Library | Waveform | Filename | add | Description | info | Channels | Duration | ShortID | Category | Subcategory | |
1 | ArcticTernCual19021.wav | Arctic Tern. Cu Alarm Calls In Flight From A Single Bird Defending Its Nest. Chicks Calling Faintly In B/g. Spitsbergen | i |
2.0 | 1:53 | Bird |
Tern |
Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
2 | CaspianTernMcu59179.wav | Caspian Tern. Mcu Flight Calls. Greater Yellowlegs Calls. Canada Geese In B/g At End. Location:Chincoteague, Virginia, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:14 | Bird | Tern | Caspian Tern Sterna Caspia | |||
3 | LeastTernCucal67063.wav | Least Tern. Cu Calls And Splash From A Pair Fishing, Laughing Gulls And Other Birds In B/g. Chincoteague, Virginia, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 0:25 | Bird | Tern | Least Tern Sterna Antillarum | |||
4 | SootyTernCalls3198.wav | Sooty Tern. Calls In Breeding Colony Dry Tortugas, Florida, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:33 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
5 | WhiteFrontedTern42009.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu - Md Calls From Several In Flight Over Sea. Red-billed Gull Calls. Heavy Seawash In Background. Also Suitable For Coastal Atmosphere. Brothers Island, Cook Strait, New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 2:05 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
6 | ArcticTernCalls35020.wav | Arctic Tern. Calls Mcu - Mp In Breeding Colony. Sandwich Terns Mp. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 6:45 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
7 | BrownNoddyCUco47100.wav | Brown Noddy. CU Courtship Calls. Sooty Terns Calling And Laysan Albatross Bill-clapping And Calling B/g. Laysan Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 3:45 | Bird | Tern | Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus | |||
8 | GreyBackedTern60067.wav | Grey-Backed Tern. MD-MCU Flight And Flight Alarm Calls From Several Birds. Surf In Distance. Tern Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 1:46 | Bird | Tern | Grey Backed Tern Sterna Lunata | |||
9 | SootyTernAlarm46161.wav | Sooty Tern. Alarm And Anxiety Calls Of Disturbed Colony Mcu. Location:Tortagn Island, Lesser Antilles, West Indies | i |
2.0 | 4:10 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
10 | WhiteTernCUcal60071.wav | White Tern. CU Calls From Adults And Chick. Adults Preening And Feeding Chick. Surf In B/g. Tern Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 1:28 | Bird | Tern | White Tern Gygis Alba | |||
11 | ArcticTernAnxie35025.wav | Arctic Tern. Anxiety And Attack Calls Cu At Intruder. Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 4:48 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
12 | BrownNoddyCalls2191.wav | Brown Noddy. Calls And Wingbeats Of Birds Flying Among Trees Yucatan, Mexico | i |
2.0 | 1:03 | Bird | Tern | Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus | |||
13 | ElegantTernAND47029.wav | Elegant Tern. AND ROYAL TERN (STERNA MAXIMA). Disturbed Mixed Breeding Colony. Close Perspective. Raza Island, Sea Of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Bird | Tern | Elegant Tern Sterna Elegans | |||
14 | LittleTernMcuf23138.wav | Little Tern. Mcu Flight Calls From Several Birds. Insects Mcu. Wind And Surf Mp. Oued Melah, Tunisia | i |
2.0 | 0:45 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
15 | SandwichTernCol79118.wav | Sandwich Tern. Colony And Individual Calls Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 4:01 | Bird | Tern | Sandwich Tern Sterna Sandvicensis | |||
16 | WhiteTernCalls2182.wav | White Tern. Calls Of Adults And Young With Sooty Terns Seychelles | i |
2.0 | 2:01 | Bird | Tern | White Or Fairy Tern Gygis Alba Monte | |||
17 | ArcticTernCalls79151.wav | Arctic Tern. Calls In Colony And Attacking Individual Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 1:22 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura | |||
18 | BlackNapedTern9080.wav | Black-Naped Tern. MD-MCU Calls At Colony. Surf In B/g. Bumpy And Windy On The Mic At Times. Brook Island, Australia | i |
2.0 | 2:04 | Bird | Tern | Black Naped Tern Sterna Sumatrana | |||
19 | CommonTernMcuc23147.wav | Common Tern. Mcu Conversational Calls. Oystercatcher And Lapwing In Distance. Distant Surf. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 0:16 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
20 | LittleTernCuwi23140.wav | Little Tern. Cu Wingbeats From Bird Taking Off. Wind And Surf Mp. Oued Melah, Tunisia | i |
2.0 | 0:14 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
21 | RoseateTernCall79240.wav | Roseate Tern. Calls In Colony And "dread" County Down, Northern Ireland | i |
2.0 | 3:53 | Bird | Tern | Roseate Tern Sterna Dougallii | |||
22 | SootyTernMcuca28220.wav | Sooty Tern. Mcu Calls Of Young And Occasional Adults In Colony. Seawash Mp. Some Wind Noise On Microphone. Seychelles | i |
2.0 | 2:02 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
23 | LittleTernCuan55060.wav | Little Tern. Cu And Mcu Flight Calls. Heavy Surf Breaking On Shore Mcu. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:53 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
24 | SootyTernCucol47062.wav | Sooty Tern. Cu Colony Calls. Tern Island, Hawaiian Islands | i |
2.0 | 0:42 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
25 | WhiteFrontedTern51247.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls Whilst Being Fed From Juvenile And Adult. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 0:25 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
26 | AntarcticTernSi184.wav | Antarctic Tern. Singles And Several Calling MCU, Sea Lapping Shore, Drips From Glacier, Distant Glacier Fall. South Georgia | i |
2.0 | 4:06 | Bird | Tern | Antarctic Tern Sterna Vittata | |||
27 | BlackTernAlarm78253.wav | Black Tern. Alarm Calls And Great Reed Warbler Song Bergen, Holland | i |
2.0 | 0:56 | Bird | Tern | Black Tern Chlidonias Niger | |||
28 | CommonTernCuan23142.wav | Common Tern. Cu And Mcu Calls From Birds In Flight. Distant Oystercatcher. Hissy Background. Norfolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 2:58 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
29 | ArcticTernCuat93125.wav | Arctic Tern. Cu Attack Calls. Alarm Calls From Others In Colony In Background. Distant Gulls. Isle Of May, Scotland | i |
2.0 | 0:51 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
30 | CommonTernCalls3259.wav | Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Several. Veluwezoom, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 0:15 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
31 | LittleTernAlarm58199.wav | Little Tern. Alarm Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Wind And Surf Mp. Oued Melah, Tunisia | i |
2.0 | 0:43 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
32 | SootyTernCucal28222.wav | Sooty Tern. Cu Calls From Birds In Colony On Ground And In Flight. Ascension Island | i |
2.0 | 3:37 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
33 | WhiteFrontedTern42016.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Adults. Cu Begging Call From Juvenile As Adult Feeds It. Red-billed Gull In Distance At End Of Recording. Low Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 2:18 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
34 | ArcticTernCual93124.wav | Arctic Tern. Cu Alarm And Attack Calls At Edge Of Colony. Sounds Of A Few Common Terns. Gulls In Distance. Isle Of May, Scotland | i |
2.0 | 3:39 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
35 | CommonTernCalls23145.wav | Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Several. Veluwezoom, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 0:14 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
36 | LeastTernMdcu62033.wav | Least Tern. Md-cu Calls While Flying Along Channel By Marsh, Other Birds In Distance. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, USA | i |
2.0 | 1:20 | Bird | Tern | Least Tern Sterna Antillarum | |||
37 | SootyTernCalls47123.wav | Sooty Tern. Calls Cu In Breeding Colony. Eastern Island, Midway Islands (Hawaiian Islands) | i |
2.0 | 4:00 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
38 | WhiteFrontedTern42011.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Adult As It Comes To Nesting Ledge To Feed Fledged Juvenile. Good Calls From Juvenile. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 3:36 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
39 | ArcticTernCalls79253.wav | Arctic Tern. Calls In Colony Mp. Surf In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 2:18 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
40 | CaspianTernCall49136.wav | Caspian Tern. Calls MCU, From Chicks As Adults Fly In To Feed Them. Adults Call MP. NB: Date Of Recording Not Known. Laguna Atascosa, Texas, U.S.A | i |
2.0 | 2:08 | Bird | Tern | Caspian Tern Sterna Caspia | |||
41 | LargeBilledTern49121.wav | Large-Billed Tern. Flight Calls Cu. Other Birds And Insects In Distance. Pacaya, Peru | i |
2.0 | 1:08 | Bird | Tern | Large Billed Tern Phaetusa Simplex | |||
42 | SootyTernCalls28218.wav | Sooty Tern. Calls Cu In Breeding Colony. Eastern Island, Midway Islands (Hawaiian Islands) | i |
2.0 | 2:46 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
43 | WhiteTernMCUca60068.wav | White Tern. MCU Calls In Colony. Tern Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 1:11 | Bird | Tern | White Tern Gygis Alba | |||
44 | ArcticTernAttac23157.wav | Arctic Tern. Attack And Alarm Calls Cu From A Small Breeding Colony. Inner Farne, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 3:34 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
45 | BrownNoddyCalls90237.wav | Brown Noddy. Calls Of Juvenile Raza Island, Baja California, Mexico | i |
2.0 | 0:58 | Bird | Tern | Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus | |||
46 | FairyTernCalls56178.wav | Fairy Tern. Calls C/u Of Several Birds. NB: Date Of Recording Unknown Seychelles | i |
2.0 | 0:08 | Bird | Tern | Fairy Tern Sterna Nereis | |||
47 | LittleTernWingb58197.wav | Little Tern. Wingbeats CU And Distant Calls As Bird Flies Away From And Back To Nest. Sea In B/g. Location:Oued Melah, Tunisia. | i |
2.0 | 2:13 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
48 | SandwichTernDis80131.wav | Sandwich Tern. Distant Flight Calls Isle Of Man | i |
2.0 | 0:32 | Bird | Tern | Sandwich Tern Sterna Sandvicensis | |||
49 | WhiteTernCalls54018.wav | White Tern. Calls At Breeding Site (Surf In B/g). Cousin Is, Seychelles | i |
2.0 | 0:48 | Bird | Tern | White Tern Gygis Alba Monte | |||
50 | LittleTernExtre80128.wav | Little Tern. Extreme Alarm Oost Flevoland, Holland | i |
2.0 | 0:26 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
51 | RoyalTernmcuca59077.wav | Royal Tern. Mcu Calls From A Bird Being Submissive To Another The Two Terns Sat With A Group Of Laughing Gulls And Two Ring-billed Gulls Water Laping In Foreground, Wind In Dune Grasses These Calls Are Only Given On The Ground Ocracoke Island, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 5:01 | Bird | Tern | Royal Tern Sterna Maxima | |||
52 | WhiskeredTernCu23129.wav | Whiskered Tern. Cu - Md Flight Calls From Several. White-winged Black Terns In Background Becoming Closer 5.07 In. Insect Sounds And Slight Rippling From Water. Other Birds In Distance. Astrakhan, Russia | i |
2.0 | 6:28 | Bird | Tern | Whiskered Tern Chlidonias Hybrida | |||
53 | ArcticTernFemal77170.wav | Arctic Tern. Female With Young At Nest. Iceland | i |
2.0 | 0:40 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura | |||
54 | BlackNapedTern9082.wav | Black-Naped Tern. CU Calls From Several, Others In Distance. Good Wing Beats. Distant Surf. Brook Island, Australia | i |
2.0 | 2:49 | Bird | Tern | Black Naped Tern Sterna Sumatrana | |||
55 | CommonTernWith3260.wav | Common Tern. With Little Terns And Avocet, Combined Anxiety Calls Oost Flevoland, Holland | i |
2.0 | 0:57 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
56 | ArcticTernAttac77169.wav | Arctic Tern. Attack. Iceland | i |
2.0 | 0:50 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura | |||
57 | BlackTernCalls24076.wav | Black Tern. Calls Cu In Flight. Insects Mcu. Crested Larks Mp. Greater Flamingoes And Kentish Plover In Distance. Lake Kelbia, Tunisia | i |
2.0 | 1:17 | Bird | Tern | Black Tern Chlidonias Nigra | |||
58 | CommonTernCuan78270.wav | Common Tern. Cu And Mcu Alarm Calls From A Single Bird. Insects Mp. Distant Willow Warbler And Turtle Dove. Water Lapping. Some Footsteps. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 2:03 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
59 | LittleTernCUca55108.wav | Little Tern. CU Calls From A Colony. Swirl Of Fish In Water. Tinja, Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia | i |
2.0 | 4:05 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
60 | SootyTernFairly7156.wav | Sooty Tern. Fairly Close To Colony. Cu/mcu Calls From Terns. B/g Breaking Waves And Some Boat Engine Noise. Culebra Island, Off Puerto Rico, Greater Antilles | i |
2.0 | 0:37 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
61 | WhiteFrontedTern66105.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls Of Alarmed Birds In Colony (distant Sea In B/g.) NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 2:04 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
62 | ArcticTernScold35021.wav | Arctic Tern. Scolding Calls Mcu From Female On Nest. Male Arriving With Food. Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 3:15 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
63 | CommonTernCalls80123.wav | Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Distant Avocet. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 0:54 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
64 | LittleTernCu23137.wav | Little Tern. Cu - Mp Flight Calls From Several Birds. Mcu Heavy Surf On Beach. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 1:11 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
65 | SootyTernCucal47065.wav | Sooty Tern. Cu Calls From Bird On Nest. Colony Calls In B/g. Distant Surf. Tern Island, Hawaiian Islands | i |
2.0 | 2:05 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
66 | WhiteFrontedTern42018.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Adult As It Comes In To Feed Fledged Juvenile. Cu Begging Calls From Juvenile. Gulls And Terns In Distance. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 1:43 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
67 | AntarcticTernCU10186.wav | Antarctic Tern. CU In Flight. Sounds Of Brash Ice. Anvers Island, Antarctic Peninsula | i |
2.0 | 0:55 | Bird | Tern | Antarctic Tern Sterna Vittata | |||
68 | ArcticTernCuan35026.wav | Arctic Tern. Cu Anxiety And Threat Calls At Intruder. Cu Calls From Chicks. Colony In Distance. Wind Gusting Mp. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 5:52 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
69 | CommonTernCalls23148.wav | Common Tern. Calls Mcu From A Single Bird Flying Past. Distant Avocet. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 0:08 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
70 | LittleTernAlarm23141.wav | Little Tern. Alarm Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Wind And Surf Mp. Oued Melah, Tunisia | i |
2.0 | 0:41 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
71 | SootyTernCalls48057.wav | Sooty Tern. Calls Mp In Colony. White Terns Mp. Seychelles | i |
2.0 | 1:28 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
72 | WhiteFrontedTern42013.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu - Md Calls From Adults And Juveniles Flying Over Sea Near Breeding Cliffs. Loud Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 2:42 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
73 | ArcticTernCual19020.wav | Arctic Tern. Cu Alarm Calls In Flight From A Single Bird Defending Its Nest. Spitsbergen | i |
2.0 | 1:32 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
74 | CaspianTernmcc59073.wav | Caspian Tern. Mc-cu Flight Calls From Bird Flying In Forster"s Terns Call In Foreground Hatteras Island, North Carolina, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:43 | Bird | Tern | Caspian Tern Sterna Caspia | |||
75 | LeastTernCucal64195.wav | Least Tern. Cu Calls, Calls And Clicking Calls, While In Flight, Red-winged Blackbirds And Other Birds In B/g, Aircraft Hum At Start. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, USA | i |
2.0 | 0:18 | Bird | Tern | Least Tern Sterna Antillarum | |||
76 | SootyTernCalls28221.wav | Sooty Tern. Calls Mp In Colony. White Terns Mp. Seychelles | i |
2.0 | 1:29 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
77 | WhiteTernMCUCU60070.wav | White Tern. MCU-CU Calls From Adults And Chick. Laysan Albatrosses And Sooty Terns In B/g. Surf In Distance. Adults Become Noisier At End. Tern Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 4:46 | Bird | Tern | White Tern Gygis Alba | |||
78 | SootyTernAggres46160.wav | Sooty Tern. Aggressive Interplay Between Neighbouring Nesting Pairs Plus Alarm Of Disturbed Birds Cu. Location:Tortagn Island, Lesser Antilles, West Indies | i |
2.0 | 2:56 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
79 | WhiteTernCUcal60065.wav | White Tern. CU Calls From Adults And Chicks. Terns And Surf In B/g. Tern Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 2:08 | Bird | Tern | White Tern Gygis Alba | |||
80 | ArcticTernCalls35018.wav | Arctic Tern. Calls In Colony Mp. Surf In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 2:16 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
81 | BrownNoddyCUca47082.wav | Brown Noddy. CU Calls While "mobbing". Sooty Terns In B/g. Occasional Close Tern. Tern Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 2:51 | Bird | Tern | Brown Noddy Anous Stolidus | |||
82 | GreyBackedTern60066.wav | Grey-Backed Tern. MCU Alarm Calls From Birds Defending Nest Site. Tern Island, Hawaii | i |
2.0 | 1:47 | Bird | Tern | Grey Backed Tern Sterna Lunata | |||
83 | ArcticTernAnxie35022.wav | Arctic Tern. Anxiety And Attack Calls Cu. Colony Mp. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 3:16 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
84 | BridledTernMcu21076.wav | Bridled Tern. Mcu Yapping Calls From Tern. B/g Calls From Other Seabird Species. Cousin Island, Seychelles, Indian Ocean | i |
2.0 | 1:02 | Bird | Tern | Bridled Tern Sterna Anaethetus | |||
85 | ElegantTernAND47028.wav | Elegant Tern. AND ROYAL TERN (STERNA MAXIMA). Calls Of Mixed Breeding Colony. Medium Perspective. Raza Island, Sea Of Cortez, Baja California, Mexico | i |
2.0 | 1:58 | Bird | Tern | Elegant Tern Sterna Elegans | |||
86 | LittleTernFligh55061.wav | Little Tern. Flight Contact Calls (MCU), With Gentle Sea Wash And Distant Black-headed Gull. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:52 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
87 | SandwichTernCal79252.wav | Sandwich Tern. Calls In Colony Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:55 | Bird | Tern | Sandwich Tern Sterna Sandvicensis | |||
88 | WhiskeredTernCu23131.wav | Whiskered Tern. Cu Calls In Colony. Other Birds And Frogs In Distance. Astrakhan, Russia | i |
2.0 | 3:34 | Bird | Tern | Whiskered Tern Chlidonias Hybrida | |||
89 | BlackTernCalls78254.wav | Black Tern. Calls Cu And Mcu From Several Birds. Distant Water Lapping. Wind On Microphone. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 2:05 | Bird | Tern | Black Tern Chlidonias Nigra | |||
90 | CommonTernFligh78269.wav | Common Tern. Flight Calls Of Fishing Bird Bergen, Holland | i |
2.0 | 1:03 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
91 | LittleTernCufl55054.wav | Little Tern. Cu Flight Calls From Two Birds. Mcu Surf On Beach. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:38 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
92 | SootyTernMcuca15196.wav | Sooty Tern. Mcu Calls From Individuals With Good Lateral Effects, Sometimes Agitated. B/g To Distant Continuous Sounds Of Large Colony. Bird Island, Seychelles | i |
2.0 | 1:21 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
93 | ArcticTernAttac79153.wav | Arctic Tern. Attack And Threat Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:32 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Macrura | |||
94 | AntarcticTernSe183.wav | Antarctic Tern. Several Calling In Flight MD, Sea Lapping, Shore In Foreground, Sea-ice, Drips From Glacier. South Georgia | i |
2.0 | 1:51 | Bird | Tern | Antarctic Tern Sterna Vittata | |||
95 | ArcticTernThrea79254.wav | Arctic Tern. Threat Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Colony In Distance. Inner Farne, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:51 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea | |||
96 | CommonTernCalls80127.wav | Common Tern. Calls Mcu From Two Birds. Distant Avocet. Oost Flevoland, Netherlands | i |
2.0 | 1:05 | Bird | Tern | Common Tern Sterna Hirundo | |||
97 | LittleTernCuan23136.wav | Little Tern. Cu And Mcu Flight Calls. Heavy Surf Breaking On Shore Mcu. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK | i |
2.0 | 0:46 | Bird | Tern | Little Tern Sterna Albifrons | |||
98 | SootyTernCucal56120.wav | Sooty Tern. Cu Calls From Birds In Colony On Ground And In Flight. Ascension Island | i |
2.0 | 3:34 | Bird | Tern | Sooty Tern Sterna Fuscata | |||
99 | WhiteFrontedTern51246.wav | White-Fronted Tern. Cu Calls From Red-billed Gulls At Start As They Land Near Terns Ledge. Cu Loud Alarm Calls From Juvenile White-fronted Tern. Adult Flies In Calling Cu And Feeds Juvenile. Gull Calls At End. Seawash In Background. Brothers Island, New Zealand | i |
2.0 | 2:38 | Bird | Tern | White Fronted Tern Sterna Striata | |||
100 | ArcticTernCuat23156.wav | Arctic Tern. Cu Attack Calls And Wingbeats From Several Birds. Inner Farne, Farne Islands, Northumberland, UK | i |
2.0 | 3:42 | Bird | Tern | Arctic Tern Sterna Paradisaea |