Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlMa12071.wav Common Peafowl. Male Rustling Feathers In Display Cu. Greylag Goose, Chaffinch And Peacocks Calling In Distance. Wind Strong At Start, Several Cuts. Brownsea Island, Dorset.
2.0 2:03



Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndianGreyPartri69106.wav Indian Grey Partridge. Calls Cu Of Single Bird, With Others, Bulbuls And Babblers In B/g. Cape Monze, Pakistan
2.0 0:44Bird Pheasant Indian Grey Partridge Francolinus Pondicerianus
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseSingl20202.wav Sage Grouse. Single Male Displaying Cu. Sparrow Mp. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 0:55Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12086.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Rustling Of Tail And Wings From A Peacock Defending His Display Ground From An Intruding Bird. Collared Doves And Other Birds In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:19Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndianGreyPartri60041.wav Indian Grey Partridge. Calls Mcu Of Several Birds, With Some Cu And Other Birds In B/g. Cape Monze, Pakistan
2.0 2:19Bird Pheasant Indian Grey Partridge Francolinus Pondicerianus
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseGroup20201.wav Sage Grouse. Groups Of Males Displaying Cu. Sparrow Singing Mp. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 2:32Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12081.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Tail Shake From Peacock With Tail Fanned. Greenfinches, Blackbirds Etc In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:11Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyPartridgeFl20138.wav Grey Partridge. Flight Alarm Call Mcu From A Pair. Redshank, Wren And Robin In Distance. Blyth Estuary, Suffolk.
2.0 0:17Bird Pheasant Grey Partridge Perdix Perdix
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedLeggedPartrid51175.wav Red-Legged Partridge. Calls Mp From A Male. Blackbird Mcu. Insects And Goldfinch In Distance. Water In Background. San Domingo De Silos, Spain
1.0 0:56Bird Pheasant Red Legged Partridge Alectoris Rufa
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12075.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Calls From A Peacock With Its Tail Fanned. Collared Doves In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:17Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DoubleSpurredFra65119.wav Double-Spurred Francolin. Calls CU. Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
2.0 0:11Bird Pheasant Double Spurred Francolin Francolinus Bicalcaratus
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library QuailTypicalcal35001.wav Quail. Typical Calls Mcu. Field Crickets Cu. Corn Bunting, Raven, Bees And Cuckoo In Distance. Wind Gusting At Times. Guadalix, Near Miraflores, Spain
2.0 2:48Bird Pheasant Quail Coturnix Coturnix
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonCrowPheasa69121.wav Common Crow Pheasant. Calls Mcu, With Other Birds In B/g. Wind In Trees. Haleji Lake, Pakistan
2.0 0:14Bird Pheasant Common Crow Pheasant Centropus Sinensis
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPheasantT90032.wav Common Pheasant. Take-off And Calls Mcu From Birds Flying To Roost. Blackbird Alarm Mcu. Distant Crow. Walberswick, Suffolk, UK
2.0 0:24Bird Pheasant Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganMalecr78214.wav Ptarmigan. Male Crow. Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:09Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganCrowing19222.wav Ptarmigan. Crowing And Croaking Calls Cu. Heavy, Windy Background. Inverness-shire
2.0 0:22Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU69086.wav Willow Grouse. CU Calls, Howling Wind In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:24Bird Pheasant Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlueEaredPheasan23057.wav Blue-Eared Pheasant. Calls Cu From A Captive Bird. House Sparrows Mp. Chaffinch In Distance. Background Sounds From Zoo. Jersey Zoo
2.0 0:56Bird Pheasant Blue Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon Auritum
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPheasantC45115.wav Common Pheasant. Calls And Flapping Cu From Caged Birds. Sounds Of Birds Knocking Against Pen. Distant Chaffinch And Voices. Plane And Traffic In Background. Wiltshire
2.0 1:34Bird Pheasant Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
20 BBC Sound Effects Library Turkeys.BBC.ECD35a.wav Bird, Turkey: Turkeys, Interior, Eight Month Old Turkeys, Mostly Hens (females). (Close Perspective Recording.)
2.0 2:05Bird Pheasant Bird Turkey
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlMc12087.wav Common Peafowl. Mcu Calls From A Single Peacock. Collared Doves, Blackbirds Etc In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:12Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PheasantChicks45116.wav Pheasant. Chicks. Avon Game Park, Avon, UK
2.0 0:52Bird Pheasant Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseSingl83059.wav Sage Grouse. Single Male Displaying Cu. Sparrow Mp. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 0:53Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12089.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Tail Shakes. Loud Calls From Peacocks In Background. Bird Flies Up On To Top Of Cage At End Of Recording. Song Thrush, Collared Doves Etc In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:21Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndianGreyPartri69103.wav Indian Grey Partridge. Calls Of Several Birds Mcu-cu, Windy And Hissy. Cape Monze, Pakistan
2.0 0:56Bird Pheasant Indian Grey Partridge Francolinus Pondicerianus
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseGroup83058.wav Sage Grouse. Groups Of Males Displaying Cu. Sparrow Singing Mp. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 2:33Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12083.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Calls From Peacock Fanning Tail And Vibrating Secondaries. Others Calling In Background. Collared Doves, Blackbirds, Song Thrush, Swallows Etc In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:33Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyPartridgeTa20137.wav Grey Partridge. Take-off Mp. Studland Heath, Dorset.
2.0 0:11Bird Pheasant Grey Partridge Perdix Perdix
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedLeggedPartrid62220.wav Red-Legged Partridge. Typical Challenge Call From Male Mcu. Crickets, Crested Lark And Bees In Distance. Caleruela, Oropesa, Castilla La Mancha, Spain
2.0 0:57Bird Pheasant Red Legged Partridge Alectoris Rufa
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12077.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Sounds As Peacock Fans Tail. Sounds Of Feet As Bird Moves Around. Cu Call At 2m39s. Occasional Soft Snorts. Bird Puts Tail Down At End Of Recording. Other Peacocks Call In Background. Collared Doves, Blackbirds, Wren, Robin, Starlings, Swifts, Jackdaws Etc In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 3:18Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DoubleSpurredFra72124.wav Double-Spurred Francolin. Territorial Call MCU. Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
2.0 0:07Bird Pheasant Double Spurred Francolin Francolinus Bicalcaratus
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedGrouseCalls19235.wav Red Grouse. Calls Cu From Chick. Black-headed Gulls In Distance. Aberdeen, Scotland
2.0 0:21Bird Pheasant Red Grouse Lagopus Scoticus
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganMalecr78218.wav Ptarmigan. Male Crow. Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:05Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCa12070.wav Common Peafowl. Calls From Male Mcu. House Sparrow Occasionally In Distance. Brownsea Island, Dorset.
2.0 0:15Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DomesticFowlCro49137.wav Domestic Fowl. Crowing CU From Cockerel, Hens Clucking And Blue Jays Calling In B/g. Cicada Chorus Distant And Distant Aircraft. Audubon State Commemorative Area, Louisiana, USA
2.0 1:48Bird Pheasant Domestic Fowl Gallus Domesticus
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChickenCockerel1158.wav Chicken. Cockerel Crowing Mcu. B/g Sparrows. England
2.0 1:11Bird Pheasant Chicken Gallus Gallus Domesticus
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPheasantC55063.wav Common Pheasant. Calls Cu From Male With Soft, Submissive Calls From Female Prior To Mating. Song Thrush, Turtle Dove, Wren, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler And Pheasant In Distance. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
2.0 4:57Bird Pheasant Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganCuwing19224.wav Ptarmigan. Cu Wingbeats And Flight Call From A Male. Distant Call After Landing. Cairn Gorm, Highland, Scotland
2.0 0:22Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU69088.wav Willow Grouse. CU Sound Of Bird Ruffling Feathers And Call, Windy B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:18Bird Pheasant Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
40 BBC Sound Effects Library Turkeys.BBC.ECD35c.wav Bird, Turkey: Turkeys, Interior, Six Month Old Turkeys General Atmosphere (ends Abruptly).
2.0 0:29Bird Pheasant Bird Turkey
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPheasantC23020.wav Common Pheasant. Calls And Flapping Cu From Caged Birds. Sounds Of Birds Knocking Against Pen. Distant Chaffinch And Voices. Plane And Traffic In Background. Wiltshire
2.0 1:37Bird Pheasant Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PheasantGamekeep45117.wav Pheasant. Gamekeeper Whistling-up Pheasant Chicks Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:22Bird Pheasant Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SilverPheasantM16286.wav Silver Pheasant. Male Threat Calls Cu. Essex
2.0 1:15Bird Pheasant Silver Pheasant Lophura Nycthemera
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12091.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Call From Peacock With Tail Fanned. Song Thrush In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:11Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndianGreyPartri69105.wav Indian Grey Partridge. Calls Cu Of Single Bird, With Bulbuls And Babblers In B/g. Cape Monze, Pakistan
2.0 0:14Bird Pheasant Indian Grey Partridge Francolinus Pondicerianus
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseMCUd54162.wav Sage Grouse. MCU Display Sounds From A Group Of About 50 Males At "Lek". Occasional Sparrow Song And Song From Western Meadowlark. Grouse Fly Off At End. Northern Montana, U.S.A
2.0 4:28Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12085.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Calls From Several Peacocks. Great Tit In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:49Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndianGreyPartri57150.wav Indian Grey Partridge. Calls Cu With Others In B/g And Also Songs Of Purple Sunbird And Long-tailed Tailor Bird. Islamabad, Pakistan
2.0 2:10Bird Pheasant Indian Grey Partridge Francolinus Pondicerianus
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseGroup20200.wav Sage Grouse. Group Of Males Displaying Mcu. Sparrow (song?) Mcu. Recorded Early Morning. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 2:18Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedLeggedPartrid3189.wav Red-Legged Partridge. Calls Mp From A Male. Blackbird Mcu. Insects And Goldfinch In Distance. Water In Background. San Domingo De Silos, Spain
2.0 0:58Bird Pheasant Red Legged Partridge Alectoris Rufa
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12080.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Calls From Peacock With Tail Fanned. Others Call In Background. Collared Doves And Other Birds In Distance. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:46Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DoubleSpurredFra77028.wav Double-Spurred Francolin. MD Calls, Calls From Bulbuls Close And Distant, Other Birds, Insects And Distant Traffic. The Gambia
2.0 4:43Bird Pheasant Double Spurred Francolin Francolinus Bicalcaratus
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12074.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Single Call From A Peacock. Answered By Another In Distance. Collared Doves, Wren, Starlings And Other Birds In Distance. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:17Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DoubleSpurredFra65118.wav Double-Spurred Francolin. Territorial Call CU, Following Quiet Calls. Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
2.0 0:27Bird Pheasant Double Spurred Francolin Francolinus Bicalcaratus
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library QuailCallsmcu4262.wav Quail. Calls Mcu. Skylarks Mp, Distant Wren. Cornwall
2.0 4:04Bird Pheasant Quail Coturnix Coturnix
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonCrowPheasa69119.wav Common Crow Pheasant. Quiet Calls Mcu, With Other Birds In B/g. Wind In Trees. Haleji Lake, Pakistan
2.0 2:13Bird Pheasant Common Crow Pheasant Centropus Sinensis
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPheasantT23019.wav Common Pheasant. Take-off And Calls Mcu From Birds Flying To Roost. Blackbird Alarm Mcu. Distant Crow. Walberswick, Suffolk, UK
2.0 0:22Bird Pheasant Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganMalecr78213.wav Ptarmigan. Male Crowing Call Cu. High Windy Background. Inverness-shire
2.0 0:08Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU69090.wav Willow Grouse. CU Calls, Windy B/g, Sparrows Singing In Distance, Wind Through Willows. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 2:03Bird Pheasant Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
60 BBC Sound Effects Library Turkeys.BBC.EC31B.wav Bird, Turkey: Turkeys.
2.0 2:45Bird Pheasant Bird Turkey
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPheasantC23022.wav Common Pheasant. Calls Cu From Male With Soft, Submissive Calls From Female Prior To Mating. Song Thrush, Turtle Dove, Wren, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler And Pheasant In Distance. Minsmere, Suffolk, UK
2.0 4:51Bird Pheasant Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
62 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganCrowan78217.wav Ptarmigan. Crow And Croak. Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:37Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU69076.wav Willow Grouse. CU Take Off Flight Call And Landing Calls. American Tree Sparrow In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:16Bird Pheasant Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
64 BBC Sound Effects Library Turkeys.BBC.EC31E.wav Bird, Turkey: Many Turkeys.
2.0 3:12Bird Pheasant Bird Turkey
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlMc12078.wav Common Peafowl. Mcu Calls From A Peacock. Collared Doves And Other Birds In Distance. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:15Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PeafowlTypicalc51055.wav Peafowl. Typical Call (albino Male In Captivity) Peking Zoo, China
2.0 0:17Bird Pheasant Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
67 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseSingl20203.wav Sage Grouse. Single Male Displaying Cu. Distant Sparrow. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 0:53Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseGroup83057.wav Sage Grouse. Group Of Males Displaying Mcu. Sparrow (song?) Mcu. Recorded Early Morning. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 2:21Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
69 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12088.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Sound Of Peacock Raising Tail. Another Calls In Background. Song Thrush, Collared Doves Etc In Background. Insects In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:25Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndianGreyPartri69102.wav Indian Grey Partridge. Calls Mcu, Slightly Windy. Cape Monze, Pakistan
2.0 0:18Bird Pheasant Indian Grey Partridge Francolinus Pondicerianus
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12082.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Sound Of Peacock Vibrating Secondaries Whilst Fanning Tail. Other Peacocks Call In Background. Collared Doves, Blackbirds, Swallows, Jackdaws And Others In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:49Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyPartridgeFl90040.wav Grey Partridge. Flight Alarm Call Mcu From A Pair. Redshank, Wren And Robin In Distance. Blyth Estuary, Suffolk.
2.0 0:17Bird Pheasant Grey Partridge Perdix Perdix
73 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedLeggedPartrid51176.wav Red-Legged Partridge. Typical Challenge Call From Male Mcu. Crickets, Crested Lark And Bees In Distance. Caleruela, Oropesa, Castilla La Mancha, Spain
1.0 0:56Bird Pheasant Red Legged Partridge Alectoris Rufa
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12076.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Call From A Peacock. Others Call In Background. Scraping Noises Are A Combination Of The Sound Of The Feet As It Turns And The Dry Rustle Of The Tail While Fanned. Sound Of Shaking Tail. Collared Doves, Greenfinches, Jackdaws, Swifts And Other Birds In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:39Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DoubleSpurredFra65120.wav Double-Spurred Francolin. Territorial Calls Of Male CU. Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
2.0 0:10Bird Pheasant Double Spurred Francolin Francolinus Bicalcaratus
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library QuailTypicalcal53091.wav Quail. Typical Calls Mcu. Field Crickets Cu. Corn Bunting, Raven, Bees And Cuckoo In Distance. Wind Gusting At Times. Guadalix, Near Miraflores, Spain
2.0 2:52Bird Pheasant Quail Coturnix Coturnix
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonCrowPheasa69122.wav Common Crow Pheasant. Soft Calls Mcu, With Other Birds In B/g. Wind In Trees. Haleji Lake, Pakistan
2.0 1:18Bird Pheasant Common Crow Pheasant Centropus Sinensis
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DomesticFowlBan56086.wav Domestic Fowl. Bantam Rooster Crowing Mcu At Dawn, With Collared Dove And Blackbird. Hamptworth, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:59Bird Pheasant Domestic Fowl
79 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganMalecr78216.wav Ptarmigan. Male Crow. Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:08Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
80 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlueEaredPheasan48053.wav Blue-Eared Pheasant. Calls Cu From A Captive Bird. House Sparrows Mp. Chaffinch In Distance. Background Sounds From Zoo. Jersey Zoo
2.0 1:01Bird Pheasant Blue Eared Pheasant Crossoptilon Auritum
81 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPheasantC45118.wav Common Pheasant. Calls And Wingbeats Mcu From Several Birds Going To Roost At Dusk. Robin Mp. Blackbirds Mp - Distant. Distant Song Thrush. Tractor In Background. Tilfont Magna Estate, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 6:51Bird Pheasant Common Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganCrowing78215.wav Ptarmigan. Crowing And Croaking Calls Cu. Heavy, Windy Background. Inverness-shire
2.0 0:22Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WillowGrouseCU69087.wav Willow Grouse. CU Calls, Wind In B/g. La Perouse Bay, Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada
2.0 0:10Bird Pheasant Willow Grouse Lagopus Lagopus
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseSingl83060.wav Sage Grouse. Single Male Displaying Cu. Distant Sparrow. Foster Flat, Oregon, U.S.A.
2.0 0:54Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
85 BBC Sound Effects Library Turkeys.BBC.ECD35d.wav Bird, Turkey: Turkeys, Interior, General Atmosphere Of Turkey Hens.
2.0 1:33Bird Pheasant Bird Turkey
86 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlMd39011.wav Common Peafowl. Md Honking Alarm Calls From Peafowl. Some Low Bumps And Rumbles. Distant Sounds Of Insects. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India
2.0 0:34Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PheasantCockcro64134.wav Pheasant. Cock Crowing Display Cu. With Rook Calls. West Morden, Dorset, UK
2.0 0:22Bird Pheasant Pheasant Phasianus Colchicus
88 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12090.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Call From A Peacock With Tail Down, Throwing Head Back As It Calls. Another In Background. Song Thrush In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:50Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
89 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndianGreyPartri69104.wav Indian Grey Partridge. Calls Cu Of Single Bird, With Bulbuls And Babblers In B/g. Cape Monze, Pakistan
2.0 0:32Bird Pheasant Indian Grey Partridge Francolinus Pondicerianus
90 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SageGrouseMCUC54163.wav Sage Grouse. MCU-CU Display Sounds From A Group Of About 50 Males. Western Meadowlarks And Black-tailed Prairie Dog Alarming In B/g. Northern Montana, U.S.A
2.0 11:47Bird Pheasant Sage Grouse Centrocercus Urophasianus
91 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12084.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Sound Of Peacock Shaking Tail And Vibrating Secondaries. Loud Calls From Other Peacocks Nearby. Bird Puts Tail Down At End Of Recording. Collared Doves, Robin, Blackbirds Etc In Background. Some Distant Traffic Noise. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:48Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
92 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyPartridgeTa83050.wav Grey Partridge. Take-off Mp. Studland Heath, Dorset.
2.0 0:08Bird Pheasant Grey Partridge Perdix Perdix
93 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedNeckedSpurfow16277.wav Red-Necked Spurfowl. Mcu Calls. Larks, Grey-backed Fiscal And Black Coucal In Background. Serengeti, Tanzania, E Africa
2.0 0:34Bird Pheasant Red Necked Spurfowl Francolinus Afer
94 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12079.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Slight Tail Shake And Call From Peacock. Others Call In Background. Other Birds In Distance. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:21Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
95 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DoubleSpurredFra72125.wav Double-Spurred Francolin. Territorial Call MCU In Answer To Distant Bird. Abuko Nature Reserve, The Gambia
2.0 0:17Bird Pheasant Double Spurred Francolin Francolinus Bicalcaratus
96 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedGrouseCalls85145.wav Red Grouse. Calls Cu From Chick. Black-headed Gulls In Distance. Aberdeen, Scotland
2.0 0:19Bird Pheasant Red Grouse Lagopus Scoticus
97 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonPeafowlCu12073.wav Common Peafowl. Cu Calls From A Peacock. Woodpigeons, Collared Doves, Blackbirds, Dunnock, Robin And Others In Background. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 0:20Bird Pheasant Common Peafowl Pavo Cristatus
98 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DoubleSpurredFra60076.wav Double-Spurred Francolin. Rather Distant Calls. NB Exact Date Of Recording Is Unknown. Location:Gambia
2.0 0:15Bird Pheasant Double Spurred Francolin Francolinus Bicalcaratus
99 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PtarmiganMcucal19225.wav Ptarmigan. Mcu Call From A Male On The Ground. Soft Calls Until Bird Flies, Then Calls Mcu. Cairn Gorm, Highland, Scotland
2.0 0:56Bird Pheasant Ptarmigan Lagopus Mutus
100 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChickenMcucluck1157.wav Chicken. Mcu Clucking And Scratching Sounds From Several. B/g Cockerel And House Sparrows. Distant Cow ""mooing"". England
2.0 2:17Bird Pheasant Chicken Gallus Gallus Domesticus