Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CapybaraCuchitt49018.wav Capybara. Cu Chittering Calls From Young Capybara. El Frio Ranch, Venezuela
2.0 1:29



Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantSquirrelMc6172.wav Giant Squirrel. Mcu Good Squirrel Alarm Call. B/g Sounds Of Fairly Neutral Tropical Seasonal Forest Atmosphere. Many Birds Calling In B/g, Including Malabar Parakeet. Anamalai Nature Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India
2.0 0:37Animal Rodents Giant Squirrel Ratufa Genus
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaterVoleDiving95050.wav Water Vole. Diving Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 0:05Animal Rodents Water Vole Arvicola Amphibius
4 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_44.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:03Animal Rodents
5 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSquir_5.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:07Animal Rodents
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternGreySquir76019.wav Eastern Grey Squirrel. MCU Calls, Hissy Wind In Trees. Crickets And Traffic In Distance. Nags Head Woods, North Carolina, U.S.A.
2.0 2:42Animal Rodents Eastern Grey Squirrel Sciurus Carolinensis
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedSquirrelAlar16079.wav Red Squirrel. Alarm Calls From Squirrel. Occasional Prominent Song From Redstart. B/g Sounds Of Dawn Chorus. Some Handling Noise On Recording. Bolam Lake Country Park, Northumberland, UK
2.0 0:35Animal Rodents Red Squirrel Sciurus Vulgaris
8 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_39.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - MCU - Upset Angry Chatter
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
9 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_71.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownRatCufear85153.wav Brown Rat. Cu Fear Calls And Sniffing. Essex, UK
2.0 0:12Animal Rodents Brown Rat Rattus Norvegicus
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemmingCU82064.wav Brown Lemming. CU Squeaking, Calling And Chittering. Mogg Bay, Canadian Arctic.
2.0 1:00Animal Rodents Brown Lemming Lemmus Trimucronatus
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternFlyingSqu14126.wav Eastern Flying Squirrel. Cu Sounds Of Squirrel Feeding. B/g Crickets Stridulating. Bump As Food Is Upset 0m54s. Somewhat Noisy Recording With Distant Rumble & Occasional B/g Noise. Nr Palestine, Texas
2.0 1:18Animal Rodents Eastern Flying Squirrel Glaucomys Volans
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NakedMoleRatCo79111.wav Naked Mole Rat. Contact Calls. London Zoo, London, UK
2.0 0:26Animal Rodents Naked Mole Rat Hererocephalus Glaber
14 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-Rat-Int-CU-.wav Animals - Rodents - Rat - Int - CU - Squeaks And Smacks
2.0 0:04Animal Rodents
15 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_34.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter W High Pitch Squeak Bark
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
16 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_66.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AmericanRedSquir76131.wav American Red Squirrel. CU Chattering And Alarm Calls. Northwestern Crows And River In B/g. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Not Known. Sitka, Alaska
2.0 0:22Animal Rodents American Red Squirrel Tamiasciurus Hudsonicus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CoypuCuchewing39071.wav Coypu. Cu Chewing & Calls From A Single Animal. Surf In Distance. Slightly Crackly Recording. Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:42Animal Rodents Coypu Myocastor Coypus
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseMouseNewb82137.wav House Mouse. New-born (12 Hours) X 3 And Adult Female In Box. Heart Beats (or Breathing) Can Be Heard. Some Scratching. UK
2.0 4:46Animal Rodents House Mouse Mus Musculus
20 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-Rat-CU-Sq_5.wav Animals - Rodents - Rat - CU - Squeals
2.0 0:04Animal Rodents
21 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_29.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
22 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_61.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
23 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_24.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter W High Pitch Squeak Bark
1.0 0:04Animal Rodents
24 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_56.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AcaciaScrubEARL70080.wav Acacia Scrub. EARLY MORNING With Distant Baboons Manyara, Tanzania
2.0 1:14Animal Rodents Acacia Scrub
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonDormouseH82098.wav Common Dormouse. High-pitched Squeak On Awakening From Hibernation Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:05Animal Rodents Common Dormouse Muscardinus Avellanarius
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseMouseCage71113.wav House Mouse. Cage Noises (metal) As Mice Run About Some Squeaks UK
2.0 4:19Animal Rodents House Mouse Mus Musculus
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library YellowBelliedMar95128.wav Yellow-Bellied Marmot. Cu Alarm Calls. American Robins Singing In B/g. Wind In Trees. Rocky Mts, Nat.Park, Colorado
2.0 0:36Animal Rodents Yellow Bellied Marmot Marmota Flaviventris
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CapybaraMcuchit80091.wav Capybara. Mcu Chittering Contact Calls & Squeal From Nine Month Old (juvenile) Female. Hato El Cedral Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 0:32Animal Rodents Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HimalayanMarmot8131.wav Himalayan Marmot. Mcu Alarm Calls From Marmot. B/g Sounds Of Wind. Some Sounds Of Movement/wind Buffeting. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Ladakh District, Kashmir, India
2.0 0:55Animal Rodents Himalayan Marmot Marmota Bobak Himalayana
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteTailedPrair76061.wav White-Tailed Prairie Dog. MCU Alarm Calls From A Single Animal. Thrasher And Other Birds Singing In B/g. NB: Exact Date Of Recording Unknown. Wyoming, U.S.A.
2.0 1:09Animal Rodents White Tailed Prairie Dog Cynomys Leucurus
32 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_19.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
33 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_51.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreyCheekedPygmy87095.wav Grey Cheeked Pygmy Flying Squirrel. Cries With Cicadas Mount Kinabalu, North Borneo
2.0 2:44Animal Rodents Grey Cheeked Pygmy Flying Squirrel Hylopetes Sagi
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaterVoleFeedin95053.wav Water Vole. Feeding On Bank And Diving Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 1:02Animal Rodents Water Vole Arvicola Amphibius
36 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_14.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:03Animal Rodents
37 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_46.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
38 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSquir_7.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CapybaraCusigh80092.wav Capybara. Cu Sigh & Squeal From Nine Month Old (juvenile) Female. Hato El Cedral Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 0:16Animal Rodents Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CapybaraAlarmca49008.wav Capybara. Alarm Call Followed By Massed Footsteps Of Herd. Also Massed Chittering Calls From Capybaras. Passing Hoofbeats Of Horse At End. Venezuela
2.0 1:03Animal Rodents Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FatDormouseChat79114.wav Fat Dormouse. Chatter. London Zoo, London, UK
2.0 0:58Animal Rodents Fat Dormouse Glis Glis
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedSquirrelCuc37024.wav Red Squirrel. Cu Calls From A Pair Chasing Each Other In Tree. Birds In Background. Slight Hum. Suffolk, UK
2.0 1:16Animal Rodents Red Squirrel Sciurus Vulgaris
43 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_41.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
44 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSquir_2.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownRatCufear85150.wav Brown Rat. Cu Fear And Anger Calls. Essex, UK
2.0 0:18Animal Rodents Brown Rat Rattus Norvegicus
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternGreySquir76016.wav Eastern Grey Squirrel. MC Calls Becoming Distant. Cricket Chorus And Blue Jays In B/g. Interruption To Band. Nags Head Woods, North Carolina, U.S.A.
2.0 1:06Animal Rodents Eastern Grey Squirrel Sciurus Carolinensis
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PoolsideAtmospher49024.wav Poolside Atmosphere. Recorded At Night. Mcu To B/g Calls From Frogs. Sounds Of Stridulating Insects. Venezuela
2.0 2:40Animal Rodents Poolside Atmosphere
48 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_11.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:04Animal Rodents
49 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_36.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter W High Pitch Squeak Bark
1.0 0:03Animal Rodents
50 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_68.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
51 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_31.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter W High Pitch Squeak Bark
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
52 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_63.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ArizonaGreySquir77041.wav Arizona Grey Squirrel. CU Chewing Sounds Of Squirrel Eating Nut. Strong Wind In Trees. Birds In Distance. Patagonia, Arizona, U.S.A.
2.0 2:46Animal Rodents Arizona Grey Squirrel Sciurus Arizonensis
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CoypuFamilyquar88046.wav Coypu. Family Quarrelling Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:19Animal Rodents Coypu Myocastor Coypus
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseMouseRunni71111.wav House Mouse. Running Around In Cage And Squeaking UK
2.0 5:00Animal Rodents House Mouse Mus Musculus
56 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-Rat-Int-C_1.wav Animals - Rodents - Rat - Int - CU - Squeaks And Smacks
2.0 0:05Animal Rodents
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AlpineMarmotCal76003.wav Alpine Marmot. Calls. MCU Alpine Chough And Insects. Wind And Water Noise. Candanchu, Pyrenees, Spain
2.0 1:52Animal Rodents Alpine Marmot Marmot Marmota
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CoypuAdulteatin88049.wav Coypu. Adult Eating Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:29Animal Rodents Coypu Myocastor Coypus
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseMouseEatin79045.wav House Mouse. Eating Hard Biscuit UK
2.0 1:16Animal Rodents House Mouse Mus Musculus
60 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-Rat-CU-Sq_2.wav Animals - Rodents - Rat - CU - Squeals
2.0 0:04Animal Rodents
61 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_26.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter
1.0 0:04Animal Rodents
62 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_58.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoaryMarmotCUc76130.wav Hoary Marmot. CU Calls From Two Or More Animals. Steller"s Jay Calls In B/g. NB: Identity Of This Species Is Uncertain. Location:Chilkoot River, Alaska
2.0 3:08Animal Rodents Hoary Marmot Marmota Caligata
64 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library YellowBelliedMar95125.wav Yellow-Bellied Marmot. MC Predator Alarm Calls From One Animal With Another Joining In Later. Birds And Wind In Trees In B/g. Rocky Mts, Nat.Park, Colorado
2.0 2:08Animal Rodents Yellow Bellied Marmot Marmota Flaviventris
65 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_21.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter
1.0 0:03Animal Rodents
66 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_53.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:03Animal Rodents
67 BBC Historical Sound Effects Library RatsSc_BBC-Historical_2B 6.wav Animal, Rodents: Rats Scampering And Scraping.
2.0 1:06Animal Rodents Rodents
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ColoradoChipmunk95123.wav Colorado Chipmunk. MCU Alarm Call Rocky Mountains National Park, Colorado
2.0 0:05Animal Rodents Colorado Chipmunk Eutamias Quadrivittatus
69 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CapybaraCusquea80121.wav Capybara. Cu Squealing Calls From Distressed Two Week Old Capybara. Also Some Sounds Of Scuffling. Quiet B/g With Some Stridulating Insects. Hato El Cedral Ranch, Apure State, Venezuela
2.0 0:42Animal Rodents Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GreySquirrelCha91009.wav Grey Squirrel. Chatter, Squeal And Whine. Cheshire, UK
2.0 1:58Animal Rodents Grey Squirrel Sciurus Carolinensis
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WaterVoleWhimpe95051.wav Water Vole. Whimpering And Courtship Chases Gloucestershire, UK
2.0 1:44Animal Rodents Water Vole Arvicola Amphibius
72 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_16.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
73 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_48.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
74 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSquir_9.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:04Animal Rodents
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CapybaraCucalls49020.wav Capybara. Cu Calls From Young Capybara. Sneeze 0m15s. B/g Sounds Of Birds & Insects. El Frio Ranch, Venezuela
2.0 0:24Animal Rodents Capybara Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GiantSquirrelGo14131.wav Giant Squirrel. Good Alarm Calls Of Giant Squirrel. Also Alarm & Hooting Calls From Nilgiri Langur. Sounds Of Rain In Forest. B/g Bird Calls. Anamalai Nature Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India
2.0 1:56Animal Rodents Giant Squirrel Ratufa Genus
77 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SquirrelSpMcu21164.wav Squirrel Sp.. Mcu Agitated Calls From Squirrel(exact Species Unknown). B/g Sounds From Sulawesi Hornbill & Other Bird Species. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 0:52Animal Rodents Squirrel Sciurinae Subfamily
78 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_43.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:03Animal Rodents
79 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSquir_4.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Spats Angrily
1.0 0:03Animal Rodents
80 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_38.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - MCU - Upset Angry Chatter W High Pitch Squeak Bark @ Beginning
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
81 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_70.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownRatCufear85152.wav Brown Rat. Cu Fear Calls And Sniffing. Essex, UK
2.0 0:32Animal Rodents Brown Rat Rattus Norvegicus
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternGreySquir76018.wav Eastern Grey Squirrel. MCU Calls, Some Distant Traffic Noise, Otherwise Clean. Nags Head Woods, North Carolina, U.S.A.
2.0 0:41Animal Rodents Eastern Grey Squirrel Sciurus Carolinensis
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RedMarmotCuala40142.wav Red Marmot. Cu Alarm Calls From A Single Animal. Another Alarming In Background. Clicking Calls From Wheatear. Insects And Occasional Calls From Birds In Background. Dolby Pumping, Use With Extra Atmos. Pamir Mountains, Tadzhikistan
2.0 1:50Animal Rodents Red Marmot Marmota Caudata
85 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemmingCU82063.wav Brown Lemming. CU Aggressive Calls. Mogg Bay, Canadian Arctic.
2.0 1:10Animal Rodents Brown Lemming Lemmus Trimucronatus
86 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library EasternFlyingSqu14125.wav Eastern Flying Squirrel. Cu Sounds Of Squirrel Feeding. B/g Crickets Stridulating. Somewhat Noisy Recording With Occasional Distant Plane Noise. Nr Palestine, Texas
2.0 1:55Animal Rodents Eastern Flying Squirrel Glaucomys Volans
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library NakedMoleRatAl79113.wav Naked Mole Rat. Alarm Or Threat. London Zoo, London, UK
2.0 0:13Animal Rodents Naked Mole Rat Hererocephalus Glaber
88 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-Rat-Int-C_3.wav Animals - Rodents - Rat - Int - CU - Squeaks And Smacks
2.0 0:10Animal Rodents
89 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_33.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter W High Pitch Squeak Bark
1.0 0:02Animal Rodents
90 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_65.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
91 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-Rat-CU-Sq_4.wav Animals - Rodents - Rat - CU - Squeals
2.0 0:03Animal Rodents
92 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_28.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter
1.0 0:04Animal Rodents
93 SoundStorm Library Animals-Rodents-TreeSqui_60.wav Animals - Rodents - Tree Squirrel - CU - Upset Angry Chatter, Chattery
1.0 0:01Animal Rodents
94 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AmericanBeaverB18078.wav American Beaver. Beaver Grunts. Water Sounds, Inc Splashes. Beaver Sneezes. Mother And Baby Come Out On Shore And Walk Through Grass. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
1.0 2:51Animal Rodents American Beaver Castor Canadensis
95 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CoypuCommunicati88050.wav Coypu. Communication Grunt Norfolk, UK
2.0 0:19Animal Rodents Coypu Myocastor Coypus
96 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseMouseMuch79047.wav House Mouse. Much Squeaking Of Young And Some Gentle C/u Movement In Nest Box UK
2.0 1:58Animal Rodents House Mouse Mus Musculus
97 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AcaciaScrubEarl70077.wav Acacia Scrub. Early Morning With Baboons, Birds And Insects NB: Some Tape Weave At End Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
2.0 3:58Animal Rodents Acacia Scrub
98 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CommonDormouseH82097.wav Common Dormouse. High-pitched Squeak On Awakening From Hibernation Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK
2.0 1:12Animal Rodents Common Dormouse Muscardinus Avellanarius
99 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HouseMouse12ho71110.wav House Mouse. 12-hour Old Nestlings ?suckling (or Adult ?licking) UK
2.0 2:04Animal Rodents House Mouse Mus Musculus
100 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library YellowBelliedMar95127.wav Yellow-Bellied Marmot. MCU Predator Alarm Calls From A Single Animal. American Robins Alarming In B/g. Wind In Aspens. Rocky Mts, Nat.Park, Colorado
2.0 1:43Animal Rodents Yellow Bellied Marmot Marmota Flaviventris