Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandCrickets66075.wav Farmland. Crickets And Vireo Sp Calling San Antonio, Texas, USA
2.0 2:27


Farmland Ambience

Rural Ambience
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandAtmospher1187.wav Farmland Atmosphere. Neutral Atmosphere Recorded In Field. B/g Sounds Of Insects Stridulating. B/g To Distant Calls From Various Bird Species. Sounds Of Wind With Some Surges. Occasional Calls From Passing Birds. Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 4:44Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandFarmland41013.wav Farmland. Farmland, Hedgerow, Day, Spring-summer. Open Farmland. Birds Close At First; Yellowhammer, Skylark, Blackbird, Chickens, Pheasant, Wren, Rooks And Pigeons. Sheep, Cows. Tractor In Distance Near End. Cotswolds, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 2:24Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandAtmospher71038.wav Farmland Atmosphere. AUTUMN: EARLY PM Cricket Chorus In Pea Fields Just After Heavy Rain, Distant Traffic North Of Fairfield, North Carolina, USA
2.0 1:56Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandFarmland94051.wav Farmland. Farmland, Hedgerow, Early Morning, Late Summer-early Autumn. Blue Tits Calling. Distant Rooks, Heron. Slight Wind In Bushes And Trees. Shapwick, Somerset
2.0 3:03Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandBusywit66076.wav Farmland. Busy With Lots Of Birds Singing And Calling, Crickets And Flies, Slightly Windy B/g, Increasing Towards End. San Antonio, Texas, USA
2.0 3:31Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandAtmospher1186.wav Farmland Atmosphere. Recorded In Field. Shrill, Rhythmic Stridulation From Cicadas. Also Some Sounds From Grasshoppers. B/g Sounds Of Wind. Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 2:25Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandMourning66074.wav Farmland. Mourning Dove, Vireo Sp, Crickets And Flies Car At End San Antonio, Texas, USA
2.0 1:03Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandDawnatm23112.wav Farmland. Dawn Atmosphere Around Farmhouse. Many Birds Singing, Calling And Flying Around. Chickens And Ducks In Background. Some Noise From House. Recording Starts Very Busy, Ends With Only A Few Calls. Pantanal, Brazil
2.0 6:57Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandAtmospher71037.wav Farmland Atmosphere. AUTUMN: EARLY PM Cricket Chorus In Pea Fields Just After Heavy Rain. American Crows In Distance, Distant Plane. North Of Fairfield, North Carolina, USA
2.0 2:39Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandFarmland94050.wav Farmland. Farmland, Hedgerow, Fen, Early Morning, Late Summer-early Autumn. Calls From Willow Warblers, Robins, Swallows, Heron, Blue Tits. Faint `chirp From Field Crickets. Slight Wind In Trees And Bushes. Shapwick, Somerset
2.0 5:32Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandAtmospher74008.wav Farmland Atmosphere. Spring, Day. Crickets And Insects. Wind In Corn. Distant Larks, Cows, Cowherds And Great Reed Warbler. Later One Cricket CU. Location:Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 3:05Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandAtmosphe23111.wav Farmland. Atmosphere Around Farmhouse. Loud Calls From Blue-winged Parrotlets, Parakeets And Other Birds. Distant Voices. Workmen Banging. Pantanal, Brazil
2.0 1:30Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FarmlandFarmland94070.wav Farmland. Farmland, Hedgerow, Day, Spring-summer. Open Farmland. Birds Close At First; Yellowhammer, Skylark, Blackbird, Chickens, Pheasant, Wren, Rooks And Pigeons. Sheep, Cows. Tractor In Distance Near End. Cotswolds, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 2:24Ambience Farmland Ambience Rural Ambience