Library Waveform Filename add Description info Channels Duration ShortID Category Subcategory
1 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2127.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Contented Grunting And Peeping From Group Collecting Food. Movement Away Into Vegetation At End. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 2:28



Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
2 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_12.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Upset Or Concerned Whimper Vocals W Movement, Occasional Thuds, Reverb
1.0 0:53Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
3 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeCupan9090.wav Chimpanzee. Cu Pant Hooting And Screaming. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 3:08Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
4 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library LarGibbonCalls82008.wav Lar Gibbon. Calls NB: Recorded During November 1937 And February 1938 London Zoo, London, UK
2.0 2:10Animal Ape White Handed Gibbon Hylobates Lar
5 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee13030.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Screams From Juveniles. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Wamba, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:49Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
6 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2105.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Peeping Calls Which Suddenly Build Into A Frenzy & Quickly Subside. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:51Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
7 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteHandedGibbo8010.wav White Handed Gibbon. Morning. MD Calls From Within Trees. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 2:36Animal Ape White Handed Gibbon Hylobates Lar
8 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan18098.wav Bornean Orangutan. Mcu Long Call From Male. Loud, Rhythmic Grunts & Wailing Sounds Gradually Decrease In Volume. B/g Sounds From Insects & Birds. N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Barito Ulu, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
1.0 1:41Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
9 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library CrestedGibbonCa72169.wav Crested Gibbon. Calling London Zoo, London, UK
2.0 1:20Animal Ape Crested Gibbon Hylobates Concolor
10 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanMDkiss8005.wav Orangutan. MD Kiss-squeaking Alarm Calls. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 0:33Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
11 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan15139.wav Bornean Orangutan. Mcu Gutteral Grunts From Male Orang Utan In Response To Disturbance. Some Background Wails From Female. B/g Sounds Of Insects & Birds. Camp Leaky, Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 1:04Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
12 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeScream3033.wav Chimpanzee. Screaming And Chasing. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 1:02Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
13 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanLongca18099.wav Orangutan. Long Call From Male Orang Utan. Loud Grunts & Wailing Sounds. Also Some Sounds Of Movement. B/g Sounds Of Insects & Birds. N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Barito Ulu, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
1.0 0:51Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
14 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2097.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Movement In Undergrowth Followed By Scratching. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:05Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
15 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SilveryGibbonCa2199.wav Silvery Gibbon. Calls. London Zoo, UK
2.0 1:48Animal Ape Silvery Gibbon Hylobates Moloch
16 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-MC_8.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Vocals, Starts Calm, Then High Pitch Whimpers And Scream Bursts, Energetic
1.0 0:50Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
17 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2090.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Mcu-cu Loud Peeping Calls. Movement Through Vegetation At 0m45s. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 2:16Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
18 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee9106.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Dragging And Breaking Of Branches. Footsteps From 3 Juveniles Running Along Log. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 3:06Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
19 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-MC_3.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Cute Vocals W Running Around, Reverb
1.0 0:26Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
20 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan15084.wav Bornean Orangutan. Cu Sounds Whilst Eating Bananas. Sounds Of Smacking Lips. Some Sounds Of Movement. B/g Insect Stridulation & Sporadic Bird Calls. Occasional Buzz From Flying Insects. N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 1:59Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
21 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeePanth9088.wav Chimpanzee. Pant Hooting And Barking Followed By Distant Pant Hooting. Pant Hooting And Hoo Calls At 1m33s. Barking. Screaming Infant At 2m18s Followed By Whimpering. Pant Hooting At 2m55s. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 3:22Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
22 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanCallsf5129.wav Orangutan. Calls From Adult Male. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 0:59Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
23 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2081.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Single Male Call At 0m10s. Movement Through Foliage With Squeaking Calls. Branch Falls At 2m14s. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 2:46Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
24 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee4005.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Screaming Above Rainfall In Forest. Mostly MD Calls With Some CU At 1m15s. Wamba, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 2:08Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
25 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_24.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Vocals, Upset Screams, Calms Down, Whimpers Then Quiet Whimpers @ End, Reverb
1.0 0:35Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
26 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan1183.wav Bornean Orangutan. Mcu Sounds Of Eating Leaves. Sounds Of Chewing & Crunching. B/g Sounds Of Insects. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 2:06Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
27 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeNutcra2141.wav Chimpanzee. Nutcracking And Eating Sounds. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 2:15Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
28 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MountainGorilla2097.wav Mountain Gorilla. Excited Adult Male Chest Beating. Location:Virunga Volcanoes, Kivu, Rwanda, Central Africa
2.0 0:21Animal Ape Mountain Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla Beringei
29 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2076.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Sounds Of Group Moving & Calling In Canopy. Loud Calls & Feeding Frenzy Over Sugar Cane. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 6:49Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
30 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2085.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Calls From Excited Group & Between Individuals. Sugar Cane Being Cut In B/g. Sound Of Footsteps As Chimp Runs Along Log. Movement In Foliage. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 6:34Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
31 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2134.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Excited Whooping And Branch Dragging. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:45Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
32 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_19.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Chattering Vocals W High Pitch Whimpers And Screams
1.0 1:00Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
33 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan1161.wav Bornean Orangutan. Cu Energetic Kiss-squeak Alarm Calls From Female. Amusing Raspberry Sounds 0m37s. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:40Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
34 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeHalfa2146.wav Chimpanzee. Half A Pant Hoot Sequence With Quizzical Calls. Feeding Grunts. Juvenile Screaming. Sounds Of Nutcracking & Movement In Vegetation. Cicadas In B/g. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 2:16Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
35 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MountainGorilla2091.wav Mountain Gorilla. Family Group Eating Wild Celery & Contact Calling. Also Some Adult Chest Beating. Location:Virunga Volcanoes, Kivu, Rwanda, Central Africa
2.0 1:40Animal Ape Mountain Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla Beringei
36 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2028.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Playing Calls And Sounds. Cicadas And Birds In B/g. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 3:10Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
37 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2129.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Branch Falling & Single Fart. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:20Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
38 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_14.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Upset Or Concerned Whimper Vocals W Movement, Gets Really Upset, Occasional Thuds, Reverb
1.0 0:38Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
39 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AgileGibbonClea18110.wav Agile Gibbon. Clear Whooping Calls From Female Gibbon Long Call In Early Morning. Wailing Calls At End Of Recording. Distant Calls From Other Gibbons. B/g Sounds Of Insects & Birds. Bump On Recording At 1m03s. N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Barito Ulu, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 2:06Animal Ape Agile Gibbon Hylobates Agilis
40 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeEarly72167.wav Chimpanzee. Early Morning Greetings London Zoo, London, UK
2.0 0:46Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
41 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MountainGorilla2086.wav Mountain Gorilla. Male & Juvenile Grunting & Playing In Thick Vegetation. Male Chest Beating At End Of Recording. Location:Virunga Volcanoes, Kivu, Rwanda, Central Africa
2.0 2:04Animal Ape Mountain Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla Beringei
42 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee13033.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Screams Of Chimp Being Bitten(v. Loud Screech). N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Wamba, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:46Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
43 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library GibbonSpRecord19059.wav Gibbon Sp.. Recorded During Early Morning. B/g Barking Calls From Gibbon(exact Species Unknown). N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Barito Ulu, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:16Animal Ape Gibbon Hylobates Genus
44 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanMidday9092.wav Orangutan. Midday. Md Single Male Feeding. Birds And Insects In B/g. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 5:40Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
45 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2123.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Excited Wailing And Screaming From Group. Some Chopping Of Sugar Cane. Cicadas In B/g. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 3:13Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
46 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteHandedGibbo91116.wav White-Handed Gibbon. Calls Gomantong Caves, North Borneo
2.0 3:30Animal Ape White Handed Gibbon Hylobates Lar
47 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeCalls2148.wav Chimpanzee. Calls Developing Into Screaming. Sounds Of Nutcracking. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 1:27Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
48 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2099.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Individual Screams. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:32Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
49 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteBrowedGibbo13078.wav White Browed Gibbon. Animated Shrieks & Hooting Calls From Gibbons. Quiet B/g. Distant Rumble From River. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Manas National Park, Assam, India
2.0 0:24Animal Ape White Browed Gibbon Hylobates Hoolock
50 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-MCU-.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Excited Vocals W Lots Of Movement And Thuds, Very Energetic, Reverb
1.0 1:07Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
51 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan15142.wav Bornean Orangutan. Mcu Warning(threat) Calls From Male To Gibbons. Continuous Low Grunting. Faint Call From Gibbon 0m48s. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo Indonesia
2.0 0:56Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
52 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeShort2145.wav Chimpanzee. Short Pant Hoot By Male. Grunting And Distant Hooting Followed By Md Hooting And Barking. Anxious Hooting From Female. Sounds Of Nutcracking. Cicadas In B/g. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 3:48Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
53 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanMcugru18097.wav Orangutan. Mcu Grunting Calls From Male Orang Utan. Also Sounds Of Movement. Fart At 1m09s. B/g Sounds From Insects & Birds. N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Barito Ulu, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
1.0 1:17Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
54 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee9108.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Mcu Grovelling Peeping Calls. Many Buzzing Insects. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:50Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
55 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-MC_5.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Cute Vocals W Running Around, Reverb
1.0 0:26Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
56 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan15086.wav Bornean Orangutan. Guttural Grunts (disturbance/irritation Call) From Male In Response To Two Females Fighting. Occasional Shrill Calls From Baby Orang Utan. B/g Noise From Encampment, Less During Second Part Of Recording. N.B. Exact Location Of This Recording Is Unknown. Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:54Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
57 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeQuiet3030.wav Chimpanzee. Quiet Feeding Grunts. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 0:39Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
58 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanConvers79184.wav Orangutan. Conversational Response. London Zoo, UK
2.0 0:37Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
59 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2094.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Loud Chorusing. Sound Recordist Changes Level During Calls. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:35Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
60 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2087.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Cu Screams With Some Distant Answering Calls From Another Group. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:15Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
61 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee9103.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Moving Around On Ground. Cicadas In B/g. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:46Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
62 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_26.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Vocals, High Pitched Scream Burst W Calm Down @ End, Very Energetic, Reverb
1.0 0:20Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
63 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan1191.wav Bornean Orangutan. Distant Long Call From Adult Male. Rhythmic Grunts & Wails Echo Hauntingly In Forest. Shrill Insect Stridulation. Distant Sounds Of Birds. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:46Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
64 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeePanth3027.wav Chimpanzee. Pant Hoot Developing Into Loud Screams & Clean Barking. Panting & Grunting At 1m30s From Group Collecting Food. Pant Hoot At 1m54s. Nb: Some Distortion. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 2:56Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
65 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanAdultm5128.wav Orangutan. Adult Male Long Call. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 1:22Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
66 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2078.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Single Male Calling To Distant Group. Dripping Rain Water In Canopy. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:31Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
67 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2082.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Calls From Group. Footsteps At 2m10s As Chimp Runs Along Tree Trunk. Sound Of Jumping Into Vegetation At 3m05s. Excited Whoops At 2m38s & 4m35s. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 3:55Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
68 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2136.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Md Excited Whooping And Peeping Calls. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:16Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
69 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_21.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Upset And Concerned Chattering Vocals
1.0 0:42Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
70 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan1163.wav Bornean Orangutan. Distant Long Call From Adult Male. Bellowing Sounds Echo Eerily In Rainforest. B/g Sounds Of Insect Stridulation. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:57Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
71 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeMaleg3035.wav Chimpanzee. Male Grunt Followed By Distant Hoo Calls & Reply Calls Between Sub-groups. Pant Hoot Greeting At 1m40s. Small Fight Followed By Greeting Calls & Grunts At 2m28s For Female With Infant. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 2:57Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
72 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MountainGorilla2093.wav Mountain Gorilla. Family Group Eating Wild Celery & Contact Calling. Location:Virunga Volcanoes, Kivu, Rwanda, Central Africa
2.0 1:23Animal Ape Mountain Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla Beringei
73 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2030.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Excitement Of Group Over Food. Cu And Distant Calls. Individual And Group Screams. Contented Peeps And Grunts Towards End Of Band. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 5:02Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
74 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library MountainGorilla2088.wav Mountain Gorilla. Family Group Contact Calling, Eating, Scratching & Moving In Dense Undergrowth. B/g Sounds From Birds. Location:Virunga Volcanoes, Kivu, Rwanda, Central Africa
2.0 2:08Animal Ape Mountain Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla Beringei
75 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee13037.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Chimps Moving In Dry Forest Canopy. Insects In B/g. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Wamba, Equater Region, Zaire
2.0 1:19Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
76 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2131.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Excited Whooping & Dragging Of Heavy Branch. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:06Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
77 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_16.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Calm Whimper Vocals W Movement, Reverb
1.0 0:35Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
78 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library AgileGibbonMcu1167.wav Agile Gibbon. Mcu Calls From Female Gibbon. Also Squeals From Baby. B/g Sounds Of Rainforest With Stridulating Insects. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:25Animal Ape Agile Gibbon Hylobates Agilis
79 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeFeedin3034.wav Chimpanzee. Feeding Grunts. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 0:52Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
80 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2126.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. High Pitched Feeding Calls & Contented Grunts From Group. Cicadas In B/g. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:28Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
81 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-M_11.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Excited Vocals W Movement And Occasional Thuds, Very Energetic, Reverb
1.0 0:55Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
82 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeCries83209.wav Chimpanzee. Cries Sierra Leone
2.0 1:37Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
83 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library HoolockGibbonCa2198.wav Hoolock Gibbon. Calls. London Zoo, UK
2.0 2:14Animal Ape White Browed Gibbon Hylobates Hoolock
84 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanSoundo8002.wav Orangutan. Sound Of Movement Through Branches. Cicadas In B/g. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 1:17Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
85 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan15144.wav Bornean Orangutan. Warning Calls(continuous Grunting) From Adult Male At Start, 0m27s & 1m25s. Also Parts Of Long Call(rhythmic Grunts & Wailing) Between Warning Calls. Calls Fairly Quiet At End Of Recording. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo Indonesia
2.0 2:14Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
86 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ConcolorGibbonE2192.wav Concolor Gibbon. Early Morning Conversation Note London Zoo, London, UK
2.0 2:31Animal Ape Concolor Gibbon Hylobates Concolor
87 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanMDkiss8004.wav Orangutan. MD Kiss-squeaking Alarm Calls. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 0:11Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
88 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2104.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Expectant Peeping Calls As Group Descends Tree To Food. Followed By Contented Grunts. Sounds Of Group Moving Into Vegetation At End. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:24Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
89 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library WhiteBrowedGibbo13080.wav White Browed Gibbon. Shrill Shrieks & Hooting Calls From Gibbons. Animated Group Calls 0m45s & 2m40s. Quiet B/g. Low Rumble From River. N.B. Exact Date Of This Recording Is Unknown. Manas National Park, Assam, India
2.0 3:43Animal Ape White Browed Gibbon Hylobates Hoolock
90 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2096.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Short Whooping Chorus. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:15Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
91 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library SiamangGibbonMC8008.wav Siamang Gibbon. MCU Calls. A Few Lar Gibbons In B/g. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 6:18Animal Ape Siamang Gibbon Hylobates Syndactylus
92 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-MC_7.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Vocals, Starts Calm, Then High Pitch Whimpers And Scream Bursts, Energetic
1.0 1:27Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
93 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan15137.wav Bornean Orangutan. Cu Coos & Grunts From Female Orang Utan & Baby. Camp Leaky, Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:29Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
94 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeeScream3031.wav Chimpanzee. Screaming Between Females. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 0:56Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
95 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library OrangutanEarlya9095.wav Orangutan. Early Afternoon. Kiss-squeaking Alarm Call. Ketambe Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra
2.0 1:39Animal Ape Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
96 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee2089.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Excited Screaming As Group Collects Food. Quieter Calls Towards End Of Band. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 1:25Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
97 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library PygmyChimpanzee9105.wav Pygmy Chimpanzee. Dragging Branch Past Microphone. Good Stereo. Wamba Forest, Equateur Region, Zaire
2.0 0:34Animal Ape Pygmy Chimpanzee Pan Paniscus
98 SoundStorm Library Animals-Chimpanzee-Int-MC_2.wav Animals - Chimpanzee - Int - MCU - Cute Vocals W Reverb
1.0 0:31Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
99 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library BorneanOrangutan1193.wav Bornean Orangutan. Cu Kiss-squeaking Alarm Calls From Female. B/g Sounds Of Rainforest Including Birds & Insects. Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan Province, Borneo, Indonesia
2.0 0:36Animal Ape Bornean Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Pygmaeus
100 BBC Nature Sound Effects Library ChimpanzeePanth3032.wav Chimpanzee. Pant Hoot From Young Female At 0m16s. Pant Hoot From Older Female At 0m30s. Pant Hoot From 3 Year Old Female At 0m57s Hoo Calls & Food Grunts At 1m00s. Tai Forest, Ivory Coast, W Africa
2.0 2:29Animal Ape Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes