Library | Waveform | Filename | add | Description | info | Channels | Duration | ShortID | Category | Subcategory | |
1 | Backgrounds-ObservatoryPl_1.wav | Backgrounds - Observatory Planetarium - Int - Medium C U Walla And Footsteps, Adults And Children, Distant Os Lecture @ Head , Hands Claps @ Head, Very Light Reverb, PA Announcement @ 0 52 | i |
2.0 | 1:41 | Ambience |
Ambience |
2 | Backgrounds-AlamitosBayAm_8.wav | Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambience - Ext - Water Laps Against Boat, Seagulls, Distant Boat | i |
2.0 | 0:53 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
3 | Backgrounds-DistantSawmill-.wav | Backgrounds - Distant Sawmill - Ext - Train Horn Medium Distant @ Head, Then Sawmill Ambience, Some Bg Walla, Very Industrial Sounding, Loading And Unloading Of Train @ Dock Type Feel | i |
1.0 | 1:39 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
4 | Backgrounds-ApartmentBuil_4.wav | Backgrounds - Apartment Building Basement Hallway Ambience - Int - Down Corridor From Large Boiler Room, Os Fan Noise, Light Reverb, Airy, Tiled Floor | i |
2.0 | 1:57 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
5 | Backgrounds-FieldAmbience-E.wav | Backgrounds - Field Ambience - Ext - Light Wind In Trees, Distant and C U Steer | i |
2.0 | 2:16 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
6 | Backgrounds-BoatsAtDock-Ext.wav | Backgrounds - Boats At Dock - Ext - Active, Lines Clang Against Aluminum Masts, Hulls Hit Docks, Medium Light O S Walla, Occasional Feet On Wood Dock, Slight Wind | i |
1.0 | 0:59 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
7 | Canal,India,Quiet,Music,Dist.wav | Ambience: Canal India Quiet Music Dist | i |
2.0 | 4:30 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
8 | Backgrounds-CityAmbience-_4.wav | Backgrounds - City Ambience - Ext - Low Rooftop POV, Pretty Quiet, Some Specific Car Bys, Distant Phone Ring, Some Paper Movement Pretty Close To Mic | i |
1.0 | 2:16 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
9 | Lava,Rushing,Intense,Gurgle.wav | Ambience: Lava Rushing Intense Gurgles | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
10 | Vendor,MLB,Cotton Candy2.wav | Ambience: Vendor MLB Cotton Candy2 | i |
2.0 | 0:02 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
11 | Backgrounds-PragueOperaHo_4.wav | Backgrounds - Prague Opera House Theater - Ext - Patrons Of Opera House Spilling Out Into Street, Taxi Cabs, Conversations, Footsteps And Movement, Buses By, Medium Busy Cars And Trucks | i |
2.0 | 1:47 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
12 | Backgrounds-SawmillMachin_1.wav | Backgrounds - Sawmill Machinery Ambience - Ext - General Bg's W Machinery On And Running, Bg Vocals @ Tail | i |
1.0 | 1:00 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
13 | Backgrounds-SmallWoodWork_8.wav | Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Ext - O S - General Ambience W Steady Machine Hum And Occa Machine Start And Stop | i |
2.0 | 1:10 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
14 | Backgrounds-TrainTunnelAm_1.wav | Backgrounds - Train Tunnel Ambience - Ext - Mic'd From Outside Of Tunnel, Recordist Breathing And Movement, Rain Begins @ 0 05, Some Os Thunder, Os Metal Latch Movement, Decent Rain Sound | i |
2.0 | 3:18 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
15 | Backgrounds-WoodWorkingSh_2.wav | Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - General Shop Ambience With Main Saw Or Planer in Foreground, Mic'd 15' From Above | i |
2.0 | 1:17 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
16 | Backgrounds-L.A.BlueLineMet.wav | Backgrounds - L.A. Blue Line Metro Rail Platform Ambience With Trains - Int - Trains Idle, Light Walla, Footsteps, Train Away, Walkie Talkie, Brakes Hiss, Train Horn, Train In And Stop | i |
2.0 | 3:35 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
17 | Backgrounds-MississippiPl_1.wav | Backgrounds - Mississippi Plantation - Ext - Light Wind In Trees, Distant Birds, Some Dogs, Sparce Crows | i |
2.0 | 3:21 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
18 | Backgrounds-CollegeLaundr_1.wav | Backgrounds - College Laundromat - Interior - Washers And Dryers, Occasional Cart Movement W Rattles, 1 31 Coins Then Turbine Whine For Washing Machine Start Ups, Occasional Background Car By | i |
2.0 | 3:17 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
19 | Backgrounds-PostMarathonAmb.wav | Backgrounds - Post Marathon Ambience - Ext - Polo Grounds, Mixed Walla, Excitement, Movement, Vehicles, Toy Horns | i |
2.0 | 1:13 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
20 | Backgrounds-Sawmill-Int-Met.wav | Backgrounds - Sawmill - Int - Metal Rollers W General Machine Bg, Lots Of Activity And Sawmill Noise, Low End Rumble | i |
1.0 | 1:33 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
21 | Backgrounds-SmallWoodWork_3.wav | Backgrounds - Small Wood Working Shop - Int - Off-Stage General Shop Ambience With Machinery, Active Machinery, Occasional Light Off-Stage Walla, Mic'd in Adjacent Room To Main Shop Area | i |
2.0 | 4:36 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
22 | Backgrounds-TheaterOperaHou.wav | Backgrounds - Theater Opera House @ Night - Ext - Some O S Walla, Light City Ambience, Light Pedestrian Movement, People Leaving Opera House, Quite A Few People, Car Bys @ 1 03 | i |
2.0 | 3:32 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
23 | Backgrounds-WhiteHouseCon_1.wav | Backgrounds - White House Control Room Ambience - Int - Busy With More Action, Phone Beeps, Hi-Tech Teletype, Occasional Light BG Voice And Typing, Printer Printing | i |
2.0 | 3:44 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
24 | Backgrounds-IndustrialLumbe.wav | Backgrounds - Industrial Lumber Yard Vehicles And Ambience - Distant Various Lumber Trucks And Crane-Like Machinery Maneuvers, Truck Beeps, POV Of Entire Yard | i |
2.0 | 3:50 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
25 | Backgrounds-MilitaryBaseC_2.wav | Backgrounds - Military Base Cadence Drills - Ext - Medium And Distant, Track Becomes Varied As Troops March Away And Around Area, Double Time @ 1 20, Bg Gun Shots @ 1 40, Occasional Sergeant Vocals | i |
2.0 | 3:06 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
26 | Backgrounds-CollegeFoodCour.wav | Backgrounds - College Food Court Area - Exterior - Cart Bys Lots Of Back And Forth Movement, Various POVs, Pedestrian Walla And Footsteps, A C Hum In Left Channel, Distant Back Up Beeps | i |
2.0 | 1:26 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
27 | Backgrounds-NightAmbiance_6.wav | Backgrounds - Night Ambience - Ext - Mostly Dead Silence, So Quiet @ Times That You Hear Only Tape Hiss, No Birds Or Insects, Some Sort Of Rumbly By @ 1 42, Not Very Interesting | i |
1.0 | 2:03 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
28 | Backgrounds-AlamitosBayA_11.wav | Backgrounds - Alamitos Bay Ambience - Ext - Light, Airy, MCU Voice, Some Distant Voices, Distant Boat Rumble, Small Light Metal Tap, Light Movement, Distant Birds; (On Top Side Of Boat) | i |
2.0 | 2:15 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
29 | Backgrounds-DinerAmbiance-I.wav | Backgrounds - Diner Ambience- Int- O S Pov, Light Bg Walla W 2 Or 3 People, Some O S Cooking And Prepping In Kitchen, O S Cash Register Rings, Occasional Dish And Utensil Movement | i |
1.0 | 1:00 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
30 | Backgrounds-ApartmentBui_16.wav | Backgrounds - Apartment Building Stairwell Or Hallway - Int - C U Footsteps And Door Unlock @ Head, Woman Speaking, Some Close Movement, Woman Shuts Door, Very Quiet Period Begins @ 0 17 | i |
2.0 | 0:58 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
31 | Backgrounds-EmergencyRoom_2.wav | Backgrounds - Emergency Room Ambience - Int - Close To Voices And Activity, Doors, Occasional Phone Ring, Incoming Radio Voices From Ambulance | i |
2.0 | 2:30 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
32 | Backgrounds-Birds-Ext-Mediu.wav | Backgrounds - Birds - Ext - Medium - Light Songbirds, Occasional Wind Gusts W Moving Leaves, Quiet Bg Day Insects, Occasional Distant Dog | i |
2.0 | 3:08 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
33 | Announcer,MLB,Contest,Draw.wav | Ambience: Announcer MLB Contest Draw | i |
2.0 | 1:55 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
34 | Backgrounds-ChildrenPlayi_2.wav | Backgrounds - Children Playing - Ext - Medium To MCU - Spanish Kids (8-10) Talking And Laughing, Occasional Bird, Distant Gas Generator Comes And Goes In Bg, Occasional Quiet Adult Walk | i |
2.0 | 2:33 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
35 | Lava,Flow,Low,Gush,Rocks,Ro.wav | Ambience: Lava Flow Low Gush Rocks Roll | i |
2.0 | 0:48 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
36 | Soccer,Ivory,Game,Amb,Voices.wav | Ambience: Soccer Ivory Game Amb Voices | i |
2.0 | 4:57 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
37 | Backgrounds-IndustrialBuild.wav | Backgrounds - Industrial Building Basement Ambience - Int - Recorded Next To Elevator Machine Room, Nice Dynamic Bed W Elevator Machinery Relay Clicks, Frequent Starts And Stops | i |
2.0 | 3:18 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
38 | Backgrounds-MexicanVillageA.wav | Backgrounds - Mexican Village Ambience W Spanish Walla - Ext - Dusk, O S Light Spanish Walla W Kids, O S Roosters, Occasional C U Exotic Bird, Light Insects | i |
2.0 | 1:40 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
39 | Backgrounds-CollegeFinalExa.wav | Backgrounds - College Final Exam Walla And Footsteps - Interior - Very Quiet, Occasional Light Walla, Light Paper Shuffle And Movement, Occasional Door Open Close W Sqeak | i |
2.0 | 3:15 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
40 | Backgrounds-NewMelonesRes_4.wav | Backgrounds - New Melones Reservoir Birds - Ext - Lots Of Peepy And Chirpy, Some Crickets, Distant Car Approach @ Tail | i |
2.0 | 0:24 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
41 | Backgrounds-3rdStPromenadeP.wav | Backgrounds - 3rd St Promenade Pedestrian Walla And Activity - Ext - Light General Walla BG, Plane Overhead, Some Children Bys | i |
2.0 | 2:38 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
42 | Backgrounds-DepartmentOfW_1.wav | Backgrounds - Department Of Water And Power Power Plant - Power Hum In An Area Of Contaminated Water Pipes, Loud Hum Heard Over Water Flowing Through Pipes, Some Water Dripping | i |
2.0 | 1:42 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
43 | Backgrounds-PondAmbienceWFr.wav | Backgrounds - Pond Ambience W Frogs - Ext - Strong C U Overlapping Single Frog Crokes, Few Distant Bird Calls | i |
2.0 | 2:19 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
44 | Backgrounds-ApartmentBui_11.wav | Backgrounds - Apartment Building Basement Hallway Ambience And Wind Drone - Int - Down Corridor From Large Boiler Room, Howling Wind Rushing Down Corridor, Spooky Ambience, Os Fan Noise, Door Closed | i |
2.0 | 2:31 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
45 | Backgrounds-EllisIslandFerr.wav | Backgrounds - Ellis Island Ferry Ambience - Interior - MCU - Heavy Walla, Footsteps, Engine Idles Steady, Wodden Banging, Trash Can Lid Swings, Cash Register Ring, Spanish Walla | i |
2.0 | 3:08 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
46 | Backgrounds-BellBuoy-Ext-CU.wav | Backgrounds - Bell Buoy - Ext - C U - Classic, Good Metal Clang And Ring Out | i |
2.0 | 1:07 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
47 | Beggars.BBC.EC51D.wav | Beggar, Ambience: Tangier, Blind Beggar Actuality. | i |
2.0 | 0:58 | Ambience | Ambience | City Ambience | |||
48 | Backgrounds-CaveAmbience-_2.wav | Backgrounds - Cave Ambience - Cavernous Hell - Int - Slow, Spacey Low End Movement W Creaks | i |
1.0 | 1:41 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
49 | Hallway,Moves,Teacher,Ryers.wav | Ambience: Hallway Moves Teacher Ryerson | i |
2.0 | 2:09 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
50 | Soccer,Ivory,Game,Amb,MedDis1.wav | Ambience: Soccer Ivory Game Amb MedDis1 | i |
2.0 | 5:46 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
51 | MovieTheater_S08AM.47.wav | Ambience, Movie, Theater, Projection, Booth, Film, Projector, Running, Loop | i |
2.0 | 2:13 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
52 | Backgrounds-RoomPresenceWHu.wav | Backgrounds - Room Presence W Hum - Interior - Reverby Interior Hum W Periodic Bangs, Industrial Feel, Water Thru Pipes - On And Off @ 1 00, Some Distant Voices - Steamy | i |
2.0 | 2:28 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
53 | Backgrounds-SmallStreetAm_7.wav | Backgrounds - Small Street Ambience @ Night - Ext - Some O S Walla, Light City Ambience, Light Pedestrian Movement, People Leaving Opera House After Show, Not Too Busy | i |
2.0 | 1:01 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
54 | Backgrounds-SurrealIndustri.wav | Backgrounds - Surreal Industrial Ambience - Int - Mix Of Rythmic Metallic Rattles, Squeaks And Whirls, Unintelligible Police Calls In Right Channel | i |
2.0 | 1:08 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
55 | Backgrounds-VilliageAmbia_1.wav | Backgrounds - Villiage Ambience Night - Ext - Heavy Crickets W Occasional Walla, O S Dog And O S Radio | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
56 | Backgrounds-CarnivalRide-MC.wav | Backgrounds - Carnival Ride - MCU - Merry-Go-Round W Calliope Music, Background Crowd Walla And Movement | i |
1.0 | 1:26 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
57 | Gym,Weights,Acitivty,Lite,F.wav | Ambience: Gym Weights Acitivty Lite Fan | i |
2.0 | 2:26 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
58 | School,Hallway,Empty,Activity.wav | Ambience: School Hallway Empty Activity | i |
2.0 | 3:20 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
59 | CarnivalKids_S08AM.9.wav | Ambience, Carnival, Kids, Screams | i |
2.0 | 2:10 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
60 | Backgrounds-RailTunnelAmbia.wav | Backgrounds - Rail Tunnel Ambience - Int - Mic'd Near Entrance To Tunnel, Os Fan Steady, Slight Recordist Movement, Somewhat Enclosed Setting | i |
2.0 | 3:06 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
61 | Backgrounds-SheepRanchRoa_2.wav | Backgrounds - Sheep Ranch Road Birds - Ext - Morning - Nice Variety Of Birds, Light Wind | i |
2.0 | 1:59 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
62 | Backgrounds-Surf-Ext-Dist_2.wav | Backgrounds - Surf - Ext - Distant - General Without Birds, O S Presence | i |
2.0 | 1:07 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
63 | Backgrounds-VallecitoMorn_2.wav | Backgrounds - Vallecito Morning - Ext - Medium Busy, Very Pretty, Nice Bird Variety | i |
2.0 | 0:37 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
64 | SoundDesign-DistantCityActi.wav | Sound Design - Distant City Activity - Int - Office Perspective - Strange Tonal Elements, Possible Mix Of Elements Pitched Up And Down, Interesting, Subtly Spooky | i |
2.0 | 3:21 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
65 | Backgrounds-IndustrialAre_2.wav | Backgrounds - Industrial Area - Ext - Natural Gas Refinery, Constant Hum Of Generators Or Fans, Some Os Vehicle Bys, Big Presence, Heavy Duty Industrial Background | i |
2.0 | 3:16 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
66 | Backgrounds-MarinaDockAmbie.wav | Backgrounds - Marina Dock Ambience - Quiet, Multiple Halyards Ringing, Water Laps, Slight Wind, Occasional Dock Creaks, V Distant Highway Wash | i |
2.0 | 3:31 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
67 | Backgrounds-CollegeClassr_1.wav | Backgrounds - College Classroom Pre Test Walla - Interior - Light Walla, Students Filter In, Paper, Notebook And Backpack Movement, C U Zipper @ 33, Occasional Professor Vox | i |
2.0 | 3:25 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
68 | Backgrounds-NatureAmbiance-.wav | Backgrounds - Nature Ambience - Ext - Gentle Breeze, Distant Os Dog Howl @ Head, Leaves Moving, Os Car In @ 1 13, Os Birds, Generally Quiet | i |
2.0 | 1:49 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
69 | Backgrounds-1979GrandBank_1.wav | Backgrounds - 1979 Grand Banks 42' Yacht Trawler Ambience - Int - With Hatch Open, Some Squeaks And Clicks, Distant Airy Roar, Few Water Splashes And Trickles; (Alamitos Bay) | i |
2.0 | 2:07 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
70 | Backgrounds-CourthouseLobby.wav | Backgrounds - Courthouse Lobby Ambience - Int - Main Floor MCU To Distant Walla And Activity, Some Close-Up Voices And Footsteps, Medium Distant To Elevator Bells, Distant Crying Baby | i |
2.0 | 2:50 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
71 | Backgrounds-PoliceDepartm_4.wav | Backgrounds - Police Department Ambience - Int - Near Locker Room, Light C U Dialogue And Scattered Os Walla, Medium Activity, Lighting Hum, Some C U Footsteps Up Stairs, Phone And Radio Calls, Typewriter | i |
2.0 | 3:09 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
72 | Backgrounds-ApartmentAmbi_2.wav | Backgrounds - Apartment Ambience - Interior - MCU - Distant TV, Footsteps, Coughing And Hawking Up Something Awful, Mixed Walla, Metal Pot Clanks | i |
2.0 | 2:57 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
73 | Backgrounds-EllisIslandFe_5.wav | Backgrounds - Ellis Island Ferry Ambience - Exterior - MCU - Steady Engine Underway, Locker Opened, Engine Hisses, Lite Rush Of Water, Engine Cycles as Fery Maneuvers | i |
2.0 | 1:35 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
74 | Backgrounds-BavarianMount_1.wav | Backgrounds - Bavarian Mountain Village Ambience - Dog Barking, Almost Completely Quiet After 42, Very Distant Plane By, Very Soft Single Bird, Light Breeze | i |
2.0 | 1:20 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
75 | Backgrounds-HallwayInBasmen.wav | Backgrounds - Hallway In Basment Of Shopping Mall - Interior - Quiet - Reverberant, Distorted Bumps @ 00 33 And 00 54, V Distant Walla, Distant Car Starts @ 01 10 | i |
2.0 | 2:15 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
76 | LondCityAirport.BBC.ECD51.wav | Airport, London City Airport, Ambience: City Airport Atmosphere On Concourse In Arrivals, Departures Terminal Building, Without PA Announcements. Airports E. | i |
2.0 | 3:40 | Ambience | Ambience | Airport Ambience | |||
77 | Backgrounds-WoodWorkingShop.wav | Backgrounds - Wood Working Shop - Int - General Shop Ambience W Main Saw Or Planer in Foreground, Mic'd 15' From Above, Some Overmodulation | i |
2.0 | 0:32 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
78 | Backgrounds-HousingTrackC_1.wav | Backgrounds - Housing Track Construction Area - Ext - O S Nail Gun, Hammering, Distant Construction Vehicles, Occasional Electric Saw, Truck By, Light Bg Birds, Plane By, O S Car By | i |
2.0 | 2:54 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
79 | Backgrounds-MarinaAmbienceW.wav | Backgrounds - Marina Ambience W Wood Dock Creaks - Ext - Multiple MCU And O S Creaks, Light Airy BG W Distant Seagulls, Distant Boats, Medium Distant Boat Start And Idle, (Deep Cove Marina) | i |
2.0 | 1:36 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
80 | Backgrounds-CollegeCampus_2.wav | Backgrounds - College Campus Ambience - Exterior - Active, Pedestrian Walla And Footsteps, O S Kids Playing, Occasional O S Beep In Right Channel, Background Birds | i |
2.0 | 2:46 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
81 | Backgrounds-MunichNewYear_7.wav | Backgrounds - Munich New Years Celebration Ambience Fireworks Explosions - Ext - Medium C U And Distant Fireworks Explode, Zip, Buzz And Pop, Male, Female, Children Voices Cheering, Activity | i |
2.0 | 3:15 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
82 | Backgrounds-ComputerRoomAmb.wav | Backgrounds - Computer Room Ambience - Int - Electric Hums, Few Beeps, Hard Drives Spinning, Rhythmic Clicks, Busy Computer Activity | i |
1.0 | 3:00 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
83 | Backgrounds-PlaneRunwayAmbi.wav | Backgrounds - Plane Runway Ambience - Ext - Various Plane Activity, Off-Stage Take Offs, Off-Stage Bus Activity And Bys, Idle Plane With Engine Running, Taxing Planes | i |
2.0 | 3:14 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
84 | Backgrounds-AlcatrazIslandW.wav | Backgrounds - Alcatraz Island Work Building Ambience - Ext - MCU - Seagulls And Birds Squawk, Boat Motor Hums In BG, Buoy Bell Rings, Plane Flyover | i |
2.0 | 2:42 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
85 | Backgrounds-ElementarySchoo.wav | Backgrounds - Elementary School Playground - Ext - C U To Distant - Kids Playing And Teacher Busy, Several Children's Voices Talking, Laughing, Shouting And Some Little Girls Screaming | i |
1.0 | 2:55 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
86 | Backgrounds-AutumnMorningAm.wav | Backgrounds - Autumn Morning Ambience - Ext - 6 00 AM, Distant Highway Wash, Leaves Falling O S, Some Movement In Woods, C U and O S Birds | i |
2.0 | 4:01 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
87 | Backgrounds-GolfDrivingRang.wav | Backgrounds - Golf Driving Range - Ext - Medium - Some Walla, PA Announcements, Ball Hits, Metal Baskets Filled | i |
2.0 | 3:19 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
88 | AirportsGreenland.BBC.ECD65.wav | Airport, Greenland, Ambience: Airstrip Waiting Room - Kulusuk | i |
2.0 | 2:01 | Ambience | Ambience | Airport Ambience | |||
89 | Backgrounds-BusyUrbanPlaygr.wav | Backgrounds - Busy Urban Playground - Ext - Lots Of Children C U And Distant, The Kids Immitate The Sirens That Pass By, Kids Playing On Slides And Swings, Plane Overhead, Some Adults | i |
2.0 | 1:45 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
90 | France,Hurdy Gurdy,Singer.wav | Ambience: France Hurdy Gurdy Singer | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
91 | Pedestrians,Musem,Ext,Rijk.wav | Ambience: Pedestrians Musem Ext Rijk | i |
2.0 | 2:57 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
92 | Windmill,Blade,Swish,Movement.wav | Ambience: Windmill Blade Swish Movement | i |
2.0 | 0:08 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
93 | Backgrounds-RailroadYard-_1.wav | Backgrounds - Railroad Yard - Ext - Diesel Locomotive Carries Its Cars Through Switches, Tracks With Metal Clanks And Rattles, Low End Rumbles And Squeaks | i |
2.0 | 2:50 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
94 | Backgrounds-SchoolUniversit.wav | Backgrounds - School University Building Hallway - Int - Nice Airy Reverb, Some Os Walla, Great Generic Hallway Ambience, Distant Footsteps And Stairwell, Os Coin Operated Machine, Distant Beeps | i |
2.0 | 1:28 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
95 | Backgrounds-SuburbanAmbie_1.wav | Backgrounds - Suburban Ambience - Ext - Light Birds, Busy Distant Tree Trimmers W Chain Saws, Occasional Medium Distant Car By, Distant Voice @ 1 18 | i |
2.0 | 2:24 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
96 | Backgrounds-PetShop-Inter_4.wav | Backgrounds - Pet Shop - Interior - MCU - Puppy Barks, Yappy Barks W Cage Movement | i |
2.0 | 1:12 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
97 | Backgrounds-AlcatrazIslan_2.wav | Backgrounds - Alcatraz Island Ambience - Ext - MCU - Seagulls Squawk, Boat Motor Revs In BG, Buoy Bell Rings In Distance | i |
2.0 | 0:47 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
98 | Backgrounds-DWPStairwellA_1.wav | Backgrounds - DWP Stairwell Ambience - Int - Female PA Announcements, Siren, Silence | i |
2.0 | 0:45 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
99 | Backgrounds-ApartmentBuildi.wav | Backgrounds - Apartment Building Stairwell Presence - Int - Distant Howling Wind, Slightly Spooky, Useful In Many Contexts, Some O S Occupant Noises, Shot From 6th Floor Of 20 Story Building | i |
2.0 | 3:45 | Ambience | Ambience | ||||
100 | Backgrounds-GeneralInstrume.wav | Backgrounds - General Instrument Room Ambience - Int - Airy Hum | i |
2.0 | 2:19 | Ambience | Ambience |