Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCParkAmbian_3.wav Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambience - Ext - Quiet Area, Distant Traffic And City BG, Light Birds, Some Off-Stage Pedestrian Walla, Distant Dog Barks, Occasional Medium Distant Bus By
2.0 2:49


New York City Ambience

2 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCConference_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Conference Room Ambience - Interior - Wide Shot - Loud, Distant Traffic, Car Horns, Distant Metal Squeak, Distant Glass Clink
2.0 3:42Ambience New York City Ambience
3 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopAmb_4.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambience - Ext - Medium Distant General Traffic And City Roar, Few Horns, Occasional Plane
2.0 3:26Ambience New York City Ambience
4 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCAmbienceCons.wav Backgrounds - NYC Ambience Construction With Metallic Jakehammer Like Sound - MCU Staccato High Metallic Ringing Clanks, Voices In BG, O S Traffic Wash
1.0 0:32Ambience New York City Ambience
5 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCNeighborhood.wav Backgrounds - NYC Neighborhood Playground Ambience With Kid Walla - Ext - Medium Distant Kids Playing, Medium Group, Reverby, Happy Yells And Laughs, Playing Ball, Swings Squeaks, Car Bys
2.0 1:46Ambience New York City Ambience
6 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCentralLibra.wav Backgrounds - NYC Central Library Ambience - Int - Public Catalog Room, Large Room W Very Light Walla, Echoey Thumps, Clunk And General Activity From Librarian's Area, Occasional Phone Ring, A C Hum
2.0 2:46Ambience New York City Ambience
7 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRainyWetTr_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rainy Wet Traffic - Ext - Heavy Drippy Rain, Big Drop And Streams, Light Distant Traffic, Loud Air Hum, Splashy Footsteps, Occasional Distant Splashy Car Bys And Horn, Jet Flyover
2.0 4:44Ambience New York City Ambience
8 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-SignalTra_3.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Signal Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic Rumble, C U Car Idle, Horns, Footsteps, Cars Over Metal Grate, Bus In And Stop, Brake Squeal And Hiss, Walla,
2.0 1:36Ambience New York City Ambience
9 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCStreetAmbien.wav Backgrounds - NYC Street Ambience - Ext - Distant - Quiet And Distant Traffic W Occasional Horns, Light Footsteps And Walla
2.0 2:51Ambience New York City Ambience
10 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBuildingUnde.wav Backgrounds - NYC Building Under Reconstruction - Int - Medium Distant Traffic, Footsteps On Crackling Surface, Distant Yelling, Break Squeaks, Mason Laying Hammering Brick, Bus Bys
2.0 2:40Ambience New York City Ambience
11 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCPedestrianTr.wav Backgrounds - NYC Pedestrian Traffic - Ext - Medium Heavy - Very Active, W O S Traffic And City Rush, O S Brake Squeaks And Horns, Guy Sings 'New York, New York'
2.0 2:54Ambience New York City Ambience
12 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NewYorkCityTr_4.wav Backgrounds - New York City Traffic - Ext - Pedestrian Walla And Movement, From 5th Story Building POV, Single And Multiple Bys With Constant Traffic, Os Birds, Cars And Trucks, Os City Rumble
2.0 3:27Ambience New York City Ambience
13 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCSidewalkT_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Sidewalk And Traffic - Ext - Busy Pedestrian Footsteps And Walla, Busy Street Traffic Activity W Lots Of Horns, C U Walla Bys, Occasional Bus, Brake Squeals, (Times Square)
2.0 2:48Ambience New York City Ambience
14 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCApartmentTr.wav Backgrounds - NYC Apartment And Traffic Ambience - Int - Busy, Window Open, Off-Stage Gridlock Traffic And City Roar, Distant Car Alarm, Horn Activity, Off-Stage Elevator; Mic'd On 26th Floor
2.0 4:16Ambience New York City Ambience
15 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCParkAmbiance.wav Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambience - Ext - Loud Traffic Rush, Loud Children's Walla, Running And Yelling And Playing, Squeaky Swings, Jet By
2.0 4:24Ambience New York City Ambience
16 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCContruction.wav Backgrounds - NYC Contruction And City Ambience - Small Group Of Men, Hammering On Metal, Metal Clanking, Men's Voices, Light Traffic In BG
1.0 0:49Ambience New York City Ambience
17 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopTra_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic Ambience - Ext - Loud Traffic Rush, Construction, Distant Children Playing, Plane By, Short Siren Wail, Car Horns, Rattling Truck By, Wind
2.0 5:03Ambience New York City Ambience
18 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCAmbienceWith.wav Backgrounds - NYC Ambience With Siren - Ext - Light City Roar With Siren In BG - Mic'd From 4th Story Window, (Lower Eastside)
2.0 0:29Ambience New York City Ambience
19 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCNightTraff_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Bus Idles And Away, Light Traffic Rush, Footsteps, Car Door Slams
2.0 2:59Ambience New York City Ambience
20 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCentralParkA.wav Backgrounds - NYC Central ParkAmbiance W Horse And Buggy - Ext - MCU - Medium BG Traffic Rush, Horse And Buggy Clip Clops By, Walla, Footsteps
2.0 0:19Ambience New York City Ambience
21 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRandallIslan.wav Backgrounds - NYC Randall Island Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Distant Traffic Rush, Jet Flyover, Off-Stage Construction
2.0 3:00Ambience New York City Ambience
22 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-TrafficAm_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Medium Busy Distant Traffic Rush, Loud BG Rumble, Distant Car Horns, Distant Wail Siren
2.0 3:00Ambience New York City Ambience
23 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCStreetSaxaph.wav Backgrounds - NYC Street Saxaphone Player Ambience - Ext - MCU - Sax Player Riffs, Movement, Walla Footsteps And Movement In BG
1.0 1:29Ambience New York City Ambience
24 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBusTermina_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Bus Terminal Ambience - Int - Loud Street Sounds, Heavy Footsteps, French Female Vocals, Walla, Multiple Bus Ins And Aways, Rattling Rolling Luggage
2.0 4:31Ambience New York City Ambience
25 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCPlaygroundAm.wav Backgrounds - NYC Playground Ambience - Ext - MCU - Kids Playing, Some Adult Walla, Teeter Totter Squeaks And Tricycles Roll
2.0 2:00Ambience New York City Ambience
26 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-Ambiancef_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Ambience from Rooftop- Ext - Medium - Noisy Air Conditioner Hum, Air Hiss In BG, Plane Flyover, walkie Talkie Walla,
1.0 1:13Ambience New York City Ambience
27 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCSidewalkTra.wav Backgrounds - NYC Sidewalk And Traffic - Ext - Busy Pedestrian Walla And Footsteps, Busy Traffic Activity W Horns, Short C U Walla Bys, Occasional Bus, (Middle Of Times Square)
2.0 2:59Ambience New York City Ambience
28 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBatteryPar_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Battery Park Traffic Ambience - Exterior - MCU - Busy Traffic, Street Sweeper, Metal Banging, C U Bus By @ 01 00, Variety Of Car And Truck Bys
2.0 2:37Ambience New York City Ambience
29 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCParkAmbience.wav Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambience With Walla - Ext - Distant Traffic And City Roar, Pedestrian Footsteps, Light O S Walla And BG Birds, Some Distant Bus Activity, Few O S Dog Barks
2.0 3:43Ambience New York City Ambience
30 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-BoilerRoomAmbie.wav Backgrounds - Boiler Room Ambience - Interior - Constant Heavy Hum, Rough Airy Hush, (Basement of New York Building)
1.0 1:14Ambience New York City Ambience
31 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCDinerAmbia_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Diner Ambience - Interior - MCU - Male Walla W Female @ Head, Dish And Utensil Movement, Bag Rustle, Door Open And Close, Cash Register Ring, Coin Rattle, Dishes Drop In Sink
2.0 3:00Ambience New York City Ambience
32 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopTra_3.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic And City Rush - Ext - Very Active, Sounds Like A Sea Of Vehicles, Horns, Busses, Very Distant Police Whistle, Off-Stage Small Gridlock Type Horns
2.0 2:43Ambience New York City Ambience
33 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCApartmentB_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Traffic Ambience - Int Apartment Building - O S Medium Busy Traffic With Truck And Busses, Little Interior O S Voices And Movement, Dog - Mic'd Bottom Floo
2.0 1:45Ambience New York City Ambience
34 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCNightTraffic.wav Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambience - Ext - Light Traffic Rush, Car Door Slams, Footsteps, Jet By, Walla, Car Alarm, Bus Brakes Squeal To Stop, Idle And Away
2.0 4:57Ambience New York City Ambience
35 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCentralParkW.wav Backgrounds - NYC Central Park W Horse And Buggy - Ext - Horse And Buggy Medium By W Hooves On Cement, Active O S Traffic And City Backgrounds, Distant Sirens, Light Pedestrian Footsteps And Walla, (Hansom Cab)
2.0 2:51Ambience New York City Ambience
36 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCResidentialN.wav Backgrounds - NYC Residential Neighborhood Ambience - Ext - Fairly Active BG, O S Construction, Occasional O S Garbage Truck, O S Car Start And Away, Car In, MCU By And Away, O S Resident Walla
2.0 3:34Ambience New York City Ambience
37 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC2WayStreetTr.wav Backgrounds - NYC 2 Way Street Traffic Ambience - Ext - Active With Traffic, Pedestrians Footsteps And Walla, Big City Roar, Busses, Truck By And Off-Stage Stop With Break Whine, Rev Air Hiss
2.0 2:46Ambience New York City Ambience
38 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCNeighborho_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Neighborhood Building With Door Open Ambience - Interior - Hear Outside, Light Wind, Hammering On Metal, Distant Traffic Wash, Distant Reverby Voices, Plane By, Door Close
2.0 0:36Ambience New York City Ambience
39 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCTimeSquare_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Time Square Traffic And City Ambience W Walla - Ext - Dense Traffic, O S Construction W Jackhammer, Medium Distant Car Alarm, Few Voices, Bus In And Stop W Brake Squeaks And Horn
2.0 1:22Ambience New York City Ambience
40 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBusTermina_3.wav Backgrounds - NYC Bus Terminal Ambience - Int - Mixed Walla And Vocals, Distant Traffic Rumble, Close-Up Door Close, PA, Distant Bus Drive In, Elevator Bell And Door Open, Baby Talk
2.0 4:43Ambience New York City Ambience
41 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRainyTraff_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rainy Traffic Ambience W Windows Cracked- Int - MCU - Medium Traffic Rumble, Cars Trucks And Busses Splash By On Wet Street, Car Horns, Jet Flyover, Distant Back Up Beeps, Walla
2.0 2:28Ambience New York City Ambience
42 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-BrooklynNig.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Brooklyn Night Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Wind Blows Debris, Jet Flyover, Distant Light Traffic, Very Light Foreground Traffic
2.0 0:42Ambience New York City Ambience
43 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCSohoTraffi_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Soho Traffic With City Roar In BG - Ext - Delivery Truck Slow Bys And Activity Throughout, Back Up Beeps, Various Traffic Activity, Pedestrian Footsteps And Walla, Off-Stage Voices
2.0 2:33Ambience New York City Ambience
44 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBedroomAmbia.wav Backgrounds - NYC Bedroom Ambience - Int - Room Tone, Distant Traffic City Roar Horns Sirens, Light BG Birds, BG Jet Throughout, Periodic Off-Stage Drip, Occasional Distant Horn, Hum In BG @ Beginning
2.0 4:42Ambience New York City Ambience
45 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCPedestrian_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Pedestrian And Traffic Activity - Ext - C U - Very Active Walla And Footsteps, BG Traffic And Horns, Metal Cart Rolls By, Car Doors Open And Close, BG Jet Overhead
2.0 1:55Ambience New York City Ambience
46 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-HarlemNYCStre_1.wav Backgrounds - Harlem NYC Street Ambience With Walla - Int - Open, Busy, Many Distant Voices, Traffic Wash, Car Starts Idle Away, Plane Overhead, Truck By, Few Birds
2.0 0:30Ambience New York City Ambience
47 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCDogParkAmbia.wav Backgrounds - NYC Dog Park Ambience - Ext - Close-Up And Off-Stage Dogs Chase Each Other, Play And Bark, Few Voices People Interaction With Dogs, Distant City And Traffic Roar, Off-Stage Siren
2.0 2:51Ambience New York City Ambience
48 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopTraff.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic Ambience - Ext - Wide - Planes Flyover, Walla, Loud Traffic Rush, Car Horns, Construction, Children's Walla, Rattly Cart By, Bus Brake Squeals,
2.0 3:02Ambience New York City Ambience
49 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCApartmentB_4.wav Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Traffic Ambience - Int - Medium Busy Muffled Traffic With Truck And Bus Bys, Few Interior Voices With Some Spanish, Activity, Dog @ End
2.0 4:09Ambience New York City Ambience
50 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCParkAmbian_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambience With Walla - Ext - Distant City And Traffic Roar, Pedestrian Walla And Birds In BG, Occasional Distant Jet, Distant Siren
2.0 4:39Ambience New York City Ambience
51 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCityTrafficA.wav Backgrounds - NYC City Traffic Ambience - Ext - Medium Traffic Rush, Footsteps, Distant Birds, Close-Up Truck By, Car Horns, BG Jet, Children's Squeals, Car Start, Idle And Away
2.0 3:48Ambience New York City Ambience
52 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopAmb_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambience With Kids Walla - Ext - Quiet, Distant Traffic Hush, Distant Voices, Airy And Light, Medium Distant Kids Voices
1.0 0:27Ambience New York City Ambience
53 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCAmbianceWLig.wav Backgrounds - NYC Ambience W Light Snow - EXT - MCU - Light Traffic Bys, Distant Light Traffic Rush, Jet Fltover, Distant Horn Siren, Light Rain Drips, Distant Dog Barks
2.0 1:13Ambience New York City Ambience
54 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCNeighborho_5.wav Backgrounds - NYC Neighborhood - Exterior - Light Birds, Plane By, MCU Car Bys, Distant Voices, Distant Construction, Few Horns, Carts And Footsteps By, Car And Truck Rev And Away
2.0 2:34Ambience New York City Ambience
55 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCTimesSquar_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Times Square Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Busy Traffic Bys, Bus Brake Hiss, Bus And Truck Bys, Walla
2.0 0:58Ambience New York City Ambience
56 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCafeteriaAmb.wav Backgrounds - NYC Cafeteria Ambience With Walla - Int - Mellow Young Adult Talk, Change Movement, Off-Stage Cash Register, Chair Scrapes, Off-Stage Vending Machine, Activity Level Increases
2.0 4:02Ambience New York City Ambience
57 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRainyTraff_6.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rainy Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Loud Bg Rumble, Light Rain, Cars Trucks And Busses Splash By, Metal Grate Rattles, Bus Brake Squeals
2.0 2:59Ambience New York City Ambience
58 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-SignalTra_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Signal Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Light Traffic Rumble, Walla, Footsteps, Bus In Stop And Idle And Away, Horn, Aluminum Ladder Dragged By
2.0 2:32Ambience New York City Ambience
59 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCStreetAmbi_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Street Ambience - Int - Trash Truck Activity, BG Car Alarm, Occasional Walla, Reverberation Off Building - Mic'd From Ground Floor
2.0 4:21Ambience New York City Ambience
60 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBuildingTraf.wav Backgrounds - NYC Building Traffic Ambience - Int - MCU - Muffled Medium Busy Outside Traffic, Closer Interior Walla And Footsteps, Siren Blares, Crazy Laugh
2.0 3:00Ambience New York City Ambience
61 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCPedestrianT.wav Backgrounds - NYC Pedestrian And Traffic Activity - Ext - C U - Very Active Pedestrian Walla And Footsteps, O S Traffic By And Horns
2.0 1:41Ambience New York City Ambience
62 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NewYorkCityTr_2.wav Backgrounds - New York City Traffic - Ext - Central Park South, Second Story Building POV, Single And Multiple Bys With Constant Traffic, Os Birds, Semi-Distorted Police Siren Chirp @ 0 24, Cars And Truck
2.0 1:55Ambience New York City Ambience
63 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRushHourTraf.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rush Hour Traffic Ambience - Ext - Very Busy, Horn Honks, Occasional Bus Or Large Vehicles, Motorcycle By @ 02 25
2.0 4:35Ambience New York City Ambience
64 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCApartmentBui.wav Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Boiler Room Ambience - Int - Very Quiet Hum, MCU Ticks, O S Water Movement, Boiler C U On, Run And Off, Intense, Active, Hollow Rush, Wind Down, Boiler Off
2.0 3:15Ambience New York City Ambience
65 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCParkAmbian_4.wav Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambience - Ext - Fairly Quiet Area, Distant Traffic And City BG, Light Birds, Off-Stage Teen Discuss Playing Basketball, Medium Distant Bus In, Stop, Long Idle And Away
2.0 2:38Ambience New York City Ambience
66 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCConference_4.wav Backgrounds - NYC Conference Room Ambience - Interior - Wide Shot - Quiet, Hushed Vocals Near Head, Extreme Distant Traffic
2.0 2:12Ambience New York City Ambience
67 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopAmbei.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Ambeince - Ext - Distant City Traffic Roar, Light Bird BG, Occasional Horn Honks, Occasional Car Alarm, O S Siren, Car Bys, Distant Hammering
2.0 2:42Ambience New York City Ambience
68 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCAmbienceWi_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Ambience With Walla - Ext - Medium Distant Traffic With Horns, MCU Voices To Medium Distant Voices In English And Spanish, Footsteps, Medium Busy
1.0 1:02Ambience New York City Ambience
69 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCNeighborhood.wav Backgrounds - NYC Neighborhood Playground With Kids - Ext - Very Active, Medium Group, Reverberant, Close-Up And Distant Playing With Happy Yells And Laughs, Basketball Bounces, Off-Stage Swings Squeak, Adults
2.0 2:40Ambience New York City Ambience
70 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCentralPar_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Central Park W Horse And Buggy - Ext - Horse And Buggy Medium By W Hooves On Cement, Active O S Traffic And City Backgrounds, Vocals From Buggy Driver, Occasional Pedestrian By, (Hansom Cab)
2.0 2:25Ambience New York City Ambience
71 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRandallIsl_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Randall Island Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Off-Stage Medium Traffic Rush, Distant Siren, Dog Barks Off-Stage, Jet Flyover, Birds Squawk
2.0 3:00Ambience New York City Ambience
72 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-TimesSquare.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Times Square Traffic W Pedestrian Walla - Ext - C U - Medium Traffic Bys, Heavy Walla, Horns, Footsteps, Bus Idles And Away, Horse By
2.0 3:47Ambience New York City Ambience
73 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCStreetCons_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Street Construction Ambience - Ext - MCU - Light Bg Traffic, Walla, Cart Drives By, Jackhammer, Metal Tools Drop On Ground
2.0 0:35Ambience New York City Ambience
74 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBusStopAmbia.wav Backgrounds - NYC Bus Stop Ambience - Ext - Birds - Light Walla, Car Door Slam, Rattling Bus With Squeaky Brakes In Stop Idle And Away
2.0 4:18Ambience New York City Ambience
75 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCPizzaShopA_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Pizza Shop Ambience - Int - Empty, Door Open To Street, Off-Stage Traffic Roar With Slight Definition, Off-Stage Sidewalk Traffic And Pedestrian Walla
2.0 4:48Ambience New York City Ambience
76 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NewYorkCityTraf.wav Backgrounds - New York City Traffic - Ext - From 9th Floor Of Building, Lexington Avenue, Wet Ground, Cars And Trucks, Good For Mid-Level Balcony POV, Brake Squeals, Light Pedestrian Movement
2.0 3:38Ambience New York City Ambience
77 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCSidewalkT_3.wav Backgrounds - NYC Sidewalk And Traffic - Ext - Semi Busy Pedestrian Walla And Footsteps, Busy Traffic, Several Horns, Occasional Bus Activity, (Times Square)
2.0 2:39Ambience New York City Ambience
78 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBarAmbiance-.wav Backgrounds - NYC Bar Ambience - Int - MCU - Walla, Glass, Dish And Silverware Clinks, Door Opens And Closes, Cash Register Operation
2.0 3:08Ambience New York City Ambience
79 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCParkAmbien_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambience - Ext - Very Active Kid And Adult Walla, Kids Play, Skateboard By, Pedestrians, Distant Magician W Audiwnce In Left Channel
2.0 0:42Ambience New York City Ambience
80 Sonopedia CityNewYork_S08AM.14.wav Ambience, City, New, York, Times, Square, Traffic, People, Sirens
2.0 2:10Ambience New York City Ambience
81 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCourtyardAmb.wav Backgrounds - NYC Courtyard Ambience - Ext - Air Conditioning, Distant Traffic Roar, Distant Siren, Off-Stage Activity Muted, Bus, Small Plane, Few Voices, Baby Cry, Mic'd In Between Buildings
2.0 6:16Ambience New York City Ambience
82 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopTra_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rooftop Traffic And City Rush - Ext - Very Active, Sounds Like A Sea Of Vehicles, Horns, Busses, Off-Stage Air Hiss Burst
2.0 2:55Ambience New York City Ambience
83 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCApartmentA_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Ambience - Int - Quiet, BG Hum Buzz, Pipes Thru Walls, Knocks, Rattles And Light Water Trickle, Very Distant Horn, Very Light Traffic And City Roar; Mic'd 26th Floor
2.0 3:59Ambience New York City Ambience
84 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCNightTraff_4.wav Backgrounds - NYC Night Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Medium Traffic Rush, Car Horns, Footsteps, Car Doors Open And Slam, Plane Flyover, Close-Up Car Horn
2.0 3:21Ambience New York City Ambience
85 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCentralParkP.wav Backgrounds - NYC Central Park Pond Ambience - Ext - Loud Distant Traffic Rush, Birds in BG, Footsteps, Off-Stage Walla, Light Water Splash, Bus Brake Squeals, Walla, Plane By, Police Whistle
2.0 4:40Ambience New York City Ambience
86 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRappBuilding.wav Backgrounds - NYC Rapp Building Rooftop - Exterior - Distant Construction With Hammering, Sawing Jackhammering, Helicopter @ 14, Distant Traffic Wash, (Mic'd On Rooftop Of Water Tower)
2.0 2:20Ambience New York City Ambience
87 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-TrafficAmbi.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Heavy Traffic, Horns, Large Truck Bys, Walla, Police Whistle, Vocals, Taxi, Close-Up Bus By
2.0 3:00Ambience New York City Ambience
88 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCTenementRoom.wav Backgrounds - NYC Tenement Room Tone Ambience - Int - Muffled Distant Traffic Wash With Honking Whistling, Some Slight Body Movement Feet Shuffling, O S Voices @ End
1.0 0:37Ambience New York City Ambience
89 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBusTermina_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Bus Terminal Ambience - Int - Loud Walla, Loud Chimes, Hooting Whistle, Close-Up Foreign Mother And Male Child Vocals, PA's In English And Spanish, Heavy Footsteps
2.0 4:04Ambience New York City Ambience
90 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCQuietTraffic.wav Backgrounds - NYC Quiet Traffic Ambience- Ext - MCU - Light Quiet Traffic Rush, Cars Trucks Buses And Bikes Pass By
2.0 3:28Ambience New York City Ambience
91 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYC-BrooklynN_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC - Brooklyn Night Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Distant Traffic Rush, Light Foreground Traffic, Jet Flyover, Distant Alarm Sounds, Bus By, Truck Over Bump, Windy, Sign Shakes In Wind
2.0 2:55Ambience New York City Ambience
92 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCSmallDiner-I.wav Backgrounds - NYC Small Diner - Int - MCU - Spanish Walla, Outside Traffic, Cleaning Oven And Stove, Phone Rings, Door Opens And Closes, Cash Register Opens And CLoses, Change Rattles
2.0 3:05Ambience New York City Ambience
93 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCBatteryParkT.wav Backgrounds - NYC Battery Park Traffic Ambience - Exterior - MCU - Busy Traffic, C U Truck By Idle And Away, Car Horns, Bus In W Brake Squeal And Away, Footsteps, Pigeon Wing Flaps, Helicopter, W
2.0 3:09Ambience New York City Ambience
94 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCPedestrian_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Pedestrian And Traffic Activity - Ext - C U - Very Active Pedestrian Walla, Footsteps, Traffic Bys, Newspaper Barker In Right Channel 'Wall Street Extra, Read All About It'
2.0 1:27Ambience New York City Ambience
95 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-EmptyNYCParking.wav Backgrounds - Empty NYC Parking Lot Ambience - Ext - Slight Wind, Distant Traffic Hum, Few Birds W Distant Crow, Plane By, Occasional Distant E Train, MCU Leaves Across Ground, Few Voices
2.0 3:11Ambience New York City Ambience
96 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCDinerAmbianc.wav Backgrounds - NYC Diner Ambience - Interior - MCU - Male Walla, Silverware And Dish Movement, Cash Register Ring, Change Rattle, Bag Rustle, Coin Movement, Door Open And Close
2.0 2:58Ambience New York City Ambience
97 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCRooftopTra_5.wav Backgrounds - NYC RooftopTraffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Busy Traffic Rush, Siren, Wind Gusts, Jet Flyover, Distant Children's Walla And Playing
2.0 3:14Ambience New York City Ambience
98 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCApartmentB_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC Apartment Building Basement Ambience - Int - Airy, Off-Stage Water Movements, Distant Movement, Voices, Traffic, Off-Stage Boiler Multiple On, Run And Off, Wind Down, Off-Stage Water Trickle
2.0 4:15Ambience New York City Ambience
99 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCParkAmbian_1.wav Backgrounds - NYC Park Ambience - Ext - Street Performer Entertains Crowd Of Kids And Adults, Plane By, Crowd Applauds, Off-Stage Kids Scream And Play, Jet Flyover, BG Siren Wail
2.0 4:50Ambience New York City Ambience
100 SoundStorm Library Backgrounds-NYCCityTraffi_2.wav Backgrounds - NYC City Traffic Ambience - Ext - MCU - Medium Traffic Rush, Horns, Bus bys, C U Footsteps, Distant Wail Siren, Police Whistle, Trunk Slam
2.0 3:13Ambience New York City Ambience