Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong77049.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU Alarm Calls While Foraging. Weavers And Other Birds In Distance. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 2:41


Mammals Small Land

Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong77044.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU Soft Social Calls, Contact Calls And Alarm Calls, In Wall Burrow From A Group Of 10-12 Movement Sounds. Distant Generator. Children And Weavers. Many Clear Bits. Kilagui Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 5:39Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StoatThreatoff91096.wav Stoat. Threat Of Female Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire, UK
2.0 0:24Animal Mammals Small Land Stoat Mustela Erminea
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyShrewCufe85148.wav Pygmy Shrew. Cu Fear And Anger Calls. Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:13Animal Mammals Small Land Pygmy Shrew Sorex Minutus
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PikaCUsqueaksf76008.wav Pika. CU Squeaks From Young Being Fed And Movement In Nest. Exact Date Unknown. Rockies, California, USA
2.0 1:55Animal Mammals Small Land Pika Ochotona Princeps
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HyraxSpMculou16190.wav Hyrax Sp.. Mcu Loud Barks & Squeaks From Hyraxes. B/g Sounds Of Insect Stridulation. Distant Traffic & Occasional Crows From Cockerel. N.B. Exact Species Unknown, Either Large-toothed Or Small-toothed Rock Hyrax. Nr Norton, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
2.0 1:46Animal Mammals Small Land Hyrax Sp. Procaviidae Family
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong95116.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU Annoyance And Alarm Calls, Others Calling Nearby. Weavers Other Birds And Lodge Canteen In B/g. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 1:32Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong77046.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU Calls While Foraging. Weavers And Other Birds In B/g. Some Voices From Lodge. Less B/g After First Minute. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 3:37Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaterShrewCalls83049.wav Water Shrew. Calls Bedfordshire, UK
2.0 1:24Animal Mammals Small Land Water Shrew Neomys Fodiens
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RockHyraxCUso23002.wav Rock Hyrax . CU Social Calls Between Several, Grooming And Scratching, Lip Smacking, Snort And Chewing. Wind Around Cliffs. A Few Birds In The Distance. Hells Gate, Kenya
2.0 2:38Animal Mammals Small Land Rock Hyrax Procavia Capensis
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PineMartenCalls88206.wav Pine Marten. Calls In Captivity Wester Ross, Scotland
2.0 0:30Animal Mammals Small Land Pine Marten Martes Martes
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HyraxSpMdbark16191.wav Hyrax Sp.. Md Barking Calls From Hyrax. B/g Occasional Calls From Birds. B/g Sounds Of Wind. N.B. Exact Species Unknown, Either Large-toothed Or Small-toothed Rock Hyrax. Matobos Hills National Park, Zimbabwe
2.0 1:51Animal Mammals Small Land Hyrax Sp. Procaviidae Family
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HedgehogSnorting79054.wav Hedgehog. Snorting And Scratching In A Suburban Garage Filton, Bristol, UK
2.0 5:24Animal Mammals Small Land Hedgehog Erinaceus Europaeus
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong77048.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU Soft Social Calls, Contact Calls, Alarm Calls. Purring And Scratching From A Group Of 10-12 Animals In A Wall/burrow. Weavers, Didric Cuckoo And Other Birds In B/g. Some Distant Talking From Lodge Guests. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 9:54Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BandedMongooseR21056.wav Banded Mongoose. Regular High Pitched Chirpy Calls. Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya, East Africa
2.0 1:20Animal Mammals Small Land Banded Mongoose Mungos Mungo
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StoatInenclosur34134.wav Stoat. In Enclosure, Intermittent ""trilling"" With Grass Movements. B/g Noise - Robin Singing And Traffic. Mount Grace Priory, N Yorks, UK
2.0 1:54Animal Mammals Small Land Stoat Mustela Erminea
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyShrewCufe85147.wav Pygmy Shrew. Cu Fear And Anger Calls. Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:04Animal Mammals Small Land Pygmy Shrew Sorex Minutus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MongooseCallN78127.wav Mongoose. Call. N.B. Exact Species Unclear. Unknown
2.0 0:43Animal Mammals Small Land Mongoose Herpestes Nyula
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HyraxSpCusoun16194.wav Hyrax Sp.. Cu Sounds From Feeding Hyrax. B/g Occasional Calls From Other Hyrax. Distant Engine In Second Half Of Recording. N.B. Exact Species Unknown, Either Large-toothed Or Small-toothed Rock Hyrax. Malalangwe Lodge, Matobos Hills National Park, Zimbabwe
2.0 0:54Animal Mammals Small Land Hyrax Sp. Procaviidae Family
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong95115.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU Contact Calls And Alarm Calls From Several Animals While Foraging. Weavers And Lodge Canteen In B/g. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 1:57Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong77045.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU Soft Calls, Purring, Scratching And Contact Calls. Weavers And Some Distant Lodge Sounds And Generator. Hissy. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 3:23Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TreeHyraxCalls2096.wav Tree Hyrax. Calls (with Loud Calls From Frogs). Kivu Province, Rwanda, Central Africa
2.0 4:15Animal Mammals Small Land Tree Hyrax Dendrohyrax Arboreus
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyShrewCufe85149.wav Pygmy Shrew. Cu Fear And Anger Calls. Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:04Animal Mammals Small Land Pygmy Shrew Sorex Minutus
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PikaCUsqueaksf76009.wav Pika. CU Squeaks From Young Being Fed And Movement In Nest. Exact Date Unknown. Rockies, California, USA
2.0 1:46Animal Mammals Small Land Pika Ochotona Princeps
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HyraxSpMcuto16195.wav Hyrax Sp.. Mcu To B/g Calls From Several Hyrax. Squeaks, Whistles & Barking Calls. N.B. Exact Species Unknown, Either Large-toothed Or Small-toothed Rock Hyrax. Malalangwe Lodge, Matobos Hills National Park, Zimbabwe
2.0 1:01Animal Mammals Small Land Hyrax Sp. Procaviidae Family
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong95117.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. CU High Pitched Squeals, Calls And Clicks From Several Animals In Wall Burrow. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 1:45Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternDwarfMong77047.wav Eastern Dwarf Mongoose. MCU Aggressive Call. Birds And Crickets In B/g. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 0:21Animal Mammals Small Land Eastern Dwarf Mongoose Helogale Undulata
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BandedMongooseC21057.wav Banded Mongoose. Calls From A Group. Buzzing Sounds From Insects. Birds Calling In B/g. Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya, East Africa
2.0 1:51Animal Mammals Small Land Banded Mongoose Mungos Mungo
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RockHyraxMCcal95119.wav Rock Hyrax. MC Calls From A Single Animal. Some Voices In B/g. Birds In Distance. Kilaguni Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
2.0 0:47Animal Mammals Small Land Rock Hyrax Procavia Capensis
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PineMartenGrunt2206.wav Pine Marten. Grunting. London Zoo.
2.0 2:14Animal Mammals Small Land Pine Marten Martes Martes
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HyraxSpMdcall16196.wav Hyrax Sp.. Md Calls From Individual. Distant Replies From Other Hyrax. B/g Sounds Of Wind. N.B. Exact Species Unknown, Either Large-toothed Or Small-toothed Rock Hyrax. Malalangwe Lodge, Matobos Hills National Park, Zimbabwe
2.0 0:32Animal Mammals Small Land Hyrax Sp. Procaviidae Family
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HyraxSpAlarms16189.wav Hyrax Sp.. Alarm Squeak Then Sounds Of Individuals Fleeing Into Undergrowth. Distant Sounds Of Traffic. N.B. Exact Species Unknown, Either Large-toothed Or Small-toothed Rock Hyrax. Nr Norton, Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe
2.0 0:17Animal Mammals Small Land Hyrax Sp. Procaviidae Family