Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrestedSerpentEa36088.wav Crested Serpent Eagle. M/d Shrill Calls Of Eagle From Approx.0m30s. Other Bird Species Also Calling In Forest. Also Some Sounds Of Wind In Trees. Anamalai Nature Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India
2.0 1:11



Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis Cheela
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleMcu21206.wav Golden Eagle. Mcu ""trilling"" With Other Calls. Possibly Sounds Of A Stream In B/g. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Scotland
2.0 0:09Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8169.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Ravens Mobbing Eagle. Wingbeats And Good Calls From Eagle. Also Some Calls From Ravens. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Troms County, Norway
2.0 0:28Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMCUal64021.wav Bald Eagle. MCU Alarm Calls, Leach"s Petrel And Woodland Birds In B/g. St Lazaria, Alaska, U.S.A
2.0 0:18Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl79217.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Calling Cu. Slight High Pitched Hum. Invernesshire
2.0 2:03Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8158.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Wing Beats From Eagle. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Northern Norway
2.0 0:12Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleDistan54197.wav Bald Eagle. Distant-MC Calls, Black Oystercatcher Piping In B/g. Sea Lapping On Shore. Copper River Delta, Cordova, Alaska
2.0 0:25Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl78279.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Calling Cu. Female Moving Around In Nest. Slight Crackles. Invernesshire
2.0 0:19Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TawnyEagleCuan20080.wav Tawny Eagle. Cu Annoyance Calls From An Immature Bird. Slight Hum In Background. Long Ashton, Bristol, UK
2.0 1:23Bird Eagle Tawny Eagle Aquila Rapax
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AfricanFishEagle51170.wav African Fish Eagle. Mc Calls From One Bird By Side Of Marsh. Another Replying Md. Wood Sandpiper Calls. Tropical Boubou, Ducks And Insects In Background. NB:Northern Fish Eagles Have A Different Call From Those Further South. Masai Mara, Kenya.
2.0 3:11Bird Eagle African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus Vocifer
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl21195.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Calling Cu. Female Moving Around In Nest. Slight Crackles. Invernesshire
2.0 0:18Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaEaglesMcuca15013.wav Sea Eagles. Mcu Calls From Steller"s And White Tailed Sea Eagles. A Few Calls From Gulls. Off The Coast Of Hokkaido Island, Japan
2.0 0:15Bird Eagle Sea Eagles Haliaeetus Genus
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleCall21193.wav Golden Eagle. Calls Cu From An Immature Bird. Distortion On Some Calls. Unknown
2.0 0:51Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NewGuineaHarpyE94037.wav New Guinea Harpy Eagle. MD Calls. Calls And Alarm Calls From Other Birds In B/g And F/g. Water Trickling From Brook. Ambua Lodge, Central Highlands, New Guinea
2.0 2:32Bird Eagle New Guinea Harpy Eagle Harpyopsis Novaeguineae
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagle3we88012.wav Golden Eagle. 3-week Old Eaglet Calls Inverness, Scotland
2.0 2:44Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HarpyEagleCalls20098.wav Harpy Eagle. Calls Cu. Unfolding Wings And Taking Off. (Captive Bird). Rooster, Crickets And Songbirds In Distance. Guyana
1.0 0:26Bird Eagle Harpy Eagle Harpia Harpyja
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE51149.wav White-Tailed Sea Eagle. Cu Male And Female Calling. Wind Slightly Gusty. Harris, Outer Hebrides.
2.0 2:48Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrownedEagleCU5140.wav Crowned Eagle. CU Calls From Chick, Movement In Nest, Wing Flapping. Distant Cicadas And Birds. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 1:18Bird Eagle Crowned Eagle Spizaetus Coronatus
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleMcu21208.wav Golden Eagle. Mcu Wingflaps And""trilling"" Calls. Also Some Yelping Calls From Same Eagle. Possibly Sounds Of A Stream In The B/g. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Scotland
2.0 0:23Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8172.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Ravens Mobbing Eagle Near Nest. Animated Calls From Ravens And Eagle. Eagle Chases Raven Very Close To Microphone, With Wing Beats 1m27s. Distant Honking Call 0m52s. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Troms County, Norway
2.0 2:17Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleFema78280.wav Golden Eagle. Female And Eaglet Calling Cu In Nest. Slight Crackles. Invernesshire
2.0 1:23Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8160.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Eagle Bathing With Wing Beats And Splashes. Some Cu Insects. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Northern Norway
2.0 3:59Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMDcal60046.wav Bald Eagle. MD Calls, Distant Gulls. Hissy. St Lazaria, Alaska, U.S.A
2.0 0:15Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMCcal64196.wav Bald Eagle. MC Calls While Perched. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, U., S.A
2.0 0:13Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl78282.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Calling Cu. Female Calls Once. Slight Tape Weave At Start. A Few Crackles. Invernesshire
2.0 1:09Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteBelliedSea86149.wav White Bellied Sea Eagle. MD Calls From A Pair. A Few Calls From Other Birds In B/g. Distant Cicadas. Bensbach, New Guinea
2.0 0:30Bird Eagle White Bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Leucogaster
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AfricanFishEagle56158.wav African Fish Eagle. CU Calls, Long-tailed Glossy Starlings In B/g Location:Cricket St Thomas Wildlife Park, Somerset.
1.0 0:57Bird Eagle African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus Vocifer
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl21198.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Calling Cu. Female Calls Once. Slight Tape Weave At Start. A Few Crackles. Invernesshire
2.0 1:08Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaEaglesMcuca15017.wav Sea Eagles. Mcu Calls From Steller"s And White Tailed Sea Eagles. Fairly Busy With Quite A Lot Of Activity. Also Some Calls From Gulls. Off The Coast Of Hokkaido Island, Japan
2.0 1:05Bird Eagle Sea Eagles Haliaeetus Genus
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleCall4231.wav Golden Eagle. Calls Cu From An Immature Bird. Distortion On Some Calls. Unknown
2.0 0:51Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrnateHawkEagle21219.wav Ornate Hawk Eagle. Calls Cu. Clean Background. Newent Falconry Centre, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:33Bird Eagle Ornate Hawk Eagle Spizaetus Ornatus
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleAdul85050.wav Golden Eagle. Adult Bark And Eaglet Inverness, Scotland
2.0 1:13Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HarpyEagleMcuc46068.wav Harpy Eagle. Mcu Calls From Eagle Near Nest. Occasional Cu Sounds Of Breathing. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Panama, Central America
2.0 0:22Bird Eagle Harpy Eagle Harpia Harpyja
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE51151.wav White-Tailed Sea Eagle. Cu Calls From Two Fledglings As Adult Returns To Nest. Great Reed Warbler, Cuckoo And Other Birds In Background. Volga Delta, Astrakhan, Russia
2.0 1:40Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleThre21201.wav Golden Eagle. Three Week Old Eaglet Calling Cu. Invernesshire
2.0 1:00Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE48085.wav White-Tailed Sea Eagle. Cu Female Calling And Flapping Wings. Wind Gusting In Background. Harris, Outer Hebrides.
2.0 2:58Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrownedEagleCU5142.wav Crowned Eagle. CU Calls From Adult And Chick. Distant Cicadas And Birds. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 3:50Bird Eagle Crowned Eagle Spizaetus Coronatus
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrestedSerpentEa20089.wav Crested Serpent Eagle. Flight Calls Mp. Insects Mp. Songbirds And Barbet In Distance. Windy Mcu. Near Gadlong, Himalayan Mountains.
1.0 1:07Bird Eagle Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis Cheela
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleFema79219.wav Golden Eagle. Female And Eaglet At Eyrie Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:21Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8165.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Calls From Eagle. Intermittent And Quiet Mostly With Strong Calls At End Of Recording. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Troms County, Norway
2.0 1:13Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMCcal64198.wav Bald Eagle. MC Calls While Perched, Aircraft Noise In B/g. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, U., S.A
2.0 0:15Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl78284.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Being Fed Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:49Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8157.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Eagle Flys In And Calls. Calls Mainly Hard Left. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Northern Norway
2.0 0:18Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AmericanBaldEagl64014.wav American Bald Eagle. MC Alarm Calls, Wind In Trees. St Lazaria, Alaska
2.0 0:21Bird Eagle American Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl21202.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Calling Cu. Slight High Pitched Hum. Invernesshire
2.0 2:06Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ShortToedEagle60012.wav Short-Toed Eagle. Distant Calls, With Reed Warbler Singing In Foreground. Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia
2.0 0:42Bird Eagle Short Toed Eagle Circaetus Gallicus
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleCua21203.wav Golden Eagle. Cu Alarm Calls From An Adult In Captivity. Falconry Centre, Kent, UK.
2.0 0:26Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaEaglesCalls15014.wav Sea Eagles. Calls From Steller"s And White Tailed Sea Eagles. Also Occasional Calls From Gulls And Crows. Off The Coast Of Hokkaido Island, Japan
2.0 0:56Bird Eagle Sea Eagles Haliaeetus Genus
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MadagascarFishEa60051.wav Madagascar Fish Eagle. Distant Calls, Other Birds Including Black Parrot In B/g. Hissy. Ampijoroa, NW Central Madagascar
2.0 0:11Bird Eagle Madagascar Fish Eagle Haliaeetus Vociferoides
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleAgit21205.wav Golden Eagle. Agitated ""trilling"" Calls. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Scotland
2.0 0:11Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrownedEagleMCU5139.wav Crowned Eagle. MCU To CU Calls From Chick, Movement In Nest. Cicadas And Birds In Background. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 3:03Bird Eagle Crowned Eagle Spizaetus Coronatus
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleThre79216.wav Golden Eagle. Three Week Old Eaglet Calling Cu. Invernesshire
2.0 1:19Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE51148.wav White-Tailed Sea Eagle. Cu Female Calling And Flapping Wings. Wind Gusting In Background. Harris, Outer Hebrides.
2.0 3:02Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrestedSerpentEa56108.wav Crested Serpent Eagle. Flight Calls Mp. Insects Mp. Songbirds And Barbet In Distance. Windy Mcu. Near Gadlong, Himalayan Mountains.
2.0 1:09Bird Eagle Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis Cheela
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleMcu21207.wav Golden Eagle. Mcu Calls From Eagle. Possibly Sounds Of A Stream In B/g. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Scotland
2.0 0:14Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8171.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Ravens Mobbing Eagle Near Nest. Calls From Eagle And Ravens, With Some Wingbeats. Faint Calls From Eagle Chicks. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Troms County, Norway
2.0 3:48Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMCUca62282.wav Bald Eagle. MCU Calls, Wing Flaps At Start As Eagle Flies In, Evening Marsh Atmosphere Of Bull Frogs And Blackbirds In B/g, Bird Flies Off At End. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, U.S.A
2.0 0:20Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleFema21196.wav Golden Eagle. Female And Eaglet Calling Cu In Nest. Slight Crackles. Invernesshire
2.0 1:21Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8159.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Eagle Bathing With Wing Beats And Splashes. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Northern Norway
2.0 0:18Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
60 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMCcal54158.wav Bald Eagle. MC Call, Hissy B/g. Sitka, Alaska, U.S.A
2.0 0:07Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl78281.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet And Female Calling Cu. Invernesshire
2.0 0:16Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
62 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TawnyEagleMcub20079.wav Tawny Eagle. Mcu Begging Calls From An Immature Bird. Strength Of Calls Determined By Which Direction The Bird Is Facing. Hoarse, Deeper Calls From An Adult (probably Female). Red-billed Hornbill And White-browed Sparrow Weavers Prominent. Other Birds In Background. Buffalo Springs, Kenya, E Africa.
2.0 8:05Bird Eagle Tawny Eagle Aquila Rapax
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaEaglesMcuca15015.wav Sea Eagles. Mcu Calls From Steller"s And White Tailed Sea Eagles. Some Background Calls From Crow. Off The Coast Of Hokkaido Island, Japan
2.0 0:15Bird Eagle Sea Eagles Haliaeetus Genus
64 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AfricanFishEagle51171.wav African Fish Eagle. Md Calls From Two Birds. Grey-headed Gulls And Egyptian Goose Also Call. NB:Northern Fish Eagles Have A Different Call From Those Further South. Lake Nakuru, Kenya.
2.0 0:21Bird Eagle African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus Vocifer
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl21197.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet And Female Calling Cu. Invernesshire
2.0 0:15Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleCall21194.wav Golden Eagle. Calls Cu From Eaglet After Being Fed. Movement In Nest. Adult Takes Off. Slight Machine Noise In Background. Crackly. Invernesshire
2.0 1:59Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
67 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NewGuineaHarpyE94038.wav New Guinea Harpy Eagle. Dusk. MD Calls From Eagle. Other Birds Calling, Some A Little Closer. Cricket And Cicada Chorus. Ambua Lodge, Central Highlands, New Guinea
2.0 2:41Bird Eagle New Guinea Harpy Eagle Harpyopsis Novaeguineae
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagle3we88013.wav Golden Eagle. 3-week Old Eaglet Calls Inverness, Scotland
2.0 1:21Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
69 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HarpyEagleCalls45094.wav Harpy Eagle. Calls Cu. Unfolding Wings And Taking Off. (Captive Bird). Rooster, Crickets And Songbirds In Distance. Guyana
2.0 0:24Bird Eagle Harpy Eagle Harpia Harpyja
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE51150.wav White-Tailed Sea Eagle. Distant Calls From Single Bird And Then A Pair. Other Birds Calling Including Magpie, Great Tit, Cetti"s Warbler And Crow. Woodpecker Drumming. Slight Wind In Trees. Volga Delta, Astrakhan, Russia
2.0 1:59Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrownedEagleCu5141.wav Crowned Eagle. Cu Calls And Movement From Chick In Nest. Adult Calls In Background. Cicadas And Distant Birds. Movement From Cameraman. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 9:46Bird Eagle Crowned Eagle Spizaetus Coronatus
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleThre21200.wav Golden Eagle. Three Week Old Eaglet Calling Cu. Wren In Distance. Some Distortion At Beginning And Crackles. High Pitched Hum. Invernesshire
2.0 2:00Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
73 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8173.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Eagle Chicks Calling Quietly In Nest. B/g Occasional Calls From A Gull. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Troms County, Norway
2.0 2:28Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMDMCU64026.wav Bald Eagle. MD-MCU Calls From At Least Two Birds. Glaucous-winged Gulls, Northwestern Crows, Hermit Thrush And Wren In B/g. St Lazaria, Alaska, U.S.A
2.0 1:32Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleFema79218.wav Golden Eagle. Female And Eaglet At Eyrie Inverness, Scotland
2.0 1:24Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE8163.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Eagle In Flight And Landing. Cu Insect Noise At Start Of Recording. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Troms County, Norway
2.0 0:26Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BaldEagleMCcal64197.wav Bald Eagle. MC Calls While Perched. Blackwater Refuge, Maryland, U., S.A
2.0 0:13Bird Eagle Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Leucocephalus
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl78283.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Being Fed Cu. Slight Machine Noise In Background. Some Crackles And Weaving. Invernesshire
2.0 3:02Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
79 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE18002.wav White Tailed Sea Eagle. Agitated Calls From Eagle. N.B. Exact Date And Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Northern Norway
2.0 0:44Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
80 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AfricanFishEagle57059.wav African Fish Eagle. Typical Calls Of Pair MCU. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Lake St.Lucia, South Africa
2.0 0:11Bird Eagle African Fish Eagle Haliaeetus Vocifer
81 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleEagl21199.wav Golden Eagle. Eaglet Being Fed Cu. Slight Machine Noise In Background. Some Crackles And Weaving. Invernesshire
2.0 2:57Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SeaEaglesWingbe15016.wav Sea Eagles. Wingbeats From White Tailed And Steller"s Sea Eagles. Some Calls From Crows. Off The Coast Of Hokkaido Island, Japan
2.0 0:14Bird Eagle Sea Eagles Haliaeetus Genus
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleCall85049.wav Golden Eagle. Calls Cu From Eaglet After Being Fed. Movement In Nest. Adult Takes Off. Slight Machine Noise In Background. Crackly. Invernesshire
2.0 1:57Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrnateHawkEagle47118.wav Ornate Hawk Eagle. Calls Cu. Clean Background. Newent Falconry Centre, Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:34Bird Eagle Ornate Hawk Eagle Spizaetus Ornatus
85 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleAdul85051.wav Golden Eagle. Adult Bark And Eaglet Inverness, Scotland
2.0 0:27Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
86 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LongCrestedEagle20081.wav Long-Crested Eagle. Mcu Calls. Blue Monkeys Crashing Around In Trees. Cicada And Cricket Chorus In Background. Kakamega Forest, Kenya, E Africa
2.0 0:41Bird Eagle Long Crested Eagle Lophaetus Occipitalis
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE51152.wav White-Tailed Sea Eagle. Mcu - Cu Calls From Two Fledglings As Adults Return To The Nest. Great Reed Warblers, Cetti"s Warblers And Frogs In Distance. Windy. Hissy Recording. Volga Delta, Astrakhan, Russia
2.0 2:19Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla
88 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrownedEagleCu9096.wav Crowned Eagle. Cu Calls From Adult With Chick Calling In B/g. Cicadas And Distant Birds. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 1:00Bird Eagle Crowned Eagle Spizaetus Coronatus
89 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenEagleThre79215.wav Golden Eagle. Three Week Old Eaglet Calling Cu. Wren In Distance. Some Distortion At Beginning And Crackles. High Pitched Hum. Invernesshire
2.0 1:54Bird Eagle Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos
90 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedSeaE48086.wav White-Tailed Sea Eagle. Cu Male And Female Calling. Wind Slightly Gusty. Harris, Outer Hebrides.
2.0 2:45Bird Eagle White Tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus Albicilla