Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-Steady.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - Steady Onboard W Acceleration Bursts - Int - Various Speeds - Waste Gate Release On Shifts, Occasional Downshifts, Gravely Pavement, Ambient Mic
2.0 3:00


Auto Toyota

2 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-In,C_1.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - In, C U By, O S Quick Stop And Off - Very Fast - Ext - Stationary Mic, Occasional Bg Bird; [3 Litre, Inline 6, Supercharged, 6 Speed, Highly Modified]
2.0 0:23Auto Auto Toyota
3 SoundStorm Library Cars-Toyota-CUBy-VerySlow-O.wav Cars - Toyota - C U By - Very Slow - Over Cattle Guard With Rapid Clunks And Metal Bangs
2.0 0:33Auto Auto Toyota
4 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-OSDrag.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - O S Drag Race Take Off W Medium Burn Out - O S Start, Idle, Revs And Away - Very Fast - Ext - Stationary Mic; [3 Litre, Inline 6, Supercharged, 6 Speed, Highly Modified]
2.0 0:28Auto Auto Toyota
5 SoundStorm Library Cars-ToyotaCelica-Int-Onb_1.wav Cars - Toyota Celica - Int - Onboard - Start, Idle, Cruise Around Parking Lot @ 5 Mph, Gear Shifts, Turn Signal, Parking Brake, Speed Up, Slow Down,
2.0 3:39Auto Auto Toyota
6 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-Revs-E.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - Revs - Ext - C U - Engine Noise On Idle - Varied Lengths And Rpm's;[3 Litre, Inline 6, Supercharged, 6 Spd, Highly Modified], Off @ Tail
2.0 2:55Auto Auto Toyota
7 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-Corner.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - Corner By - 40 Mph - Ext - C u - Light Gravel Mvmt - Long In And Away - Panned Mic On Apex Of Corner;[3 Litre, Inline 6, Supercharged, 6 Spd, Highly Modified]
2.0 0:44Auto Auto Toyota
8 SoundStorm Library Cars-Toyota-CUBy-MediumFast.wav Cars - Toyota - C U By - Medium Fast - Over Cattle Guard With Rapid Clunks And Metal Bangs
2.0 0:11Auto Auto Toyota
9 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-In,CUB.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - In, C U By, O S Hard Stop And Off - Very Fast - Ext - Stationary Mic; [3 Litre, Inline 6, Supercharged, 6 Speed, Highly Modified]
2.0 0:24Auto Auto Toyota
10 SoundStorm Library Cars-Toyota-TryingToStart-C.wav Cars - Toyota - Trying To Start - C U - Toyota Engine Turns Over, But Doesn't Start, Can Hear Keys Jingle As Driver Tries Cranking Car Several Times
1.0 0:53Auto Auto Toyota
11 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-OSStar.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - O S Start, C U By And Away - 25 Mph - Ext - Stationary Mic; [3 Litre, Inline 6, Supercharged, 6 Speed, Highly Modified]
2.0 0:29Auto Auto Toyota
12 SoundStorm Library Cars-1994ToyotaSupra-Accele.wav Cars - 1994 Toyota Supra - Acceleration Bursts - Onboard - Ext - Fast - Starts And Stops, Decels, Waste Gate Release On Shifts, [3 Litre, Inline 6 Supercharged, 6 Spd, Highly Modified)
2.0 3:42Auto Auto Toyota
13 SoundStorm Library Cars-ToyotaCelica-Int-Onboa.wav Cars - Toyota Celica - Int - Onboard - Start, Long Idle, Steady Cruise @ 5 Mph, Gear Shifts
2.0 3:42Auto Auto Toyota