Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal84116.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Hunger Call Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:46



Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal10086.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Female Fur Seal Coming Ashore And Calling To Her Pup. Pup In Foreground. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Is Not Specified. Antarctica
2.0 2:29Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MonkSealCUbrea82155.wav Monk Seal. CU Breathing From Pup. Sooty Terns In Distance. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Tern Island
2.0 0:19Animal Seal Monk Seal Monachus Schauinslandi
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13134.wav Patagonian Sealion. CU Growls, Grunts And Other Sounds From Males. Pups And Females Nearby. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 3:05Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant98201.wav Southern Elephant Seal. Calls From A Bull And Sounds Of Movement On Soft Sand. St. Andrews Bay, South Georgia
2.0 0:16Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13129.wav Patagonian Sealion. Calls From Colony With Occasional Closer Calls. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 6:45Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant9062.wav Southern Elephant-Seal. Weaner Pups In Stream And Pools. Noise Of Bulls Seals. Waves. St Andrews Bay, Bird Island, South Georgia
2.0 2:03Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal83037.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Cows And Pups Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 1:15Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySealSealpu44101.wav Grey Seal. Seal Pup With Two Females, By Rockpool. Individual Pup Calls (plaintive) With Responses From Females. North Rona, Scotland, UK
2.0 0:39Animal Seal Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal9040.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Bulls Snorting And Growling. Colony In Background. Bulls Snapping At Each Other. Bird Island
2.0 3:07Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal9060.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Of Two Males Facing Each Other And Making Threats. Short Fight. Right Whale Bay, South Georgia
2.0 0:54Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySealCupup44105.wav Grey Seal. Cu Pup Calls (plaintive), Some Loud & Extended. Flipper Slapping @ 25"". Grunting @ 35"". North Rona, Scotland, UK
2.0 1:49Animal Seal Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal9035.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Calls From Female And Newly Born Pup In Colony. Bird Island
2.0 2:11Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant2188.wav Northern Elephant Seal. Colony C/u With Californian Sea Lion And Western Gulls Baja California, Mexico
2.0 2:01Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant30114.wav Southern Elephant Seal. CU Breathing, Snorting, Grunting, Coughing Etc From A Colony. Heaviest Sound From The Male. Surf In B/g. Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 3:48Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant1190.wav Northern Elephant Seal. CU Breathing Sounds And Nose-vibrating From A Sleeping Male. San Miguel Island, California, U.S.A.
2.0 3:30Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant30109.wav Southern Elephant Seal. CU Calls From Female And Pup In Colony. Surf In B/g. Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 2:33Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal71137.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Bull Roaring. Colony Sounds Including Pups In B/g. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Bird Island, South Georgia
2.0 3:19Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySealColony44112.wav Grey Seal. Colony Atmosphere With Some Cu Snorts/calls. Heavy Sea, Ducks & Other Birds In Background. North Rona, Scotland, UK
2.0 1:12Animal Seal Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5050.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Bulls Fighting, Territorial Calls And Colony Calls. Antarctica
2.0 2:38Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal5077.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Mother And Pup On Stoney Beach. Albatross Island (South Georgia)
2.0 0:40Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosFurSeal87025.wav Galapagos Fur Seal. Bulls Roaring And Diving James Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 3:16Animal Seal Galapagos Fur Seal Arctocephalus Australis Galapa
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5045.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Aggression Between Females. Antarctica
2.0 1:18Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant1185.wav Northern Elephant Seal. MCU Calls From Males And Females. High-pitched Yelps(at 0min 20sec) From Pup Being "run-over" By Male. San Miguel Island, California, U.S.A.
2.0 1:53Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant10168.wav Southern Elephant Seal. Weaner Pups In Fresh Water Pool. Some CU Calls. Mainly Water Noises. Olsen Valley, Husvik
2.0 1:51Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPorpoiseE89159.wav Common Porpoise. Echo Location Pulses (1/2 Octave Below Normal) Hawaii
2.0 1:49Animal Seal Common Porpoise Tursiops Truncatus
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5040.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Calls And Barks From A Female Prior To Giving Birth. Antarctica
2.0 2:54Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MonkSealMCUgro82156.wav Monk Seal. MCU Growls From Adult With Heavy Surf And Sooty Terns Calling. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Tern Island
2.0 1:10Animal Seal Monk Seal Monachus Schauinslandi
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion44052.wav Patagonian Sealion. MCU-MD Calls And Snorts From Several. Loud Seawash In B/g. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Argentina.
2.0 4:33Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WeddellSealCUa10146.wav Weddell Seal. CU Adult Female Reaming Hole In Ice. CU Pup Calling. Plenty Of Calls CU. CU Water. Mawson Research Base, Antarctica
2.0 3:20Animal Seal Weddell Seal Leptonychotes Weddelli
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13137.wav Patagonian Sealion. Colony Of Sealions, CU Calls At Times. Threat Calls From Male. Distant Surf. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 3:37Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WalrusCusounds82061.wav Walrus. Cu Sounds Of Walrus Diving And Lying On The Bottom, Through Hydrophone. Rapid Drumming Is Diving Sequence And Slower Drumming Is Returning To Surface Resolute (Dundus?) Island, Canadian Arctic
2.0 2:57Animal Seal Walrus Odobenus Rosmarus
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal84118.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Distant Cows Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:39Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal10088.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Female Fur Seal Among Tussocks Calling Pup Away From Beach. Seawash In Background. Pup Calls Back Towards End. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Is Not Specified. Antarctica
2.0 1:55Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MonkSealCUcall82154.wav Monk Seal. CU Calls From A Pup, And Breathing. Sooty Terns In Distance. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Tern Island
2.0 0:37Animal Seal Monk Seal Monachus Schauinslandi
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal83039.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Cow Arrives To Feed Pup Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 1:18Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal10081.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Single Pup CU. Shingle Noise As Pup Moves. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Is Not Specified. Antarctica
2.0 0:29Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal9042.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Calls In Colony. Bird Island
2.0 5:50Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13131.wav Patagonian Sealion. CU Calls From Colony. Includes CU Roars And Grunts From Single Male. Calls From Females And Pups Near By. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 5:15Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant9066.wav Southern Elephant Seal. Play Fighting Cries. Occasional Roaring Of Bulls In The Background. Sea In Distance. St Andrews Bay, South Georgia
2.0 1:53Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant2190.wav Northern Elephant Seal. 10 Half-grown Immatures Lying On Beach With Californian Sea Lions And American Oystercatchers Baja California, Mexico
2.0 4:31Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant5057.wav Southern Elephant Seal. CU Breathing And Snorting. Adelie Penguins In Background. Distant Gulls. NB: Exact Date And Location Is Not Specified. Antarctica
2.0 1:30Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal76212.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Spring Assembly NB: Recorded Some Time During 1955 Pembrokeshire
2.0 1:55Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySealGeneral44111.wav Grey Seal. General Colony Atmosphere With Prominent Surf In Background. Also Some Ducks In Background. North Rona, Scotland, UK
2.0 1:14Animal Seal Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal9037.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Pup Calling For Its Mother At Start, Then Mother And Pup. Bird Island
2.0 0:52Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal9057.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. Cu Vocalisation And Some Male To Male Agression. Right Whale Bay, South Georgia
2.0 0:45Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySealCopulat44109.wav Grey Seal. Copulation With Bull Cu (vcu 1m00s-1m30s). Other Individuals In Background With Sounds Of Surf. North Rona, Scotland, UK
2.0 2:58Animal Seal Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5052.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Calls From Pups. Bumpy In Places. Antarctica
2.0 5:03Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant2185.wav Northern Elephant Seal. Adults Snorting And Moving In Colony Baja California, Mexico
2.0 1:45Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant30111.wav Southern Elephant Seal. MCU Sneezes From A Pup. Gulls And Surf In B/g. Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 0:29Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosFurSeal87027.wav Galapagos Fur Seal. Bull Threatening James Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 0:48Animal Seal Galapagos Fur Seal Arctocephalus Australis Galapa
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5047.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Copulation Sounds. Antarctica
2.0 1:04Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant1187.wav Northern Elephant Seal. CU Roar From Male, Colony Then Becomes More Excited. Male Gives "klunking" Calls. San Miguel Island, California, U.S.A.
2.0 2:15Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant30106.wav Southern Elephant Seal. CU Calls From A Male. Yelps From A Pup Being Squashed As Male Moves Towards Female. Calls And Song From Female. Surf In B/g. Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 2:50Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal5079.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Cow And Pup Interactions. Cow Trying To See Off Another Pup Which Is Not Her Own. Albatross Island (South Georgia)
2.0 1:12Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion44054.wav Patagonian Sealion. CU Calls In Colony. Seawash In Distance. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Argentina.
2.0 1:57Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WeddellSealCUo10148.wav Weddell Seal. CU Of Adult Female And Pup Calling. Second Longer Drawn-out Call Is Mother. Mawson Research Base, Antarctica
2.0 2:10Animal Seal Weddell Seal Leptonychotes Weddelli
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal10170.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Pup Calls. Right Whale Bay, South Georgia
2.0 0:18Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ElephantSealAtm87072.wav Elephant Seal. Atmosphere On Beach - End Of Season Bulls And Pups With American Oystercatcher Nr Punta Norte, Peninsula Valdes, Prov. Chubut, Argentina
2.0 5:23Animal Seal Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
60 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5042.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Calls From Pup Being Squashed By Bull Sitting On It. Antarctica
2.0 0:52Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant1182.wav Northern Elephant Seal. CU Sounds Of Snorting, Coughing And Breathing From Yearling Males Sleeping. Colony In B/g. San Miguel Island, California, U.S.A.
2.0 2:51Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
62 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal84120.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Cow Singing In Surf Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:32Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal189.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Whimpers, Growls And Roars From Male And Females. South Georgia
2.0 2:52Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
64 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MonkSealCUgrow82158.wav Monk Seal. CU Growls And Other Calls From An Adult On Beach. Sooty Terns In B/g. Prominent Surf. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Tern Island
2.0 2:28Animal Seal Monk Seal Monachus Schauinslandi
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13139.wav Patagonian Sealion. CU Pup Calls And Calls From Colony. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 1:37Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WalrusMcusurfac76134.wav Walrus. Mcu Surfacing To Breath. Water Lapping In F/g. Exact Date Unknown. Round Island, Alaska
2.0 0:22Animal Seal Walrus Odobenus Rosmarus
67 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13133.wav Patagonian Sealion. CU Growls And Snorts From A Single Male. Females In B/g. Movement Sounds On Pebble Beach. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 3:14Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant93009.wav Southern Elephant Seal. Adult Breathing NB: Exact Date In 1969 Unknown Carcass Island, Falkland Islands
2.0 2:27Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
69 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal84115.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Threat Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:56Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal10083.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Pups Growling In Foreground. Some Shingle Movement As Seal Moves. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Is Not Specified. Antarctica
2.0 1:08Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ManateeCUbreath76114.wav Manatee. CU Breathing And Surfacing Sounds In Pool. Grackles And Other Birds In B/g. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Homasassa Springs, St.Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.
2.0 1:56Animal Seal Manatee Trichechus Manatus
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal83036.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Cows Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 1:43Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
73 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySealGroupo44106.wav Grey Seal. Group Of Two Pups, Two Females & Single (silent) Male. General Interaction Of Grunts, Groans & Higher Pitched, Plaintive Pup Calls. North Rona, Scotland, UK
2.0 2:35Animal Seal Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal9039.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Colony, Bulls Grunting, Females And Pups Calling. Bird Island
2.0 2:11Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13128.wav Patagonian Sealion. Calls From Colony. Surf In B/g. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 5:09Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant90069.wav Southern Elephant Seal. Bull Breathing And Belching With Beach Atmosphere, Pups And Other Bulls Nr Punta Norte, Peninsula Valdes, Prov. Chubut, Argentina
2.0 2:39Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySealCupup44104.wav Grey Seal. Cu Pup Calls (plaintive) With Adult @ 10"". Both With Water Splashing @ 25"". Calls More Agitated From 55"" To End. North Rona, Scotland, UK
2.0 1:46Animal Seal Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal9034.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Bulls Challenging. Pups And Females Also Calling. Bird Island
2.0 1:56Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
79 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant2187.wav Northern Elephant Seal. One Waddling Along Pebble Beach, Belching And Breathing Heavily Baja California, Mexico
2.0 1:16Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
80 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant30113.wav Southern Elephant Seal. CU Breathing And Snorting From A Young, Injured Male. Colony And Surf In Distance. Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 1:09Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
81 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal9059.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Of Two Bulls Defending Territory Boundaries. Right Whale Bay, South Georgia
2.0 0:12Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant30108.wav Southern Elephant Seal. CU Calls From A Female, With Yelps From Other Females And Pups. Surf In B/g. Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 2:35Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal5081.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Series Of Male To Male Interactions. Water In Background. Albatross Island (South Georgia)
2.0 1:48Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosFurSeal95100.wav Galapagos Fur Seal. Calls And Sea Wash James Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 4:14Animal Seal Galapagos Fur Seal Arctocephalus Australis Galapa
85 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5049.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Territorial Challenges By Bull On Edge Of Colony. Antarctica
2.0 1:34Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
86 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant1189.wav Northern Elephant Seal. CU Threat Calls From Female And Squeals And Screams From Pup. Colony In B/g. Quieter B/g Near End. San Miguel Island, California, U.S.A.
2.0 2:36Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntarcticFurSeal10172.wav Antarctic Fur Seal. CU Female Calls. Right Whale Bay, South Georgia
2.0 1:45Animal Seal Antarctic Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
88 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ElephantSealPup87068.wav Elephant Seal. Pups And Distant Bull Nr Punta Norte, Peninsula Valdes, Prov. Chubut, Argentina
2.0 2:38Animal Seal Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
89 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal5044.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Calls From Female And Pup. Antarctica
2.0 1:10Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
90 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NorthernElephant1184.wav Northern Elephant Seal. CU Distress Calls From Female. Colony In B/g. San Miguel Island, California, U.S.A.
2.0 0:26Animal Seal Northern Elephant Seal Mirounga Angustirostris
91 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthernElephant10151.wav Southern Elephant Seal. CU Adult Snoring With Pup In Background. Distant Generator Noise. Grytviken Whaling Station, South Georgia
2.0 1:40Animal Seal Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga Leonina
92 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion19032.wav Patagonian Sealion. CU Roars And Calls From Males. Calls From Females And Pups In Colony. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 5:59Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens
93 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WeddellSealAdul10145.wav Weddell Seal. Adult Female Occasionally Grunting And Bellowing Loudly In Sleep. Sound Of Sea Ice. Mawson Research Base, Antarctica
2.0 2:09Animal Seal Weddell Seal Leptonychotes Weddelli
94 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaikalSealCuwa39122.wav Baikal Seal. Cu Water Lapping On Rocks. Occasional Soft Grunts From Seals. Louder Splashes In Water As They Attempt To Haul Themselves Out On To Rocks. Ushkani Islands, Lake Baikal, Russia
2.0 3:48Animal Seal Baikal Seal Phoca Sibirica
95 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal2001.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. CU Calls From Female And Pup Being Re-united. Bird Island
2.0 2:15Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
96 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MonkSealMCUgro82152.wav Monk Seal. MCU Growls From Male Defending Female. Sooty Terns Call In B/g. Heavy Surf Sound. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Tern Island
2.0 0:28Animal Seal Monk Seal Monachus Schauinslandi
97 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AtlanticGreySeal84117.wav Atlantic Grey Seal. Bull Hauling Up Onto Beach Brownsman, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:49Animal Seal Atlantic Grey Seal Halichoerus Grypus
98 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library KerguelenFurSeal10087.wav Kerguelen Fur Seal. Female Fur Seal Calling Pup And Moving Up Beach. Loud Calls Towards End. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Is Not Specified. Antarctica
2.0 2:29Animal Seal Kerguelen Fur Seal Arctocephalus Gazella
99 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MonkSealCUcall82153.wav Monk Seal. CU Calls From A Pup. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Tern Island
2.0 0:34Animal Seal Monk Seal Monachus Schauinslandi
100 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PatagonianSealion13136.wav Patagonian Sealion. CU Roars, Growls, Grunts Etc From Male. Calls From Another Male MCU. Colony Of Sealions In The B/g. NB: Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Punta Norte, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina
2.0 5:03Animal Seal Patagonian Sealion Otaria Flavescens