Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 Sonopedia ImpactDebrisSmall_S08IM.281.wav Impact, Debris, Small, Pieces, Drop, Metal, Surface
2.0 0:02


Impact Metal Debris

2 Sonopedia ImpactCrashDebris_S08IM.263.wav Impact, Crash, Debris, Dump, Metal
2.0 0:04Impacts Impact Metal Debris
3 Sounddogs Sound Library Hit,Metal,Glass,Debris,Lite.wav Impacts: Hit Metal Glass Debris Lite
2.0 0:05Impacts Impact Metal Debris
4 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Fridgerator Smash.wav Impact: Impact, Exterior, Refrigerator, Large Metal Fridge Door Smash Closed, Rattles, Debris Crash
2.0 0:21Impacts Impact Metal Debris
5 SoundStorm Library Impacts-RefrigeratorDrops-C.wav Impacts - Refrigerator Drops - C U - W Metal Debris, Two Big Solid Metal Impacts
2.0 0:06Impacts Impact Metal Debris
6 SoundStorm Library Impacts-PaintBallRoundsH_36.wav Impacts - Paint Ball Rounds Hit Dirt And Light Gravel - CU - Dusty Impacts, Some Light Dirt Debris Decay After Initial Impact, Brief, Very Crunchy, Barrel Air Blast Is Audible Off-Stage, Metallic Pings
2.0 0:43Impacts Impact Metal Debris
7 SoundStorm Library Impacts-HoeIntoStone-CU-Goo.wav Impacts - Hoe Into Stone - C U - Good Gritty Sound, Scraping Sound, Metallic Ring, Some Loose Stone Debris
2.0 0:47Impacts Impact Metal Debris
8 Sonopedia ImpactMetal_S08IM.400.wav Impact, Metal, Hit, Rusty, Debris
2.0 0:01Impacts Impact Metal Debris
9 Sonopedia ImpactDebrisDrop_S08IM.273.wav Impact, Debris, Drop, Metal, Surface, Long
2.0 0:15Impacts Impact Metal Debris
10 Sounddogs Sound Library Hit,Wood,Metal,Hard,Debris.wav Impacts: Hit Wood Metal Hard Debris
2.0 0:01Impacts Impact Metal Debris
11 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Metal Smash 02.wav Impact: Impact, Exterior, Metal, Metal Hits On Debris Of Metal And Glass, Light
2.0 0:16Impacts Impact Metal Debris
12 SoundStorm Library Impacts-ThickMetallicDebris.wav Impacts - Thick Metallic Debris Hits Smashes - C U - Good For Car Crash, Lots Of Debris, Hard Hits
2.0 0:15Impacts Impact Metal Debris
13 SoundStorm Library Impacts-PaintBallRoundsH_38.wav Impacts - Paint Ball Rounds Hit Dirt And Light Gravel - CU - Dusty Impacts, Some Light Dirt Debris Decay After Initial Impact, Brief, Very Crunchy, Barrel Air Blast Is Audible O S, Metallic Pings
2.0 0:21Impacts Impact Metal Debris
14 SoundStorm Library Impacts-MetalImpacts-CU-L_1.wav Impacts - Metal Impacts - C U - Long, Low End Hits W Debris
1.0 0:22Impacts Impact Metal Debris
15 SoundStorm Library Impact-Crash-SmallMetallicT.wav Impact - Crash - Small Metallic Thud With Wood Debris Fall To Floor - C U - Thud With Debris Scattering, Not Distinct, Could Be A Multitude Of Materials
1.0 0:03Impacts Impact Metal Debris
16 Sonopedia ImpactDebrisSmall_S08IM.280.wav Impact, Debris, Small, Drop, Metal, Surface
2.0 0:01Impacts Impact Metal Debris
17 Sounddogs Sound Library Hit,Wood,Metal,Ring,Debris.wav Impacts: Hit Wood Metal Ring Debris
2.0 0:02Impacts Impact Metal Debris
18 Sounddogs Sound Library Hit,Metal,Debris,Hollow.wav Impacts: Hit Metal Debris Hollow
2.0 0:03Impacts Impact Metal Debris
19 SoundStorm Library Impacts-WreckingBallHits-_1.wav Impacts - Wrecking Ball Hits - Medium - With Lots Of Mixed C U Raining Debris, With Long Debris Fall, Two Metal Scrape Hits @ Tail
2.0 0:59Impacts Impact Metal Debris
20 SoundStorm Library Impacts-PaintBallRoundsH_40.wav Impacts - Paint Ball Rounds Hit Dirt And Light Gravel - CU - Dusty Impacts, Some Light Dirt Debris Decay After Initial Impact, Brief, Very Crunchy, Barrel Air Blast Is Audible O S, Metallic Pings
2.0 0:24Impacts Impact Metal Debris
21 SoundStorm Library Impacts-MetalImpacts-CU-Pac.wav Impacts - Metal Impacts - C U - Pack Of Select Elements, Some Big Long Hits, Also Individual Debris
2.0 0:51Impacts Impact Metal Debris
22 SoundStorm Library Impacts-HatchetIntoStone-CU.wav Impacts - Hatchet Into Stone - C U - Solid Stone, Metallic Ring And Scrape, Stone Debris
2.0 1:09Impacts Impact Metal Debris
23 Sonopedia ImpactMetal_S08IM.399.wav Impact, Metal, Hit, Rusty, Debris
2.0 0:02Impacts Impact Metal Debris
24 Sonopedia ImpactDebrisDrop_S08IM.272.wav Impact, Debris, Drop, Metal, Surface
2.0 0:11Impacts Impact Metal Debris
25 Sounddogs Sound Library Hit,Wood,Metal,Debris.wav Impacts: Hit Wood Metal Debris
2.0 0:02Impacts Impact Metal Debris
26 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX EXT Metal Smash 01.wav Impact: Impact, Exterior, Metal, Metal Smashed Into Debris Of Metal And Glass, Very Cluttered
2.0 1:30Impacts Impact Metal Debris
27 SoundStorm Library Impacts-ShotgunShotIntoMeta.wav Impacts - Shotgun Shot Into Metal - Exterior - MCU - Very Metallic Ring Off, Some Debris, Wind, Birds, Ricochets
1.0 1:35Impacts Impact Metal Debris
28 SoundStorm Library Impacts-PaintBallRoundsH_37.wav Impacts - Paint Ball Rounds Hit Dirt And Light Gravel - CU - Dusty Impacts, Some Light Dirt Debris Decay After Initial Impact, Brief, Very Crunchy, Barrel Air Blast Is Audible O S, Metallic Pings
2.0 0:37Impacts Impact Metal Debris
29 SoundStorm Library Impacts-MetalDebrisHits-CU-.wav Impacts - Metal Debris Hits - C U - Metal Debris Being Dropped
2.0 0:27Impacts Impact Metal Debris
30 SoundStorm Library Debris Metal Thin Glass Sli.wav Debris Metal Thin Glass Slide Fall
1.0 0:06Impacts Impact Metal Debris
31 Sonopedia ImpactDebrisDust_S08IM.275.wav Impact, Debris, Dust, Drop, Long, Metal, Surface
2.0 0:17Impacts Impact Metal Debris
32 Sounddogs Sound Library Hit,Wood,Metal,Rattle,Debri.wav Impacts: Hit Wood Metal Rattle Debris
2.0 0:02Impacts Impact Metal Debris
33 Sounddogs Sound Library Hit,Metal,Debris,Fall.wav Impacts: Hit Metal Debris Fall
2.0 0:03Impacts Impact Metal Debris
34 SoundStorm Library Impacts-WoodMetalDebrisCra.wav Impacts - Wood And Metal Debris Crash - C U - Wood And Metal Pieces Crash To Ground
2.0 0:04Impacts Impact Metal Debris
35 SoundStorm Library Impacts-PaintBallRoundsH_39.wav Impacts - Paint Ball Rounds Hit Dirt And Light Gravel - CU - Dusty Impacts, Some Light Dirt Debris Decay After Initial Impact, Brief, Very Crunchy, Barrel Air Blast Is Audible O S, Metallic Pings
2.0 0:32Impacts Impact Metal Debris
36 SoundStorm Library Impacts-MetalImpacts-CU-L_2.wav Impacts - Metal Impacts - C U - Long, Low End Hits W Debris
2.0 0:22Impacts Impact Metal Debris
37 SoundStorm Library Impact-MetalPictureFrameFal.wav Impact - Metal Picture Frame Falls To Floor With Glass Debris - C U - Scattering Glass Debris Jingles Crashes, Heavy Clunks As Falls
1.0 0:03Impacts Impact Metal Debris