Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherEar2042.wav Oystercatcher. Early Morning. CU Calls. Snettisham, Norfolk, England, UK
2.0 0:54



Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCu55044.wav Oystercatcher. Cu Flight Alarm Calls From A Single Bird. Skylark Md, Gulls In Distance. Skomer Island, Wales.
2.0 0:22Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCu40015.wav Oystercatcher. Cu Alarm Calls From Bird Near Nest. Distant Calls From Chaffinch And Chiffchaff In Trees Behind Beach. Distant Gulls Near Water-line. Auchencairn Bay, SW Scotland, UK
2.0 0:58Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAnx88129.wav Oystercatcher. Anxiety Calls Of Pair With Chicks. Cullernose Point, Northumberland, UK
2.0 3:52Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SouthIslandPied39061.wav South Island Pied Oystercatcher. Cu Trilling Song From A Single Bird. Soft Calls From A Nearby Immature Bird. Others In Background. Distant Bellbird. Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand
2.0 0:52Bird Oystercatcher South Island Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus Finschi
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAla65089.wav Oystercatcher. Alarm Calls Cu. Skylark Md, Curlew In Distance. Skomer Island, Dyfed, Wales
2.0 0:11Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MagellanicOysterc38056.wav Magellanic Oystercatcher. Calls Cu. Distant Black-necked Swans. Water Lapping Mp. Punta Bandera, Lago Argentino, Provincia Santa Cruz, Argentina.
2.0 0:23Bird Oystercatcher Magellanic Oystercatcher Haematopus Leucopodus
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherMc40016.wav Oystercatcher. Mc - Md Territorial Calls Between 2 Or 3 Birds On Beach. Surf And Distant Gulls. Auchencairn Bay, SW Scotland, UK
2.0 0:53Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AmericanOystercat40033.wav American Oystercatcher. Anxiety Calls Mcu. California Sealions Mp. Surf Mp. San Benito Island, Baja California, Mexico
2.0 0:51Bird Oystercatcher American Oystercatcher Haematopus Palliatus
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherEar2044.wav Oystercatcher. Early Morning. Calls From Birds At Roost. Some Pre-flight Wing Flaps. Snettisham, Norfolk, England, UK
2.0 1:49Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherEar2039.wav Oystercatcher. Early Morning. Calls From Oystercatchers At Roost. Knot Calls In B/g. Knot Surging Forwards At 4m35s. Snettisham, Norfolk, England, UK
2.0 6:02Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCu40020.wav Oystercatcher. Cu Alarm Calls From A Single Bird. Very Distant Bird Song From Woodland Behind Beach. Seawash And Distant Gulls From Bay. Auchencairn Bay, SW Scotland, UK
2.0 3:13Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAwa78259.wav Oystercatcher. Awareness And Alarm Calls Cu; Skylark In Distance. Some Wind. Oost Flevoland, Holland.
2.0 0:55Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAla87115.wav Oystercatcher. Alarm Calls. Water Lapping Md. Hissy Recording. Walney Island, Cumbria
2.0 0:27Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VariableOystercat41079.wav Variable Oystercatcher. Mcu - Cu Calls From Adult Feeding Immature. Begging Calls From Immature In Background. Occasional Southern Black-backed Gulls In Background. Calls From Silver Gulls. Distant Skylark At Times. Heavy Surf On Rocks. Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand
2.0 4:18Bird Oystercatcher Variable Oystercatcher Haematopus Unicolor
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MagellanicOysterc87127.wav Magellanic Oystercatcher. Calls Cu. Distant Black-necked Swans. Water Lapping Mp. Punta Bandera, Lago Argentino, Provincia Santa Cruz, Argentina.
2.0 0:24Bird Oystercatcher Magellanic Oystercatcher Haematopus Leucopodus
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherMcu40019.wav Oystercatcher. Mcu Calls From A Single Bird Feeding On Beach. Surf And Gulls In Background. Auchencairn Bay, SW Scotland, UK
2.0 2:13Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackOystercatche64017.wav Black Oystercatcher. MD-MCU Calls And Trilling From Several Birds. Surf In B/g. Soft Calls From Glaucous-winged Gull. St Lazaria, Alaska
2.0 1:12Bird Oystercatcher Black Oystercatcher Haematopus Bachmani
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherFli65086.wav Oystercatcher. Flight Alarm Calls Cu. Skylark Mcu; Gulls In Distance; Wind Md. Skomer Island, Dyfed, Wales.
2.0 0:39Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherEar2041.wav Oystercatcher. Early Morning. Excited Calls. Sounds Of Movement On Shingle And Calls At 1m48s. Knot Calls In B/g. Snettisham, Norfolk, England, UK
2.0 3:01Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCu49054.wav Oystercatcher. Cu Piping Calls And Trills From Several Birds On Breeding Ground. Lapwing And Curlew In Distance. Speyside, Scotland.
2.0 1:47Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCU2109.wav Oystercatcher. CU Calls From Oystercatchers At High Tide. Groups Of Knots Calling. Greylag And Canada Geese In B/g. Wind Across Beach. Snettisham, Norfolk, England, UK
2.0 2:57Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAnx80132.wav Oystercatcher. Anxiety Calls Mcu. Shorebird Md; Traffic In Distance. Isle Of Man
2.0 0:55Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VariableOystercat41081.wav Variable Oystercatcher. Cu Calls From Adult. Immature Begging For Food. Surf On Rocks In Background. Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand
2.0 2:16Bird Oystercatcher Variable Oystercatcher Haematopus Unicolor
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAla65085.wav Oystercatcher. Alarm Calls Mcu From Several Birds. Skylark Mcu; Herring Gulls And Curlew In Distance. Wind Md. Skomer Island, Dyfed, Wales.
2.0 0:50Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherVar87114.wav Oystercatcher. Various Calls Cu. Gulls Mcu - Distant; Water Lapping Md. Walney Island, Cumbria
2.0 2:39Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChathamIslandOys66100.wav Chatham Island Oystercatcher. Calls Of Two Pairs CU. NB: Date Of Recording Not Known. Chatham Island, New Zealand
2.0 0:59Bird Oystercatcher Chatham Island Oystercatcher Haematopus Chathamensis
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherFli90109.wav Oystercatcher. Flight Calls Cu From Several Birds. Seawash Md. Yell, Shetlands
2.0 0:26Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AmericanOystercat40032.wav American Oystercatcher. Anxiety Calls Mcu. California Sealions Mp. Surf Mp. San Benito Island, Baja California, Mexico
2.0 0:37Bird Oystercatcher American Oystercatcher Haematopus Palliatus
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherEar2043.wav Oystercatcher. Early Morning. CU Scratching And Scraping. Snettisham, Norfolk, England, UK
2.0 0:43Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCu78256.wav Oystercatcher. Cu Calls From Several In Flight. Black-headed Gull Calls Md; Cuckoo In Distance. Skylark At End Md. Oost Flevoland, Holland
2.0 0:41Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCu40018.wav Oystercatcher. Cu Calls Between A Pair. Others Calling In Background. Distant Surf And Gulls. Auchencairn Bay, SW Scotland, UK
2.0 1:02Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAwa78258.wav Oystercatcher. Awareness Calls Cu. Black-headed Gull Md; Oystercatcher Flight Alarm Md. Skylark In Distance. Oost Flevoland, Holland
2.0 0:54Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAla78257.wav Oystercatcher. Alarm Calls Cu From A Single Bird In Flight. Surf In Distance. Oost Flevoland, Holland.
2.0 1:07Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VariableOystercat41078.wav Variable Oystercatcher. Cu Calls From Adult Feeding Immature. Immature Calls Softly In Background. Distant Gulls. Distant Skylark Near End Of Recording. Distant Surf On Rocks. Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand
2.0 2:56Bird Oystercatcher Variable Oystercatcher Haematopus Unicolor
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MagellanicOysterc48254.wav Magellanic Oystercatcher. Calls Cu, With Other Birds In Distance. Windy. Navarino Island, Chile
2.0 0:18Bird Oystercatcher Magellanic Oystercatcher Haematopus Leucopodus
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherMcu40017.wav Oystercatcher. Mcu Calls. Alarm Clicks And Soft Call From Second Bird. Others Calling In Background. Distant Surf. Aircraft At End. Auchencairn Bay, SW Scotland, UK
2.0 1:12Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackOystercatche54198.wav Black Oystercatcher. Distant-MC Flight Calls. Seawash And Calls From Sea Otter Pup In B/g. Cordova, Alaska
2.0 0:36Bird Oystercatcher Black Oystercatcher Haematopus Bachmani
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherFli56135.wav Oystercatcher. Flight Alarm Calls Cu. Curlew Flight Alarm Mcu; Lapwing And Skylark In Distance; Songbirds Alarming Mcu - Distant. Wind And River In Distance. N.B This Recording Was Made At An Unspecified Date During 1977 Speyside, Scotland.
1.0 2:57Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherEar2040.wav Oystercatcher. Early Morning. CU Calls From Oystercatchers At Roost. Snettisham, Norfolk, England, UK
2.0 2:20Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCu40021.wav Oystercatcher. Cu Calls From Several In A Flock At High Tide Roost Prior To Leaving. Birds Take Off At 0m34s And 2m14s. Lots Of Movement In Water. Calls From Knot, Lapwing And Shelduck. The Wash, Norfolk, UK
2.0 3:32Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherCal82217.wav Oystercatcher. Calls. With Black Headed Gulls. Norfolk, UK
2.0 1:17Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAla90110.wav Oystercatcher. Alarm Calls Cu From A Single Bird, Flight Alarm At End. Another In Distance. Unst, Shetlands
2.0 1:13Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VariableOystercat41080.wav Variable Oystercatcher. Cu Calls From Adult. Begging Calls From Immature In Background. Calls From Silver Gulls. Surf On Rocks. Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand
2.0 2:47Bird Oystercatcher Variable Oystercatcher Haematopus Unicolor
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherAgg55046.wav Oystercatcher. Aggressive Calls Mcu From A Pair. Skylark Md; Curlew And Gulls In Distance. Surf In Background. Skomer Island, Wales.
2.0 0:26Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherVar86074.wav Oystercatcher. Various Calls And Trills, Mainly In Flight Cu - Distant. Fulmars Cu; Eiders, Rock Pipit And Dunlin Song Md; Skylark In Distance. Seawash Md. Yell, Shetlands
2.0 2:32Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OystercatcherFli90003.wav Oystercatcher. Flight Call Cu; Waders In Distance. Water Rippling Mcu, Surf In Distance. Hascosay, Shetland.
2.0 0:20Bird Oystercatcher Oystercatcher Haematopus Ostralegus
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BlackOystercatche64018.wav Black Oystercatcher. MCU Flight And Contact Calls. Surf In B/g. St Lazaria, Alaska
2.0 0:30Bird Oystercatcher Black Oystercatcher Haematopus Bachmani