Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Two Tone.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Two Tone
2.0 0:37


Airplane World War 2

2 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500Ca.wav Airplane, World War 2: Focke-Wulf 190, Exterior Recordings. Start, Warm Up And Switch Off. (World War II)
2.0 2:56Aircraft Airplane World War 2
3 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library MessDeckA_BBC-Historical_b2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Mess Deck Atmosphere. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:55Aircraft Airplane World War 2
4 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Moan.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Moan
2.0 1:01Aircraft Airplane World War 2
5 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFlying.BBC.EC1001Ab.wav Airplane, World War 2: Flying Fortress, Interior, Engines Starting. (Recorded Inside Cockpit.) (World War II US Bomber.)
2.0 1:22Aircraft Airplane World War 2
6 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library InternalA_BBC-Historical_f4.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Internal Atmos. Ship"s Fan. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:31Aircraft Airplane World War 2
7 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Groan_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Groan
2.0 0:18Aircraft Airplane World War 2
8 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,x2,By,Dist,1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 X2 By Distant 1 A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:28Aircraft Airplane World War 2
9 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Footsteps_BBC-Historical_b4.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Footsteps Running Up Ladder To Flight-deck On Board Aircraftcarrier. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:14Aircraft Airplane World War 2
10 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_b3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Two Dives, Followed By Constant Flight. World War II Fighter-bomber. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:26Aircraft Airplane World War 2
11 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library WeighingA_BBC-Historical_b1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Weighing Anchor, Chain Dropping Into Locker. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:15Aircraft Airplane World War 2
12 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Drone,Whisper.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Drone Whisper A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:21Aircraft Airplane World War 2
13 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,Circle,Med Dist.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 Circle Med Dist
2.0 1:56Aircraft Airplane World War 2
14 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Leisurely.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Leisurely
2.0 0:44Aircraft Airplane World War 2
15 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,By,Cruise.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 By Cruise
2.0 0:41Aircraft Airplane World War 2
16 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_f6.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Steep Climb. (Bristol Beaufighter, World War II)
2.0 0:25Aircraft Airplane World War 2
17 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Swordfish_BBC-Historical_b3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Swordfish Taking Off From Aircraft Carrier. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:23Aircraft Airplane World War 2
18 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,Overhead,Stutter.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 Overhead Stutter
2.0 1:11Aircraft Airplane World War 2
19 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_f3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Land. (Bristol Beaufighter, World War II)
2.0 0:24Aircraft Airplane World War 2
20 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Sunderlan_BBC-Historical_f5.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Sunderland Flying Boat, Interior, Cruising, Rec. From Fitter"s Position. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:40Aircraft Airplane World War 2
21 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Whistle,Med Dist.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Whistle Medium Distant A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:18Aircraft Airplane World War 2
22 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500Cd.wav Airplane, World War 2: Focke-Wulf 190, Exterior Recordings. Take Off
2.0 1:12Aircraft Airplane World War 2
23 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Searchlig_BBC-Historical_b6.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Searchlight Working On Aircraft Carrier. World War II. (From78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:22Aircraft Airplane World War 2
24 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Nasal_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Nasal
2.0 0:33Aircraft Airplane World War 2
25 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500Ce.wav Airplane, World War 2: Focke-Wulf 190, Exterior Recordings. Land And Taxi Away
2.0 0:55Aircraft Airplane World War 2
26 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Kittyhawk_BBC-Historical_b5.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Kittyhawk, Interior, Steady Flight. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:46Aircraft Airplane World War 2
27 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library HarvardTi_BBC-Historical_b4.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Harvard Ticking Over, Taking Off From Aircraft Carrier, WorldWar II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:18Aircraft Airplane World War 2
28 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Med Dis2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Medium Distant A Mid-side Recording.
2.0 0:39Aircraft Airplane World War 2
29 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,x2,By,Dist,2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 X2 By Distant 2 A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:16Aircraft Airplane World War 2
30 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Groan,BG.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Groan Background A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:22Aircraft Airplane World War 2
31 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,P51,Circle,Dist_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 P51 Circle Distant
2.0 1:07Aircraft Airplane World War 2
32 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Flight-De_BBC-Historical_b5.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Flight-deck Atmosphere. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 2:29Aircraft Airplane World War 2
33 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library WindAndSe_BBC-Historical_f6.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Wind And Sea From Flight-deck Of Aircraft Carrier. World WarII. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:12Aircraft Airplane World War 2
34 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Buzz_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Buzz
2.0 0:14Aircraft Airplane World War 2
35 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,By,Slow,Dist_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 By Slow Distant
2.0 0:18Aircraft Airplane World War 2
36 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_f4.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Take Off, Distant. World War II Fighter-bomber. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:37Aircraft Airplane World War 2
37 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library TakeOff.(_BBC-Historical_f2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Take Off. (Bristol Beaufighter, World War II)
2.0 0:22Aircraft Airplane World War 2
38 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Choppy.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Choppy
2.0 0:45Aircraft Airplane World War 2
39 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,Away,Dist.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 Away Distant A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:32Aircraft Airplane World War 2
40 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterio_BBC-Historical_f2_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, P51 Mustang. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:55Aircraft Airplane World War 2
41 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Sunderlan_BBC-Historical_f3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Sunderland Flying Boat, Interior, Cruising, Rec. Wardroom. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:00Aircraft Airplane World War 2
42 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,Dist,Ambient_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 Distant Ambient
2.0 0:26Aircraft Airplane World War 2
43 BBC Sound Effects Library Airships.BBC.EC500A.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: A German Zeppelin Airship In Constant Flight, Recorded In Air. (World War II Airship)
2.0 6:31Aircraft Airplane World War 2
44 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Sunderlan_BBC-Historical_b1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Sunderland Flying Boat, Exterior, Take Off. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:27Aircraft Airplane World War 2
45 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library MartletLa_BBC-Historical_b1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Martlet Landing On Aircraft Carrier. Noise Of Arrestor Gear.World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:25Aircraft Airplane World War 2
46 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Relaxed_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Relaxed
2.0 0:26Aircraft Airplane World War 2
47 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500Cf.wav Airplane, World War 2: Focke-Wulf 190, Exterior Recordings. Shallow Dive
2.0 0:57Aircraft Airplane World War 2
48 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Med Dist_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Medium Distant
2.0 0:19Aircraft Airplane World War 2
49 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500D.wav Airplane, World War 2: Exterior, Focke-Wulf 190, Circling Overhead, Climbs And Dives. (World War II German Bomber)
2.0 4:08Aircraft Airplane World War 2
50 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Interior,_BBC-Historical_b1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Interior, P47 Thunderbolt. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:43Aircraft Airplane World War 2
51 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Groan.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Groan A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:18Aircraft Airplane World War 2
52 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,P51,Med Dist_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 P51 Medium Distant
2.0 0:43Aircraft Airplane World War 2
53 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Footsteps_BBC-Historical_b3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Footsteps From Cabin, Up Ladder, Along Deck And Return, On Board Aircraft Carrier. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:12Aircraft Airplane World War 2
54 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Drone,Whi.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Drone Whisper
2.0 0:21Aircraft Airplane World War 2
55 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,Circle,By_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 Circle By
2.0 1:13Aircraft Airplane World War 2
56 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_b4.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Taxi-ing. World War II Fighter-bomber. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:27Aircraft Airplane World War 2
57 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Turbines,_BBC-Historical_f1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Turbines, Slow, World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:28Aircraft Airplane World War 2
58 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Fast,Stream.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Fast Stream
2.0 0:38Aircraft Airplane World War 2
59 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,By,BG Car.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 By BG Car
2.0 0:38Aircraft Airplane World War 2
60 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterio_BBC-Historical_f5_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Several Planes Diving With Whine. (Bristol Beaufighter, World War II)
2.0 1:35Aircraft Airplane World War 2
61 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Sunderlan_BBC-Historical_f1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Sunderland Flying Boat, Interior, Take Off. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:36Aircraft Airplane World War 2
62 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Sunderlan_BBC-Historical_f2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Sunderland Flying Boat, Interior, Cruising, Rec. From Bridge.World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:33Aircraft Airplane World War 2
63 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,Overhead,Dist,Scream.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 Overhead Dist Scream
2.0 0:52Aircraft Airplane World War 2
64 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_b5.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Dive And Climb, Followed By Dive On One Engine. World War II Fighter-bomber. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:31Aircraft Airplane World War 2
65 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Whistle,Med Di.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Whistle Medium Distant
2.0 0:18Aircraft Airplane World War 2
66 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500Cb.wav Airplane, World War 2: Focke-Wulf 190, Exterior Recordings. Start, Warm Up And Taxi Past. (World War II)
2.0 1:45Aircraft Airplane World War 2
67 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Searchlig_BBC-Historical_b5.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Searchlight Engine Of Aircraft Carrier. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:30Aircraft Airplane World War 2
68 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Nasal.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Nasal A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:33Aircraft Airplane World War 2
69 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFlying.BBC.EC1001Aa.wav Airplane, World War 2: Flying Fortress, Ticking Over. (World War II US Bomber.)
2.0 0:35Aircraft Airplane World War 2
70 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Kittyhawk_BBC-Historical_b4.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Kittyhawk, Exterior, Steady Flight, Dive And Zoom. World WarII. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:42Aircraft Airplane World War 2
71 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Heavy.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Heavy
2.0 0:27Aircraft Airplane World War 2
72 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,x2,By,Dist,1_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 X2 By Distant 1
2.0 0:28Aircraft Airplane World War 2
73 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library HangarAtm_BBC-Historical_f3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Hangar Atmosphere, With Voices. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m.disc)
2.0 1:03Aircraft Airplane World War 2
74 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Flutter.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Flutter
2.0 0:21Aircraft Airplane World War 2
75 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,P51,Circle,Dist.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 P51 Circle Distant A Mid-side Recording
2.0 1:07Aircraft Airplane World War 2
76 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterio_BBC-Historical_f4_2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Two Planes In Low Flight With Whine. (Bristol Beaufighter, World War II)
2.0 1:35Aircraft Airplane World War 2
77 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library WindAndSe_BBC-Historical_f5.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Wind And Sea From Bridge Of Aircraft Carrier. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:04Aircraft Airplane World War 2
78 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Swordfish_BBC-Historical_b2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Swordfish Ticking Over, Taking Off From Aircraft Carrier. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:49Aircraft Airplane World War 2
79 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Buzz.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Buzz A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:14Aircraft Airplane World War 2
80 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,By,Slow,Dist.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 By Slow Distant A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:18Aircraft Airplane World War 2
81 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterio_BBC-Historical_f3_2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Take Off, Close. World War II Fighter-bomber. (From78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:49Aircraft Airplane World War 2
82 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,Up.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 Up A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:11Aircraft Airplane World War 2
83 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_b1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Landing. World War II Fighter-bomber. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:50Aircraft Airplane World War 2
84 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Sunderlan_BBC-Historical_f4.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Sunderland Flying Boat, Interior, Cruising, Rec. Midships. World War II. (From 78 Disc)
2.0 0:45Aircraft Airplane World War 2
85 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,Dist,Ambient.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 Distant Ambient A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:26Aircraft Airplane World War 2
86 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500Cc.wav Airplane, World War 2: Focke-Wulf 190, Exterior Recordings. Take Off.
2.0 0:59Aircraft Airplane World War 2
87 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Sunderlan_BBC-Historical_b3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Sunderland Flying Boat, Exterior, Passing Over. World War II.(From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:40Aircraft Airplane World War 2
88 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Relaxed.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Relaxed A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:26Aircraft Airplane World War 2
89 BBC Sound Effects Library AircraftFocke.BBC.EC500Cg.wav Airplane, World War 2: Focke-Wulf 190, Exterior Recordings. Low Level Attack
2.0 0:36Aircraft Airplane World War 2
90 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library LiftAscen_BBC-Historical_f2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Lift Ascending On Board Aircraft Carrier. World War II. (From78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:44Aircraft Airplane World War 2
91 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Med Dist.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Medium Distant A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:19Aircraft Airplane World War 2
92 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,x2,By,Dist,2_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 X2 By Distant 2
2.0 0:16Aircraft Airplane World War 2
93 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Interior,_BBC-Historical_b2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Interior, C47 Dakota. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 4:17Aircraft Airplane World War 2
94 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Groan,BG_1.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Groan Background
2.0 0:22Aircraft Airplane World War 2
95 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,P51,Med Dist.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 P51 Medium Distant A Mid-side Recording
2.0 0:43Aircraft Airplane World War 2
96 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library FlyingFor_BBC-Historical_b6.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Flying Fortress, Exterior, Taxi-ing. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 0:36Aircraft Airplane World War 2
97 Rob Nokes Sound Library Plane,WW2,By,Slow,Doppler.wav Airplane, World War 2: Plane WW2 By Slow Doppler
2.0 1:08Aircraft Airplane World War 2
98 Rob Nokes Sound Library Planes,WW2,Circle,By.wav Airplane, World War 2: Planes WW2 Circle By A Mid-side Recording
2.0 1:13Aircraft Airplane World War 2
99 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Exterior,_BBC-Historical_b2.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Exterior, Taxi-ing, Switching Off. World War II Fighter-bomber. (From 78 R.p.m Disc)
2.0 1:05Aircraft Airplane World War 2
100 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library Turbines,_BBC-Historical_f3.wav Airplane, World War 2: Warfare, World War II: Turbines, Full Speed. World War II. (From 78 R.p.m. Disc)
2.0 1:02Aircraft Airplane World War 2