Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackWoodAntEa72157.wav Black Wood Ant. Eating The Remains Of A Bun In A Paper Bag. Nr Las Herencias, South Of Talavera De La Reina, Central Spain
2.0 1:29



Black Wood Ant Messor Sp
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCusoun82183.wav Honey Bee. Cu Sounds From A Disturbed Hive. Rothamsted Experimental Station
2.0 1:09Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
3 Sounddogs Sound Library Maggots,Tumble To Floor.wav Animal: Maggots Tumble To Floor
1.0 0:06Animal Insects Maggot
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CerambycidBeetle77129.wav Cerambycid Beetle. MCU Male Stridulating Hum In Background Recorded In Bristol Studio Shabbington Wood, Nr. Horton-cum-Studley, Oxon [collected Here]
2.0 0:43Animal Insects Cerambycid Beetle Agapanthia Villosoviridescens
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MosquitoMcuhum38081.wav Mosquito. Mcu Hum From Single Males And Small Groups During Short Flights. Hissy And Bumpy Recording. Recording Studio, BH Bristol
2.0 0:32Animal Insects Mosquito Culicidae Family
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente4289.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From Bee Held In Hand. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 0:15Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StripedHawkMoth82250.wav Striped Hawk Moth. In Flight London, UK
2.0 0:14Animal Insects Striped Hawk Moth Hyles Lineata
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeMcubuzzingf32034.wav Bee. Mcu Buzzing From A Swarm Of Bees And Flies Around Farm Buildings. Nightingale And Corn Bunting In Background. Oropesa, Central Spain
2.0 1:21Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCUsoun27106.wav Honey Bee. CU Sounds Inside Bee-hive. Bristol, UK
2.0 6:04Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
10 Sounddogs Sound Library Insect,Katydid,Buzzing.wav Animal: Insect Katydid Buzzing
2.0 0:27Animal Insects Animal
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CarpenterBeeCu95222.wav Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing In Flight From A Single Bee. Loud Stridulation From Grasshopper In Background. Las Herencias, Central Spain
2.0 0:16Animal Insects Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Violacea
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MeliponaFasciata46139.wav Melipona Fasciata. Buzzing Of Angry Bees In Log Being Attacked By Ants. B/g Cock Crow 1m20s, Distant Dog Barks 1m33. N.B. This Is One Of The Stingless Bee Species That Have Been Kept By Central American Cultures For Centuries. Nr Telchaquillo Village, Yucatan State, Mexico
2.0 1:56Animal Insects Melipona Fasciata
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente42068.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Captive Bee Hovering In Flight. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 1:15Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StinglessBeeCu47161.wav Stingless Bee. Cu Sounds From Centre Of Nest. Recorded In Captivity. Bristol, UK
2.0 6:01Animal Insects Bee Stingless Bee Meliponinae Subfamily
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeCusoundoff32041.wav Bee. Cu Sound Of Five Fly-pasts From Single Bees. Slightly Noisy Background. BBC Bristol, UK
2.0 0:41Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCuhum82185.wav Honey Bee. Cu Hum From A Worker Bee. Some Slight Crackling. Rothamsted Experimental Station
2.0 0:44Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
17 Sounddogs Sound Library Bees,Buzzing,Hundreds.wav Animal: Bees Buzzing Hundreds
2.0 0:39Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CarpenterBeeCu42063.wav Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From Hovering Bees, Others In Background. Sound Of Bee Excavating Hole In Wood At 5m50s, Another Near Hole At 5m40s. Occasional Calls From Red-winged Blackbird And American Crow. Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
2.0 8:13Animal Insects Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Violacea
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetCusounds36073.wav Hornet. Cu Sounds Of Grubs Scraping On The Sides Of Their Chambers. Chewing, Movement And Buzzes From Adults On Nest. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 2:14Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FlySpFliestak13050.wav Fly Sp.. Flies Taking Off From Carcass As Someone Approaches. Mombo Camp, Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Okavango, Botswana
2.0 0:13Animal Insects Fly Diptera
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SolitaryMiningBe72161.wav Solitary Mining Bee. Cu Buzzing From Single Bee And Several Bees Whilst Flying, Landing And Taking Off. Las Herencias, C Spain
2.0 2:09Animal Insects Solitary Mining Bee Dasypoda Hirtipes
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SolitaryMiningBe43155.wav Solitary Mining Bee. Md - Cu Buzzing From Two Bees Hovering Over Burrows. Las Herencias, C Spain
2.0 1:38Animal Insects Solitary Mining Bee Dasypoda Hirtipes
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreenHawkMothLa95211.wav Green Hawk-Moth Labruscae). CU Squeaking. Beating Wings. NB: Also Known As Gaudy Sphinx Moth. Santa Cruz (Indefatigable) Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 1:07Animal Insects Green Hawk Moth Eumorpha Labruscae
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaspSpCUsound5037.wav Wasp Sp.. CU Sound Of Wasp Digging In Sand. Buzzing From Others Flying To And From Site. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
2.0 1:20Animal Insects Wasp Sp. Hymenoptera
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeCuconstantb32036.wav Bee. Cu Constant Buzzing In Flight From A Single Bee. Bee Tires Towards End Of Recording. BBC Bristol, UK
2.0 2:17Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCubuzz46119.wav Honey Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Swarm In The Air. Bristol, UK
2.0 4:24Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
27 Sounddogs Sound Library Bee,Buzz,Close,Stutter,Slow.wav Animal: Bee Buzz Close Stutter Slow
2.0 0:16Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BumbleBeeOnefl74188.wav Bumble Bee. One Flying Mcu Kingston Seymour, South Avon, UK
2.0 0:13Animal Insects Bumble Bee Bombus Sp
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetCuscrapin15219.wav Hornet. Cu Scraping From Grubs In Their Chambers In Nest. Chewing, Movement & Buzzes From Adults On Nest. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 0:40Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
30 Sonopedia InsectsMealworms_S08AN.154.wav Animal, Insects, Mealworms, Larva, Movement, Slimy, Bugs
2.0 0:26Animal Insects Mealworm
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FliesSppAndHo82082.wav Flies Spp.. And Hover Fly SP. West Of Matmata, Tunisia
2.0 1:54Animal Insects Fly Diptera
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeCubuzzingfr32028.wav Bee. Cu Buzzing From Individual Bees In Studio. Unknown
2.0 0:19Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCUbuzz31046.wav Honey Bee. CU Buzzing From Bees Entering And Leaving The Hive And Bees On The Alighting Board. Birds In Distance. Bee Hive, Bristol
2.0 4:58Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaxMothElectric95210.wav Wax Moth. Electrical Discharge From Up To 20 Moths. Mechanical Sound Made By Wings. Rapid Pulses From Vibrating Wings Or Moths In Flight. NHU Sound Workshop
2.0 5:44Animal Insects Wax Moth Galleria Mellonella
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BumbleBeeCubuz43089.wav Bumble Bee. Cu Buzzing From Bee (Bombus Terrestris) Feeding On Flowers. Dartmoor, Devon, UK
2.0 1:23Animal Insects Bumble Bee Bombus Terrestris
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetCubuzzing36075.wav Hornet. Cu Buzzing From Single Hornets Leaving And Returning To Nest Hole. Crunching From Nest In Background. Flies Buzzing Around Entrance. Field Grasshoppers. Calls From Distant Crows, Jackdaws And Nuthatch. Wind In Trees. Distant Traffic Noise. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 4:16Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
37 Sonopedia InsectBugMovement_S08AN.149.wav Animal, Insect, Bug, Movement, Walk, Run, Foley, Slime, Juicy
2.0 0:01Animal Insects
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DroneFliesMigra93105.wav Drone Flies. Migrating South Mimizan Plage, Les Landes, France
2.0 1:01Animal Insects Drone Fly Eristalis Tenax
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SmallCopperButte95195.wav Small Copper Butterfly. Sounds From A Male Pupa. Others Nearby. NHU Sound Workshop
2.0 3:28Animal Insects Small Copper Butterfly Lycaena Phlaeas
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente95232.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Captive Bee Hovering In Flight. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 1:33Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaspSpCUbuzzi5034.wav Wasp Sp.. CU Buzzing From Workers Fanning Nest. Cricket Chorus In Background. Several Knocks And Bumps In The Recording. Monteverde Reserve, Costa Rica
2.0 1:12Animal Insects Wasp Sp. Polistes
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AntSpCUdrummi12158.wav Ant Sp.. CU Drumming Of Ants On Rattan Leaves. Faint Cicadas And Birds Calling In Background. NB: Day & Month Of Recording Not Specified. Sabah
2.0 1:00Animal Insects Ant Sp. Formicidae
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCUbuzz27105.wav Honey Bee. CU Buzzing As Bee Flies Past. Others In B/g. Bristol, UK
2.0 0:23Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BumbleBeeCubuz218.wav Bumble Bee. Cu Buzzing From Bee (Bombus Terrestris) Feeding On Flowers. Dartmoor, Devon, UK
2.0 1:24Animal Insects Bumble Bee Bombus Terrestris
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetCubuzzes15213.wav Hornet. Cu Buzzes From Hornets Returning To Nest. Swooping Noises As They Touch In Flight. Chewing Sounds From Nest In Background. The Short Buzzes Are Hornets Leaving Nest. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 1:28Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
46 Sonopedia InsectBugBeetle_S08AN.144.wav Animal, Insect, Bug, Beetle, Wings, Shake, Buzz, Short
2.0 0:01Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DragonflySpCU95219.wav Dragonfly Sp.. CU Wing-beats. Bristol Studio
2.0 0:49Animal Insects Dragonfly Anisoptera
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SmallCopperButte95190.wav Small Copper Butterfly. Sounds From A Collection Of Pupae. NHU Sound Workshop
2.0 3:24Animal Insects Small Copper Butterfly Lycaena Phlaeas
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente95227.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From Bee Held In Hand. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 0:14Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaspNestRothams82190.wav Wasp. Nest Rothamstead Experimental Station, Hertfordshire, UK
2.0 1:02Animal Insects Wasp Vespula Germanica
51 BBC Sound Effects Library AfricaMalagasy.BBC.ECD1.wav Ring-Tailed Lemur, With Insects In Background.
2.0 0:32Animal Insects Animal
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HawkMothLabrusc87017.wav Hawk Moth Labruscae). Squeaking And Beating Wings Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Islands
2.0 0:49Animal Insects Hawk Moth Eumorpha Labruscae
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlowFlySeveral74187.wav Blow Fly. Several Buzzing Around Wildebeest Carcass Mcu-c/u NB: Exact Date In 1982 Unknown Masai Mara, Kenya, East Africa
2.0 1:11Animal Insects Fly Blow Fly Calliphora Sp
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeMcusou78051.wav Honey Bee. Mcu Sound Of A Wild Colony In An Iron Tree. Cicadas And Birds In Background. Dripping Water In Background. Northern Borneo
2.0 1:30Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
55 Sonopedia CockroachHissing_S08AN.54.wav Animal, Cockroach, Hissing, Cockroach, Madagascar, Bug, Insect
2.0 0:01Animal Insects Cockroach
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonBeeFlyCu221.wav Common Bee Fly. Cu Hum From Fly Hovering. Birds In Background. Dartmoor, Devon, UK
2.0 1:08Animal Insects Common Bee Fly Bombylius Major
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MosquitoMcuhum38083.wav Mosquito. Mcu Hum From Many. Constant Group Activity. Slightly Bumpy Recording. Recording Studio, BH Bristol
2.0 2:07Animal Insects Mosquito Culicidae Family
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente4292.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Captive Bee Hovering In Flight. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 1:17Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StripedHawkMoth95215.wav Striped Hawk-Moth. CU Wing Vibration And Take-off. London
2.0 1:10Animal Insects Striped Hawk Moth Hyles Lineata
60 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeesCUbuzzingf32027.wav Bees. CU Buzzing From "dune" Bees, Landing In Soft Sand To Dig Pits Then Hovering Over Them. Short Toed (Red Capped) Larks In B/g. Wind Over Dune. Shifting Sands, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
2.0 1:49Animal Insects Bees Halictidae Family
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCUsoun27108.wav Honey Bee. CU Sounds Inside Bee-hive. Bristol, UK
2.0 1:53Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
62 Sounddogs Sound Library Maggots,Squirm,Toilet.wav Animal: Maggots Squirm Toilet
1.0 0:11Animal Insects Maggot
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CarpenterBeeCu95224.wav Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From Hovering Bees, Others In Background. Occasional Calls From Red-winged Blackbird And American Crow. Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
2.0 2:23Animal Insects Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Violacea
64 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MeridianTermites46156.wav Meridian Termites. Atmosphere Of The Interior Of A Magnetic Termite Mound. Continuous Rumbling Sounds Throughout Distant Bird Call. Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
2.0 4:08Animal Insects Meridian Termites Amitermes
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente42070.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Captive Bee Hovering In Flight. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 1:00Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library StinglessBeeCu47163.wav Stingless Bee. Cu Sounds From Inside The Top Of The Nest. Recorded In Captivity. Bristol, UK
2.0 3:15Animal Insects Bee Stingless Bee Meliponinae Subfamily
67 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeCutakeoffa32040.wav Bee. Cu Take-off And Constant Flight From A Single Bee. Slightly Noisy Background. BBC Bristol, UK
2.0 0:29Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCUinte31041.wav Honey Bee. CU Interior Of Hive. Bee Hive, Bristol
2.0 2:35Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
69 Sounddogs Sound Library Butterflies,Many,2.wav Animal: Butterflies Many 2
1.0 0:34Animal Insects Butterfly
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CarpenterBeeCu72156.wav Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing In Flight From A Single Bee. Loud Stridulation From Grasshopper In Background. Las Herencias, Central Spain
2.0 0:17Animal Insects Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Violacea
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetMcubuzzin36079.wav Hornet. Mcu Buzzing From Single Hornets Leaving And Returning To Nest Hole. Aggressive Buzzing From Guard At Entrance. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 1:45Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente42065.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Captive Bee Hovering In Flight. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 0:30Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini
73 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SolitaryMiningBe72163.wav Solitary Mining Bee. Cu Buzzing From Two Bees At Burrow Entrance Removing Soil Particles. Occasional Goat Bells In Distance. Slight Wind At Times. Las Herencias, C Spain
2.0 3:00Animal Insects Solitary Mining Bee Dasypoda Hirtipes
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeCulandingfr32039.wav Bee. Cu Landing From Single Bee. Slightly Noisy Background. BBC Bristol, UK
2.0 0:15Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCubuzz74194.wav Honey Bee. Cu Buzzing From Several Around Flowers. A Few Bird Calls. Cricket Chorus In Background. Oropesa, Central Spain
2.0 0:57Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
76 Sounddogs Sound Library Bee,Buzzes,Close,Hissy,Bg Bird.wav Animal: Bee Buzzes Close Hissy Bg Bird
1.0 0:21Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CarpenterBeeAt74184.wav Carpenter Bee. At Flowers C/u With Corn Bunting And Nightingale And Field Cricket In B/g Nr Candeleda, New Castile, Central Spain
2.0 0:46Animal Insects Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Violacea
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetCusoundi15217.wav Hornet. Cu Sound Inside Nest; Chewing & Movement From Adults; Scraping From Grubs In Chambers. Buzzes From Returning Adults To Entrance. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 2:11Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
79 Sonopedia InsectsSpider_S08AN.156.wav Animal, Insects, Spider, Scream, Hiss, Bug, Horror, Beetle, Wings, Shake, Buzz
2.0 0:02Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
80 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FlyCubuzzingfr46080.wav Fly. Cu Buzzing From Many Around A Cowpat. Mittagong, New South Wales, Australia
2.0 3:11Animal Insects Fly Diptera
81 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SolitaryMiningBe72158.wav Solitary Mining Bee. Cu Buzzing From Single Bee, Then Several, Whilst Hovering Around Burrow. Las Herencias, C Spain
2.0 0:24Animal Insects Solitary Mining Bee Dasypoda Hirtipes
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCUbuzz31048.wav Honey Bee. CU Buzzing From Bees Entering And Leaving Hive, Side-on. Some Bees Hovering Before Entering, Other `dancing" On Alighting Board. Birds Calling In B/g. Bee Hive, Bristol
2.0 1:25Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WolfFliesSevera86119.wav Wolf Flies. Several Hovering South East Venezuela
2.0 1:00Animal Insects Wolf Flies Emphidae
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BumbleBeeCubuz43091.wav Bumble Bee. Cu Buzzing From A White-tailed Bumble Bee (Bombus Lucorum) Feeding On Forest Floor. Other Bees In Background. Distant Wren And Chaffinch. Loch Garten, Highland, Scotland, UK
2.0 2:46Animal Insects Bumble Bee Bombus Sp
85 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetCubuzzing36077.wav Hornet. Cu Buzzing From Single Hornets Leaving And Returning To Nest Hole. Crunching Sounds From Nest Prominent In Background. Flies Buzzing, Jackdaw, Robin And Traffic In Distance. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 3:11Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
86 Sonopedia InsectsHighPitch_S08AN.151.wav Animal, Insects, High, Pitch, Chirping
2.0 2:02Animal Insects
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DroneFlySeveral74190.wav Drone Fly. Several Hovering C/u Kingston Seymour, South Avon, UK
2.0 2:28Animal Insects Drone Fly Eristalis Tenax
88 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SolitaryMiningBe43152.wav Solitary Mining Bee. Cu Buzzing From Single Bee, Then Several, Whilst Hovering Around Burrow. Las Herencias, C Spain
2.0 0:22Animal Insects Solitary Mining Bee Dasypoda Hirtipes
89 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GardenTigerMoth95205.wav Garden Tiger Moth. Cu Clicking Produced By Moth (blocking Bat"s Echo-location). Distant High-pitched Sound (echo Location Emissions From Bat). N.B. Bat Sounds May Be A Recording. NHU Sound Workshop.
2.0 1:06Animal Insects Garden Tiger Moth Arctia Caja
90 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaspSpCUbuzzi5036.wav Wasp Sp.. CU Buzzing From Workers Fanning Nest. Hummingbird Alarm Call - Starts Faintly And Becomes Louder. Cricket And Insect Chorus In The Background. Monteverde Reserve, Costa Rica
2.0 1:05Animal Insects Wasp Sp. Polistes
91 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeCubuzzingfr32033.wav Bee. Cu Buzzing From Bees And Flies. Palestine Sunbird Flight Calls At 1m04s. Calls From Tristram"s Grackle And Fan-tailed Raven Towards End Of Recording. Ein Bokek, Israel
2.0 1:50Animal Insects Bee Apoidea
92 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BeeBuzzingcuW78184.wav Bee. Buzzing Cu. With Calls Of Tawny Flanked Prinia. Kotu Stream, Fajara, The Gambia
2.0 0:34Animal Insects Bee Bombus Sp
93 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoneyBeeCUbuzz27110.wav Honey Bee. CU Buzzing From Bees Flying To And From Hive Entrance. Bees On The Alighting Board In The Distance. Bristol, UK
2.0 2:14Animal Insects Honey Bee Apis Mellifera
94 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaspSpCUsound5038.wav Wasp Sp.. CU Sound Of Wasp Digging In Sand And Going In And Out Of Burrow. CU Buzzing From Others Flying To And From Site. Higher Pitched Hum From A Parasite Satellite Fly. Fly Follows Wasp Into Burrow And Is Chased Out - End Of Recording. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
2.0 4:58Animal Insects Wasp Sp. Hymenoptera
95 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BumbleBeeCubuz43085.wav Bumble Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Single Bee (Bombus Terrestris). Six Separate Takes, Recorded In A Studio. UK
2.0 0:33Animal Insects Bumble Bee Bombus Terrestris
96 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HornetCubuzzing15215.wav Hornet. Cu Buzzing From Hornets In Flight. Occasional Clicks As They Touch. Robin And Woodpigeon In Background. New Forest, Hampshire, UK
2.0 1:10Animal Insects Hornet Vespa Crabro
97 Sonopedia InsectBugMovement_S08AN.146.wav Animal, Insect, Bug, Movement, Eat, Walk, Run
2.0 0:06Animal Insects
98 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DragonflySpCU95221.wav Dragonfly Sp.. CU Wing-beats From Several Medium Sized Dragonflies. Wind In Trees. Algonquin Provincial Park
2.0 2:12Animal Insects Dragonfly Anisoptera
99 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SmallCopperButte95192.wav Small Copper Butterfly. Sounds From A Female Pupae With Others Nearby. NHU Sound Workshop
2.0 4:38Animal Insects Small Copper Butterfly Lycaena Phlaeas
100 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GalapagosCarpente95229.wav Galapagos Carpenter Bee. Cu Buzzing From A Captive Bee Hovering In Flight. Indefatigable Island, Galapagos Is
2.0 1:16Animal Insects Bee Galapagos Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Darwini