Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Computers-PowerMacG4Boots_1.wav Computers - Power Mac G4 Boots Up W Hard Drive Activity, Hum And Chatter - C U - Int - CPU Hum, Apple Boot Up Tone 00 31, Monitor Crackle, Chatter, Clicks And Tones; (L Ch = Cpu, R Ch= Monitor Speaker)
2.0 2:13


Computer Apple

2 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Apple TiBook typing 02.wav Computer: Computer, Interior, Apple Titanium Powerbooks Typing, Fast
2.0 0:16Computer Computer Apple
3 SoundStorm Library Computers-PowerMacG4Hum,Cha.wav Computers - Power Mac G4 Hum, Chatter And Tones - C U - Int - CPU Hum, Occasional Switch Clicks And Tones; (L Ch = Cpu, R Ch= Monitor Speakers)
2.0 2:01Computer Computer Apple
4 Sonopedia AppleFanRun_S08TE.24.wav Technology, Apple, Run, Fan, Loop, Computer
2.0 1:53Computer Computer Apple
5 SoundStorm Library Computers-BootingUp-Close_1.wav Computers - Booting Up - Close-Up - Macintosh G-4 Computer Boots Up, Start-Up Chime Rings, Lots Of Hard Drive Noise, Monitor Surge As It Comes On, After Finishing Boot-Up, It's Shut Down, Then Whines To Off
1.0 1:14Computer Computer Apple
6 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Apple TiBook typing 01.wav Computer: Computer, Interior, Apple Titanium Powerbooks Typing, Normal Speed
2.0 0:21Computer Computer Apple
7 SoundStorm Library Computers-PowerMacG4BootsUp.wav Computers - Power Mac G4 Boots Up W Hard Drive Activity, Hum And Chatter - C U - Int - Apple Boot Up Tone, Hard Drive Chatter, Monitor Crackle, CPU Hum, Clicks; (L Ch = Cpu, R Ch= Monitor Speaker)
2.0 2:02Computer Computer Apple
8 Coll Anderson Sound Library EFX INT Apple TiBook typing 03.wav Computer: Computer, Interior, Apple Titanium Powerbooks Typing, Normal Speed
2.0 0:09Computer Computer Apple
9 Sonopedia AppleOffShutdown_S08TE.23.wav Technology, Apple, Off, Shutdown, Turn, Off, Computer
2.0 0:30Computer Computer Apple
10 Coll Anderson Sound Library AMB INT Computer Hum 01.wav Computer: Home, Interior, Apple Dp G4 Computer Fan And Disk Hum In Room
2.0 1:44Computer Computer Apple