Crash And Burn Sound Archive - Table of Contents
This overview lists the contents of Crash and Burn according to the order of the original audio CDs. Now all of these sounds are available for download, complete with metadata for import into an administration software like Soundminer or any other metadata-reading software.
- Sound effects of wood, junk, metal, plastics and stones
- Bombs and time fuses
Explosions with dynamite, gas and grenades- Fireballs, chemical fires, gas fires
- Firestorms and fire extinguishers
- Forests and fire-building
- Gun sounds, shots, bullets, rockets
- Torches and ignition
- Windows and breaking glass
- Molotov cocktails
- Rumbling, blowing stuff up, raining debris
- Collapsing buildings, ceilings, elevators
- Body falls and body hits
- Tornado sound FX
This list is merely an overview. Please refer to the track sheet for a complete and detailed list of all recordings.