Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Various-Bench Grinder,Engine Hum,Screw Small Metallic Pieces Grind,High Pitched Ring,Nice Rare,Variations,Close POV,Interior,Big Factory,Montevideo.wav Machines: Various: Bench Grinder, Engine Hum, Screw Small Metallic Pieces Grind, High Pitched Ring, Nice Rare, Variations, Close POV, Interior, Big Factory, Montevideo
2.0 0:30



2 SoundStorm Library Machines-GasNozzle-Ext-MCU-.wav Machines - Gas Nozzle - Ext - MCU - Insert Into Gas Tank, Metallic Scrape And Rattle From Nozzle And Gas Cap, Pump Whirs To Start And Runs Steadily, Pump Grinds To A Stop
1.0 0:15Machine Grinder
3 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Powered,Brush Metal Sheet,Run Irregular,Block Stuck,Spin,Whirr High,Raspy,Rattle,Slight Reverby,Medium Close,Interior,MS.wav Machines: Grinders: Powered, Brush Metal Sheet, Run Irregular, Block Stuck, Spin, Whirr High, Raspy, Rattle, Slight Reverby, Medium Close, Interior, MS
2.0 0:12Machine Grinder
4 SoundStorm Library Machines-ElectricCraneMot_2.wav Machines - Electric Crane Motor W Out Bell - Ext - MCU - Motor Grinds, Chain Ratchets, Heavy Blunt Object Drops, Steady Mechanical Hum In BG
2.0 0:42Machine Grinder
5 Sounddogs Sound Library VCR,Tape,Motor,Grind,Eject.wav Machine: VCR Tape Motor Grind Eject
1.0 0:10Machine Grinder
6 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Electric Bench Grinder,Start Switch Clank,Engine Low Hum,Short Long Run,Brusher Hissy Whirr,Off,Long Wind Down,Sharp Clatter @ Tail,Nice Cool Down,Medium Distant POV,Roomy,Exterior,BG Bird Chirps Light.wav Machines: Grinders: Electric Bench Grinder, Start Switch Clank, Engine Low Hum, Short Long Run, Brusher Hissy Whirr, Off, Long Wind Down, Sharp Clatter @ Tail, Nice Cool Down, Medium Distant POV, Roomy, Exterior, BG Bird Chirps Light
2.0 1:49Machine Grinder
7 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Motorized Lift 10.wav Machines: Motor, Interior, Light Grind Of Motorized Lift, Shut Off At Top Of Cycle, Switch Click
2.0 0:09Machine Grinder
8 Sounddogs Sound Library Propeller,Fan,Vibrate,Grind.wav Machine: Propeller Fan Vibrate Grind
2.0 0:12Machine Grinder
9 SoundStorm Library Machines-RatchetWhir-CU-H_1.wav Machines - Ratchet Whir - CU - Hand Cranked W Cyclic, Metallic Moaning Creak, Heavy Grinding, Slow Speed
1.0 0:41Machine Grinder
10 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Grind,Wind Up,Mid.wav Machine: Motor Grind Wind Up Mid
2.0 0:07Machine Grinder
11 SoundStorm Library Machines-NYCTaxiMeterPrinto.wav Machines - NYC Taxi Meter Printout - Int - Small Clicks, Whirrs And Grinds, W Some BG Radio And Traffic, Some Light Coin Movement @ Tail
2.0 0:19Machine Grinder
12 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Cooling,Grind,Long.wav Machine: Motor Cooling Grind Long
2.0 0:45Machine Grinder
13 SoundStorm Library Machines-GracoBabySwingMoto.wav Machines - Graco Baby Swing Motor - Int - Close-Up - Slow Speed - Start, Constant Grinding And Clicking Motions; [3 Speed]
2.0 0:29Machine Grinder
14 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Various-Electric,Rod Cutter,Bench,Engine Idle,Saw Down,Friction Clatter,Several Grinder Pushes,Long Idle @ Tail,Engine Off,Wind Down,Light Squeaks,Roomy,Medium Close,Interior,Turnery,Uruguay.wav Machines: Various: Electric, Rod Cutter, Bench, Engine Idle, Saw Down, Friction Clatter, Several Grinder Pushes, Long Idle @ Tail, Engine Off, Wind Down, Light Squeaks, Roomy, Medium Close, Interior, Turnery, Uruguay
1.0 0:42Machine Grinder
15 SoundStorm Library Machines-GasPoweredGrinderW.wav Machines - Gas Powered Grinder W Shearing Wheel - Ext - C U - Revs And Dies, Starts, Revs, 28 Level Drops, Back Up @ 47, Cuts Thru Metal, Revs And Off
2.0 1:39Machine Grinder
16 SoundStorm Library Machines-ElectricCraneMot_4.wav Machines - Electric Crane Motor - Ext - MCU - Heavy Metal Banging And Knocking, Mechanical Hum Persists In BG, Motor Whirs And Grinds, Changes Gears And Runs Steady But Out Of Balance
2.0 2:00Machine Grinder
17 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Powered,Long Run,Constant,Cut Chop Metal,Spin,Whirr,Raspy,Off Cool Down Whistle,Slight Reverby,Medium Close,Interior,MS.wav Machines: Grinders: Powered, Long Run, Constant, Cut Chop Metal, Spin, Whirr, Raspy, Off Cool Down Whistle, Slight Reverby, Medium Close, Interior, MS
2.0 0:27Machine Grinder
18 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Electric Bench Grinder,Start Switch Clank,Engine Low Hum,Short Run,High Hissy Whirr,Off,Very Long Wind Down,Sharp Clatter @ Tail,Nice Slow Cool Down,Medium Close POV,Exterior.wav Machines: Grinders: Electric Bench Grinder, Start Switch Clank, Engine Low Hum, Short Run, High Hissy Whirr, Off, Very Long Wind Down, Sharp Clatter @ Tail, Nice Slow Cool Down, Medium Close POV, Exterior
2.0 1:10Machine Grinder
19 SoundStorm Library Machines-AutomaticGrinder-I.wav Machines - Automatic Grinder - Int - MCU - Motor Start, Constant W Variety Of Speed Changes, Wind-Down, And Off
2.0 2:40Machine Grinder
20 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Electric Bench Grinder,Start Switch Clank,Engine Low Hum Rumble,Long Short Run,Brusher Hissy Whirr,Off,Long Wind Down,Clatter @ Tail,Nice Cool Down,ECU,Exterior.wav Machines: Grinders: Electric Bench Grinder, Start Switch Clank, Engine Low Hum Rumble, Long Short Run, Brusher Hissy Whirr, Off, Long Wind Down, Clatter @ Tail, Nice Cool Down, ECU, Exterior
2.0 1:30Machine Grinder
21 Sounddogs Sound Library Skidoo,Pass,Slow Grind,TailNG.wav Machine: Skidoo Pass Slow Grind TailNG
2.0 0:15Machine Grinder
22 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Screech,Grind,Reverse.wav Machine: Motor Screech Grind Reverse
2.0 0:01Machine Grinder
23 SoundStorm Library Machines-OilRig-Exterior-_2.wav Machines - Oil Rig - Exterior - C U - Loud Machine Noise, Grinding, Winding, Metal Clunks And Clanks, Squeaks, Some Mic. Noise Wind Movement
2.0 1:34Machine Grinder
24 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Grind,Wind Down,Fast.wav Machine: Motor Grind Wind Down Fast
2.0 0:42Machine Grinder
25 SoundStorm Library Machines-IndustrialOilPump-.wav Machines - Industrial Oil Pump - Exterior - Medium - Loud Motor Hum, Squeaky Rotation, Metal Clink, Metal Thuds, Grinding
2.0 1:15Machine Grinder
26 SoundStorm Library Machines-GracoBabySwingMo_2.wav Machines - Graco Baby Swing Motor - Int - Close-Up - Slow Speed - Constant Grinding And Clicking Motions And Off; [3 Speed]
2.0 0:42Machine Grinder
27 Sounddogs Sound Library Drill,Power,High,Grind,Mirror.wav Machine: Drill Power High Grind Mirror
2.0 0:13Machine Grinder
28 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Powered,Polish Long Run,Constant,Clatter Clinks Metal,Spin,Whirr,Raspy,Slight Reverby,Medium Close,Interior,MS.wav Machines: Grinders: Powered, Polish Long Run, Constant, Clatter Clinks Metal, Spin, Whirr, Raspy, Slight Reverby, Medium Close, Interior, MS
2.0 0:32Machine Grinder
29 SoundStorm Library Machines-ElectricLiftMotor-.wav Machines - Electric Lift Motor - C U - Lift Powers Up, Runs, And Grinds To A Clanky Stop, Three Options At Different Pitches
2.0 0:21Machine Grinder
30 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Hand Held Grinder,Cutting,metallic Pipe,High Pitched Whirr,Running Steady,Off,Wind Down,Close POV,Exterior,Quarry,Uruguay.wav Machines: Grinders: Hand Held Grinder, Cutting, Metallic Pipe, High Pitched Whirr, Running Steady, Off, Wind Down, Close POV, Exterior, Quarry, Uruguay
1.0 1:29Machine Grinder
31 SoundStorm Library Machines-ElectricCraneHookS.wav Machines - Electric Crane Hook Slides - Ext - MCU - Loud Mechanical Hum And Mechanical Grinding And Metal Bangs Throughout
2.0 0:49Machine Grinder
32 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Electric Bench Grinder,Start Switch Clank,Engine Low Hum,Long Run,High Hissy Whirr,Off,Very Long Wind Down,Sharp Clatter @ Tail,Nice Slow Cool Down,Medium Distant POV,Roomy,Exterior,BG Bird Chirps Light.wav Machines: Grinders: Electric Bench Grinder, Start Switch Clank, Engine Low Hum, Long Run, High Hissy Whirr, Off, Very Long Wind Down, Sharp Clatter @ Tail, Nice Slow Cool Down, Medium Distant POV, Roomy, Exterior, BG Bird Chirps Light
2.0 1:31Machine Grinder
33 Sounddogs Sound Library VCR,Motor,Grind,Whirr.wav Machine: VCR Motor Grind Whirr
1.0 0:08Machine Grinder
34 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Whine,Grind,Light.wav Machine: Motor Whine Grind Light
1.0 0:03Machine Grinder
35 SoundStorm Library Machines-OilRig-Exterior-CU.wav Machines - Oil Rig - Exterior - C U - Loud Machine Noise, Grinding, Winding, Metal Clunks And Clanks, Squeaks
2.0 2:12Machine Grinder
36 SoundStorm Library Machines-NYCTaxiMeterPrin_2.wav Machines - NYC Taxi Meter Printout - Int - O S, Small Clicks, Whirrs And Grinds, O S Horn Honk, Some Muffled BG Traffic, Short And Quick Paper Tear @ End
2.0 0:20Machine Grinder
37 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Grind,Wind Up,Fast.wav Machine: Motor Grind Wind Up Fast
2.0 0:42Machine Grinder
38 Sounddogs Sound Library Grinder,Whir,Small,Gritty.wav Machine: Grinder Whir Small Gritty
1.0 0:02Machine Grinder
39 SoundStorm Library Machines-GracoBabySwingMo_4.wav Machines - Graco Baby Swing Motor - Int - Close-Up - Medium Speed - Constant Grinding And Dull Clicking And Off; [3 Speed]
2.0 0:55Machine Grinder
40 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Various-Bench Grinder,Engine Hum,Screw Small Metallic Pieces Grind,High Pitched Ring,Nice Rare,Variations,Close POV,Interior,Big Factory,Uruguay.wav Machines: Various: Bench Grinder, Engine Hum, Screw Small Metallic Pieces Grind, High Pitched Ring, Nice Rare, Variations, Close POV, Interior, Big Factory, Uruguay
1.0 0:29Machine Grinder
41 SoundStorm Library Machines-GasPoweredGrinde_1.wav Machines - Gas Powered Grinder W Shearing Wheel - Ext - C U - Start, Revs, Cuts Thru Metal And Off
2.0 0:43Machine Grinder
42 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Powered,Brush Metal Sheet,Run Irregular,Block Stuck,Spin,Whirr Low,Raspy,Rattle,Slight Reverby,Medium Close,Interior,MS.wav Machines: Grinders: Powered, Brush Metal Sheet, Run Irregular, Block Stuck, Spin, Whirr Low, Raspy, Rattle, Slight Reverby, Medium Close, Interior, MS
2.0 0:37Machine Grinder
43 SoundStorm Library Machines-ElectricCraneMot_3.wav Machines - Electric Crane Motor - Ext - MCU - Steady BG Mechanical Hum, Motor Grinds, Chain Ratchets, Motor Cycles On And Off, Lots Of Heavy Metal Thuds And Bangs
2.0 1:36Machine Grinder
44 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Electric Bench Grinder,Start Switch Clank,Engine Low Hum,Short Rough Bursts,Slow Wind Down,Nice Clatter,Medium Close POV,Exterior,BG Bird Chirps Light.wav Machines: Grinders: Electric Bench Grinder, Start Switch Clank, Engine Low Hum, Short Rough Bursts, Slow Wind Down, Nice Clatter, Medium Close POV, Exterior, BG Bird Chirps Light
2.0 0:38Machine Grinder
45 Sounddogs Sound Library VCR,Tape,Motor,Grind,Insert.wav Machine: VCR Tape Motor Grind Insert
1.0 0:08Machine Grinder
46 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Motorized Lift 11.wav Machines: Motor, Interior, Light Grind Of Motorized Lift, Shut Off At Top Of Cycle, Switch Click
2.0 0:09Machine Grinder
47 Sounddogs Sound Library Skidoo,Pass,Slow Grind,Tail.wav Machine: Skidoo Pass Slow Grind TailNG
2.0 0:15Machine Grinder
48 SoundStorm Library Machines-RatchetWhir-CU-Han.wav Machines - Ratchet Whir - CU - Hand Cranked W Cyclic, Metallic Moaning Creak, Heavy Grinding, Slow Speed
1.0 0:33Machine Grinder
49 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Grit,Grind,Hard,Decli.wav Machine: Motor Grit Grind Hard Decline
2.0 0:52Machine Grinder
50 SoundStorm Library Machines-OilRig-Exterior-_1.wav Machines - Oil Rig - Exterior - C U - Loud Machine Noise, Grinding, Winding, Metal Clunks And Clanks, Squeaks
2.0 0:59Machine Grinder
51 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Cooling,Grind,Short.wav Machine: Motor Cooling Grind Short
2.0 0:08Machine Grinder
52 SoundStorm Library Machines-HandOperated-Ele_1.wav Machines - Hand Operated - Electric Shaver - Int - CU - On, Run And Off, Shaves And Grinds, Various
1.0 1:08Machine Grinder
53 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Various-Electric,Rod Cutter,Bench,Engine Idle,Saw Down,Friction Loud Clatter,Several Grinder Pushes,Roomy,Medium Close,Interior,Turnery,Montevideo.wav Machines: Various: Electric, Rod Cutter, Bench, Engine Idle, Saw Down, Friction Loud Clatter, Several Grinder Pushes, Roomy, Medium Close, Interior, Turnery, Montevideo
2.0 0:29Machine Grinder
54 SoundStorm Library Machines-GracoBabySwingMo_1.wav Machines - Graco Baby Swing Motor - Int - Close-Up - Slow Speed - Constant Grinding And Clicking Motions; [3 Speed]
2.0 0:33Machine Grinder
55 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Powered,On Run Off Series x3,Spin,Whirr,Cut Chop Metal,Raspy,Slight Reverby,Medium Close,Interior,MS.wav Machines: Grinders: Powered, On Run Off Series X3, Spin, Whirr, Cut Chop Metal, Raspy, Slight Reverby, Medium Close, Interior, MS
2.0 0:49Machine Grinder
56 SoundStorm Library Machines-ElectricCraneMotor.wav Machines - Electric Crane Motor - Ext - MCU - Heavy Metal Bang Engages Motor, Motor Cycles On And Off, Motor Grinds Metallically Throughout, Chain Jingles, Heavy Metal Bangs Throughout
2.0 0:54Machine Grinder
57 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Hand Held Grinder,Cutting,metallic Pipe,High Pitched Whirr,Running Steady,Medium Close POV,Exterior,Quarry,Uruguay.wav Machines: Grinders: Hand Held Grinder, Cutting, Metallic Pipe, High Pitched Whirr, Running Steady, Medium Close POV, Exterior, Quarry, Uruguay
1.0 0:50Machine Grinder
58 SoundStorm Library Machines-ElectricCraneHookM.wav Machines - Electric Crane Hook Motor - Ext - MCU - Steady Mechanical Hum In BG, Pipe Drops, Motor Revs Multiple Times, Heavy Construction In BG, Motor Grinds And Cable Squeaks, Heavy Thuds
2.0 2:02Machine Grinder
59 Rob Nokes Sound Library Machines-Grinders-Electric Bench Grinder,Start Switch Clank,Engine Low Hum,Long Run,High Hissy Whirr,Off,Very Long Wind Down,Sharp Clatter @ Tail,Nice Slow Cool Down,Medium Close POV,Exterior.wav Machines: Grinders: Electric Bench Grinder, Start Switch Clank, Engine Low Hum, Long Run, High Hissy Whirr, Off, Very Long Wind Down, Sharp Clatter @ Tail, Nice Slow Cool Down, Medium Close POV, Exterior
2.0 2:07Machine Grinder
60 Sounddogs Sound Library Turbine,Grind Down,Screech.wav Machine: Turbine Grind Down Screech
2.0 0:04Machine Grinder
61 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Slide By,Grind,Light.wav Machine: Motor Slide By Grind Light
2.0 0:02Machine Grinder
62 SoundStorm Library Machines-OilRig-Exterior-_3.wav Machines - Oil Rig - Exterior - C U - Loud Machine Noise, Grinding, Clunks And Clanks, Whirring, Squeaking, Metal Chinks, Recordist Gives Slate for Top Of Motion Of Pump
2.0 1:23Machine Grinder
63 Sounddogs Sound Library Motor,Grind,Wind Down,Mid.wav Machine: Motor Grind Wind Down Mid
2.0 0:07Machine Grinder
64 SoundStorm Library Machines-NYCTaxiMeterPrin_1.wav Machines - NYC Taxi Meter Printout - Int - Small Clicks, Whirrs And Grinds, Driver Voice @ Beginning, Distant Muffled Traffic BG, Short And Quick Paper Tear @ End
2.0 0:21Machine Grinder
65 Sounddogs Sound Library Drill,Small,Power,Short,Grind.wav Machine: Drill Small Power Short Grind
2.0 0:13Machine Grinder
66 SoundStorm Library Machines-GracoBabySwingMo_3.wav Machines - Graco Baby Swing Motor - Int - Close-Up - Medium Speed - Start, Constant Grinding And Dull Clicking; [3 Speed]
2.0 0:35Machine Grinder