Sound Ideas PowerSurge 1 Sound Archive

Sound Ideas PowerSurge 1 Sound Archive

  • PowerSurge from Sound Ideas contains sounds and noises of short circuits and electrical discharges. Lightning, sparks, arcing sounds and excess voltage.
  • - with PowerSurge your sound design work will become supercharged!

Sound Ideas PowerSurge 1 Sound Archive

Sound Ideas PowerSurge 1 Sound Archive

The PowerSurge Sound Archive from Sound Ideas contains special sounds from the high voltage category: lightning, sparks, arcing lights, as well as electrical and static sounds. Caution: the 319 sound FX in this collection are super-charged with energy and electricity! PowerSurge 1 is your power source for electrical lightning, sparks, arcing lights, electrical crashes, short circuits, power strikes, big electrical impacts and sounds of discharge, electronic beeps, buttons and switches, telemetry and computers as well as explosions, water and nature catastrophes and a comprehensive collection of super-charged sci-fi sounds, atmospheres and alternate realities.

PowerSurge 1 is a Sound Ideas product.

sound-ideas/PowerSurge 1 Sound Effects Library Demo
Time: 0.00
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Track: PowerSurge 1 Audio Demo | PowerSurge 1 | © by Sound Ideas

PowerSurge 1 Sound Archive - Table of Contents

This following overview shows the contents of PowerSurge, listed in the order of the original audio CDs. Now all of these sounds are available for download -- complete with metadata for import into an administration software like Soundminer or any other metadata-reading software.

  • Electricity sounds and noises: electrical sparks, electrical lightning, electrical discharge, electrical zaps
  • electrical beep sounds, buttons, and switches
  • Science Fiction sounds
  • Telemetry sounds
  • General destruction sounds, e.g. explosions, debris and catastrophes
  • Sounds of guns, bullets and shots

This list is merely an overview. Please refer to the track sheet for a complete and detailed list of all recordings.

This sound archive is also part of the Extreme Impact Combo sound archive

The Extreme Impact Combo lands blow after devastating blow with more than 3,300 sound effects and noises for extra impact. The contents of the Extreme Impact Combo were culled from seven of the most impactful and destructive sound archives ever produced by Sound Ideas. You will definitely have your needs met by this collection!

More about the Extreme Impact Combo Sound Archive

Crash And Burn Sound Effects Library

The Crash and Burn sound archive from Sound Ideas raises the bar in terms of destruction sounds. This collection is chock full of explosive action, from blowing stuff up with dynamite and grenades to throwing Molotov cocktails. Apart from fireballs, gun shots and cannon fire, this archive also features a wealth of catastrophe sounds (e.g. raining debris, body falls and body hits).

Crash and Burn is your perfect choice for disaster sounds. Unleash a tornado or cue an earthquake without actually injuring anyone (except the hapless protagonist in your current project). So let's blow something up with the Crash And Burn Sound Archive from Sound Ideas.

The Dark Side of Sound Archive

The Dark Side of Sound from Sound Ideas is a deliciously dark collection of sounds and noises that will create drama, fear, tension and horror. It also contains a nice selection of creatures, monsters, ghosts, vampires, zombies, haunted houses and many other spine-tingling sound FX.

The horrifying sounds of The Dark Side of Sound will scare your pants off! A word of caution, though: the sounds and atmospheres in this archive are so terrifying that you will leave the light on in the studio -- all night! Just look at the woman's terror-stricken face on the cover of The Dark Side of Sound. She already heard the sounds contained it's your turn. Are you ready for your dose of horror? Click here to open the gates of hell with the Dark Side of Sound archive

The Impact Effects Sound FX Archive

The Impact Effects Sound Archive from Sound Ideas packs a punch: a hard-hitting collection of impact sounds on rocks, plastic, stone, wood, glass and human bodies. Impact Effects features the sounds of bullets hitting bodies, fingers breaking, bodies bursting and cars crashing into each other. Impact Effects hits objects and people and comes with 605 sounds and noises.

If somebody's getting on your nerves, this is the perfect sound archive to relieve that pent-up aggression. Just pick the right sound from the track list and let your mind wander... The Impact Effects Sound Archive -- recommended by your Avosound anger management counsellor!

Impact Effects Sound Archive

Hammers and baseball bats: the Impact Effects 2 sound archive uses both of these tools to thrash all sorts of objects, resulting in 698 additional sounds and noises. But Impact Effects 2 from Sound Ideas features even more destructive sounds, including an airplane crash and a piano being thrown out of a window.

Impact Effects 2 continues the wreak havoc with even more spectacular sounds and noises: throwing ceramic pots against walls or onto the floor, hurling glasses, shooting guns at objects, thrashing a car with a metal rod etc. Sound Ideas' Impact Effects 2 sound archive also offers a free keyboard that comes with the package...well, sort of. At least you don't have to bust your own keyboard to record the sound of it breaking...

Impacts Effects 2 is used by all Avosound employees for stress relief and anger management and comes highly recommended by the Avosound team therapist. Beat stress -- with the Impacts Effects 2 Sound Archive

Impact Effects 3 Sound Archive

Impacts Effects 3 from Sound Ideas adds 622 destruction, demolition and impact sounds/noises to your collection of destructive sounds. Impact Effects 3 stages car crashes and beats on an oil drum (before throwing it around). Bottles get kicked, thrown and broken. Glass breaks and light bulbs go flying. A sledgehammer hits the floor and luggage is thrown around (the perfect holiday). A TV set gets demolished...and, of course, more mayhem.

Impacts Effects 2 gave you a free computer keyboard (theoretically, anyway), Impact Effects 3 goes one step further and throws your beloved tube monitor out of the window. This helps relieve stress and sorts out all sorts of IT problems. Nevertheless, the Avosound stress therapist recommends that you use the sounds on Impact Effects 3 instead, which is a much safer solution (and it also helps you get rid of the printer in a similar way!).

Impacts Effects 3: Recommended by the Avosound stress therapist!

PowerSurge 2 Sound Archive

The PowerSurge 2 Sound Archive from Sound Ideas expands the collection of electrical sounds and noises with 260 additional sounds. PowerSurge 2 switches on massive floodlight installations, produces loud electrical discharges and features a number of scanner sounds and science fiction noises (e.g. transformations, lazer beams, pulsing sounds, energy fields and digital data transmission). PowerSurge 2 does not only contain electrical sounds, it also features some impact sounds as well. More infos and track sheet for the PowerSurge 2 sound archive