Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_4.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Bottle Movements And Slide On Wood Surface, Liquid Pours And Set Down
1.0 0:07


Movement Bartender

2 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_1.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass And Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Liquid Pours, Few Bottle Slides On Wood, Medium Light Activity
1.0 0:41Movement Movement Bartender
3 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRout.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Glass Movement, Tinks And Clinks, Bottles Open And Set Down, Liquid Pours, Soda Can Opens, Ice Clinks, Counter Wiping @ End, Intensity Varies
1.0 3:13Movement Movement Bartender
4 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_7.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Gentle Glass And Bottle Clinks And Liquid Pours, Bottles Set Down On And Slides On Wood Surface
1.0 0:27Movement Movement Bartender
5 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_5.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Uncork Bottle, Liquid Pours, Cork Bottle And Set Down On Wood Surface
1.0 0:09Movement Movement Bartender
6 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_2.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass And Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Liquid Pours, Few Bottle Slides On Wood, Medium Light Activity
1.0 0:38Movement Movement Bartender
7 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_9.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Bottle Picked Up, Liquid Poured, Set Back Down On Wood Surface, Some Glass Clinks
1.0 0:03Movement Movement Bartender
8 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_6.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Bottle Picked Up, Liquid Poured, Set Back Down On Wood Surface, Some Glass Clinks
1.0 0:08Movement Movement Bartender
9 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_3.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Steady Glass And Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Few Bottle Slides On Wood, Medium Light Activity
1.0 0:47Movement Movement Bartender
10 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_1.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - C U - Active, Glass Clinks, Set Down On Hard Surface, Ice Movement, Ice Liquid Stirred, Liquid Pours
2.0 1:06Movement Movement Bartender
11 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRout.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - C U - Active, Glass Clinks, Set Down On Hard Surface, Ice Movement, Ice Liquid Stirred, Liquid Pours
2.0 0:58Movement Movement Bartender
12 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_7.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Bottle Picked Up, Liquid Poured, Set Back Down On Wood Surface, Some Glass Clinks, Aggressive
1.0 0:07Movement Movement Bartender
13 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_4.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Glass And Liquor Bottle Movement With Clinks, Few Bottle Slides On Wood, Light Activity With Some Lulls
1.0 0:50Movement Movement Bartender
14 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_2.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - C U - Active, Glass Clinks, Set Down On Hard Surface, Ice Movement, Ice Liquid Stirred, Liquid Pours
2.0 0:44Movement Movement Bartender
15 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_8.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Bottle Picked Up, Liquid Poured, Set Back Down On Wood Surface, Some Glass Clinks, Aggressive
1.0 0:06Movement Movement Bartender
16 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_5.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Glass And Bottle Clinks, Cork Pulls And Liquid Pours, Glass Movement And Slides On Wood Surface, Medium Light Activity
1.0 1:16Movement Movement Bartender
17 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_3.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Uncork And Cork Bottle, Then Set Down On Wood Surface
1.0 0:05Movement Movement Bartender
18 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderR_10.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Bottle Picked Up, Liquid Poured, Set Back Down On Wood Surface, Some Glass Clinks
1.0 0:02Movement Movement Bartender
19 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRout.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - C U - Glass, Liquid, And Ice, Glassware Clinks, Ice And Liquid In Glasses, Set-down Clunks
2.0 2:51Movement Movement Bartender
20 SoundStorm Library FoleyMovement-BartenderRo_6.wav Foley Movement - Bartender Routine - Int - MCU - Gentle Glass And Bottle Clinks And Liquid Pours, Bottles Set Down On Wood Surface
1.0 0:27Movement Movement Bartender