, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 7:00Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WeaselAttempted34140.wav Weasel. Attempted Mating Of Male And Female. Female Approaches Male, Squeaks And Then Chases Male. Fight, Then Male ""trilling"" And Female Squeaking. Unknown
2.0 1:22Animal Weasel Weasel Mustela Nivalis
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BadgerCUsounds77142.wav Badger. CU Sounds Of Several Adults Feeding. Some Traffic Noise And Dog Barking In B/g - First Part Clean. Highland Wildlife Park, Scotland
2.0 2:10Animal Weasel Badger Meles Meles
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaOtterCudist44031.wav Sea Otter. Cu Distress Calls From A Pup Being Moved From Pen To Tide-pool. First 8 Seconds Are Recorded Outside, The Next 1"03"" In A Box, Then A Further 0"25"" Back In The Open. Monterey Bay, California, USA
2.0 1:38Animal Weasel Sea Otter Enhydra Lutris
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterMcut80100.wav Giant Otter. Mcu To Cu Approaching Calls From Semi Tame Animal. B/g Atmosphere With Calls From Many Bird Species Including Whistling Ducks & Amazon Terns. El Frio Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 0:23Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantOtterMcuc39034.wav Giant Otter. Mcu Calls From Otters In The Water. Water Lapping. Distant Thunder. Wind In Trees. Insects In Background. Manu National Park, Peru
2.0 0:39Animal Weasel Giant Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EuropeanPolecat41042.wav European Polecat. Cu Calls & Eating Sounds From A Hybrid Between A Ferret & A Polecat. Starts With A Cu Cough, Then Panting &"yelping" (excited Calls). Cu Feeding Sounds On Dead Chick. Coughs, Then More Excited Yelps While Playing. Sounds Like The Animal Is Investigating & Exploring. Low, Hoarse Calls (which Mean Go Away) & An Annoyance Call. Long Sequence Of Playing With Handler - Sounds As If Ferret Is Scraping Or Excavating With Lots Of Excited Calls. Long Ashton, Bristol, UK
2.0 8:06Animal Weasel European Polecat Mustela Putorius