Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenBambooLemu75154.wav Golden Bamboo Lemur. CU Calls From Male And Female With Atmosphere Of Crickets And Frogs. Wind In Trees. Ranomafana, Madagascar
2.0 1:07



Golden Bamboo Lemur Hapalemur Aureus
2 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21166.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Mcu Calls From Tarsier (exact Species Unknown). B/g Bird Calls & Insect Stridulation. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 1:12Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ForkMarkedLemur1164.wav Fork Marked Lemur. MC Calls. Crickets And Insects And Distant Madagascar Nightjar In B/g. Hazofotsy, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:42Animal Primates Fork Marked Lemur Phaner Furcifer
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SmallToothedSpor1167.wav Small Toothed Sportive Lemur. MC Calls From Two Animals. Slightly Noisy B/g. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:23Animal Primates Small Toothed Sportive Lemur Lepilemur Microdon
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemurMCUC77042.wav Brown Lemur. MCU-CU Calls From Several, Thunder In Distance. Calls From Thick-billed Rollers And Sicklebills. Insects And Cicadas In B/g. A Few Crows From Cockerels. Ampijoroa, NW Central Madagascar.
2.0 4:18Animal Primates Brown Lemur Lemur Fulvus
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur75159.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MC Screams And Calls From A Troop. Madagascar Coucals, Common Newtonia, Jerys And Other Birds In B/g. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 2:34Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur75143.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MCU Howling Calls From Male. Grunts And Other Calls From Other Members Of The Troop. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:57Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemurAdult91087.wav Brown Lemur. Adults Grunting And Screaming C/u With Birds In B/g Berenty Reserve, Malagasy, Madagascar
2.0 4:07Animal Primates Brown Lemur Lemur Fulvus
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur1171.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MC Calls From A Pair. Insects And Various Birds Calling. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:29Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndriTerritorial91026.wav Indri. Territorial Calls. Madagascar
2.0 0:46Animal Primates Indri Indri Indri
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VerreauxSifakaC75150.wav Verreaux Sifaka. CU "lost" Calls. Wind In Trees And Distant Bird Song. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:40Animal Primates Verreaux Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndriCUcallsfr1159.wav Indri. CU Calls From A Troop Of 5 Animals, 2 Or 3 Of Which Calling Very Low In B/g. Perinet, Madagascar
2.0 2:02Animal Primates Indri Indri Indri
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21171.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Cu Shrill Calls From Individual Tarsier(exact Species Unknown). B/g Insect Stridulation. Distant Engine Hum At End Of Recording. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 0:30Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library FourBandedSandgr72118.wav Four-Banded Sandgrouse. A Few Birds Flying In To Drink At Waterhole. Seleti Waterholes, Senegal
2.0 2:12Animal Primates Four Banded Sandgrouse Pterocles Quadricinctus
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21162.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Mcu Shrill Calls From Tarsier (exact Species Unknown). B/g Bird Calls & Insect Stridulation. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 0:55Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
16 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur90047.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. Spacing Calls On Going To Roost. Berenty Reserve, Malagasy
2.0 1:42Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DianaTarsierDia8024.wav Diana Tarsier. Diana Tarsier Calls. Distant Calls In Reply. Cu Calls At 1m45s Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 2:01Animal Primates Diana Tarsier Tarsius Pumilus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemurCUgr77043.wav Brown Lemur. CU Grunts And Calls. Chewing Sounds. Birds In Distance, Chickens At Start. Ampijoroa, NW Central Madagascar.
2.0 3:19Animal Primates Brown Lemur Lemur Fulvus
19 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur75145.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MCU Chorus Of Howls And Yelps From Troop. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:29Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur71107.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. Calls C/u With Insects In B/g Berenty Reserve, Madagascar
2.0 0:32Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur1166.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. CU "mewing" Calls. Madagascar Coucals, Pied Crows And Other Lemurs In B/g. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:56Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VerreauxSifakaM75147.wav Verreaux Sifaka. MCU Footsteps As Animal Leaps Across Track. Broad-billed Roller And Madagascar Coucal In B/g. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:26Animal Primates Verreaux Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndriCUcallsfr1162.wav Indri. CU Calls From A Group Of Four. Birds In Distance, Calls At About 0940. Quite Bad Distortion. Perinet, Madagascar
2.0 1:28Animal Primates Indri Indri Indri
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21173.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Mcu To Md Shrill, Persistant Calls From Tarsiers(exact Species Unknown). Occasional Wingbeats From Hornbill. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 1:46Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
25 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21165.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Mcu Long Whistles & Shorter Calls From Tarsier(exact Species Unknown). Followed By Duetting Calls Between Male & Female Tarsiers. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 1:15Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenBambooLemu75153.wav Golden Bamboo Lemur. CU Calls From Male And Female. Distant River In B/g. Ranomafana, Madagascar
2.0 0:35Animal Primates Golden Bamboo Lemur Hapalemur Aureus
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ForkMarkedLemur1163.wav Fork Marked Lemur. MC Calls. Crickets And Pied Crows In B/g. Hazofotsy, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:21Animal Primates Fork Marked Lemur Phaner Furcifer
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur91088.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. Screeches And Grunting Calls C/u And Mid Perspective Berenty Reserve, Malagasy, Madagascar
2.0 2:47Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemurMCUc1160.wav Brown Lemur. MCU Calls And Grunts From Several Feeding In Trees. Sounds Of Movement In Branches And Chewing. Madagascan Coucals In B/g. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 2:45Animal Primates Brown Lemur Lemur Fulvus
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur75157.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. CU "click" Run Calls. Cicadas In B/g. Lemur Continues To Call As It Climbs Tree. Ranomafana, Madagascar
2.0 0:55Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur75142.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. CU Calls And Growl From A Single Animal. Birds In Distance. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:24Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
32 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur1170.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MD Calls From Two. Birds And Crickets In B/g. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:46Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VerreauxSifakaM75149.wav Verreaux Sifaka. MC "lost" Call. Wind In Trees And Leaf Noise. Calls From Jerys. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:33Animal Primates Verreaux Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VerreauxSifakaC75146.wav Verreaux Sifaka. CU Soft Grunts From A Single Animal And Sounds As It Feeds In Tree. Madagascar Coucal, Pied Crow And Jerys In B/g. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:04Animal Primates Verreaux Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndriMiddistant1158.wav Indri. Mid-distant Calls From A Troop, With Another More Distant Troop In B/g. Dripping Water And Birds Calling. Perinet, Madagascar
2.0 1:33Animal Primates Indri Indri Indri
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenBambooLemu75155.wav Golden Bamboo Lemur. CU Calls From Male And Female. Crickets, Frogs And Wind In Trees. Slight Rain. Ranomafana, Madagascar
2.0 0:23Animal Primates Golden Bamboo Lemur Hapalemur Aureus
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21169.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Md Brief Calls From Tarsier(exact Species Unknown). Also Sounds Of Insect Stridulation. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 0:41Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
38 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ForkMarkedLemur1174.wav Fork Marked Lemur. MC Calls From A Single Animal. Night Atmosphere In B/g. Hazofotsy, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:44Animal Primates Fork Marked Lemur Phaner Furcifer
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SmallToothedSpor75158.wav Small Toothed Sportive Lemur. MC Calls. White-browed Owl, Cicadas, Thick-billed Roller And Distant Ring-tailed Lemurs Calling In B/g. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:36Animal Primates Small Toothed Sportive Lemur Lepilemur Microdon
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DianaTarsierDaw8019.wav Diana Tarsier. Dawn. High Pitched Calls. Occasional Distant Cock Crowing. Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 1:32Animal Primates Diana Tarsier Tarsius Pumilus
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur90045.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. Two Calling Cu And Moving As They Feed In Trees. Berenty Reserve, Malagasy
2.0 3:48Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemurAdult91089.wav Brown Lemur. Adult Grunting Mcu Berenty Reserve, Malagasy, Madagascar
2.0 0:33Animal Primates Brown Lemur Lemur Fulvus
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur75144.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MCU Social Calls From Troop With Some Agressive Yelps. Birds In Distance. Pied Crow Calls Occasionally. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 5:40Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur1172.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. CU Grunts And Calls From A Group Feeding. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:27Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur1165.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MCU Chorus From A Troop. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:30Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VerreauxSifakaC75151.wav Verreaux Sifaka. CU "lost" Call. Slight Wind In Trees, Distant Bird Song. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:20Animal Primates Verreaux Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndriCUcallsfr1161.wav Indri. CU Calls From A Group Of Four. Another Group In Extreme Distance At Start, Call About 0900. Perinet, Madagascar
2.0 1:07Animal Primates Indri Indri Indri
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21172.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Mcu Shrill Song From Tarsier(exact Species Unknown). Brief Sounds From Hornbill At Beginning Of Recording. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 1:13Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GoldenBambooLemu75152.wav Golden Bamboo Lemur. CU Sound Of Animals Feeding On Bamboo. Frogs And Occasional Bird Song. River In B/g, Contact Calls While Moving In Bamboo. Ranomafana, Madagascar
2.0 6:09Animal Primates Golden Bamboo Lemur Hapalemur Aureus
50 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library TarsierSpRecor21163.wav Tarsier Sp.. Recorded At Night. Cu Shrill Calls From Tarsier (exact Species Unknown). Md Wingbeats From Sulawesi Hornbill, Calls From 0m39s. B/g Calls From Other Bird Species. Distant Sounds Of The Sea. Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Sulawesi Utara Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 1:05Animal Primates Tarsier Sp. Tarsius Genus
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library DianaTarsierMd8021.wav Diana Tarsier. Md Calls. Lore Lindu National Park, C Sulawesi, Indonesia
2.0 1:19Animal Primates Diana Tarsier Tarsius Pumilus
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur90048.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. Contact "clucking" Calls Cu From Adults Feeding In Trees. Berenty Reserve, Malagasy
2.0 2:16Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BrownLemurGroup91086.wav Brown Lemur. Group Grunting And Moving C/u In Trees With Birds In B/g Berenty Reserve, Malagasy, Madagascar
2.0 3:48Animal Primates Brown Lemur Lemur Fulvus
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur75156.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. Distant MCU Calls At Evening Chorus. Cicadas, Madagascar Coucal In B/g. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 1:26Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
55 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur71108.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. Troop Squabbling In Tree-tops At Dawn Berenty Reserve, Madagascar
2.0 5:29Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library RingTailedLemur1168.wav Ring Tailed Lemur. MCU Yelps And Howls From A Group At Dawn. Madagascar Bulbuls And Other Birds In Busy Dawn Atmosphere. Location:Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 2:05Animal Primates Ring Tailed Lemur Lemur Catta
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VerreauxSifakaM75148.wav Verreaux Sifaka. MCU Soft Calls And Footsteps As Animal Leaps Across Track. Madagascar Bulbuls And Madagascar Coucal In B/g. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 0:26Animal Primates Verreaux Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library IndriCutomcuc90184.wav Indri. Cu To Mcu Calls. East-Central Madagascar
2.0 4:49Animal Primates Indri Indri Indri
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library VerreauxSifakaC1173.wav Verreaux Sifaka. CU Calls. Wind In Trees And Distant Birds. Berenty, Southern Madagascar
2.0 2:23Animal Primates Verreaux Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi